/** * Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery, version 1.2.27 * (c) 2015 Tomas Kirda * * Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. * For details, see the web site: https://github.com/devbridge/jQuery-Autocomplete * * Modified by Damian Góra: http://damiangora.com * Minify: https://www.toptal.com/developers/javascript-minifier/ */ /*jslint browser: true, white: true, single: true, this: true, multivar: true */ /*global define, window, document, jQuery, exports, require */ // Expose plugin as an AMD module if AMD loader is present: (function (factory) { "use strict"; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof require === 'function') { // Browserify factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { 'use strict'; var utils = (function () { return { escapeRegExChars: function (value) { return value.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, "\\$&"); }, formatHtml: function (string) { return string.replace(/&/g, '&amp;') // Edge case: "&amp;" >> "&amp;amp;". .replace(/&amp;amp;/g, '&amp;') // Fix for above case: "&amp;amp;" >> "&amp;". .replace(/</g, '&lt;') .replace(/>/g, '&gt;') .replace(/"/g, '&quot;') .replace(/'/g, '&apos;') .replace(/&lt;sup/g, '<sup') .replace(/&lt;\/sup/g, '</sup') .replace(/sup&gt;/g, 'sup>') .replace(/&lt;sub/g, '<sub') .replace(/&lt;\/sub/g, '</sub') .replace(/sub&gt;/g, 'sub>') .replace(/&lt;br\s?\/?&gt;/g, '<br/>') .replace(/&lt;(\/?(strong|b|br|span|i))&gt;/g, '<$1>') .replace(/&lt;(strong|span|i)\s+class\s*=\s*&quot;([^&]+)&quot;&gt;/g, '<$1 class="$2">'); }, createNode: function (containerClass) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = containerClass; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.display = 'none'; div.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); return div; }, matchGreekAccents: function (phrase) { // Break early if the phrase does not contain Greek characters. if (!/[\u0370-\u03FF\u1F00-\u1FFF]+/.test(phrase)) { return phrase; } // Remove Greek accents. phrase = phrase.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ""); var accents = { 'Α': 'Ά', 'α': 'ά', 'Ε': 'Έ', 'ε': 'έ', 'Ι': 'Ί', 'ι': 'ί', 'ϊ': 'ΐ', 'Υ': 'Ύ', 'υ': 'ύ', 'ϋ': 'ΰ', 'Η': 'Ή', 'η': 'ή', 'Ο': 'Ό', 'ο': 'ό', 'Ω': 'Ώ', 'ω': 'ώ' }; // Replace eg. "ε" >> "[εέ]". for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(accents)) { if (phrase.indexOf(key) > -1) { phrase = phrase.replaceAll(key, '[' + key + value + ']'); } } return phrase; }, highlight: function (suggestionValue, phrase) { var i, tokens = phrase.split(/ /), highlighted = false, last = ''; if (tokens) { last = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; tokens = tokens.sort(function (a, b) { return b.length - a.length; }); for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (tokens[i] && tokens[i].length >= 1) { var token = tokens[i].replace(/[\^\@]/g, ''); if (token.length > 0) { if (token.trim().length === 1 && tokens[i] !== last) { var pattern = '((\\s|^)' + utils.escapeRegExChars(token.trim()) + '\\s)'; pattern = utils.matchGreekAccents(pattern); } else if (token.trim().length === 1 && tokens[i] === last) { var pattern = '((\\s|^)' + utils.escapeRegExChars(token.trim()) + ')'; pattern = utils.matchGreekAccents(pattern); } else { var pattern = '(' + utils.escapeRegExChars(token.trim()) + ')'; pattern = utils.matchGreekAccents(pattern); } suggestionValue = suggestionValue.replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'), '\^\^$1\@\@'); highlighted = true; } } } } if (highlighted) { suggestionValue = suggestionValue.replace(/\^\^/g, '<strong>'); suggestionValue = suggestionValue.replace(/@@/g, '<\/strong>'); } return suggestionValue; }, debounce: function (func, wait) { var timeout, debounceID = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); // First query in the chain if (ajaxDebounceState.id.length === 0) { ajaxDebounceState.id = debounceID; func(); return; } ajaxDebounceState.id = debounceID; timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (debounceID !== ajaxDebounceState.id) { clearTimeout(timeout); return; } // Last query in the chain func(); ajaxDebounceState.id = ''; }, wait); }, mouseHoverDebounce: function (func, selector, wait) { var timeout; timeout = setTimeout(function () { if ($(selector + ':hover').length > 0) { func(); } else { clearTimeout(timeout); return; } }, wait); }, isTextSelected: function () { var selected = false, selObj = document.getSelection(); if (typeof selObj == 'object') { if (selObj.toString().length > 0) { selected = true; } } return selected }, getActiveInstance: function () { var $el = $('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp.dgwt-wcas-active'), instance; if ($el.length > 0) { $el.each(function () { var $input = $(this).find('.dgwt-wcas-search-input'); if (typeof $input.data('autocomplete') == 'object') { instance = $input.data('autocomplete'); return false; } }); } return instance; }, hashCode: function (s) { var h = 0, i = s.length; while (i > 0) { h = (h << 5) - h + s.charCodeAt(--i) | 0; } return h < 0 ? h * -1 : h; }, isBrowser: function (browser) { return navigator.userAgent.indexOf(browser) !== -1; }, isSafari: function () { return this.isBrowser('Safari') && !this.isBrowser('Chrome'); }, isIOS: function () { var platform = navigator?.userAgent || navigator?.platform || 'unknown'; return /iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(platform) // iPad on iOS 13 detection || (navigator.userAgent.includes("Mac") && "ontouchend" in document) }, isIE11: function () { return !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7\./); }, setLocalStorageItem: function (key, value) { try { window.localStorage.setItem( key, JSON.stringify(value) ); } catch (error) { // A more advanced implementation would handle the error case } }, getLocalStorageItem: function (key, defaultValue) { try { const item = window.localStorage.getItem(key); return item ? JSON.parse(item) : defaultValue; } catch (error) { return defaultValue; } }, removeLocalStorageItem: function (key) { try { window.localStorage.removeItem(key); } catch (error) { } } }; }()), ajaxDebounceState = { id: '', callback: null, ajaxSettings: null, object: null, }, keys = { ESC: 27, TAB: 9, RETURN: 13, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40 }, noop = $.noop; function DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch(el, options) { var that = this; // Shared variables: that.element = el; that.el = $(el); that.suggestions = []; that.badQueries = []; that.selectedIndex = -1; that.currentValue = that.element.value; that.timeoutId = null; that.cachedResponse = {}; that.cachedDetails = {}; that.cachedPrices = {}; that.detailsRequestsSent = []; that.onChangeTimeout = null; that.onChange = null; that.isLocal = false; that.suggestionsContainer = null; that.detailsContainer = null; that.autoAligmentprocess = null; that.noSuggestionsContainer = null; that.latestActivateSource = ''; that.actionTriggerSource = ''; that.options = $.extend(true, {}, DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch.defaults, options); that.classes = { selected: 'dgwt-wcas-suggestion-selected', suggestion: 'dgwt-wcas-suggestion', suggestionsContainerOrientTop: 'dgwt-wcas-suggestions-wrapp--top', inputFilled: 'dgwt-wcas-search-filled', darkenOverlayMounted: 'js-dgwt-wcas-search-darkoverl-mounted', fixed: 'dgwt-wcas-suggestions-wrapp-fixed' }; that.hint = null; that.hintValue = ''; that.selection = null; that.overlayMobileState = 'off'; that.overlayDarkenedState = 'off'; that.isMouseDownOnSearchElements = false; that.isPreSuggestionsMode = false; // Voice search that.voiceSearchRecognition = null; that.voiceSearchStarted = null; // Search history that.recentlyViewedProductsKey = 'fibosearch_recently_viewed_products'; that.recentlySearchedPhrasesKey = 'fibosearch_recently_searched_phrases'; // Initialize and set options: that.initialize(); that.setOptions(options); } DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch.utils = utils; $.DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch = DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch; DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch.defaults = { ajaxSettings: {}, autoSelectFirst: false, appendTo: 'body', serviceUrl: null, lookup: null, onSelect: null, containerDetailsWidth: 'auto', showDetailsPanel: false, showImage: false, showPrice: false, showSKU: false, showDescription: false, showSaleBadge: false, showFeaturedBadge: false, dynamicPrices: false, saleBadgeText: 'sale', featuredBadgeText: 'featured', minChars: 3, maxHeight: 600, dpusbBreakpoint: 550, // (details panel under search bar - breakpoint) If search bar width is lower than this option, suggestions wrapper and details panel will show under search bar with the same width deferRequestBy: 0, params: {}, formatResult: _formatResult, delimiter: null, zIndex: 999999999, type: 'GET', noCache: false, isRtl: false, onSearchStart: noop, onSearchComplete: noop, onSearchError: noop, preserveInput: false, searchFormClass: 'dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp', containerClass: 'dgwt-wcas-suggestions-wrapp', containerDetailsClass: 'dgwt-wcas-details-wrapp', preSuggestionsWrappClass: 'dgwt-wcas-pre-suggestions-wrapp', darkenedOverlayClass: 'dgwt-wcas-darkened-overlay', searchInputClass: 'dgwt-wcas-search-input', preloaderClass: 'dgwt-wcas-preloader', closeTrigger: 'dgwt-wcas-close', formClass: 'dgwt-wcas-search-form', voiceSearchClass: 'dgwt-wcas-voice-search', voiceSearchSupportedClass: 'dgwt-wcas-voice-search-supported', voiceSearchActiveClass: 'dgwt-wcas-voice-search-active', voiceSearchDisabledClass: 'dgwt-wcas-voice-search-disabled', tabDisabled: false, dataType: 'text', currentRequest: null, triggerSelectOnValidInput: true, isPremium: false, overlayMobile: false, preventBadQueries: true, lookupFilter: _lookupFilter, paramName: 'query', transformResult: _transformResult, noSuggestionNotice: 'No results', forceFixPosition: false, positionFixed: false, debounceWaitMs: 400, sendGAEvents: true, enableGASiteSearchModule: false, showProductVendor: false, disableHits: false, disableSubmit: false, voiceSearchEnabled: false, voiceSearchLang: '', showRecentlySearchedProducts: false, showRecentlySearchedPhrases: false, } function _lookupFilter(suggestion, originalQuery, queryLowerCase) { return suggestion.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(queryLowerCase) !== -1; } function _transformResult(response) { return typeof response === 'string' ? JSON.parse(response) : response; } function _formatResult(suggestionValue, currentValue, highlight) { if (currentValue.length > 0 && highlight) { suggestionValue = utils.highlight(suggestionValue, currentValue); } return utils.formatHtml(suggestionValue); } DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch.prototype = { initialize: function () { var that = this; // Remove autocomplete attribute to prevent native suggestions: that.element.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); that.options.params = that.applyCustomParams(that.options.params); that.createContainers(); that.registerEventsSearchBar(); that.registerEventsSuggestions(); that.registerEventsDetailsPanel(); that.registerIconHandler(); that.registerFlexibleLayout(); that.initVoiceSearch(); that.fixPosition = function () { that.adjustContainerWidth(); if (that.visible) { that.fixPositionSuggestions(); if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { that.fixPositionDetailsPanel(); } } that.positionOverlayDarkened(); }; // Fix position on resize $(window).on('resize.autocomplete', function () { var that = utils.getActiveInstance(); clearTimeout(window.dgwt_wcas.resizeOnlyOnce); if (typeof that != 'undefined') { window.dgwt_wcas.resizeOnlyOnce = setTimeout(function () { that.fixPosition(); }, 100); } }); // Fix position on scroll $(window).on('scroll.autocomplete', function () { var that = utils.getActiveInstance(); clearTimeout(window.dgwt_wcas.scrollOnlyOnce); if (typeof that != 'undefined') { window.dgwt_wcas.scrollOnlyOnce = setTimeout(function () { that.fixPosition(); }, 100); } }); // Trigger only when x axis is changed var windowWidth = $(window).width(); $(window).on('resize.autocomplete', function () { var newWidth = $(window).width(); if (newWidth != windowWidth) { that.toggleMobileOverlayMode(); windowWidth = newWidth; } }); if (that.isBreakpointReached('mobile-overlay')) { that.activateMobileOverlayMode(); } that.hideAfterClickOutsideListener(); // Mark as initialized that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('js-dgwt-wcas-initialized'); if (that.detailsContainer && that.detailsContainer.length > 0) { that.detailsContainer.addClass('js-dgwt-wcas-initialized'); } }, createContainers: function (type) { var that = this, options = that.options; // Suggestions if ($('.' + options.containerClass).length == 0) { that.suggestionsContainer = $(DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch.utils.createNode(options.containerClass)); that.suggestionsContainer.appendTo(options.appendTo || 'body'); that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('woocommerce'); // Add conditional classes if (options.showImage === true) { that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-img'); } // Price if (options.showPrice === true) { that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-price'); } // Description if (options.showDescription === true) { that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-desc'); } // SKU if (options.showSKU === true) { that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-sku'); } // Headings if (options.showHeadings === true) { that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-headings'); } } else { that.suggestionsContainer = $('.' + that.options.containerClass); } // Details