<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access allowed'); class WOOF_META_FILTER_SLIDER extends WOOF_META_FILTER_TYPE { public $type = 'slider'; public $js_func_name = "woof_init_meta_slider"; public $range = "1^100"; public function __construct($key, $options, $woof_settings) { parent::__construct($key, $options, $woof_settings); $this->init(); } public function init() { add_action('woof_print_html_type_options_' . $this->meta_key, array($this, 'draw_meta_filter_structure')); add_action('woof_print_html_type_' . $this->meta_key, array($this, 'woof_print_html_type_meta')); add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'wp_footer')); if (isset($this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]['range'])) { $this->range = $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]['range']; } else { $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]['range'] = "1^100"; $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]['step'] = 1; $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]['prefix'] = $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]['postfix'] = ""; $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]['show_inputs'] = 0; } add_filter('woof_extensions_type_index', array($this, 'add_type_index')); } public function get_meta_filter_path() { return plugin_dir_path(__FILE__); } public function get_meta_filter_override_path() { return get_stylesheet_directory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "woof" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "ext" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'meta_filter' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "html_types" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } public function get_meta_filter_link() { return plugin_dir_url(__FILE__); } public function add_type_index($indexes) { $indexes[] = '"' . $this->type . "_" . $this->meta_key . '"'; return $indexes; } public function wp_footer() { wp_enqueue_script('ion.range-slider', WOOF_LINK . 'js/ion.range-slider/js/ion.rangeSlider.min.js', array('jquery'), WOOF_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style('ion.range-slider', WOOF_LINK . 'js/ion.range-slider/css/ion.rangeSlider.css', array(), WOOF_VERSION); wp_enqueue_script('meta-slider-js', $this->get_meta_filter_link() . 'js/slider.js', array('jquery'), WOOF_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_style('meta-slider-css', $this->get_meta_filter_link() . 'css/slider.css', array(), WOOF_VERSION); } public function woof_print_html_type_meta() { $data['meta_key'] = $this->meta_key; $data['options'] = $this->type_options; $data['meta_settings'] = $data['meta_options'] = (isset($this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key])) ? $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key] : ""; $data['range'] = $this->range; if (isset($this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]["show"]) AND $this->woof_settings[$this->meta_key]["show"]) { if (file_exists($this->get_meta_filter_override_path() . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'woof.php')) { $this->render_html_e($this->get_meta_filter_override_path() . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'woof.php', $data); } else { $this->render_html_e($this->get_meta_filter_path() . '/views/woof.php', $data); } } } protected function draw_additional_options() { $this->render_html_e($this->get_meta_filter_path() . '/views/additional_options.php', [ 'key' => $this->meta_key, 'settings' => $this->woof_settings ]); } protected function check_current_request() { $request = woof()->get_request_data(); if (isset($request[$this->type . "_" . $this->meta_key]) AND $request[$this->type . "_" . $this->meta_key]) { return $request[$this->type . "_" . $this->meta_key]; } return false; } public function create_meta_query() { $curr_request = $this->check_current_request(); if ($curr_request) { $curr_range = array(); $curr_range = explode("^", $curr_request); $from = 0; $to = 0; $from = floatval($curr_range[0]); if (count($curr_range) > 1) { $to = floatval($curr_range[1]); } else { $range = explode("^", $this->range, 2); if (count($range) > 1) { $to = $range[1]; } } $type = apply_filters('woof_slider_meta_query_type', 'numeric', $this->meta_key); $meta = array( 'key' => $this->meta_key, 'value' => array($from, $to), 'type' => $type, 'compare' => 'BETWEEN', ); return $meta; } else { return false; } } public function get_js_func_name() { return $this->js_func_name; } public static function get_option_name($value, $key = NULL) { $value_txt = ""; $prefix = ""; $postfix = ""; $arr_val = explode("^", $value, 2); if (count($arr_val) > 1) { if ($key) { $meta_key = str_replace("slider_", "", $key); $prefix = (isset(woof()->settings[$meta_key]['prefix'])) ? woof()->settings[$meta_key]['prefix'] : ""; $postfix = (isset(woof()->settings[$meta_key]['postfix'])) ? woof()->settings[$meta_key]['postfix'] : ""; } $value_txt = sprintf(__('from %s %s to %s %s', 'woocommerce-products-filter'), $prefix, $arr_val[0], $arr_val[1], $postfix); } return $value_txt; } }