<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; // if direct access add_action('wcps_layout_element_custom_text', 'wcps_layout_element_custom_text', 10); function wcps_layout_element_custom_text($args) { $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $content = isset($elementData['content']) ? $elementData['content'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-custom_text element-' . $element_index : 'element-custom_text'; ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($content); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_post_title', 'wcps_layout_element_post_title', 10); function wcps_layout_element_post_title($args) { $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $post_data = get_post($product_id); $post_title = isset($post_data->post_title) ? $post_data->post_title : ''; $post_title = apply_filters('wcps_layout_element_title_text', $post_title, $args); $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-title element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-title'; $element_class = apply_filters('wcps_layout_element_title_class', $element_class, $args); ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($post_title); ?></div> <?php } add_filter('wcps_layout_element_title_text', 'wcps_layout_element_title_text', 10, 2); function wcps_layout_element_title_text($post_title, $args) { $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $link_to = isset($elementData['link_to']) ? $elementData['link_to'] : ''; $product = wc_get_product($product_id); if ($link_to == 'product_link') { $permalink = get_permalink($product_id); $post_title = "<a href='" . $permalink . "'>" . $post_title . "</a>"; } elseif ($link_to == 'external_product_url') { if ($product->is_type('external')) { $permalink = get_post_meta($product_id, '_product_url', true); } else { $permalink = get_permalink($product_id); } $post_title = "<a href='" . $permalink . "'>" . $post_title . "</a>"; } return $post_title; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_thumbnail', 'wcps_layout_element_thumbnail', 10); function wcps_layout_element_thumbnail($args) { $wcps_id = isset($args['wcps_id']) ? $args['wcps_id'] : ''; $wcps_options = get_post_meta($wcps_id, 'wcps_options', true); $lazy_load = isset($wcps_options['slider']['lazy_load']) ? (bool) $wcps_options['slider']['lazy_load'] : 0; $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-thumb element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-thumb'; $element_class = apply_filters('wcps_layout_element_thumbnail_class', $element_class, $args); $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $permalink = get_permalink($product_id); $product_url = apply_filters('wcps_layout_element_thumbnail_url', $permalink, $args); $thumb_size = isset($elementData['thumb_size']) ? $elementData['thumb_size'] : 'full'; $default_thumb_src = isset($elementData['default_thumb_src']) ? $elementData['default_thumb_src'] : ''; if (!empty(get_the_post_thumbnail($product_id, $thumb_size))) { $wcps_thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($product_id), $thumb_size); $thumb_image_url = isset($wcps_thumb[0]) ? $wcps_thumb[0] : ''; $thumb_image_url = !empty($thumb_image_url) ? $thumb_image_url : $default_thumb_src; if ($lazy_load) { ?> <div class=" <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"> <a href="<?php echo $product_url; ?>"> <img class="slick-loading" alt="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" data-lazy="<?php echo esc_url_raw($thumb_image_url); ?>" src="<?php echo esc_url_raw($default_thumb_src); ?>" /> </a> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class=" <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw($product_url); ?>"><?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($product_id, $thumb_size); ?></a> </div> <?php } } else { $wcps_thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($product_id), $thumb_size); $thumb_image_url = isset($wcps_thumb[0]) ? $wcps_thumb[0] : ''; $thumb_image_url = !empty($thumb_image_url) ? $thumb_image_url : $default_thumb_src; $thumb_image_url = apply_filters('wcps_layout_element_thumbnail_src', $thumb_image_url, $args); ?> <div class=" <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw($product_url); ?>"><img class="owl-lazy" data-src="<?php echo esc_url_raw($thumb_image_url); ?>" src="<?php echo esc_url_raw($default_thumb_src); ?>" /></a></div> <?php } } add_filter('wcps_layout_element_thumbnail_url', 'wcps_layout_element_thumbnail_url', 10, 2); function wcps_layout_element_thumbnail_url($permalink, $args) { $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $link_to = isset($elementData['link_to']) ? $elementData['link_to'] : ''; if ($link_to == 'product_link') { $permalink = get_permalink($product_id); } elseif ($link_to == 'external_product_url') { $product = wc_get_product($product_id); if ($product->is_type('external')) { $permalink = get_post_meta($product_id, '_product_url', true); } else { $permalink = get_permalink($product_id); } } return $permalink; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_content', 'wcps_layout_element_content', 10); function wcps_layout_element_content($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-excerpt element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-excerpt'; $element_class = apply_filters('wcps_layout_element_content_class', $element_class, $args); $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $content_source = isset($elementData['content_source']) ? $elementData['content_source'] : 'excerpt'; $read_more_text = isset($elementData['read_more_text']) ? $elementData['read_more_text'] : ''; $word_count = isset($elementData['word_count']) ? $elementData['word_count'] : 15; $post_data = get_post($product_id); $product_url = get_permalink($product_id); $product_url = apply_filters('wcps_layout_element_content_link', $product_url, $args); $content_html = ''; if ($content_source == 'content') { $content = isset($post_data->post_content) ? $post_data->post_content : ''; $content_html .