Panel if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { if ($('.' + options.containerDetailsClass).length == 0) { that.detailsContainer = $(DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch.utils.createNode(options.containerDetailsClass)); that.detailsContainer.appendTo(options.appendTo || 'body'); that.detailsContainer.addClass('woocommerce'); } else { that.detailsContainer = $('.' + options.containerDetailsClass); } } }, registerEventsSearchBar: function () { var that = this; // The Control event that checks if other listeners work that.el.on('fibosearch/ping', function () { that.el.addClass('fibosearch-pong'); }); // Extra tasks on submit that.getForm().on('submit.autocomplete', function (e) { if (that.options.disableSubmit) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } // Prevent submit empty form var $input = $(this).find('.' + that.options.searchInputClass); if ($input.length && $input.val().length === 0) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } // If variation suggestion exist, click it instead submit search results page if (that.suggestions.length > 0) { $.each(that.suggestions, function (i, suggestion) { if ( typeof suggestion.type != 'undefined' && suggestion.type == 'product_variation' ) { that.select(i); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); } if (that.options.showRecentlySearchedPhrases) { that.saveHistorySearches($input.val()); } // Clean before submit that.closeOverlayMobile(); }); // Position preloader if (document.readyState === 'complete') { that.positionPreloaderAndMic(); } else { $(window).on('load', function () { that.positionPreloaderAndMic(); }); } that.el.on('keydown.autocomplete', function (e) { that.onKeyPress(e); }); that.el.on('keyup.autocomplete', function (e) { that.onKeyUp(e); }); that.el.on('blur.autocomplete', function () { that.onBlur(); }); that.el.on('focus.autocomplete', function (e) { that.onFocus(e); }); that.el.on('change.autocomplete', function (e) { that.onKeyUp(e); }); that.el.on('input.autocomplete', function (e) { that.onKeyUp(e); }); }, registerEventsSuggestions: function () { var that = this, suggestionSelector = '.' + that.classes.suggestion, suggestionsContainer = that.getSuggestionsContainer(); // Register these events only once if (suggestionsContainer.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-initialized')) { return; } // Select suggestion and enable details panel on hovering over it $(document).on('mouseenter.autocomplete', suggestionSelector, function () { var that = utils.getActiveInstance(); if (typeof that == 'undefined') { return; } var currentIndex = $(this).data('index'); var selector = '.dgwt-wcas-suggestion[data-index="' + currentIndex + '"]'; var timeOffset = that.canShowDetailsPanel() ? 100 : 1; if (that.selectedIndex != currentIndex) { if (that.suggestions[currentIndex].type == 'headline' || that.suggestions[currentIndex].type == 'headline-v2') { return; } utils.mouseHoverDebounce(function () { if (that.selectedIndex !== currentIndex) { that.latestActivateSource = 'mouse'; that.getDetails(that.suggestions[currentIndex]); that.activate(currentIndex); } }, selector, timeOffset); } }); var alreadyClicked = false; // Redirect to the new URL after click a suggestions $(document).on('click.autocomplete', suggestionSelector, function (e) { if (!alreadyClicked) { var that = utils.getActiveInstance(); that.actionTriggerSource = 'click'; alreadyClicked = true; setTimeout(function () { alreadyClicked = false; }, 500); if (typeof e.ctrlKey === 'undefined' || e.ctrlKey === false) { that.select($(this).data('index')); e.preventDefault(); } } else { e.preventDefault(); } }); // FIX issue with touchpads for some laptops (marginal cases) $(document).on('mousedown.autocomplete', suggestionSelector, function (e) { var _this = this; if (e.button === 0) { setTimeout(function () { if (!alreadyClicked) { var that = utils.getActiveInstance(); that.select($(_this).data('index')); } }, 250); } }); // Mark cursor position for onBlur event $('.' + that.options.containerClass).on('mousedown.autocomplete', function (e) { var that = utils.getActiveInstance(); that.isMouseDownOnSearchElements = true; }); $(document).on('click', '.js-dgwt-wcas-sugg-hist-clear', function () { that.resetPreSuggestions(); }); }, registerEventsDetailsPanel: function () { var that = this, detailsContainer = that.getDetailsContainer(); if (!that.canShowDetailsPanel() || detailsContainer.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-initialized')) { return; } // Update quantity $(document).on('change.autocomplete', '[name="js-dgwt-wcas-quantity"]', function (e) { var $input = $(this).closest('.js-dgwt-wcas-pd-addtc').find('[data-quantity]'); $input.attr('data-quantity', $(this).val()); }); // Mark cursor position for onBlur event $('.' + that.options.containerDetailsClass).on('mousedown.autocomplete', function (e) { var that = utils.getActiveInstance(); that.isMouseDownOnSearchElements = true; }); }, registerIconHandler: function () { var that = this, $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(), $form = that.getForm(); $formWrapper.on('click.autocomplete', '.js-dgwt-wcas-search-icon-handler', function (e) { var $input = $formWrapper.find('.' + that.options.searchInputClass); if ($formWrapper.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open')) { that.hide(); $form.hide(true); $formWrapper.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open'); } else { var $arrow = $formWrapper.find('.dgwt-wcas-search-icon-arrow'); $form.hide(); $arrow.hide(); $formWrapper.addClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open'); that.positionIconSearchMode($formWrapper); $form.fadeIn(50, function () { $arrow.show(); that.positionPreloaderAndMic($formWrapper); var textEnd = that.currentValue.length; if (textEnd > 0) { $input[0].setSelectionRange(textEnd, textEnd); } $input.trigger('focus'); }); setTimeout(function () { that.fixPosition(); }, 110); } }); if ($('.js-dgwt-wcas-initialized').length == 0 && $('.js-dgwt-wcas-search-icon-handler').length > 0) { $(document).on('click.autocomplete', function (event) { if ($('.dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open').length) { var $target = $(event.target); if (!($target.closest('.' + that.options.searchFormClass).length > 0 || $target.closest('.' + that.options.containerClass).length > 0 || $target.closest('.' + that.options.containerDetailsClass).length > 0 || $target.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-sugg-hist-clear') )) { that.hideIconModeSearch(); } } }); } }, registerFlexibleLayout: function () { var that = this; // Trigger only when x axis is changed var windowWidth = $(window).width(); $(window).on('resize.autocomplete', function () { var newWidth = $(window).width(); if (newWidth != windowWidth) { that.reloadFlexibleLayout(); windowWidth = newWidth; } }); if (document.readyState == 'complete') { that.reloadFlexibleLayout(); } else { $(window).on('load.autocomplete', function () { that.reloadFlexibleLayout(); }); } }, activateMobileOverlayMode: function () { var that = this, $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(); if ( $formWrapper.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-mobile-overlay-enabled') && !$formWrapper.find('.js-dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form').length ) { $formWrapper.prepend('<div class="js-dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form"></div>'); $formWrapper.addClass('dgwt-wcas-mobile-overlay-trigger-active'); var $el = $formWrapper.find('.js-dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form'); $el.on('click.autocomplete', function (e) { if (that.options.mobileOverlayDelay > 0) { setTimeout(function () { that.showMobileOverlay(); }, that.options.mobileOverlayDelay); } else { that.showMobileOverlay(); } }); } }, deactivateMobileOverlayMode: function () { var that = this, $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(), $suggestionsWrapper = that.getSuggestionsContainer(); var $el = $formWrapper.find('.js-dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form'); if ($formWrapper.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-mobile-overlay-enabled') && $el.length ) { that.closeOverlayMobile(); $el.remove(); $formWrapper.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-mobile-overlay-trigger-active'); } }, toggleMobileOverlayMode: function () { var that = this, $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(), isMobOverlayEnabled = false; // Break early if this search bar shouldn't open in overlay mobile mode if (!$formWrapper.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-mobile-overlay-enabled')) { return; } // Determine the search should open in mobile overlay if ($formWrapper.find('.js-dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form').length) { isMobOverlayEnabled = true; } // Toggled? if ( (!isMobOverlayEnabled && that.isBreakpointReached('mobile-overlay')) || (isMobOverlayEnabled && !that.isBreakpointReached('mobile-overlay')) ) { var $suggestionsWrapper = that.getSuggestionsContainer(); that.close(false); if ($suggestionsWrapper.length) { $suggestionsWrapper.html(''); } that.hideIconModeSearch(); } // Activate overlay on mobile feature if (!isMobOverlayEnabled && that.isBreakpointReached('mobile-overlay')) { that.activateMobileOverlayMode(); } // Deactivate overlay on mobile feature if (isMobOverlayEnabled && !that.isBreakpointReached('mobile-overlay')) { that.deactivateMobileOverlayMode(); } }, showMobileOverlay: function () { var that = this; if (that.overlayMobileState === 'on') { return; } that.overlayMobileState = 'on'; var zIndex = 99999999999, $wrapper = that.getFormWrapper(), $suggestionsWrapp = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $overlayWrap, html = ''; $('html').addClass('dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile-on'); $('html').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open-' + that.getSearchStyle()); html += '<div class="js-dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile">'; html += '<div class="dgwt-wcas-om-bar js-dgwt-wcas-om-bar">'; html += '<button class="dgwt-wcas-om-return js-dgwt-wcas-om-return">' if (typeof dgwt_wcas.back_icon == 'string') { html += dgwt_wcas.back_icon; } html += '</button>'; html += '</div>'; html += '</div>'; // Create overlay $(that.options.mobileOverlayWrapper).append(html); $overlayWrap = $('.js-dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile'); $overlayWrap.css('zIndex', zIndex); $wrapper.after('<span class="js-dgwt-wcas-om-hook"></span>'); $wrapper.appendTo('.js-dgwt-wcas-om-bar'); $suggestionsWrapp.appendTo('.js-dgwt-wcas-om-bar'); $wrapper.addClass('dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp-mobile'); if ($wrapper.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-has-submit')) { $wrapper.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-submit-off'); $wrapper.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-has-submit'); } $wrapper.find('.' + that.options.searchInputClass).trigger('focus'); $(document).on('click.autocomplete', '.js-dgwt-wcas-om-return', function (e) { that.closeOverlayMobile($overlayWrap); }); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/show-mobile-overlay', { detail: that })); }, closeOverlayMobile: function ($overlayWrap) { var that = this; if (!$('html').hasClass('dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile-on')) { that.overlayMobileState = 'off'; return; } var $suggestionsWrapp = that.getSuggestionsContainer(); var $clonedForm = $('.js-dgwt-wcas-om-bar').find('.' + that.options.searchFormClass); if ($clonedForm.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-has-submit-off')) { $clonedForm.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-has-submit-off'); $clonedForm.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-submit'); } $clonedForm.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp-mobile'); $('html').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile-on'); $('html').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-open-' + that.getSearchStyle()); $suggestionsWrapp.appendTo('body'); $suggestionsWrapp.removeAttr('body-scroll-lock-ignore'); $('.js-dgwt-wcas-om-hook').after($clonedForm); $('.js-dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile').remove(); $('.js-dgwt-wcas-om-hook').remove(); setTimeout(function () { $clonedForm.find('.' + that.options.searchInputClass).val(''); var $closeBtn = $clonedForm.find('.dgwt-wcas-close'); if ($clonedForm.length > 0) { $closeBtn.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-close'); $closeBtn.html(''); } that.hide(); }, 150); that.overlayMobileState = 'off'; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/hide-mobile-overlay', { detail: that })); }, reloadFlexibleLayout: function () { var that = this, $searchWrapp = that.getFormWrapper(), flexibleMode = 0; /** * flexibleMode * 0 = not set * 1 = Icon on mobile, search bar on desktop * 2 = Icon on desktop, search bar on mobile */ if ($searchWrapp.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-flexible')) { flexibleMode = 1; } if ($searchWrapp.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-flexible-inv')) { flexibleMode = 2; } if (flexibleMode > 0) { if ( (flexibleMode === 1 && that.isBreakpointReached('search-layout')) || (flexibleMode === 2 && !that.isBreakpointReached('search-layout')) ) { $searchWrapp.addClass('js-dgwt-wcas-layout-icon'); $searchWrapp.addClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon'); } else { $searchWrapp.removeClass('js-dgwt-wcas-layout-icon'); $searchWrapp.