/** * @fileoverview function used for index manipulation pages * @name Table Structure * * @requires jQuery * @requires jQueryUI * @required js/functions.js */ /* global fulltextIndexes:writable, indexes:writable, primaryIndexes:writable, spatialIndexes:writable, uniqueIndexes:writable */ // js/functions.js var Indexes = {}; /** * Returns the array of indexes based on the index choice * * @param {string} indexChoice index choice * * @return {null|object} */ Indexes.getIndexArray = function (indexChoice) { var sourceArray = null; switch (indexChoice.toLowerCase()) { case 'primary': sourceArray = primaryIndexes; break; case 'unique': sourceArray = uniqueIndexes; break; case 'index': sourceArray = indexes; break; case 'fulltext': sourceArray = fulltextIndexes; break; case 'spatial': sourceArray = spatialIndexes; break; default: return null; } return sourceArray; }; /** * Hides/shows the inputs and submits appropriately depending * on whether the index type chosen is 'SPATIAL' or not. */ Indexes.checkIndexType = function () { /** * @var {JQuery<HTMLElement}, Dropdown to select the index choice. */ var $selectIndexChoice = $('#select_index_choice'); /** * @var {JQuery<HTMLElement}, Dropdown to select the index type. */ var $selectIndexType = $('#select_index_type'); /** * @var {JQuery<HTMLElement}, Table header for the size column. */ var $sizeHeader = $('#index_columns').find('thead tr').children('th').eq(1); /** * @var {JQuery<HTMLElement}, Inputs to specify the columns for the index. */ var $columnInputs = $('select[name="index[columns][names][]"]'); /** * @var {JQuery<HTMLElement}, Inputs to specify sizes for columns of the index. */ var $sizeInputs = $('input[name="index[columns][sub_parts][]"]'); /** * @var {JQuery<HTMLElement}, Footer containing the controllers to add more columns */ var $addMore = $('#index_frm').find('.add_more'); if ($selectIndexChoice.val() === 'SPATIAL') { // Disable and hide the size column $sizeHeader.hide(); $sizeInputs.each(function () { $(this).prop('disabled', true).parent('td').hide(); }); // Disable and hide the columns of the index other than the first one var initial = true; $columnInputs.each(function () { var $columnInput = $(this); if (!initial) { $columnInput.prop('disabled', true).parent('td').hide(); } else { initial = false; } }); // Hide controllers to add more columns $addMore.hide(); } else { // Enable and show the size column $sizeHeader.show(); $sizeInputs.each(function () { $(this).prop('disabled', false).parent('td').show(); }); // Enable and show the columns of the index $columnInputs.each(function () { $(this).prop('disabled', false).parent('td').show(); }); // Show controllers to add more columns $addMore.show(); } if ($selectIndexChoice.val() === 'SPATIAL' || $selectIndexChoice.val() === 'FULLTEXT') { $selectIndexType.val('').prop('disabled', true); } else { $selectIndexType.prop('disabled', false); } }; /** * Sets current index information into form parameters. * * @param {any[]} sourceArray Array containing index columns * @param {string} indexChoice Choice of index * * @return {void} */ Indexes.setIndexFormParameters = function (sourceArray, indexChoice) { if (indexChoice === 'index') { $('input[name="indexes"]').val(JSON.stringify(sourceArray)); } else { $('input[name="' + indexChoice + '_indexes"]').val(JSON.stringify(sourceArray)); } }; /** * Removes a column from an Index. * * @param {string} colIndex Index of column in form * * @return {void} */ Indexes.removeColumnFromIndex = function (colIndex) { // Get previous index details. var previousIndex = $('select[name="field_key[' + colIndex + ']"]').attr('data-index'); if (previousIndex.length) { previousIndex = previousIndex.split(','); var sourceArray = Indexes.getIndexArray(previousIndex[0]); if (sourceArray === null) { return; } // Remove column from index array. var sourceLength = sourceArray[previousIndex[1]].columns.length; for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) { if (sourceArray[previousIndex[1]].columns[i].col_index === colIndex) { sourceArray[previousIndex[1]].columns.splice(i, 1); } } // Remove index completely if no columns left. if (sourceArray[previousIndex[1]].columns.length === 0) { sourceArray.splice(previousIndex[1], 1); } // Update current index details. $('select[name="field_key[' + colIndex + ']"]').attr('data-index', ''); // Update form index parameters. Indexes.setIndexFormParameters(sourceArray, previousIndex[0].toLowerCase()); } }; /** * Adds a column to an Index. * * @param {any[]} sourceArray Array holding corresponding indexes * @param {string} arrayIndex Index of an INDEX in array * @param {string} indexChoice Choice of Index * @param {string} colIndex Index of column on form * * @return {void} */ Indexes.addColumnToIndex = function (sourceArray, arrayIndex, indexChoice, colIndex) { if (colIndex >= 0) { // Remove column from other indexes (if any). Indexes.removeColumnFromIndex(colIndex); } var indexName = $('input[name="index[Key_name]"]').val(); var indexComment = $('input[name="index[Index_comment]"]').val(); var keyBlockSize = $('input[name="index[Key_block_size]"]').val(); var parser = $('input[name="index[Parser]"]').val(); var indexType = $('select[name="index[Index_type]"]').val(); var columns = []; $('#index_columns').find('tbody').find('tr').each(function () { // Get columns in particular order. var colIndex = $(this).find('select[name="index[columns][names][]"]').val(); var size = $(this).find('input[name="index[columns][sub_parts][]"]').val(); columns.push({ 'col_index': colIndex, 'size': size }); }); // Update or create an index. sourceArray[arrayIndex] = { 'Key_name': indexName, 'Index_comment': indexComment, 'Index_choice': indexChoice.toUpperCase(), 'Key_block_size': keyBlockSize, 'Parser': parser, 'Index_type': indexType, 'columns': columns }; // Display index name (or column list) var displayName = indexName; if (displayName === '') { var columnNames = []; $.each(columns, function () { columnNames.push($('input[name="field_name[' + this.col_index + ']"]').val()); }); displayName = '[' + columnNames.join(', ') + ']'; } $.each(columns, function () { var id = 'index_name_' + this.col_index + '_8'; var $name = $('#' + id); if ($name.length === 0) { $name = $('<a id="' + id + '" href="#" class="ajax show_index_dialog"></a>'); $name.insertAfter($('select[name="field_key[' + this.col_index + ']"]')); } var $text = $('<small>').text(displayName); $name.html($text); }); if (colIndex >= 0) { // Update index details on form. $('select[name="field_key[' + colIndex + ']"]').attr('data-index', indexChoice + ',' + arrayIndex); } Indexes.setIndexFormParameters(sourceArray, indexChoice.toLowerCase()); }; /** * Get choices list for a column to create a composite index with. * * @param {any[]} sourceArray Array hodling columns for particular index * @param {string} colIndex Choice of index * * @return {JQuery} jQuery Object */ Indexes.getCompositeIndexList = function (sourceArray, colIndex) { // Remove any previous list. if ($('#composite_index_list').length) { $('#composite_index_list').remove(); } // Html list. var $compositeIndexList = $('<ul id="composite_index_list">' + '<div>' + Messages.strCompositeWith + '</div>' + '</ul>'); // Add each column to list available for composite index. var sourceLength = sourceArray.length; var alreadyPresent = false; for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) { var subArrayLen = sourceArray[i].columns.length; var columnNames = []; for (var j = 0; j < subArrayLen; j++) { columnNames.push($('input[name="field_name[' + sourceArray[i].columns[j].col_index + ']"]').val()); if (colIndex === sourceArray[i].columns[j].col_index) { alreadyPresent = true; } } $compositeIndexList.append('<li>' + '<input type="radio" name="composite_with" ' + (alreadyPresent ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' id="composite_index_' + i + '" value="' + i + '">' + '<label for="composite_index_' + i + '">' + columnNames.join(', ') + '</label>' + '</li>'); } return $compositeIndexList; }; /** * Shows 'Add Index' dialog. * * @param {any[]} sourceArray Array holding particular index * @param {string} arrayIndex Index of an INDEX in array * @param {any[]} targetColumns Columns for an INDEX * @param {string} colIndex Index of column on form * @param {object} index Index detail object * @param {boolean} showDialog Whether to show index creation dialog or not * * @return {void} */ Indexes.showAddIndexDialog = function (sourceArray, arrayIndex, targetColumns, colIndex, index, showDialog) { var showDialogLocal = typeof showDialog !