<?php namespace Safe; use Safe\Exceptions\OpcacheException; /** * This function compiles a PHP script and adds it to the opcode cache without * executing it. This can be used to prime the cache after a Web server * restart by pre-caching files that will be included in later requests. * * @param string $file The path to the PHP script to be compiled. * @throws OpcacheException * */ function opcache_compile_file(string $file): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \opcache_compile_file($file); if ($result === false) { throw OpcacheException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This function returns state information about the cache instance * * @param bool $get_scripts Include script specific state information * @return array Returns an array of information, optionally containing script specific state information. * @throws OpcacheException * */ function opcache_get_status(bool $get_scripts = true): array { error_clear_last(); $result = \opcache_get_status($get_scripts); if ($result === false) { throw OpcacheException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; }