= do_shortcode($content); } elseif ($content_source == 'excerpt') { $content = isset($post_data->post_content) ? $post_data->post_content : ''; $content_html .= wp_trim_words($content, $word_count, ' <a class="read-more" href="' . $product_url . '">' . $read_more_text . '</a>'); } elseif ($content_source == 'short_description') { $post_excerpt = isset($post_data->post_excerpt) ? $post_data->post_excerpt : ''; if (!empty($word_count) && $word_count > 0) { $content_html .= wp_trim_words($post_excerpt, $word_count, ' <a class="read-more" href="' . $product_url . '">' . $read_more_text . '</a>'); } else { $content_html .= $post_excerpt; } } else { $content = isset($post_data->post_content) ? $post_data->post_content : ''; $content_html .= wp_trim_words($content, $word_count, ' <a class="read-more" href="' . $product_url . '">' . $read_more_text . '</a>'); } ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($content_html); ?></div> <?php } add_filter('wcps_layout_element_content_link', 'wcps_layout_element_content_link', 10, 2); function wcps_layout_element_content_link($permalink, $args) { $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $link_to = isset($elementData['link_to']) ? $elementData['link_to'] : ''; $product = wc_get_product($product_id); if ($link_to == 'product_link') { $permalink = get_permalink($product_id); } elseif ($link_to == 'external_product_url') { if ($product->is_type('external')) { $permalink = get_post_meta($product_id, '_product_url', true); } else { $permalink = get_permalink($product_id); } } return $permalink; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_product_category', 'wcps_layout_element_product_category', 10); function wcps_layout_element_product_category($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-category element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-category'; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $max_count = isset($elementData['max_count']) ? (int) $elementData['max_count'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $term_list = wp_get_post_terms($product_id, 'product_cat', array('fields' => 'all')); $categories_html = ''; $term_total_count = count($term_list); $max_term_limit = ($term_total_count < $max_count) ? $term_total_count : $max_count; $i = 0; foreach ($term_list as $term) { if ($i >= $max_count) { continue; } $term_id = isset($term->term_id) ? $term->term_id : ''; $term_name = isset($term->name) ? $term->name : ''; $term_link = get_term_link($term_id); $categories_html .= '<a href="' . $term_link . '">' . $term_name . '</a>'; if ($i + 1 < $max_term_limit) { $categories_html .= ', '; } $i++; } if (!empty($term_total_count)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $categories_html); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_product_tag', 'wcps_layout_element_product_tag', 10); function wcps_layout_element_product_tag($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-tags element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-tags'; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $max_count = isset($elementData['max_count']) ? (int) $elementData['max_count'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $term_list = wp_get_post_terms($product_id, 'product_tag', array('fields' => 'all')); $categories_html = ''; $term_total_count = count($term_list); $max_term_limit = ($term_total_count < $max_count) ? $term_total_count : $max_count; $i = 0; foreach ($term_list as $term) { if ($i >= $max_count) { continue; } $term_id = isset($term->term_id) ? $term->term_id : ''; $term_name = isset($term->name) ? $term->name : ''; $term_link = get_term_link($term_id); $categories_html .= '<a href="' . $term_link . '">' . $term_name . '</a>'; if ($i + 1 < $max_term_limit) { $categories_html .= ', '; } $i++; } if (!empty($term_total_count)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $categories_html); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_sale_count', 'wcps_layout_element_sale_count', 10); function wcps_layout_element_sale_count($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-sale-count element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-sale-count'; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $product = wc_get_product($product_id); $total_sales = $product->get_total_sales(); if (!empty($total_sales)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $total_sales); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_add_to_cart', 'wcps_layout_element_add_to_cart', 10); function wcps_layout_element_add_to_cart($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-cart element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-cart'; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); //$wrapper_html = isset($elementData['cart_text']) ? $elementData['cart_text'] : ''; $product = wc_get_product($product_id); $cart_html = do_shortcode('[add_to_cart show_price="false" quantity="1" id="' . $product_id . '"]'); ?> <div class="woocommerce <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($cart_html); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_product_price', 'wcps_layout_element_product_price', 10); function wcps_layout_element_product_price($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-price element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-price'; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); //$wrapper_html = isset($elementData['cart_text']) ? $elementData['cart_text'] : ''; $price_type = isset($elementData['price_type']) ? $elementData['price_type'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $currency = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); $product = wc_get_product($product_id); $string = get_woocommerce_price_format(); if ($price_type == 'full') { $price_html = $product->get_price_html(); } elseif ($price_type == 'sale') { $price_html = $product->get_sale_price(); } elseif ($price_type == 'regular') { $price_html = $product->get_regular_price(); $price_html = wc_price($price_html); } else { $price_html = $product->get_price_html(); $price_html = wc_price($price_html); } if (!empty($price_html)) : ?