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon'); } $searchWrapp.addClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-flexible-loaded'); } }, onFocus: function (e) { var that = this, $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(), options = that.options; // Mark as active $('.' + options.searchFormClass).removeClass('dgwt-wcas-active'); $formWrapper.addClass('dgwt-wcas-active'); // Mark as focus $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-focused'); $formWrapper.addClass('dgwt-wcas-search-focused'); if ($(e.target).closest('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp-mobile').length == 0) { that.enableOverlayDarkened(); } that.fixPosition(); if (that.el.val().length === 0) { if (that.canShowPreSuggestions()) { that.showPreSuggestions(); } } else if (that.el.val().length >= that.options.minChars) { that.onValueChange(); } }, onBlur: function () { var that = this, options = that.options, value = that.el.val(), query = that.getQuery(value), isMobileOverlayOnIPhone = false; // Remove focused classes $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-focused'); $('.' + options.searchFormClass).removeClass('dgwt-wcas-search-focused'); if (utils.isIOS() && $('html').hasClass('dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile-on')) { isMobileOverlayOnIPhone = true; } if (!(that.isMouseDownOnSearchElements || isMobileOverlayOnIPhone)) { that.hide(); if (that.selection && that.currentValue !== query) { (options.onInvalidateSelection || $.noop).call(that.element); } } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/close', { detail: that })); }, abortAjax: function () { var that = this; if (that.currentRequest) { that.currentRequest.abort(); that.currentRequest = null; } }, setOptions: function (suppliedOptions) { var that = this, $suggestionsContainer = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), options = $.extend({}, that.options, suppliedOptions); that.isLocal = Array.isArray(options.lookup); if (that.isLocal) { options.lookup = that.verifySuggestionsFormat(options.lookup); } $suggestionsContainer.css({ 'max-height': !that.canShowDetailsPanel() ? options.maxHeight + 'px' : 'none', 'z-index': options.zIndex }); // Add classes if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { var $detailsContainer = that.getDetailsContainer(); $detailsContainer.css({ 'z-index': (options.zIndex - 1) }); } options.onSearchComplete = function () { var $searchForm = that.getFormWrapper(); $searchForm.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-processing'); that.preloader('hide', 'form', 'dgwt-wcas-inner-preloader'); that.showCloseButton(); }; this.options = options; }, clearCache: function () { this.cachedResponse = {}; this.cachedDetails = {}; this.cachedPrices = {}; this.badQueries = []; }, clear: function (cache) { if (cache) { this.clearCache(); } this.currentValue = ''; this.suggestions = []; }, close: function (focus) { var that = this, $el = that.el.closest('.' + that.options.searchFormClass).find('.' + that.options.searchInputClass), $wrapp = that.getFormWrapper(); that.hide(); that.clear(false); that.hideCloseButton(); $el.val(''); $wrapp.removeClass(that.classes.inputFilled); if (focus) { $el.trigger('focus'); } }, fixPositionSuggestions: function () { var that = this, $suggestions = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $formEl = that.getForm(), $input = that.el, formData = that.getElementInfo($formEl), inputData = that.getElementInfo($input), offset = { top: inputData.top + inputData.height, left: formData.left }; // Set different vertical coordinates when the search bar is in the fixed position if (that.ancestorHasPositionFixed($formEl)) { offset.top = inputData.topViewPort + inputData.height; $suggestions.addClass(that.classes.fixed); } else { $suggestions.removeClass(that.classes.fixed); } that.getSuggestionsContainer().css(offset); }, fixPositionDetailsPanel: function () { var that = this, $searchBar = that.getFormWrapper(), $suggestions = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $detailsPanel = that.getDetailsContainer(), $formEl = that.getForm(), $input = that.el, formData = that.getElementInfo($formEl), inputData = that.getElementInfo($input), offset = { top: inputData.top + inputData.height, left: formData.left + $suggestions.outerWidth(false) }; // Set different vertical coordinate when the search bar is in the fixed position if (that.ancestorHasPositionFixed($searchBar)) { offset.top = inputData.topViewPort + inputData.height; $detailsPanel.addClass(that.classes.fixed); } else { $detailsPanel.removeClass(that.classes.fixed) } // Stick the details panel to the right side of the suggestion wrapper and to the bottom border of the search form $detailsPanel.css(offset); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-full-width dgwt-wcas-details-outside dgwt-wcas-details-right dgwt-wcas-details-left dgwt-wcas-details-notfit'); // Details Panel Mode 1: Both suggestions wrapper and details panel wrapper have the same width as the search bar if ($searchBar.outerWidth() >= that.options.dpusbBreakpoint) { $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-full-width'); if (that.options.isRtl === true) { offset.left = formData.left + $detailsPanel.outerWidth(false); $suggestions.css('left', offset.left); $detailsPanel.css('left', formData.left); } return; } // Details Panel Mode 2: The suggestions' wrapper has the same width as the search bar. // Details panel clings to the left or right side of the suggestion wrapper. var windowWidth = $(window).width(), cDWidth = $detailsPanel.outerWidth(), cOffset = $detailsPanel.offset(); $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-details-outside dgwt-wcas-details-right'); // Is the details panel fits the space of the right side? // Not? Try to move to the left side if (windowWidth < (cOffset.left + cDWidth)) { $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-details-right'); $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-details-left'); offset.left = $suggestions.offset().left - $detailsPanel.outerWidth(false); $detailsPanel.css('left', offset.left); cOffset = $detailsPanel.offset(); } // Is the details' panel fits the space of the left side? // Not? Try to hide it by adding class "dgwt-wcas-details-notfit" if (cOffset.left < 1) { $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-details-left dgwt-wcas-details-right'); $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-details-notfit'); } }, fixHeight: function () { var that = this; var $suggestionsWrapp = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $detailsWrapp = that.getDetailsContainer(); $suggestionsWrapp.css('height', 'auto'); $detailsWrapp.css('height', 'auto'); if (!that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { $suggestionsWrapp.css('height', 'auto'); return false; } var sH = $suggestionsWrapp.outerHeight(false), dH = $detailsWrapp.outerHeight(false), minHeight = 340; $suggestionsWrapp.find('.dgwt-wcas-suggestion:last-child').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-suggestion-no-border-bottom'); if (sH <= minHeight && dH <= minHeight) { return false; } $suggestionsWrapp.find('.dgwt-wcas-suggestion:last-child').addClass('dgwt-wcas-suggestion-no-border-bottom'); if (dH < sH) { $detailsWrapp.css('height', (sH) + 'px'); } if (sH < dH) { $suggestionsWrapp.css('height', dH + 'px'); } return false; }, automaticAlignment: function () { var that = this, $input = that.getFormWrapper().find('.dgwt-wcas-search-input'), $suggestionsContainer = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $detailsWrapp = that.getDetailsContainer(); if (that.autoAligmentprocess != null) { return; } var markers = [$input.width(), $suggestionsContainer.height()]; if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { markers[2] = $detailsWrapp.height(); } that.autoAligmentprocess = setInterval(function () { var newMarkers = [$input.width(), $suggestionsContainer.height()]; if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { newMarkers[2] = $detailsWrapp.height(); } for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { if (markers[i] != newMarkers[i]) { that.fixHeight(); that.fixPosition(); markers = newMarkers; break; } } if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { var innerDetailsHeight = $detailsWrapp.find('.dgwt-wcas-details-inner').height(); if ((innerDetailsHeight - $detailsWrapp.height()) > 2) { that.fixHeight(); } } }, 10); }, getElementInfo: function ($el) { var data = {}, viewPort, offset; viewPort = $el[0].getBoundingClientRect(); offset = $el.offset(); data.left = offset.left; data.top = offset.top; data.width = $el.outerWidth(false); data.height = $el.outerHeight(false); data.right = data.left + data.width; data.bottom = data.top + data.height; data.topViewPort = viewPort.top; data.bottomViewPort = viewPort.top + data.height; return data; }, getFormWrapper: function () { var that = this; return that.el.closest('.' + that.options.searchFormClass); }, getForm: function () { var that = this; return that.el.closest('.' + that.options.formClass); }, getSuggestionsContainer: function () { var that = this; return $('.' + that.options.containerClass); }, getDetailsContainer: function () { var that = this; return $('.' + that.options.containerDetailsClass); }, scrollDownSuggestions: function () { var that = this, $el = that.getSuggestionsContainer(); $el[0].scrollTop = $el[0].scrollHeight; }, isCursorAtEnd: function () { var that = this, valLength = that.el.val().length, selectionStart = that.element.selectionStart, range; if (typeof selectionStart === 'number') { return selectionStart === valLength; } if (document.selection) { range = document.selection.createRange(); range.moveStart('character', -valLength); return valLength === range.text.length; } return true; }, onKeyPress: function (e) { var that = this, $wrapp = that.getFormWrapper(); that.addActiveClassIfMissing(); // If suggestions are hidden and user presses arrow down, display suggestions: if (!that.visible && e.keyCode === keys.DOWN && that.currentValue) { that.suggest(); return; } if (!that.visible) { // Hide the search icon mode on ESC when there are no suggestions if (e.keyCode === keys.ESC && $wrapp.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open')) { that.hideIconModeSearch(); } // Hide the darkened overlay on ESC when there are no suggestions if (e.keyCode === keys.ESC && that.isMountedOverlayDarkened()) { that.disableOverlayDarkened(); that.el.blur(); } return; } // Open selected suggestion in new tab if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode === keys.RETURN) { if (that.selectedIndex > -1) { that.openInNewTab(that.selectedIndex); } return; } switch (e.keyCode) { case keys.ESC: that.close(); break; case keys.RIGHT: if (that.hint && that.options.onHint && that.isCursorAtEnd()) { that.selectHint(); break; } return; case keys.TAB: break; case keys.RETURN: if (that.selectedIndex === -1) { if (that.options.disableSubmit) { return false; } that.hide(); return; } that.actionTriggerSource = 'enter'; that.select(that.selectedIndex); break; case keys.UP: that.moveUp(); break; case keys.DOWN: that.moveDown(); break; default: return; } // Cancel event if function did not return: e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, onKeyUp: function (e) { var that = this; switch (e.keyCode) { case keys.UP: case keys.DOWN: return; } clearTimeout(that.onChangeTimeout); if (that.currentValue !== that.el.val()) { if (that.options.deferRequestBy > 0) { // Defer lookup in case when value changes very quickly: that.onChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { that.onValueChange(); }, that.options.deferRequestBy); } else { that.onValueChange(); } } }, onValueChange: function () { if (this.ignoreValueChange) { this.ignoreValueChange = false; return; } var that = this, options = that.options, value = that.el.val(), query = that.getQuery(value), $wrapp = that.getFormWrapper(); if (that.selection && that.currentValue !== query) { that.selection = null; (options.onInvalidateSelection || $.noop).call(that.element); } clearTimeout(that.onChangeTimeout); that.currentValue = value; that.selectedIndex = -1; // Check existing suggestion for the match before proceeding: if (options.triggerSelectOnValidInput && that.isExactMatch(query)) { that.select(0); return; } // Mark as filled if (query.length > 0) { if (!$wrapp.hasClass(that.classes.inputFilled)) { $wrapp.addClass(that.classes.inputFilled); } } else { $wrapp.removeClass(that.classes.inputFilled); } if (query.length < options.minChars) { that.hideCloseButton(); that.hide(); if (that.canShowPreSuggestions() && query.length === 0) { that.showPreSuggestions(); } } else { if (that.canShowPreSuggestions()) { that.hidePreSuggestions() } that.getSuggestions(query); } }, isExactMatch: function (query) { var suggestions = this.suggestions; return (suggestions.length === 1 && suggestions[0].value.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase()); }, isNoResults: function (suggestions) { var isNoResults = false; if ( typeof suggestions != 'undefined' && suggestions.length === 1 && typeof suggestions[0].type !