== 'undefined' ? showDialog : true; // Prepare post-data. var $table = $('input[name="table"]'); var table = $table.length > 0 ? $table.val() : ''; var postData = { 'server': CommonParams.get('server'), 'db': $('input[name="db"]').val(), 'table': table, 'ajax_request': 1, 'create_edit_table': 1, 'index': index }; var columns = {}; for (var i = 0; i < targetColumns.length; i++) { var columnName = $('input[name="field_name[' + targetColumns[i] + ']"]').val(); var columnType = $('select[name="field_type[' + targetColumns[i] + ']"]').val().toLowerCase(); columns[columnName] = [columnType, targetColumns[i]]; } postData.columns = JSON.stringify(columns); var buttonOptions = { [Messages.strGo]: { text: Messages.strGo, class: 'btn btn-primary' }, [Messages.strCancel]: { text: Messages.strCancel, class: 'btn btn-secondary' } }; buttonOptions[Messages.strGo].click = function () { var isMissingValue = false; $('select[name="index[columns][names][]"]').each(function () { if ($(this).val() === '') { isMissingValue = true; } }); if (!isMissingValue) { Indexes.addColumnToIndex(sourceArray, arrayIndex, index.Index_choice, colIndex); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage('<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><img src="themes/dot.gif" title="" alt=""' + ' class="icon ic_s_error"> ' + Messages.strMissingColumn + ' </div>', false); return false; } $(this).remove(); }; buttonOptions[Messages.strCancel].click = function () { if (colIndex >= 0) { // Handle state on 'Cancel'. var $selectList = $('select[name="field_key[' + colIndex + ']"]'); if (!$selectList.attr('data-index').length) { $selectList.find('option[value*="none"]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } else { var previousIndex = $selectList.attr('data-index').split(','); $selectList.find('option[value*="' + previousIndex[0].toLowerCase() + '"]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } } $(this).dialog('close'); }; var $msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(); $.post('index.php?route=/table/indexes', postData, function (data) { if (data.success === false) { // in the case of an error, show the error message returned. Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } else { Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); var $div = $('<div></div>'); if (showDialogLocal) { // Show dialog if the request was successful if ($('#addIndex').length > 0) { $('#addIndex').remove(); } $div.append(data.message).dialog({ classes: { 'ui-dialog-titlebar-close': 'btn-close' }, title: Messages.strAddIndex, width: 450, minHeight: 250, create: function () { $(this).on('keypress', function (e) { if (e.which === 13 || e.keyCode === 13 || window.event.keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); buttonOptions[Messages.strGo](); $(this).remove(); } }); }, open: function () { Functions.checkIndexName('index_frm'); Functions.showHints($div); $('#index_columns').find('td').each(function () { $(this).css('width', $(this).width() + 'px'); }); $('#index_columns').find('tbody').sortable({ axis: 'y', containment: $('#index_columns').find('tbody'), tolerance: 'pointer' }); }, modal: true, buttons: buttonOptions, close: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); } else { $div.append(data.message); $div.css({ 'display': 'none' }); $div.appendTo($('body')); $div.attr({ 'id': 'addIndex' }); var isMissingValue = false; $('select[name="index[columns][names][]"]').each(function () { if ($(this).val() === '') { isMissingValue = true; } }); if (!isMissingValue) { Indexes.addColumnToIndex(sourceArray, arrayIndex, index.Index_choice, colIndex); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage('<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><img src="themes/dot.gif" title="" alt=""' + ' class="icon ic_s_error"> ' + Messages.strMissingColumn + ' </div>', false); return false; } } } }); }; /** * Creates a advanced index type selection dialog. * * @param {any[]} sourceArray Array holding a particular type of indexes * @param {string} indexChoice Choice of index * @param {string} colIndex Index of new column on form * * @return {void} */ Indexes.indexTypeSelectionDialog = function (sourceArray, indexChoice, colIndex) { var $singleColumnRadio = $('<input type="radio" id="single_column" name="index_choice"' + ' checked="checked">' + '<label for="single_column">' + Messages.strCreateSingleColumnIndex + '</label>'); var $compositeIndexRadio = $('<input type="radio" id="composite_index"' + ' name="index_choice">' + '<label for="composite_index">' + Messages.strCreateCompositeIndex + '</label>'); var $dialogContent = $('<fieldset class="pma-fieldset" id="advance_index_creator"></fieldset>'); $dialogContent.append('<legend>' + indexChoice.toUpperCase() + '</legend>'); // For UNIQUE/INDEX type, show choice for single-column and composite index. $dialogContent.append($singleColumnRadio); $dialogContent.append($compositeIndexRadio); var buttonOptions = { [Messages.strGo]: { text: Messages.strGo, class: 'btn btn-primary' }, [Messages.strCancel]: { text: Messages.strCancel, class: 'btn btn-secondary' } }; // 'OK' operation. buttonOptions[Messages.strGo].click = function () { if ($('#single_column').is(':checked')) { var index = { 'Key_name': indexChoice === 'primary' ? 'PRIMARY' : '', 'Index_choice': indexChoice.toUpperCase() }; Indexes.showAddIndexDialog(sourceArray, sourceArray.length, [colIndex], colIndex, index); } if ($('#composite_index').is(':checked')) { if ($('input[name="composite_with"]').length !== 0 && $('input[name="composite_with"]:checked').length === 0) { Functions.ajaxShowMessage('<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><img src="themes/dot.gif" title=""' + ' alt="" class="icon ic_s_error"> ' + Messages.strFormEmpty + ' </div>', false); return false; } var arrayIndex = $('input[name="composite_with"]:checked').val(); var sourceLength = sourceArray[arrayIndex].columns.length; var targetColumns = []; for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) { targetColumns.push(sourceArray[arrayIndex].columns[i].col_index); } targetColumns.push(colIndex); Indexes.showAddIndexDialog(sourceArray, arrayIndex, targetColumns, colIndex, sourceArray[arrayIndex]); } $(this).remove(); }; buttonOptions[Messages.strCancel].click = function () { // Handle state on 'Cancel'. var $selectList = $('select[name="field_key[' + colIndex + ']"]'); if (!$selectList.attr('data-index').length) { $selectList.find('option[value*="none"]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } else { var previousIndex = $selectList.attr('data-index').split(','); $selectList.find('option[value*="' + previousIndex[0].toLowerCase() + '"]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } $(this).remove(); }; $('<div></div>').append($dialogContent).dialog({ classes: { 'ui-dialog-titlebar-close': 'btn-close' }, minWidth: 525, minHeight: 200, modal: true, title: Messages.strAddIndex, resizable: false, buttons: buttonOptions, open: function () { $('#composite_index').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $dialogContent.append(Indexes.getCompositeIndexList(sourceArray, colIndex)); } }); $('#single_column').