<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access allowed'); final class WOOF_EXT_BY_AUTHOR extends WOOF_EXT { public $type = 'by_html_type'; public $html_type = 'by_author'; //your custom key here public $index = 'woof_author'; public $html_type_dynamic_recount_behavior = 'none'; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->init(); } public function get_ext_path() { return plugin_dir_path(__FILE__); } public function get_ext_override_path() { return get_stylesheet_directory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "woof" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "ext" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->html_type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } public function get_ext_link() { return plugin_dir_url(__FILE__); } public function woof_add_items_keys($keys) { $keys[] = $this->html_type; return $keys; } public function init() { if ((int) get_option('woof_first_init', 0) != 1) { update_option('woof_show_author_search', 0); } add_filter('woof_add_items_keys', array($this, 'woof_add_items_keys')); add_action('woof_print_html_type_options_' . $this->html_type, array($this, 'woof_print_html_type_options'), 10, 1); add_action('woof_print_html_type_' . $this->html_type, array($this, 'print_html_type'), 10, 1); self::$includes['js']['woof_' . $this->html_type . '_html_items'] = $this->get_ext_link() . 'js/' . $this->html_type . '.js'; self::$includes['css']['woof_' . $this->html_type . '_html_items'] = $this->get_ext_link() . 'css/' . $this->html_type . '.css'; self::$includes['js_init_functions'][$this->html_type] = 'woof_init_author'; //we have no init function in this case self::$includes['js_lang_custom'][$this->index] = esc_html__('By author', 'woocommerce-products-filter'); //*** add_shortcode('woof_author_filter', array($this, 'woof_author_filter')); } //shortcode public function woof_author_filter($args = array()) { if (file_exists($this->get_ext_override_path() . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'shortcodes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'woof_author_filter.php')) { return woof()->render_html($this->get_ext_override_path() . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'shortcodes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'woof_author_filter.php', $args); } return woof()->render_html($this->get_ext_path() . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'shortcodes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'woof_author_filter.php', $args); } //settings page hook public function woof_print_html_type_options() { woof()->render_html_e($this->get_ext_path() . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'options.php', array( 'key' => $this->html_type, "woof_settings" => get_option('woof_settings', array()) ) ); } public function assemble_query_params(&$meta_query, $wp_query = NULL) { add_filter('posts_where', array($this, 'woof_post_author_filter'), 9999, 2); //for searching by author return $meta_query; } public function woof_post_author_filter($where = '', $query = null) { global $wp_query; $request = woof()->get_request_data(); if (defined('DOING_AJAX')) { $conditions = (isset($wp_query->query_vars['post_type']) AND $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] == 'product') OR WOOF_REQUEST::isset('woof_products_doing'); } else { $conditions = WOOF_REQUEST::isset('woof_products_doing'); } //*** if (isset($query->query_vars['wc_query']) && $query->query_vars['wc_query'] == "product_query"){ $conditions = true; } if ($conditions) { if (woof()->is_isset_in_request_data('woof_author')) { $request['woof_author'] = explode(",", $request['woof_author']); $where .= "AND ( "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($request['woof_author']); $i++) { $logic = " OR "; if ((count($request['woof_author']) - 1) <= $i) { $logic = ""; } $where .= "post_author={$request['woof_author'][$i]} {$logic}"; } $where .= " )"; } } //*** return $where; } } WOOF_EXT::$includes['html_type_objects']['by_author'] = new WOOF_EXT_BY_AUTHOR();