== 'undefined' && suggestions[0].type === 'no-results' ) { isNoResults = true; } return isNoResults; }, canShowDetailsPanel: function () { var that = this, show = that.options.showDetailsPanel; if ($(window).width() < 768 || ('ontouchend' in document) || that.isPreSuggestionsMode || that.isNoResults(that.suggestions)) { show = false; } return show; }, isBreakpointReached: function (context) { var that = this, breakpoint = 0; switch (context) { case 'search-layout': breakpoint = that.options.layoutBreakpoint; if (that.isSetParam('layout_breakpoint')) { breakpoint = Number.parseInt(that.getParam('layout_breakpoint')); } break; case 'mobile-overlay': breakpoint = that.options.mobileOverlayBreakpoint; if (that.isSetParam('mobile_overlay_breakpoint')) { breakpoint = Number.parseInt(that.getParam('mobile_overlay_breakpoint')); } break; } return $(window).width() <= breakpoint; }, getQuery: function (value) { var delimiter = this.options.delimiter, parts; if (!delimiter) { return value.trim(); } parts = value.split(delimiter); return $.trim(parts[parts.length - 1]); }, getSuggestionsLocal: function (query) { var that = this, options = that.options, queryLowerCase = query.toLowerCase(), filter = options.lookupFilter, limit = parseInt(options.lookupLimit, 10), data; data = { suggestions: $.grep(options.lookup, function (suggestion) { return filter(suggestion, query, queryLowerCase); }) }; if (limit && data.suggestions.length > limit) { data.suggestions = data.suggestions.slice(0, limit); } return data; }, getSuggestions: function (q) { var response, that = this, options = that.options, serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl, searchForm = that.getFormWrapper(), params, cacheKey, ajaxSettings, iconSearchActive = that.isActiveIconModeSearch(); options.params[options.paramName] = q; if (typeof dgwt_wcas.current_lang != 'undefined') { options.params['l'] = dgwt_wcas.current_lang; } that.preloader('show', 'form', 'dgwt-wcas-inner-preloader'); searchForm.addClass('dgwt-wcas-processing'); if (options.onSearchStart.call(that.element, options.params) === false) { return; } params = options.ignoreParams ? null : options.params; if (typeof options.lookup === 'function') { options.lookup(q, function (data) { that.suggestions = data.suggestions; that.suggest(); that.selectFirstSuggestion(data.suggestions); options.onSearchComplete.call(that.element, q, data.suggestions); }); return; } if (!$('body').hasClass('dgwt-wcas-open')) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/open', { detail: that })); } if (that.isLocal) { response = that.getSuggestionsLocal(q); } else { if (typeof serviceUrl === 'function') { serviceUrl = serviceUrl.call(that.element, q); } cacheKey = serviceUrl + '?' + $.param(params || {}); response = that.cachedResponse[cacheKey]; } if (response && Array.isArray(response.suggestions)) { that.suggestions = response.suggestions; that.suggest(); that.selectFirstSuggestion(response.suggestions); options.onSearchComplete.call(that.element, q, response.suggestions); if (that.isNoResults(response.suggestions)) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/no-results', { detail: that })); } else { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/show-suggestions', { detail: that })); } } else if (!that.isBadQuery(q)) { that.abortAjax(); ajaxSettings = { url: serviceUrl, data: params, type: options.type, dataType: options.dataType }; $.extend(ajaxSettings, options.ajaxSettings); ajaxDebounceState.object = that; ajaxDebounceState.ajaxSettings = ajaxSettings; utils.debounce(function () { var that = ajaxDebounceState.object, ajaxSettings = ajaxDebounceState.ajaxSettings; that.currentRequest = $.ajax(ajaxSettings).done(function (data) { // Interrupt if the icon mode was closed in the meantime if (iconSearchActive && !that.isActiveIconModeSearch()) { return; } var result; that.currentRequest = null; result = that.options.transformResult(data, q); if (typeof result.suggestions !== 'undefined') { that.processResponse(result, q, cacheKey); that.selectFirstSuggestion(result.suggestions); if (that.isNoResults(result.suggestions)) { that.gaEvent(q, 'Autocomplete Search without results'); } else { that.gaEvent(q, 'Autocomplete Search with results'); } } that.fixPosition(); that.options.onSearchComplete.call(that.element, q, result.suggestions); that.updatePrices(); if (that.isNoResults(result.suggestions)) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/no-results', { detail: that })); } else { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/show-suggestions', { detail: that })); } }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { that.options.onSearchError.call(that.element, q, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); }); }, options.debounceWaitMs); } else { options.onSearchComplete.call(that.element, q, []); } }, getDetails: function (suggestion) { var that = this; // Disable details panel if (!that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { return false; } // Brake if there are no suggestions if (suggestion == null || typeof suggestion.type == 'undefined') { return; } // Disable on more product suggestion if (typeof suggestion.type == 'string' && suggestion.type === 'more_products') { return; } that.fixHeight(); var $containerDetails = that.getDetailsContainer(), currentObjectID = that.prepareSuggestionObjectID(suggestion), result; // Check cache result = that.cachedDetails[currentObjectID]; if (result != null) { // Load response from cache that.detailsPanelSetScene(currentObjectID); that.fixHeight(); that.fixPosition(); } else { var data = { action: dgwt_wcas.action_result_details, items: [] }; $.each(that.suggestions, function (i, suggestion) { if ( typeof suggestion.type != 'undefined' && suggestion.type != 'more_products' && suggestion.type != 'headline' ) { var itemData = { objectID: that.prepareSuggestionObjectID(suggestion), value: suggestion.value != null ? suggestion.value : '' }; data.items.push(itemData); } }); that.detailsPanelClearScene(); that.preloader('show', 'details', ''); // Prevent duplicate ajax requests if ($.inArray(currentObjectID, that.detailsRequestsSent) != -1) { return; } else { that.detailsRequestsSent.push(currentObjectID); } $.ajax({ data: data, type: 'post', url: dgwt_wcas.ajax_details_endpoint, success: function (response) { var result = typeof response === 'string' ? JSON.parse(response) : response; if (typeof result.items != 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < result.items.length; i++) { var cacheKey = result.items[i]['objectID']; that.cachedDetails[cacheKey] = {html: result.items[i]['html']} that.detailsPanelAddToScene(cacheKey); if (typeof result.items[i]['price'] != 'undefined' && result.items[i]['price'].length > 0) { that.cachedPrices[cacheKey] = result.items[i]['price']; } } } that.preloader('hide', 'details', ''); var currentObjectID = that.prepareSuggestionObjectID(that.suggestions[that.selectedIndex]); if (that.cachedDetails[currentObjectID] != null) { that.detailsPanelSetScene(currentObjectID); } else { // @TODO Maybe display some error or placeholder that.detailsPanelClearScene(); } that.fixPosition(); that.fixHeight(); that.updatePrices(true); }, error: function (jqXHR, exception) { that.preloader('hide', 'details', ''); that.detailsPanelClearScene(); that.fixPosition(); that.fixHeight(); }, }); } $(document).trigger('dgwtWcasDetailsPanelLoaded', that); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/show-details-panel', { detail: that })); }, updatePrices: function (noAjax) { var that = this, i, j, productsToLoad = []; if (!(that.options.showPrice && that.options.dynamicPrices)) { return; } if (that.suggestions.length == 0) { return; } for (i = 0; i < that.suggestions.length; i++) { if ( typeof that.suggestions[i].type != 'undefined' && (that.suggestions[i].type == 'product' || that.suggestions[i].type == 'product_variation') ) { var key = 'product__' + that.suggestions[i].post_id; if (typeof that.cachedPrices[key] != 'undefined') { that.updatePrice(i, that.cachedPrices[key]); } else { that.applyPreloaderForPrice(i); productsToLoad.push(that.suggestions[i].post_id); } } } if (!noAjax && productsToLoad.length > 0) { var data = { action: typeof dgwt_wcas.action_get_prices == 'undefined' ? 'dgwt_wcas_get_prices' : dgwt_wcas.action_get_prices, items: productsToLoad }; $.ajax({ data: data, type: 'post', url: dgwt_wcas.ajax_prices_endpoint, success: function (response) { if (typeof response.success != 'undefined' && response.success && response.data.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < response.data.length; i++) { var postID = response.data[i].id, price = response.data[i].price; if (that.suggestions.length > 0) { for (j = 0; j < that.suggestions.length; j++) { if ( typeof that.suggestions[j].type != 'undefined' && (that.suggestions[j].type == 'product' || that.suggestions[j].type == 'product_variation') && that.suggestions[j].post_id == postID ) { var key = 'product__' + postID; that.cachedPrices[key] = price; that.updatePrice(j, price); } } } } } }, error: function (jqXHR, exception) { }, }); } }, updatePrice: function (index, price) { var that = this; if (typeof that.suggestions[index] != 'undefined') { that.suggestions[index].price = price; var $price = $('.dgwt-wcas-suggestions-wrapp').find('[data-index="' + index + '"] .dgwt-wcas-sp'); if ($price.length) { $price.html(price); } } }, applyCustomParams: function (params) { var that = this; // Custom params (global) if (typeof dgwt_wcas.custom_params == 'object') { var cp = dgwt_wcas.custom_params; for (var property in cp) { params[property] = cp[property]; } } // Custom params (local) var inputCustomParams = that.el.data('custom-params'); if (typeof inputCustomParams === 'object') { for (var property in inputCustomParams) { params[property] = inputCustomParams[property]; } } return params; }, isSetParam: function (param) { var that = this; return typeof that.options.params[param] != 'undefined'; }, getParam: function (param) { var that = this; return that.isSetParam(param) ? that.options.params[param] : ''; }, applyPreloaderForPrice: function (index) { var that = this; if (typeof that.suggestions[index] != 'undefined') { var $price = $('.dgwt-wcas-suggestions-wrapp').find('[data-index="' + index + '"] .dgwt-wcas-sp'); if ($price.length) { $price.html('<div class="dgwt-wcas-preloader-price"><div class="dgwt-wcas-preloader-price-inner"> <div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div>'); } } }, prepareSuggestionObjectID: function (suggestion) { var objectID = ''; if (typeof suggestion != 'undefined' && typeof suggestion.type != 'undefined') { //Products and post types if (suggestion.post_id != null) { objectID = suggestion.type + '__' + suggestion.post_id; if (suggestion.type === 'product_variation') { objectID += '__' + suggestion.variation_id; } // Post types if (typeof suggestion.post_type != 'undefined') { objectID = suggestion.type + '__' + suggestion.post_id + '__' + suggestion.post_type; } } //Terms if (suggestion.term_id != null && suggestion.taxonomy != null) { objectID = suggestion.type + '__' + suggestion.term_id + '__' + suggestion.taxonomy; } } return objectID; }, detailsPanelSetScene: function (objectID) { var that = this, $containerDetails = that.getDetailsContainer(), objectHash = utils.hashCode(objectID), $el = $containerDetails.find('.dgwt-wcas-details-inner[data-object="' + objectHash + '"]'); if ($el.length) { that.preloader('hide', 'details', ''); that.detailsPanelClearScene(); $el.addClass('dgwt-wcas-details-inner-active'); } }, detailsPanelAddToScene: function (objectID) { var that = this, $containerDetails = that.getDetailsContainer(), object = that.cachedDetails[objectID], objectHash = utils.hashCode(objectID), html = ''; if (typeof object != 'undefined' && typeof object.html == 'string') { html = object.html.replace('<div ', '<div data-object="' + objectHash + '" '); } if ($containerDetails.find('.dgwt-wcas-details-inner[data-object="' + objectHash + '"]').length == 0) { $containerDetails.append(html); } }, detailsPanelClearScene: function () { var that = this, $containerDetails = that.getDetailsContainer(), $views = $containerDetails.find('.dgwt-wcas-details-inner'); if ($views.length) { $views.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-details-inner-active'); } }, selectFirstSuggestion: function (suggestions) { var that = this, index = 0, noResults = false; if (!that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { return; } if (suggestions != 'undefined' && suggestions.length > 0) { $.each(that.suggestions, function (i, suggestion) { if ( typeof suggestion.type != 'undefined' && suggestion.type != 'more_products' && suggestion.type != 'headline' && suggestion.type != 'headline-v2' && suggestion.type != 'no-results' ) { index = i; return false; } if (typeof suggestion.type === 'undefined' || suggestion.type === 'no-results') { noResults = true; } }); } if (noResults) { return; } that.latestActivateSource = 'system'; that.getDetails(suggestions[index]); that.activate(index); }, isBadQuery: function (q) { if (!this.options.preventBadQueries) { return false; } var badQueries = this.badQueries, i = badQueries.length; while (i--) { if (q.indexOf(badQueries[i]) === 0) { return true; } } return false; }, hide: function (clear) { var that = this, $suggestions = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $detailsPanel = that.getDetailsContainer(); if (typeof that.options.onHide === 'function' && that.visible) { that.options.onHide.call(that.element, container); } that.visible = false; that.selectedIndex = -1; clearTimeout(that.onChangeTimeout); $suggestions.hide(); $suggestions.removeClass(that.classes.suggestionsContainerOrientTop); $suggestions.removeClass(that.classes.fixed); if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { $detailsPanel.hide(); $detailsPanel.removeClass(that.classes.fixed); } that.hidePreSuggestions(); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-open'); if (!$('html').hasClass('dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile-on')) { var searchStyle = that.getSearchStyle(); $('html').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-open-' + searchStyle); if (searchStyle === 'pirx') { $('html').