> <div class=" <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $price_html); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_on_sale_mark', 'wcps_layout_element_on_sale_mark', 10); function wcps_layout_element_on_sale_mark($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-' . $element_index : ''; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $wrapper_html = !empty($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : '%s'; $icon_img_src = isset($elementData['icon_img_src']) ? $elementData['icon_img_src'] : ''; $position = isset($elementData['position']) ? $elementData['position'] : ''; $background_color = isset($elementData['background_color']) ? $elementData['background_color'] : ''; $text_color = isset($elementData['text_color']) ? $elementData['text_color'] : ''; $icon = '<img src="' . $icon_img_src . '">'; $product = wc_get_product($product_id); $is_on_sale = $product->is_on_sale(); if ($is_on_sale && ($product->is_type('simple') || $product->is_type('variable'))) : ?> <div class="on-sale <?php echo esc_attr($position); ?> <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $icon); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_featured_mark', 'wcps_layout_element_featured_mark', 10); function wcps_layout_element_featured_mark($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-' . $element_index : ''; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $wrapper_html = !empty($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : '%s'; $icon_img_src = isset($elementData['icon_img_src']) ? $elementData['icon_img_src'] : ''; $position = isset($elementData['position']) ? $elementData['position'] : ''; $background_color = isset($elementData['background_color']) ? $elementData['background_color'] : ''; $text_color = isset($elementData['text_color']) ? $elementData['text_color'] : ''; $icon = '<img src="' . $icon_img_src . '">'; $product = wc_get_product($product_id); $is_featured = $product->get_featured(); if ($is_featured) : ?> <div class="featured-mark <?php echo esc_attr($position); ?> <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $icon); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_product_id', 'wcps_layout_element_product_id', 10); function wcps_layout_element_product_id($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-' . $element_index : ''; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $wrapper_html = !empty($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : '%s'; ?> <div class="featured-mark <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $product_id); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_rating', 'wcps_layout_element_rating', 10); function wcps_layout_element_rating($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'wcps-items-rating element-' . $element_index : 'wcps-items-rating'; $product_id = isset($args['product_id']) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $rating_type = isset($elementData['rating_type']) ? $elementData['rating_type'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $product = wc_get_product($product_id); $average_rating = $product->get_average_rating(); $rating_html = wc_get_rating_html($average_rating); if ($average_rating > 0) : ?> <div class="woocommerce <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $rating_html); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_wrapper_start', 'wcps_layout_element_wrapper_start', 10); function wcps_layout_element_wrapper_start($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-' . $element_index : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $wrapper_class = isset($elementData['wrapper_class']) ? $elementData['wrapper_class'] : ''; $wrapper_id = isset($elementData['wrapper_id']) ? $elementData['wrapper_id'] : ''; ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($wrapper_class); ?> <?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr($wrapper_id); ?>"> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_wrapper_end', 'wcps_layout_element_wrapper_end', 10); function wcps_layout_element_wrapper_end($args) { ?> </div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_term_title', 'wcps_layout_element_term_title', 10); function wcps_layout_element_term_title($args) { $term_id = isset($args['term_id']) ? (int)$args['term_id'] : (int) wcps_get_first_category_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-term_title element-' . $element_index : 'element-term_title'; $term = get_term($term_id); $term_title = isset($term->name) ? $term->name : ''; $term_link = get_term_link($term_id); ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw($term_link); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($term_title); ?></a> </div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_term_thumb', 'wcps_layout_element_term_thumb', 10); function wcps_layout_element_term_thumb($args) { $term_id = isset($args['term_id']) ? (int)$args['term_id'] : (int) wcps_get_first_category_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $thumb_size = isset($elementData['thumb_size']) ? $elementData['thumb_size'] : ''; $default_thumb_src = isset($elementData['default_thumb_src']) ? $elementData['default_thumb_src'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-term_thumb element-' . $element_index : 'element-term_thumb'; $thumbnail_id = get_term_meta($term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true); //$image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id ); $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumbnail_id, $thumb_size); $image_url = !empty($image_url[0]) ? $image_url[0] : $default_thumb_src; $term_link = get_term_link($term_id); if (!empty($image_url)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><a href="<?php echo esc_url_raw($term_link); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url_raw($image_url); ?