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { if ($('#composite_index_list').length) { $('#composite_index_list').remove(); } } }); }, close: function () { $('#composite_index').off('change'); $('#single_column').off('change'); $(this).remove(); } }); }; /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('indexes.js', function () { $(document).off('click', '#save_index_frm'); $(document).off('click', '#preview_index_frm'); $(document).off('change', '#select_index_choice'); $(document).off('click', 'a.drop_primary_key_index_anchor.ajax'); $(document).off('click', '#table_index tbody tr td.edit_index.ajax, #index_div .add_index.ajax'); $(document).off('click', '#table_index tbody tr td.rename_index.ajax'); $(document).off('click', '#index_frm input[type=submit]'); $('body').off('change', 'select[name*="field_key"]'); $(document).off('click', '.show_index_dialog'); }); /** * @description <p>Ajax scripts for table index page</p> * * Actions ajaxified here: * <ul> * <li>Showing/hiding inputs depending on the index type chosen</li> * <li>create/edit/drop indexes</li> * </ul> */ AJAX.registerOnload('indexes.js', function () { // Re-initialize variables. primaryIndexes = []; uniqueIndexes = []; indexes = []; fulltextIndexes = []; spatialIndexes = []; // for table creation form var $engineSelector = $('.create_table_form select[name=tbl_storage_engine]'); if ($engineSelector.length) { Functions.hideShowConnection($engineSelector); } var $form = $('#index_frm'); if ($form.length > 0) { Functions.showIndexEditDialog($form); } $(document).on('click', '#save_index_frm', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $('#index_frm'); var argsep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator'); var submitData = $form.serialize() + argsep + 'do_save_data=1' + argsep + 'ajax_request=true' + argsep + 'ajax_page_request=true'; Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strProcessingRequest); AJAX.source = $form; $.post($form.attr('action'), submitData, AJAX.responseHandler); }); $(document).on('click', '#preview_index_frm', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); Functions.previewSql($('#index_frm')); }); $(document).on('change', '#select_index_choice', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); Indexes.checkIndexType(); Functions.checkIndexName('index_frm'); }); /** * Ajax Event handler for 'Drop Index' */ $(document).on('click', 'a.drop_primary_key_index_anchor.ajax', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $anchor = $(this); /** * @var $currRow Object containing reference to the current field's row */ var $currRow = $anchor.parents('tr'); /** @var {number} rows Number of columns in the key */ var rows = $anchor.parents('td').attr('rowspan') || 1; /** @var {number} $rowsToHide Rows that should be hidden */ var $rowsToHide = $currRow; for (var i = 1, $lastRow = $currRow.next(); i < rows; i++, $lastRow = $lastRow.next()) { $rowsToHide = $rowsToHide.add($lastRow); } var question = $currRow.children('td').children('.drop_primary_key_index_msg').val(); Functions.confirmPreviewSql(question, $anchor.attr('href'), function (url) { var $msg = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strDroppingPrimaryKeyIndex, false); var params = Functions.getJsConfirmCommonParam(this, $anchor.getPostData()); $.post(url, params, function (data) { if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) { Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage($msg); var $tableRef = $rowsToHide.closest('table'); if ($rowsToHide.length === $tableRef.find('tbody > tr').length) { // We are about to remove all rows from the table $tableRef.hide('medium', function () { $('div.no_indexes_defined').show('medium'); $rowsToHide.remove(); }); $tableRef.siblings('.alert-primary').hide('medium'); } else { // We are removing some of the rows only $rowsToHide.hide('medium', function () { $(this).remove(); }); } if ($('.result_query').length) { $('.result_query').remove(); } if (data.sql_query) { $('<div class="result_query"></div>').html(data.sql_query).prependTo('#structure_content'); Functions.highlightSql($('#page_content')); } Navigation.reload(); CommonActions.refreshMain('index.php?route=/table/structure'); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strErrorProcessingRequest + ' : ' + data.error, false); } }); // end $.post() }); }); // end Drop Primary Key/Index /** * Ajax event handler for