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-open-pirx-compact'); } } $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-block-scroll'); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-is-details'); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-full-width'); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-nores'); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-details-outside'); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-details-right'); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-details-left'); if (that.autoAligmentprocess != null) { clearInterval(that.autoAligmentprocess); that.autoAligmentprocess = null; } that.isMouseDownOnSearchElements = false; if (typeof clear == 'boolean' && clear) { that.hideCloseButton(); that.currentValue = ''; that.suggestions = []; } }, positionIconSearchMode: function ($formWrapper) { var that = this, formLeftValue = -20, $form = that.getForm(), formWidth = $form.width(), windowWidth = $(window).width(); var iconLeftOffset = $formWrapper[0].getBoundingClientRect().left; var iconLeftRatio = (iconLeftOffset + 10) / windowWidth; formLeftValue = Math.floor(-1 * (formWidth * iconLeftRatio)); // Prevent shifting to the left more than the icon position (also positioned from the left) formLeftValue = Math.max(formLeftValue, -1 * iconLeftOffset); $form.css({'left': formLeftValue + 'px'}); }, isActiveIconModeSearch: function () { var active = false, $openedElements = $('.dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open'); if ($openedElements.length > 0) { active = true; } return active; }, hideIconModeSearch: function () { var that = this; if (that.isActiveIconModeSearch() && !utils.isTextSelected()) { $('.dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-layout-icon-open'); } }, hideAfterClickOutsideListener: function () { var that = this; if (!('ontouchend' in document)) { $(document).on('mouseup', function (e) { if (!that.visible) { return; } var outsideForm = !($(e.target).closest('.' + that.options.searchFormClass).length > 0 || $(e.target).hasClass(that.options.searchFormClass)), outsideContainer = !($(e.target).closest('.' + that.options.containerClass).length > 0 || $(e.target).hasClass(that.options.containerClass)); if (!that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { if (outsideForm && outsideContainer) { that.hide(); } } else { var outsidecontainerDetails = !($(e.target).closest('.' + that.options.containerDetailsClass).length > 0 || $(e.target).hasClass(that.options.containerDetailsClass)); if (outsideForm && outsideContainer && outsidecontainerDetails) { that.hide(); } } }); } }, suggest: function () { if (!this.suggestions.length) { this.hide(); return; } var that = this, options = that.options, groupBy = options.groupBy, formatResult = options.formatResult, value = that.getQuery(that.currentValue), className = that.classes.suggestion, classSelected = that.classes.selected, container = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), containerDetails = that.getDetailsContainer(), noSuggestionsContainer = $(that.noSuggestionsContainer), beforeRender = options.beforeRender, html = '', category, formatGroup = function (suggestion, index) { var currentCategory = suggestion.data[groupBy]; if (category === currentCategory) { return ''; } category = currentCategory; return '<div class="autocomplete-group"><strong>' + category + '</strong></div>'; }; if (options.triggerSelectOnValidInput && that.isExactMatch(value)) { that.select(0); return; } $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-nores'); // Build suggestions inner HTML: $.each(that.suggestions, function (i, suggestion) { var url = typeof suggestion.url == 'string' && suggestion.url.length ? suggestion.url : '#'; if (groupBy) { html += formatGroup(suggestion, value, i); } if (typeof suggestion.type == 'undefined' || (suggestion.type != 'product') && suggestion.type != 'product_variation') { var classes = className, innerClass = 'dgwt-wcas-st', prepend = '', append = '', title = '', highlight = true, isImg, noResults = false; if (suggestion.taxonomy === 'product_cat') { classes += ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-tax dgwt-wcas-suggestion-cat'; if (!options.showHeadings) { prepend += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st--direct-headline">' + dgwt_wcas.labels['tax_' + suggestion.taxonomy] + '</span>'; } if (typeof suggestion.breadcrumbs != 'undefined' && suggestion.breadcrumbs) { title = suggestion.breadcrumbs + ' &gt; ' + suggestion.value; append += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st-breadcrumbs"><span class="dgwt-wcas-st-label-in">' + dgwt_wcas.labels.in + ' </span>' + suggestion.breadcrumbs + '</span>'; //@TODO RTL support } } else if (suggestion.taxonomy === 'product_tag') { classes += ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-tax dgwt-wcas-suggestion-tag'; if (!options.showHeadings) { prepend += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st--direct-headline">' + dgwt_wcas.labels['tax_' + suggestion.taxonomy] + '</span>'; } } else if (options.isPremium && suggestion.taxonomy === options.taxonomyBrands) { classes += ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-tax dgwt-wcas-suggestion-brand'; if (!options.showHeadings) { prepend += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st--direct-headline">' + dgwt_wcas.labels['tax_' + suggestion.taxonomy] + '</span>'; } } else if (options.isPremium && suggestion.type === 'taxonomy') { classes += ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-tax dgwt-wcas-suggestion-tax-' + suggestion.taxonomy; if (!options.showHeadings) { prepend += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st--direct-headline">' + dgwt_wcas.labels['tax_' + suggestion.taxonomy] + '</span>'; } } else if (options.isPremium && suggestion.type === 'vendor') { classes += ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-vendor dgwt-wcas-suggestion-vendor'; if (!options.showHeadings) { prepend += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st--direct-headline">' + dgwt_wcas.labels.vendor + '</span>'; } } else if (options.isPremium && suggestion.type === 'post' && typeof suggestion.post_type !== 'undefined' && suggestion.post_type === 'post') { classes += ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-pt dgwt-wcas-suggestion-pt-post'; if (!options.showHeadings) { prepend += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st--direct-headline">' + dgwt_wcas.labels.post + '</span>'; } } else if (options.isPremium && suggestion.type === 'post' && typeof suggestion.post_type !== 'undefined' && suggestion.post_type === 'page') { classes += ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-pt dgwt-wcas-suggestion-pt-page'; if (!options.showHeadings) { prepend += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st--direct-headline">' + dgwt_wcas.labels.page + '</span>'; } } else if (suggestion.type === 'more_products') { classes += ' js-dgwt-wcas-suggestion-more dgwt-wcas-suggestion-more'; innerClass = 'dgwt-wcas-st-more'; suggestion.value = dgwt_wcas.labels.show_more + '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st-more-total"> (' + suggestion.total + ')</span>'; highlight = false; } else if (options.showHeadings && suggestion.type === 'headline') { classes += ' js-dgwt-wcas-suggestion-headline dgwt-wcas-suggestion-headline'; if (typeof dgwt_wcas.labels[suggestion.value + '_plu'] != 'undefined') { suggestion.value = dgwt_wcas.labels[suggestion.value + '_plu']; } highlight = false; } if (suggestion.type === 'no-results') { $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-nores'); if (containerDetails.length) { that.detailsPanelClearScene(); containerDetails.hide(); containerDetails.removeClass(that.classes.fixed); that.fixHeight(); } suggestion.value = ''; html += that.createNoResultsContent(); } else { // Image if (typeof suggestion.image_src != 'undefined' && suggestion.image_src) { isImg = true; } // Custom content before title (3rd party) prepend += that.apply3rdPartyPlaceholder('title_before', suggestion); append += that.apply3rdPartyPlaceholder('title_after', suggestion); title = title.length > 0 ? ' title="' + title + '"' : ''; html += '<a href="' + url + '" class="' + classes + '" data-index="' + i + '">'; if (isImg) { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-si"><img src="' + suggestion.image_src + '" /></span>'; html += '<div class="dgwt-wcas-content-wrapp">'; } html += '<span' + title + ' class="' + innerClass + '">'; if (suggestion.type === 'vendor') { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st-title">' + prepend + formatResult(suggestion.value, value, highlight, options) + append + '</span>'; // Vendor city if (suggestion.shop_city) { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-vendor-city"><span> - </span>' + formatResult(suggestion.shop_city, value, true, options) + '</span>'; } // Description if (typeof suggestion.desc != 'undefined' && suggestion.desc) { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-sd">' + formatResult(suggestion.desc, value, true, options) + '</span>'; } } else { html += prepend + formatResult(suggestion.value, value, highlight, options) + append; } html += '</span>'; html += isImg ? '</div>' : ''; html += '</a>'; } } else { html += that.createProductSuggestion(suggestion, i); } }); this.adjustContainerWidth(); noSuggestionsContainer.detach(); container.html(html); if (typeof beforeRender === 'function') { beforeRender.call(that.element, container, that.suggestions); } container.show(); // Add class on show $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open'); var searchStyle = that.getSearchStyle(); $('html').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open-' + searchStyle); if (searchStyle === 'pirx') { $('html').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open-pirx-compact'); } // Reset the latest mousedown position that.isMouseDownOnSearchElements = false; that.automaticAlignment(); if (that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-is-details'); containerDetails.show(); that.fixHeight(); } // Select first value by default: if (options.autoSelectFirst) { that.selectedIndex = 0; container.scrollTop(0); container.children('.' + className).first().addClass(classSelected); } that.visible = true; that.fixPosition(); }, createNoResultsContent: function () { var html = '<div class="dgwt-wcas-suggestion-nores">', defaultHtml = typeof dgwt_wcas.labels.no_results_default != 'undefined' ? dgwt_wcas.labels.no_results_default : '', noResultsHtml = defaultHtml; try { noResultsHtml = JSON.parse(dgwt_wcas.labels.no_results); // Fix invalid HTML var tmpEl = document.createElement('div'); tmpEl.innerHTML = noResultsHtml; noResultsHtml = tmpEl.innerHTML; } catch (e) { } html += noResultsHtml; html += '</div>'; return html; }, createProductSuggestion: function (suggestion, index, extClassName) { var that = this, html = '', parent = '', dataAttrs = '', options = that.options, className = that.classes.suggestion, isImg = false, value = that.getQuery(that.currentValue), formatResult = options.formatResult, url = typeof suggestion.url == 'string' && suggestion.url.length ? suggestion.url : '#'; if (typeof extClassName == 'string') { className += ' ' + extClassName; } // Image if (options.showImage === true && typeof suggestion.thumb_html != 'undefined') { isImg = true; } var sugVarClass = suggestion.type === 'product_variation' ? ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-product-var' : ''; // One suggestion HTML dataAttrs += typeof suggestion.post_id != 'undefined' ? 'data-post-id="' + suggestion.post_id + '" ' : ''; dataAttrs += typeof suggestion.taxonomy != 'undefined' ? 'data-taxonomy="' + suggestion.taxonomy + '" ' : ''; dataAttrs += typeof suggestion.term_id != 'undefined' ? 'data-term-id="' + suggestion.term_id + '" ' : ''; html += '<a href="' + url + '" class="' + className + ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-product' + sugVarClass + '" data-index="' + index + '" ' + dataAttrs + '>'; // Image if (isImg) { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-si">' + suggestion.thumb_html + '</span>'; } html += isImg ? '<div class="dgwt-wcas-content-wrapp">' : ''; // Open Title wrapper html += '<div class="dgwt-wcas-st">'; // Custom content before title (3rd party) html += that.apply3rdPartyPlaceholder('title_before', suggestion); // Title html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-st-title">' + formatResult(suggestion.value, value, true, options) + parent + '</span>'; // Custom content after title (3rd party) html += that.apply3rdPartyPlaceholder('title_after', suggestion); // SKU if (options.showSKU === true && typeof suggestion.sku != 'undefined' && suggestion.sku.length > 0) { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-sku">(' + dgwt_wcas.labels.sku_label + ' ' + formatResult(suggestion.sku, value, true, options) + ')</span>'; } // Description if (options.showDescription === true && typeof suggestion.desc != 'undefined' && suggestion.desc) { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-sd">' + formatResult(suggestion.desc, value, true, options) + '</span>'; } // Vendor if (options.showProductVendor === true && typeof suggestion.vendor != 'undefined' && suggestion.vendor) { var vendorBody = '<span class="dgwt-wcas-product-vendor"><span class="dgwt-wcas-product-vendor-label">' + dgwt_wcas.labels.vendor_sold_by + ' </span>' + suggestion.vendor + '</span>' if (typeof suggestion.vendor_url != 'undefined' && suggestion.vendor_url) { // Since version v1.12.0 suggestions tag was changed from <div> to <a> and vendor links are no longer supported. html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-product-vendor-link" data-url="' + suggestion.vendor_url + '">' + vendorBody + '</span>'; } else { html += vendorBody; } } // Custom content after description (3rd party) html += that.apply3rdPartyPlaceholder('content_after', suggestion); // Close title wrapper html += '</div>'; var showPrice = options.showPrice === true && typeof suggestion.price != 'undefined', showMetaBefore = typeof suggestion.meta_before != 'undefined', showMetaAfter = typeof suggestion.meta_after != 'undefined', showMeta = showPrice || showMetaBefore || showMetaAfter; // @todo show sale and featured badges // Meta html += showMeta ? '<div class="dgwt-wcas-meta">' : ''; // Custom content before meta (3rd party) if (showMetaBefore) { html += that.apply3rdPartyPlaceholder('meta_before', suggestion); } // Price if (showPrice) { html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-sp">' + suggestion.price + '</span>'; } // Custom content after meta (3rd party) if (showMetaAfter) { html += that.apply3rdPartyPlaceholder('meta_after', suggestion); } // Close Meta html += showMeta ? '</div>' : ''; html += isImg ? '</div>' : ''; html += '</a>'; return html; }, apply3rdPartyPlaceholder: function (name, suggestion) { var content = ''; if (typeof suggestion[name] != 'undefined' && suggestion[name]) { content = suggestion[name]; } return content; }, getSearchStyle: function () { var that = this, $searchWrapp = that.getFormWrapper(), style = 'solaris'; //Default style $($searchWrapp.attr('class').split(/\s+/)).each(function (index) { if (/dgwt-wcas-style-/i.test(this)) { style = this.replace(/dgwt-wcas-style-/i, ''); } }); if (style === 'pirx-compact') { style = 'pirx'; } return style; }, adjustContainerWidth: function () { var that = this, $searchBar = that.getFormWrapper(), $suggestions = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $detailsPanel = that.getDetailsContainer(), $baseElement = that.getForm(), baseWidth = $baseElement.outerWidth(); if (!