<?php /* Plugin Name: Product Import Export for WooCommerce Plugin URI: https://wordpress.org/plugins/product-import-export-for-woo/ Description: Import and Export Products From and To your WooCommerce Store. Author: WebToffee Author URI: https://www.webtoffee.com/product/product-import-export-woocommerce/ Version: 2.4.6 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Text Domain: product-import-export-for-woo Domain Path: /languages WC tested up to: 9.2.3 Requires at least: 3.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 */ if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || !is_admin() ) { return; } // If this file is called directly, abort. if ( !defined( 'WPINC' ) ) { die; } define( 'WT_P_IEW_PLUGIN_BASENAME', plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'WT_P_IEW_PLUGIN_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'WT_P_IEW_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'WT_P_IEW_PLUGIN_FILENAME', __FILE__ ); if ( !defined( 'WT_IEW_PLUGIN_ID_BASIC' ) ) { define( 'WT_IEW_PLUGIN_ID_BASIC', 'wt_import_export_for_woo_basic' ); } define( 'WT_P_IEW_PLUGIN_NAME', 'Product Import Export for WooCommerce' ); define( 'WT_P_IEW_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION', 'Import and Export Products From and To your WooCommerce Store.' ); if ( !defined( 'WT_IEW_DEBUG_BASIC' ) ) { define( 'WT_IEW_DEBUG_BASIC', false ); } if ( !defined( 'WT_IEW_DEBUG_BASIC_TROUBLESHOOT' ) ) { define( 'WT_IEW_DEBUG_BASIC_TROUBLESHOOT', 'https://www.webtoffee.com/finding-php-error-logs/' ); } /** * Currently plugin version. * Start at version 1.0.0 and use SemVer - https://semver.org * Rename this for your plugin and update it as you release new versions. */ define( 'WT_P_IEW_VERSION', '2.4.6' ); /** * The code that runs during plugin activation. * This action is documented in includes/class-wt-import-export-for-woo-activator.php */ function activate_wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_product() { wt_product_activation_check(); require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-wt-import-export-for-woo-activator.php'; Wt_Import_Export_For_Woo_Basic_Activator_Product::activate(); } require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'wt_product_import_export_welcome-script.php'; /* Checking WC is actived or not */ if ( !function_exists( 'is_plugin_active' ) ) { include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wt_product_basic_check_for_woocommerce' ); if ( !function_exists( 'wt_product_basic_check_for_woocommerce' ) ) { function wt_product_basic_check_for_woocommerce() { if ( !is_plugin_active( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php' ) || !defined( 'WC_VERSION' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wt_wc_missing_warning_product_basic' ); } if ( !function_exists( 'wt_wc_missing_warning_product_basic' ) ) { function wt_wc_missing_warning_product_basic() { $install_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'install-plugin', 'plugin' => 'woocommerce', ), admin_url( 'update.php' ) ), 'install-plugin_woocommerce' ); $class = 'notice notice-error'; $post_type = 'product'; $message = sprintf( __( 'The <b>WooCommerce</b> plugin must be active for <b>%s CSV Import Export (BASIC)</b> plugin to work effectively. Please <a href="%s" target="_blank">install & activate WooCommerce</a>.' ), ucfirst( $post_type ), esc_url( $install_url ) ); printf( '<div class="%s"><p>%s</p></div>', esc_attr( $class ), ( $message ) ); } } } } /** * The code that runs during plugin deactivation. * This action is documented in includes/class-wt-import-export-for-woo-deactivator.php */ function deactivate_wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_product() { require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-wt-import-export-for-woo-deactivator.php'; Wt_Import_Export_For_Woo_Basic_Deactivator_Product::deactivate(); } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'activate_wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_product' ); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'deactivate_wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_product' ); /** * The core plugin class that is used to define internationalization, * admin-specific hooks, and public-facing site hooks. */ require plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-wt-import-export-for-woo.php'; $advanced_settings = get_option('wt_iew_advanced_settings', array()); $ier_get_max_execution_time = (isset($advanced_settings['wt_iew_maximum_execution_time']) && $advanced_settings['wt_iew_maximum_execution_time'] != '') ? $advanced_settings['wt_iew_maximum_execution_time'] : ini_get('max_execution_time'); if (strpos(@ini_get('disable_functions'), 'set_time_limit') === false) { @set_time_limit($ier_get_max_execution_time); } /** * Begins execution of the plugin. * * Since everything within the plugin is registered via hooks, * then kicking off the plugin from this point in the file does * not affect the page life cycle. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function run_wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_product() { if ( !defined( 'WT_IEW_BASIC_STARTED' ) ) { define( 'WT_IEW_BASIC_STARTED', 1 ); $plugin = new Wt_Import_Export_For_Woo_Basic(); $plugin->run(); } } /** this added for a temporary when a plugin update with the option upload zip file. need to remove this after some version release */ if ( !get_option( 'wt_p_iew_is_active' ) ) { activate_wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_product(); } if ( get_option( 'wt_p_iew_is_active' ) ) { run_wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_product(); } /* Plugin page links */ add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'wt_piew_plugin_action_links_basic_product' ); function wt_piew_plugin_action_links_basic_product( $links ) { $plugin_links = array( '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_export') . '">' . __('Export') . '</a>', '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_import') . '">' . __('Import') . '</a>', '<a href="https://www.webtoffee.com/product-import-export-plugin-woocommerce-user-guide/" target="_blank">' . __( 'Documentation' ) . '</a>', '<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/product-import-export-for-woo/" target="_blank">' . __( 'Support' ) . '</a>', '<a href="https://www.webtoffee.com/product/product-import-export-woocommerce/?utm_source=free_plugin_listing&utm_medium=product_imp_exp_basic&utm_campaign=Product_Import_Export&utm_content=' . WT_P_IEW_VERSION . '" style="color:#3db634;">' . __('Premium Upgrade') . '</a>', ); if ( array_key_exists( 'deactivate', $links ) ) { $links[ 'deactivate' ] = str_replace( '<a', '<a class="pipe-deactivate-link"', $links[ 'deactivate' ] ); } return array_merge( $plugin_links, $links ); } /* * Displays update information for the plugin. */ function wt_product_import_export_for_woo_update_message( $data, $response ) { if ( isset( $data[ 'upgrade_notice' ] ) ) { add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'wt_product_imex_basic_plugin_screen_update_js' ); printf( '<div class="update-message wt-product-update-message">%s</div>', $data[ 'upgrade_notice' ] ); } } add_action( 'in_plugin_update_message-product-import-export-for-woo/product-import-export-for-woo.php', 'wt_product_import_export_for_woo_update_message', 10, 2 ); if ( !function_exists( 'wt_product_imex_basic_plugin_screen_update_js' ) ) { function wt_product_imex_basic_plugin_screen_update_js() { ?> <script> ( function ( $ ) { var update_dv = $( '#product-import-export-for-woo-update' ); update_dv.find( '.wt-product-update-message' ).next( 'p' ).remove(); update_dv.find( 'a.update-link:eq(0)' ).click( function () { $( '.wt-product-update-message' ).remove(); } ); } )( jQuery ); </script> <?php } } // uninstall feedback catch include_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-wf-prodimpexp-plugin-uninstall-feedback.php'; /* for temparary fix, wc_get_product_object is not support below WC3.9.0 */ if(!function_exists('wt_wc_get_product_object')){ // need change this approch, cant activate WC while product add on in active state function wt_wc_get_product_object( $product_type, $product_id = 0 ) { $classname = WC_Product_Factory::get_product_classname( $product_id, $product_type ); return new $classname( $product_id ); } } include_once 'class-wt-product-review-request.php'; // Add dismissible server info for file restrictions include_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/class-wt-non-apache-info.php'; $inform_server_secure = new wt_inform_server_secure( 'product' ); $inform_server_secure->plugin_title = "Product Import Export"; $inform_server_secure->banner_message = sprintf( __( "The <b>%s</b> plugin uploads the imported file into <b>wp-content/webtoffee_import</b> folder. Please ensure that public access restrictions are set in your server for this folder." ), $inform_server_secure->plugin_title ); add_action( 'wt_product_addon_basic_help_content', 'wt_product_import_export_basic_help_content' ); function wt_product_import_export_basic_help_content() { if ( defined( 'WT_IEW_PLUGIN_ID_BASIC' ) ) { ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo WT_P_IEW_PLUGIN_URL; ?>assets/images/sample-csv.png"> <h3><?php _e( 'Sample Product CSV' ); ?></h3> <p><?php _e( 'Familiarize yourself with the sample CSV.' ); ?></p> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.webtoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Product_SampleCSV.csv" class="button button-primary"> <?php _e( 'Get Product CSV' ); ?> </a> </li> <?php } } add_action( 'wt_product_addon_basic_gopro_content', 'wt_product_addon_basic_gopro_content' ); function wt_product_addon_basic_gopro_content() { if ( defined( 'WT_IEW_PLUGIN_ID_BASIC' ) ) { ?> <div class="wt-ier-product wt-ier-product_review wt-ier-product_tags wt-ier-product_categories wt-ier-gopro-cta wt-ierpro-features" style="display: none;"> <ul class="ticked-list wt-ierpro-allfeat"> <li><?php _e('Import and export in XLS and XLSX formats'); ?><span class="wt-iew-upgrade-to-pro-new-feature"><?php esc_html_e( 'New' ); ?></span></li> <li><?php _e('All free version features'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('XML file type support'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Export and import variable products, subscription products and custom product types'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Export and import custom fields and third-party plugin fields'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Run scheduled automatic import and export'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Import from URL, FTP/SFTP'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Export to FTP/SFTP'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Option to export product images as a separate zip file'); ?></li> <li><?php _e('Tested compatibility with major third-party plugins'); ?></li> </ul> <div class="wt-ierpro-btn-wrapper"> <a href="<?php echo "https://www.webtoffee.com/product/product-import-export-woocommerce/?utm_source=free_plugin_revamp&utm_medium=basic_revamp&utm_campaign=Product_Import_Export&utm_content=" . WT_P_IEW_VERSION; ?>" target="_blank" class="wt-ierpro-outline-btn"><?php _e('UPGRADE TO PREMIUM'); ?></a> </div> <p style="padding-left:25px;"><b><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=wt_import_export_for_woo_basic#wt-pro-upgrade'); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e('Get more import export addons >>'); ?></a></b></p> </div> <?php } } /** * Add Export to CSV link in product listing page near the filter button. * * @param string $which The location of the extra table nav markup: 'top' or 'bottom'. */ function export_csv_linkin_product_listing_page($which) { $currentScreen = get_current_screen(); if ( 'edit-product' === $currentScreen->id && !is_plugin_active( 'wt-import-export-for-woo/wt-import-export-for-woo.php' ) ) { echo '<a target="_blank" href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=wt_import_export_for_woo_basic_export&wt_to_export=product') . '" class="button" style="height:32px;" >' . __('Export to CSV') . ' </a>'; } } add_filter('manage_posts_extra_tablenav', 'export_csv_linkin_product_listing_page'); /* * Add CSS for Pro Upgrade link in export/import menu */ add_action('admin_head', 'wt_pro_upgrad_link'); if (!function_exists('wt_pro_upgrad_link')) { function wt_pro_upgrad_link() { echo '<style>.wp-submenu li span.wt-go-premium {font-weight: 700;color: #28e499;} </style>'; } } // HPOS compatibility decleration add_action( 'before_woocommerce_init', function() { if ( class_exists( \Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil::class ) ) { \Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility( 'custom_order_tables', __FILE__, true ); } } );