index edit **/ $(document).on('click', '#table_index tbody tr td.edit_index.ajax, #index_div .add_index.ajax', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url; var title; if ($(this).find('a').length === 0) { // Add index var valid = Functions.checkFormElementInRange($(this).closest('form')[0], 'added_fields', 'Column count has to be larger than zero.'); if (!valid) { return; } url = $(this).closest('form').serialize(); title = Messages.strAddIndex; } else { // Edit index url = $(this).find('a').getPostData(); title = Messages.strEditIndex; } url += CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'ajax_request=true'; Functions.indexEditorDialog(url, title, function (data) { CommonParams.set('db', data.params.db); CommonParams.set('table', data.params.table); CommonActions.refreshMain('index.php?route=/table/structure'); }); }); /** * Ajax event handler for index rename **/ $(document).on('click', '#table_index tbody tr td.rename_index.ajax', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).find('a').getPostData(); var title = Messages.strRenameIndex; url += CommonParams.get('arg_separator') + 'ajax_request=true'; Functions.indexRenameDialog(url, title, function (data) { CommonParams.set('db', data.params.db); CommonParams.set('table', data.params.table); CommonActions.refreshMain('index.php?route=/table/structure'); }); }); /** * Ajax event handler for advanced index creation during table creation * and column addition. */ $('body').on('change', 'select[name*="field_key"]', function (e, showDialog) { var showDialogLocal = typeof showDialog !== 'undefined' ? showDialog : true; // Index of column on Table edit and create page. var colIndex = /\d+/.exec($(this).attr('name')); colIndex = colIndex[0]; // Choice of selected index. var indexChoice = /[a-z]+/.exec($(this).val()); indexChoice = indexChoice[0]; // Array containing corresponding indexes. var sourceArray = null; if (indexChoice === 'none') { Indexes.removeColumnFromIndex(colIndex); var id = 'index_name_' + '0' + '_8'; var $name = $('#' + id); if ($name.length === 0) { $name = $('<a id="' + id + '" href="#" class="ajax show_index_dialog"></a>'); $name.insertAfter($('select[name="field_key[' + '0' + ']"]')); } $name.html(''); return false; } // Select a source array. sourceArray = Indexes.getIndexArray(indexChoice); if (sourceArray === null) { return; } if (sourceArray.length === 0) { var index = { 'Key_name': indexChoice === 'primary' ? 'PRIMARY' : '', 'Index_choice': indexChoice.toUpperCase() }; Indexes.showAddIndexDialog(sourceArray, 0, [colIndex], colIndex, index, showDialogLocal); } else { if (indexChoice === 'primary') { var arrayIndex = 0; var sourceLength = sourceArray[arrayIndex].columns.length; var targetColumns = []; for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) { targetColumns.push(sourceArray[arrayIndex].columns[i].col_index); } targetColumns.push(colIndex); Indexes.showAddIndexDialog(sourceArray, arrayIndex, targetColumns, colIndex, sourceArray[arrayIndex], showDialogLocal); } else { // If there are multiple columns selected for an index, show advanced dialog. Indexes.indexTypeSelectionDialog(sourceArray, indexChoice, colIndex); } } }); $(document).on('click', '.show_index_dialog', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Get index details. var previousIndex = $(this).prev('select').attr('data-index').split(','); var indexChoice = previousIndex[0]; var arrayIndex = previousIndex[1]; var sourceArray = Indexes.getIndexArray(indexChoice); if (sourceArray !== null) { var sourceLength = sourceArray[arrayIndex].columns.length; var targetColumns = []; for (var i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) { targetColumns.push(sourceArray[arrayIndex].columns[i].col_index); } Indexes.showAddIndexDialog(sourceArray, arrayIndex, targetColumns, -1, sourceArray[arrayIndex]); } }); $('#index_frm').on('submit', function () { if (typeof this.elements['index[Key_name]'].disabled !== 'undefined') { this.elements['index[Key_name]'].disabled = false; } }); });