$searchBar.length) { return; } // Mode 1 - suggestions wrapper width is the same as search bar width $suggestions.css('width', baseWidth + 'px'); // Mode 2 - keep the suggestions wrapper and the details panel together under the search bar if (that.canShowDetailsPanel() && baseWidth >= that.options.dpusbBreakpoint) { var measurementError = 0; // Width 50:50 $suggestions.css('width', baseWidth / 2); $detailsPanel.css('width', baseWidth / 2); // Fix browsers subtleties such as calculating sizes as float numbers. measurementError = baseWidth - ($suggestions.outerWidth() + $detailsPanel.outerWidth()); if (measurementError != 0) { $detailsPanel.css('width', $detailsPanel.outerWidth() + measurementError); } } }, positionPreloaderAndMic: function ($formWrapper) { var that = this; var $submit = typeof $formWrapper == 'object' ? $formWrapper.find('.dgwt-wcas-search-submit') : $('.dgwt-wcas-search-submit'); if ($submit.length > 0) { $submit.each(function () { var $preloader = $(this).closest('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp').find('.dgwt-wcas-preloader'), isSolarisStyle = $(this).closest('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp').hasClass('dgwt-wcas-style-solaris'), isVoiceSearchSupported = $(this).closest('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp').hasClass(that.options.voiceSearchSupportedClass), $voiceSearch = $(this).closest('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp').find('.' + that.options.voiceSearchClass); if (isVoiceSearchSupported && isSolarisStyle) { if (dgwt_wcas.is_rtl == 1) { $voiceSearch.css('left', $(this).outerWidth() + 'px'); } else { $voiceSearch.css('right', $(this).outerWidth() + 'px'); } } if (dgwt_wcas.is_rtl == 1) { $preloader.css('left', $(this).outerWidth() + 'px'); } else { $preloader.css('right', $(this).outerWidth() + 'px'); } }); } }, /* * Manages preloader * * @param action (show or hide) * @param container (parent selector) * @param cssClass */ preloader: function (action, place, cssClass) { var that = this, html, $container, defaultClass = 'dgwt-wcas-preloader-wrapp', cssClasses = cssClass == null ? defaultClass : defaultClass + ' ' + cssClass; if (place === 'form') { // Return early if the preloader is disable via the settings for a search bar if (dgwt_wcas.show_preloader != 1) { return; } $container = that.getFormWrapper().find('.dgwt-wcas-preloader'); } else if (place === 'details') { $container = that.getDetailsContainer(); } if ($container.length == 0) { return; } // Handle preloader for a search bar if (place === 'form') { if (action === 'hide') { $container.removeClass(cssClass); $container.html(''); } else { $container.addClass(cssClass); if (typeof dgwt_wcas.preloader_icon == 'string') { $container.html(dgwt_wcas.preloader_icon); } } return; } // Handle preloader for a details panel var $preloader = $container.find('.' + defaultClass); // Action hide if (action === 'hide') { if ($preloader.length) { $preloader.remove(); } return } // Action show if (action === 'show') { var rtlSuffix = that.options.isRtl ? '-rtl' : ''; html = '<div class="' + cssClasses + '"><img class="dgwt-wcas-placeholder-preloader" src="' + dgwt_wcas.img_url + 'placeholder' + rtlSuffix + '.png" /></div>'; that.detailsPanelClearScene(); if ($preloader.length) { $preloader.remove(); } $container.prepend(html); } }, verifySuggestionsFormat: function (suggestions) { // If suggestions is string array, convert them to supported format: if (suggestions.length && typeof suggestions[0] === 'string') { return $.map(suggestions, function (value) { return {value: value, data: null}; }); } return suggestions; }, processResponse: function (result, originalQuery, cacheKey) { var that = this, options = that.options; result.suggestions = that.verifySuggestionsFormat(result.suggestions); // Cache results if cache is not disabled: if (!options.noCache) { that.cachedResponse[cacheKey] = result; if (options.preventBadQueries && !result.suggestions.length) { that.badQueries.push(originalQuery); } } // Return if originalQuery is not matching current query: if (originalQuery !== that.getQuery(that.currentValue)) { return; } that.suggestions = result.suggestions; that.suggest(); }, activate: function (index) { var that = this, activeItem, selected = that.classes.selected, container = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), children = container.find('.' + that.classes.suggestion); container.find('.' + selected).removeClass(selected); that.selectedIndex = index; if (that.selectedIndex !== -1 && children.length > that.selectedIndex) { activeItem = children.get(that.selectedIndex); $(activeItem).addClass(selected); return activeItem; } return null; }, selectHint: function () { var that = this, i = $.inArray(that.hint, that.suggestions); that.select(i); }, select: function (i) { var that = this; if (that.options.disableHits) { return; } // Break early if a "select" event isn't related to suggestions if (typeof that.suggestions[i] == 'undefined') { return; } // Don't select if there is headline element if (typeof that.suggestions[i] != 'undefined' && (that.suggestions[i].type == 'headline' || that.suggestions[i].type == 'headline-v2')) { return; } that.closeOverlayMobile(); that.hide(); that.onSelect(i); }, moveUp: function () { var that = this; if (that.selectedIndex === -1) { return; } that.latestActivateSource = 'key'; if (that.selectedIndex === 0) { that.getSuggestionsContainer().children('.' + that.classes.suggestion).first().removeClass(that.classes.selected); that.selectedIndex = -1; that.ignoreValueChange = false; that.el.val(that.currentValue); return; } that.adjustScroll(that.selectedIndex - 1, 'up'); }, moveDown: function () { var that = this; if (that.selectedIndex === (that.suggestions.length - 1)) { return; } that.latestActivateSource = 'key'; that.adjustScroll(that.selectedIndex + 1, 'down'); }, adjustScroll: function (index, direction) { var that = this; if (that.suggestions[index].type === 'headline') { index = direction === 'down' ? index + 1 : index - 1; } if (typeof that.suggestions[index] == 'undefined') { return; } var activeItem = that.activate(index); that.getDetails(that.suggestions[index]); if (that.suggestions[index].type === 'more_products') { return; } if (!activeItem || that.canShowDetailsPanel()) { return; } var offsetTop, upperBound, lowerBound, $suggestionContainer = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), heightDelta = $(activeItem).outerHeight(false); offsetTop = activeItem.offsetTop; upperBound = $suggestionContainer.scrollTop(); lowerBound = upperBound + that.options.maxHeight - heightDelta; if (offsetTop < upperBound) { $suggestionContainer.scrollTop(offsetTop); } else if (offsetTop > lowerBound) { $suggestionContainer.scrollTop(offsetTop - that.options.maxHeight + heightDelta); } if (!that.options.preserveInput) { // During onBlur event, browser will trigger "change" event, // because value has changed, to avoid side effect ignore, // that event, so that correct suggestion can be selected // when clicking on suggestion with a mouse that.ignoreValueChange = true; //that.el.val(that.getValue(that.suggestions[index].value)); } }, onSelect: function (index) { var that = this, onSelectCallback = that.options.onSelect, suggestion = that.suggestions[index], forceSubmit = false; if (typeof suggestion.type != 'undefined') { if ( suggestion.type === 'more_products' || (that.actionTriggerSource === 'enter' && that.latestActivateSource != 'key' && suggestion.type != 'product_variation') ) { that.el.closest('form').trigger('submit'); forceSubmit = true; } if (suggestion.type === 'history-search') { that.currentValue = that.getValue(suggestion.value); if (that.currentValue !== that.el.val() && !that.options.preserveInput) { that.el.val(that.currentValue.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ' ').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')); } that.el.closest('form').trigger('submit'); forceSubmit = true; } } if (suggestion.type === 'product' || suggestion.type === 'product_variation') { if (that.options.showRecentlySearchedProducts) { that.saveHistoryProducts(suggestion); } } if (!forceSubmit) { that.currentValue = that.getValue(suggestion.value); if (that.currentValue !== that.el.val() && !that.options.preserveInput) { that.el.val(that.currentValue.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ' ').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')); } if (suggestion.url.length > 0) { window.location.href = suggestion.url; } that.suggestions = []; that.selection = suggestion; } if (typeof onSelectCallback === 'function') { onSelectCallback.call(that.element, suggestion); } }, openInNewTab: function (index) { var that = this, suggestion = that.suggestions[index]; if (suggestion.url.length > 0) { window.open(suggestion.url, '_blank').trigger('focus'); } }, getValue: function (value) { var that = this, delimiter = that.options.delimiter, currentValue, parts; if (!delimiter) { return value; } currentValue = that.currentValue; parts = currentValue.split(delimiter); if (parts.length === 1) { return value; } return currentValue.substr(0, currentValue.length - parts[parts.length - 1].length) + value; }, dispose: function () { var that = this, $el = that.el, $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(), $suggestionsWrapper = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $mobileHandler = $formWrapper.find('.js-dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form'); // Remove all events if ($formWrapper.length) { var $items = $formWrapper.find('*'); $items.each(function () { $(this).off('.autocomplete'); }); } $el.off('fibosearch/ping'); $formWrapper.off('click.autocomplete', '.js-dgwt-wcas-search-icon-handler'); $el.removeData('autocomplete'); $(window).off('resize.autocomplete', that.fixPosition); $formWrapper.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-active'); that.close(false); // Remove mobile handler if ($mobileHandler.length) { $mobileHandler.remove(); } if ($suggestionsWrapper.length) { $suggestionsWrapper.html(''); } }, isMountedOverlayDarkened: function () { var that = this, $wrapp = that.getFormWrapper(), mounted = false; if ($wrapp.hasClass(that.classes.darkenOverlayMounted)) { mounted = true; } return mounted; }, enableOverlayDarkened: function () { var that = this, options = that.options, $formWrapper; if (!that.isMountedOverlayDarkened()) { return; } $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(); $formWrapper.addClass('dgwt-wcas-search-darkoverl-on'); $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-darkoverl-on'); // Create node if ($('.' + options.darkenedOverlayClass).length == 0) { var html = '<div class="' + options.darkenedOverlayClass + '"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>'; $('body').append(html); var $darkenedOverlay = $('.' + that.options.darkenedOverlayClass); that.positionOverlayDarkened(); $darkenedOverlay.on('click.autocomplete', function (e) { that.disableOverlayDarkened(); }); } that.overlayDarkenedState = 'on'; }, disableOverlayDarkened: function () { var that = this, options = that.options, $wrapps; if (!that.isMountedOverlayDarkened()) { return; } $wrapps = $('.dgwt-wcas-search-darkoverl-on'); if ($wrapps.length) { $wrapps.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-search-darkoverl-on'); } $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-darkoverl-on'); var $el = $('.' + options.darkenedOverlayClass); if ($el.length > 0) { $el.remove(); that.overlayDarkenedState = 'off'; } }, positionOverlayDarkened: function () { var that = this, fixed = false, $darkenedOverlay = $('.' + that.options.darkenedOverlayClass); if ($darkenedOverlay.length > 0) { if (that.ancestorHasPositionFixed(that.getFormWrapper())) { fixed = true; $darkenedOverlay.addClass('dgwt-wcas-suggestions-wrapp-fixed'); } else { $darkenedOverlay.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-suggestions-wrapp-fixed'); } $darkenedOverlay.children('div').each(function (i) { that.positionOverlayDarkenedDiv($(this), i + 1, fixed); }); } }, positionOverlayDarkenedDiv: function ($el, orient, fixed) { var that = this, elData, $baseEl = that.getFormWrapper(), css, secureOffset = 200; // Secure buffer // Different position for search icon layout if ($baseEl.hasClass('js-dgwt-wcas-layout-icon')) { $baseEl = that.getForm(); } elData = that.getElementInfo($baseEl); /** * Note 1: If fixed == true, it means position should be calculated related to screen, * otherwise it will be calculated related to document * * Note 2: It concerns cases 1,3 and 4. 