"use strict"; //flags var woobe_history_reverted = false; var woobe_history_reverting_going = false;//to block products tab var woobe_history_data_is_changed = true;//for updating history list by ajax when its tab clicked /*pagination*/ var woobe_history_per_page = 10; var woobe_history_page_count = 0; jQuery(function ($) { //redraw products if bulk revert done and clicked on tab Products //https://learn.jquery.com/events/introduction-to-custom-events/ jQuery(document).on("do_tabs-products", { //foo: "bar" }, function () { if (woobe_history_reverting_going) { alert(lang.history.wait_until_finish); return false; } else { if (woobe_history_reverted) { //console.log( event.data.foo ); woobe_history_reverted = false; data_table.draw('page'); } } __trigger_resize(); return true; }); //*** jQuery(document).on("woobe_page_field_updated", {}, function (event, product_id, field_key) { woobe_history_data_is_changed = true; return true; }); jQuery(document).on("woobe_bulk_completed", {}, function (event) { woobe_history_data_is_changed = true; 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woobe_history_init_pagination(); }, error: function () { alert(lang.error); } }); //*** //should be here!! woobe_history_data_is_changed = false; } function woobe_history_revert_solo(id, product_id) { if (confirm(lang.sure)) { woobe_disable_bind_editing(); //*** woobe_message(lang.history.reverting, 'warning', 999999); jQuery('.woobe_history_btn').hide(); woobe_history_is_going(); let history_nonce = jQuery('#woobe_history_panel_nonce').val(); jQuery.ajax({ method: "POST", url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'woobe_history_revert_product', id: id, history_nonce : history_nonce }, success: function () { woobe_message(lang.history.reverted, 'notice'); if (jQuery('#product_row_' + product_id).length > 0) { woobe_redraw_table_row(jQuery('#product_row_' + product_id)); } //woobe_history_reverted = true; jQuery('#woobe_history_' + id).remove(); jQuery('.woobe_history_btn').show(); woobe_history_is_going(true); }, error: function () { alert(lang.error); woobe_history_is_going(true); } }); } } function woobe_history_revert_bulk(bulk_key, bulk_id) { if (confirm(lang.sure)) { if (woobe_bind_editing) { jQuery("[data-numcheck='woobe_bind_editing']").trigger('click'); 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