1px is subtracted to achieve an exact match of document height. * I don't know why it's needed. */ switch (orient) { case 1: css = { left: (-secureOffset) + 'px', top: (-secureOffset) + 'px', width: (elData.left + secureOffset) + 'px', height: ($(document).outerHeight(false) + secureOffset - 1) + 'px' }; break; case 2: var topSpan = fixed ? elData.topViewPort : elData.top; css = { left: (-secureOffset) + 'px', top: (-secureOffset) + 'px', width: ($(window).outerWidth(false) + secureOffset) + 'px', height: (topSpan + secureOffset) + 'px', }; break; case 3: css = { left: (elData.left + elData.width) + 'px', top: (-secureOffset) + 'px', width: ($(window).outerWidth(false) - elData.right) + 'px', height: ($(document).outerHeight(false) + secureOffset - 1) + 'px' }; break; case 4: var topSpan = fixed ? elData.topViewPort : elData.top; css = { left: (-secureOffset) + 'px', top: (topSpan + elData.height) + 'px', width: ($(window).outerWidth(false) + secureOffset) + 'px', height: ($(document).outerHeight(false) - elData.bottom - 1) + 'px' }; break; } if (css) { $el.css(css); } }, showCloseButton: function () { var that = this, iconBody = typeof dgwt_wcas.close_icon != 'undefined' ? dgwt_wcas.close_icon : '', $actionsEl = that.getFormWrapper().find('.' + that.options.preloaderClass); if (that.el.val().length < that.options.minChars) { return; } // Click close icon if (!$actionsEl.hasClass(that.options.closeTrigger)) { $actionsEl.on('click.autocomplete', function () { that.close(true); }); } $actionsEl.addClass(that.options.closeTrigger); $actionsEl.html(iconBody); }, hideCloseButton: function () { var that = this, $btn = that.getFormWrapper().find('.' + that.options.closeTrigger); if ($btn.length) { $btn.removeClass(that.options.closeTrigger); $btn.html(''); } $btn.off('click.autocomplete'); }, canShowPreSuggestions: function () { var that = this, canShow = false; if (that.options.showRecentlySearchedProducts || that.options.showRecentlySearchedPhrases) { canShow = true; } return canShow; }, showPreSuggestions: function () { var that = this, suggestionsIndex = 0, i, html = '', $suggestionsWrapper = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), $searchBar = that.getFormWrapper(), noHistory = true, historyProducts = [], historySearches = [], origShowImageOpt = that.options.showImage; that.isPreSuggestionsMode = true; that.suggestions = []; that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-img'); if (!origShowImageOpt) { that.suggestionsContainer.addClass('dgwt-wcas-has-img-forced'); } that.options.showImage = true; if (that.options.showRecentlySearchedProducts) { historyProducts = utils.getLocalStorageItem(that.recentlyViewedProductsKey, []); } if (that.options.showRecentlySearchedPhrases) { historySearches = utils.getLocalStorageItem(that.recentlySearchedPhrasesKey, []); } // Break early if there is nothing to show if (historyProducts.length === 0 && historySearches.length === 0) { return; } // Show headline that.suggestions.push({type: 'headline-v2', value: '',}); html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-suggestion dgwt-wcas-suggestion-headline-v2" data-index="' + suggestionsIndex + '">'; if (typeof dgwt_wcas.labels['search_hist'] != 'undefined') { var label = dgwt_wcas.labels['search_hist']; label += ' <span class="js-dgwt-wcas-sugg-hist-clear dgwt-wcas-sugg-hist-clear">' + dgwt_wcas.labels['search_hist_clear'] + '</span>'; html += '<span className="dgwt-wcas-st">' + label + '</span>'; } html += '</span>'; suggestionsIndex++; // History: products if (historyProducts.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < historyProducts.length; i++) { html += that.createProductSuggestion(historyProducts[i], suggestionsIndex, 'dgwt-wcas-suggestion-history-product'); that.suggestions.push(historyProducts[i]); suggestionsIndex++; } } // History: searches if (historySearches.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < historySearches.length; i++) { var suggestion = { type: 'history-search', value: historySearches[i], url: '#', thumb_html: dgwt_wcas.magnifier_icon }; if ($searchBar.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-style-pirx')) { suggestion.thumb_html = dgwt_wcas.magnifier_icon_pirx; } that.suggestions.push(suggestion); html += '<a href="' + suggestion.url + '" class="' + that.classes.suggestion + ' dgwt-wcas-suggestion-history-search" data-index="' + suggestionsIndex + '">'; html += '<span class="dgwt-wcas-si">' + suggestion.thumb_html + '</span>'; html += '<div class="dgwt-wcas-content-wrapp">'; html += '<div class="dgwt-wcas-st"><span class="dgwt-wcas-st-title">' + utils.formatHtml(suggestion.value) + '</span></div>' html += '</div>'; html += '</a>'; suggestionsIndex++; } } // Show pre-suggestions $suggestionsWrapper.html(html); $suggestionsWrapper.show(); // Add class on show $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open'); $('body').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open-pre-suggestions'); var searchStyle = that.getSearchStyle(); $('html').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open-' + that.getSearchStyle()); if (searchStyle === 'pirx') { $('html').addClass('dgwt-wcas-open-pirx-compact'); } // Reset the latest mousedown position that.isMouseDownOnSearchElements = false; that.visible = true; that.fixPosition(); that.options.showImage = origShowImageOpt; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/open', { detail: that })); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fibosearch/show-pre-suggestions', { detail: that })); }, resetPreSuggestions: function () { var that = this, $suggestionsWrapp = that.getSuggestionsContainer(), activeInstance = utils.getActiveInstance(); utils.removeLocalStorageItem(that.recentlyViewedProductsKey); utils.removeLocalStorageItem(that.recentlySearchedPhrasesKey); that.suggestions = []; $suggestionsWrapp.html(''); $('body').removeClass('dgwt-wcas-open-pre-suggestions'); activeInstance.el.trigger('focus'); }, hidePreSuggestions: function () { var that = this; if (!that.options.showImage) { that.suggestionsContainer.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-has-img'); } that.suggestionsContainer.removeClass('dgwt-wcas-has-img-forced'); that.isPreSuggestionsMode = false; }, saveHistoryProducts: function (suggestion) { var that = this, viewedProducts = utils.getLocalStorageItem(that.recentlyViewedProductsKey, []); viewedProducts = [suggestion, ...viewedProducts]; viewedProducts = [...new Map(viewedProducts.map((item) => { if (typeof item['price'] != 'undefined') { delete item['price']; } if (!that.options.showImage) { item['thumb_html'] = dgwt_wcas.history_icon; } return [item['post_id'], item]; })).values()]; utils.setLocalStorageItem(that.recentlyViewedProductsKey, viewedProducts.slice(0, 5)); }, saveHistorySearches: function (value) { var that = this, phrases = utils.getLocalStorageItem(that.recentlySearchedPhrasesKey, []); phrases = [value, ...phrases]; phrases = [...new Set(phrases)]; utils.setLocalStorageItem(that.recentlySearchedPhrasesKey, phrases.slice(0, 5)); }, addActiveClassIfMissing: function () { var activeEl = document.activeElement; if ( typeof activeEl == 'object' && $(activeEl).length && $(activeEl).hasClass('dgwt-wcas-search-input') ) { var $search = $(activeEl).closest('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp'); if ($search.length && !$search.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-active')) { $search.addClass('dgwt-wcas-active'); } } }, ancestorHasPositionFixed: function ($element) { var $checkElements = $element.add($element.parents()); var isFixed = false; $checkElements.each(function () { if ($(this).css("position") === "fixed") { isFixed = true; return false; } }); return isFixed; }, gaEvent: function (label, category) { var that = this; var gaObj = window.hasOwnProperty('GoogleAnalyticsObject') && window.hasOwnProperty(window['GoogleAnalyticsObject']) ? window[window['GoogleAnalyticsObject']] : false; if (that.options.sendGAEvents) { try { if (typeof gtag !== 'undefined') { gtag('event', 'autocomplete_search', { 'event_label': label, 'event_category': category }); } else if (gaObj !== false) { var tracker = gaObj.getAll()[0]; if (tracker) tracker.send({ hitType: 'event', eventCategory: category, eventAction: 'autocomplete_search', eventLabel: label }); } } catch (error) { } } if (that.options.enableGASiteSearchModule) { try { if (typeof gtag !== 'undefined') { gtag('event', 'page_view', { 'page_path': '/?s=' + encodeURI(label) + '&post_type=product&dgwt_wcas=1', }); } else if (gaObj !== false) { var tracker2 = gaObj.getAll()[0]; if (tracker2) { tracker2.set('page', '/?s=' + encodeURI(label) + '&post_type=product&dgwt_wcas=1'); tracker2.send('pageview'); } } } catch (error) { } } $(document).trigger('dgwtWcasGAEvent', {'term': label, 'category': category}); }, initVoiceSearch: function () { var that = this; if (!that.options.voiceSearchEnabled) { return false; } var $formWrapper = that.getFormWrapper(); var $input = $formWrapper.find('.' + that.options.searchInputClass); var $voiceSearch = $formWrapper.find('.' + that.options.voiceSearchClass); var speechRecognition = false; if (typeof SpeechRecognition === "function") { speechRecognition = SpeechRecognition; } else if (typeof webkitSpeechRecognition === "function") { speechRecognition = webkitSpeechRecognition; } if (!speechRecognition) { return false; } if (utils.isBrowser('Chrome') && utils.isIOS()) { // Chrome speech recognition on iPhone and iPad is not working well. return false; } if (utils.isSafari()) { // We don't support voice search on Safari because it's hard to debug. return false; } that.voiceSearchSetState('inactive', $voiceSearch); $formWrapper.addClass(that.options.voiceSearchSupportedClass); that.voiceSearchRecognition = new speechRecognition(); that.voiceSearchRecognition.lang = that.options.voiceSearchLang; that.voiceSearchRecognition.continuous = false; that.voiceSearchRecognition.interimResults = true; that.voiceSearchRecognition.maxAlternatives = 1; $voiceSearch.on('click', function () { if ( $formWrapper.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-mobile-overlay-trigger-active') && !$('html').hasClass('dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile-on') ) { $formWrapper.find('.js-dgwt-wcas-enable-mobile-form').trigger('click'); $formWrapper.find('.' + that.options.searchInputClass).trigger('blur'); } if (that.voiceSearchStarted) { that.voiceSearchAbort(); return; } if (that.voiceSearchIsInitialized()) { that.voiceSearchAbort(); } that.voiceSearchRecognition.start(); }); that.voiceSearchRecognition.onstart = function (event) { that.voiceSearchSetState('active', $voiceSearch); } that.voiceSearchRecognition.onresult = function (event) { const result = event.results[0]; const text = result[0].transcript; $input.val(text); if (result.isFinal) { $input.trigger('change'); if (!('ontouchend' in document)) { $input.trigger('focus'); } that.voiceSearchSetState('inactive', $voiceSearch); } } that.voiceSearchRecognition.onspeechend = function () { that.voiceSearchSetState('inactive', $voiceSearch); that.voiceSearchRecognition.stop(); } that.voiceSearchRecognition.onnomatch = function (event) { that.voiceSearchSetState('inactive', $voiceSearch); } that.voiceSearchRecognition.onerror = function (event) { switch (event.error) { case 'aborted': case 'no-speech': that.voiceSearchSetState('inactive', $voiceSearch); break; case 'network': break; case 'not-allowed': case 'service-not-allowed': that.voiceSearchSetState('off', $voiceSearch); break; } } }, voiceSearchAbort: function () { var that = this; if (that.voiceSearchIsInitialized()) { that.voiceSearchRecognition.abort(); that.voiceSearchStarted = false; } }, voiceSearchIsInitialized: function () { var that = this; return that.voiceSearchRecognition !== null; }, voiceSearchSetState: function (state, $voiceSearch) { var that = this; switch (state) { case 'active': that.voiceSearchStarted = true; if (typeof dgwt_wcas.voice_search_active_icon == 'string') { $voiceSearch.html(dgwt_wcas.voice_search_active_icon); } // $voiceSearch.removeClass(that.options.voiceSearchDisabledClass).addClass(that.options.voiceSearchActiveClass); break; case 'inactive': that.voiceSearchStarted = false; if (typeof dgwt_wcas.voice_search_inactive_icon == 'string') { $voiceSearch.html(dgwt_wcas.voice_search_inactive_icon); } // $voiceSearch.removeClass(that.options.voiceSearchActiveClass + ' ' + that.options.voiceSearchDisabledClass); break; case 'off': that.voiceSearchStarted = false; // $voiceSearch.removeClass(that.options.voiceSearchActiveClass).addClass(that.options.voiceSearchDisabledClass); if (typeof dgwt_wcas.voice_search_disabled_icon == 'string') { $voiceSearch.html(dgwt_wcas.voice_search_disabled_icon); } break; } }, }; // Create chainable jQuery plugin: $.fn.dgwtWcasAutocomplete = function (options, args) { var dataKey = 'autocomplete'; // If function invoked without argument return // instance of the first matched element: if (!arguments.length) { return this.first().data(dataKey); } return this.each(function () { var inputElement = $(this), instance = inputElement.data(dataKey); if (typeof options === 'string') { if (instance && typeof instance[options] === 'function') { instance[options](args); } } else { // If instance already exists, destroy it: if (instance && instance.dispose) { instance.dispose(); } instance = new DgwtWcasAutocompleteSearch(this, options); inputElement.data(dataKey, instance); } }); }; // Don't overwrite if it already exists if (!$.fn.autocomplete) { $.fn.autocomplete = $.fn.dgwtWcasAutocomplete; } (function () { /*----------------------------------------------------------------- /* IE11 polyfills /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (utils.isIE11()) { (function (self, undefined) { function Call(t, l) { var n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : []; if (!1 === IsCallable(t)) throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(t) + "is not a function."); return t.apply(l, n) } function CreateMethodProperty(e, r, t) { var a = {value: t, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0}; Object.defineProperty(e, r, a) } function Get(n, t) { return n[t] } function IsCallable(n) { return "function" == typeof n } function RequireObjectCoercible(e) { if (null === e || e === undefined) throw TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(e) + " is not coercible to Object."); return e } function SameValueNonNumber(e, n) { return e === n } function ToBoolean(o) { return Boolean(o) } function ToObject(e) { if (null === e || e === undefined) throw TypeError(); return Object(e) } function GetV(t, e) { return ToObject(t)[e] } function GetMethod(e, n) { var r = GetV(e, n); if (null === r || r === undefined) return undefined; if (!1 === IsCallable(r)) throw new TypeError("Method not callable: " + n); return r } function Type(e) { switch (typeof e) { case"undefined": return "undefined"; case"boolean": return "boolean"; case"number": return "number"; case"string": return "string"; case"symbol": return "symbol"; default: return null === e ? "null" : "Symbol" in self && (e instanceof self.Symbol || e.constructor === self.Symbol) ? "symbol" : "object" } } function IsRegExp(e) { if ("object" !== Type(e)) return !1; var n = "Symbol" in self && "match" in self.Symbol ? Get(e, self.Symbol.match) : undefined; if (n !== undefined) return ToBoolean(n); try { var t = e.lastIndex; return e.lastIndex = 0, RegExp.prototype.exec.call(e), !0 } catch (l) { } finally { e.lastIndex = t } return !1 } function OrdinaryToPrimitive(r, t) { if ("string" === t) var e = ["toString", "valueOf"]; else e = ["valueOf", "toString"]; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { var n = e[i], a = Get(r, n); if (IsCallable(a)) { var o = Call(a, r); if ("object" !== Type(o)) return o } } throw new TypeError("Cannot convert to primitive.") } function SameValueZero(n, e) { return Type(n) === Type(e) && ("number" === Type(n) ? !(!isNaN(n) || !isNaN(e)) || (1 / n === Infinity && 1 / e == -Infinity || (1 / n == -Infinity && 1 / e === Infinity || n === e)) : SameValueNonNumber(n, e)) } function ToInteger(n) { if ("symbol" === Type(n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number"); var t = Number(n); return isNaN(t) ? 0 : 1 / t === Infinity || 1 / t == -Infinity || t === Infinity || t === -Infinity ? t : (t < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(t)) } function ToLength(n) { var t = ToInteger(n); return t <= 0 ? 0 : Math.min(t, Math.pow(2, 53) - 1) } function ToPrimitive(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; if ("object" === Type(e)) { if (arguments.length < 2) var i = "default"; else t === String ? i = "string" : t === Number && (i = "number"); var r = "function" == typeof self.Symbol && "symbol" == typeof self.Symbol.toPrimitive ? GetMethod(e, self.Symbol.toPrimitive) : undefined; if (r !== undefined) { var n = Call(r, e, [i]); if ("object" !== Type(n)) return n; throw new TypeError("Cannot convert exotic object to primitive.") } return "default" === i && (i = "number"), OrdinaryToPrimitive(e, i) } return e } function ToString(t) { switch (Type(t)) { case"symbol": throw new TypeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string"); case"object": return ToString(ToPrimitive(t, String)); default: return String(t) } } CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, "includes", function e(r) { "use strict"; var t = ToObject(this), o = ToLength(Get(t, "length")); if (0 === o) return !1; var n = ToInteger(arguments[1]); if (n >= 0) var a = n; else (a = o + n) < 0 && (a = 0); for (; a < o;) { var i = Get(t, ToString(a)); if (SameValueZero(r, i)) return !0; a += 1 } return !1 }); CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, "includes", function e(t) { "use strict"; var r = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, n = RequireObjectCoercible(this), i = ToString(n); if (IsRegExp(t)) throw new TypeError("First argument to String.prototype.includes must not be a regular expression"); var o = ToString(t), g = ToInteger(r), a = i.length, p = Math.min(Math.max(g, 0), a); return -1 !== String.prototype.indexOf.call(i, o, p) }); })('object' === typeof window && window || 'object' === typeof self && self || 'object' === typeof global && global || {}); } // RUN $(document).ready(function () { "use strict"; /*----------------------------------------------------------------- /* Mobile detection /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (utils.isIOS()) { $('html').addClass('dgwt-wcas-is-ios'); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------- /* Set some global variables /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ window.dgwt_wcas.resizeOnlyOnce = null; window.dgwt_wcas.scrollOnlyOnce = null; /*----------------------------------------------------------------- /* Fire autocomplete /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ window.dgwt_wcas.config = { minChars: dgwt_wcas.min_chars, width: dgwt_wcas.sug_width, autoSelectFirst: false, triggerSelectOnValidInput: false, serviceUrl: dgwt_wcas.ajax_search_endpoint, paramName: 's', showDetailsPanel: dgwt_wcas.show_details_panel == 1 ? true : false, showImage: dgwt_wcas.show_images == 1 ? true : false, showPrice: dgwt_wcas.show_price == 1 ? true : false, showDescription: dgwt_wcas.show_desc == 1 ? true : false, showSKU: dgwt_wcas.show_sku == 1 ? true : false, showSaleBadge: dgwt_wcas.show_sale_badge == 1 ? true : false, showFeaturedBadge: dgwt_wcas.show_featured_badge == 1 ? true : false, dynamicPrices: typeof dgwt_wcas.dynamic_prices != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.dynamic_prices ? true : false, saleBadgeText: dgwt_wcas.labels.sale_badge, featuredBadgeText: dgwt_wcas.labels.featured_badge, isRtl: dgwt_wcas.is_rtl == 1 ? true : false, showHeadings: dgwt_wcas.show_headings == 1 ? true : false, isPremium: dgwt_wcas.is_premium == 1 ? true : false, taxonomyBrands: dgwt_wcas.taxonomy_brands, layoutBreakpoint: dgwt_wcas.layout_breakpoint, mobileOverlayBreakpoint: dgwt_wcas.mobile_overlay_breakpoint, mobileOverlayWrapper: dgwt_wcas.mobile_overlay_wrapper, mobileOverlayDelay: dgwt_wcas.mobile_overlay_delay, debounceWaitMs: dgwt_wcas.debounce_wait_ms, sendGAEvents: dgwt_wcas.send_ga_events, enableGASiteSearchModule: dgwt_wcas.enable_ga_site_search_module, appendTo: typeof dgwt_wcas.suggestions_wrapper != 'undefined' ? dgwt_wcas.suggestions_wrapper : 'body', showProductVendor: typeof dgwt_wcas.show_product_vendor != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.show_product_vendor ? true : false, disableHits: typeof dgwt_wcas.disable_hits != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.disable_hits ? true : false, disableSubmit: typeof dgwt_wcas.disable_submit != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.disable_submit ? true : false, voiceSearchEnabled: typeof dgwt_wcas.voice_search_enabled != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.voice_search_enabled ? true : false, voiceSearchLang: typeof dgwt_wcas.voice_search_lang != 'undefined' ? dgwt_wcas.voice_search_lang : '', showRecentlySearchedProducts: typeof dgwt_wcas.show_recently_searched_products != 'undefined' ? dgwt_wcas.show_recently_searched_products : false, showRecentlySearchedPhrases: typeof dgwt_wcas.show_recently_searched_phrases != 'undefined' ? dgwt_wcas.show_recently_searched_phrases : false, }; $('.dgwt-wcas-search-input').dgwtWcasAutocomplete(window.dgwt_wcas.config); }); /** * UI Fixer. Fixes several known UX issues related to search bars */ var UI_FIXER = { brokenSearchUi: typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_ui != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_ui ? true : false, brokenSearchUiAjax: typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_ui_ajax != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_ui_ajax ? true : false, brokenSearchUiHard: typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_ui_hard != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_ui_hard ? true : false, brokenSearchElementorPopups: typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_elementor_popups != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_elementor_popups ? true : false, brokenSearchJetMobileMenu: typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_jet_mobile_menu != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_jet_mobile_menu ? true : false, brokenSearchBrowserBackArrow: typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_browsers_back_arrow != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.fixer.broken_search_browsers_back_arrow ? true : false, forceRefreshCheckout: typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.force_refresh_checkout != 'undefined' && dgwt_wcas.fixer.force_refresh_checkout ? true : false, searchBars: [], init: function () { var that = this; /** * Fix broken search bars UI - first approach, after loading the page * Some page builders can copy instances of search bar without events eg. mobile usage. */ if (that.brokenSearchUi) { $(document).ready(function () { that.fixBrokenSearchUi(); }); } /** * */ if (that.brokenSearchUiAjax) { that.fixBrokenSearchUiAjax(); } /** * Repair search bars continuously * May overload the browser. Disabled by default. */ if (that.brokenSearchUiHard) { that.fixBrokenSearchUiHard(); } /** * Fix Elementor popups * Reinit the search bars after loading Elementor popup */ if (that.brokenSearchElementorPopups) { $(document).ready(function () { that.fixBrokenSearchOnElementorPopupsV1(); that.fixBrokenSearchOnElementorPopupsV2(); }); } /** * Fix search bars displayed in Jet Smart Menu * if there are duplicated inputs */ if (that.brokenSearchJetMobileMenu) { $(window).on('load', function () { that.fixSearchInJetMobileMenu(); }); } /** * Fix broken search bars after click browser's back arrow. * Not worked for some browsers especially Safari and FF * Add dgwt-wcas-active class if wasn't added for some reason */ if (that.brokenSearchBrowserBackArrow) { that.fixbrokenSearchBrowserBackArrow(); } /** * Refreshing the content on the checkout page when a product is added to the cart from the search Details Panel */ if (that.forceRefreshCheckout) { that.fixforceRefreshCheckout(); } }, fixBrokenSearchUi: function () { var that = this; 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if ($search.length > 0) { that.pullAndReconditionSearchBars(); } }, 500); } }); }, fixforceRefreshCheckout: function () { $(document.body).on('added_to_cart', function () { if ( $(document.body).hasClass('woocommerce-checkout') && $('.dgwt-wcas-search-input').length > 0 ) { $(document.body).trigger('update_checkout'); } }); }, fixbrokenSearchBrowserBackArrow: function () { $(window).on('load', function () { var i = 0; var interval = setInterval(function () { var activeEl = document.activeElement; if ( typeof activeEl == 'object' && $(activeEl).length && $(activeEl).hasClass('dgwt-wcas-search-input') ) { var $search = $(activeEl).closest('.dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp'); if ($search.length && !$search.hasClass('dgwt-wcas-active')) { $search.addClass('dgwt-wcas-active'); clearInterval(interval); } } // Stop after 5 seconds if (i > 10) { clearInterval(interval); } i++; }, 500); }); }, pullAndReconditionSearchBars: function () { var that = this, $inputs = $('.dgwt-wcas-search-input'), firstPull = that.searchBars.length == 0; if ($inputs.length > 0) { $inputs.each(function () { var $searchBar = $(this), isNew = true, i; // Check if this search bar is new one or not if (that.searchBars.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < that.searchBars.length; i++) { if ($searchBar[0] === that.searchBars[i][0]) { isNew = false; break; } } } if (isNew) { var changedId = false; if (!that.hasUniqueId($searchBar)) { that.makeUniqueID($searchBar); changedId = true; } if (!firstPull || !that.isInitialized($searchBar) || changedId) { that.reinitSearchBar($searchBar) } that.searchBars.push($searchBar); } if (!that.hasEvents($searchBar)) { that.reinitSearchBar($searchBar) } }); } }, hasEvents: function ($searchBarInput) { var hasEvents = false; $searchBarInput.trigger('fibosearch/ping'); if ($searchBarInput.hasClass('fibosearch-pong')) { hasEvents = true; } $('.fibosearch-pong').removeClass('fibosearch-pong'); return hasEvents; }, isInitialized: function ($searchBarInput) { return typeof $searchBarInput.data('autocomplete') == 'object'; }, hasUniqueId: function ($searchBarInput) { var that = this, unique = true; if (that.searchBars.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < that.searchBars.length; i++) { if ($searchBarInput.attr('id') === that.searchBars[i].attr('id')) { unique = false; } } } return unique; }, reinitSearchBar: function ($searchBarInput) { if (typeof $searchBarInput.data('autocomplete') == 'object') { $searchBarInput.data('autocomplete').dispose(); } $searchBarInput.dgwtWcasAutocomplete(window.dgwt_wcas.config); }, makeUniqueID: function ($searchBarInput) { var newID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 6); newID = 'dgwt-wcas-search-input-' + newID; $searchBarInput.attr('id', newID); $searchBarInput.closest('form').find('label').attr('for', newID); }, } if (typeof dgwt_wcas.fixer.core == 'undefined') { dgwt_wcas.fixer.core = UI_FIXER; dgwt_wcas.fixer.core.init(); } }()); }));