>"></a></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_term_description', 'wcps_layout_element_term_description', 10); function wcps_layout_element_term_description($args) { $term_id = isset($args['term_id']) ? $args['term_id'] : (int) wcps_get_first_category_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-term_title element-' . $element_index : 'element-term_title'; $term = get_term($term_id); $term_description = isset($term->description) ? $term->description : ''; ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($term_description); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_term_post_count', 'wcps_layout_element_term_post_count', 10); function wcps_layout_element_term_post_count($args) { $term_id = isset($args['term_id']) ? $args['term_id'] : (int) wcps_get_first_category_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-term_title element-' . $element_index : 'element-term_title'; $term = get_term($term_id); $term_count = isset($term->count) ? $term->count : ''; ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $term_count); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_date', 'wcps_layout_element_order_date', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_date($args) { $post_id = !empty($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : wcps_get_first_order_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $post_date = get_the_date('Y-m-d', $post_id); $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_date element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_date'; ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $post_date); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_customer_thumb', 'wcps_layout_element_order_customer_thumb', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_customer_thumb($args) { $post_id = !empty($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : wcps_get_first_order_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; if (empty($post_id)) return; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_customer_thumb element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_customer_thumb'; $order = wc_get_order($post_id); $user_id = $order->get_user_id(); ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo get_avatar($user_id); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_customer_name', 'wcps_layout_element_order_customer_name', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_customer_name($args) { $post_id = !empty($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : wcps_get_first_order_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_customer_name element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_customer_name'; if (empty($post_id)) return; $order = wc_get_order($post_id); $user_id = $order->get_user_id(); $user_data = get_user_by('ID', $user_id); if (!empty($user_data->display_name)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $user_data->display_name); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_items', 'wcps_layout_element_order_items', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_items($args) { $post_id = !empty($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : wcps_get_first_order_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_customer_name element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_customer_name'; if (empty($post_id)) return; $order = wc_get_order($post_id); $user_id = $order->get_user_id(); $user_data = get_user_by('ID', $user_id); $order_data = $order->get_data(); // The Order data $items = $order->get_items(); $product_list = ''; $i = 1; $item_count = count($items); foreach ($items as $product) { $product_id = $product['product_id']; $product_link = get_permalink($product_id); $product_list .= '<a href="' . $product_link . '">' . $product['name'] . '</a> X ' . $product['qty']; $product_list .= ($i < $item_count) ? ', ' : ''; $i++; } //$product_list = implode( ',', $product_details ); if (!empty($product_list)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $product_list); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_total', 'wcps_layout_element_order_total', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_total($args) { $post_id = !empty($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : wcps_get_first_order_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_customer_name element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_customer_name'; if (empty($post_id)) return; $order = wc_get_order($post_id); $order_data = $order->get_data(); // The Order data $total = !empty($order_data['total']) ? $order_data['total'] : ''; $currency = !empty($order_data['currency']) ? $order_data['currency'] : ''; if (!empty($total)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $currency . $total); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_discount_total', 'wcps_layout_element_order_discount_total', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_discount_total($args) { $post_id = !empty($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : wcps_get_first_order_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_customer_name element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_customer_name'; if (empty($post_id)) return; $order = wc_get_order($post_id); $order_data = $order->get_data(); // The Order data $discount_total = !empty($order_data['discount_total']) ? $order_data['discount_total'] : ''; $currency = !empty($order_data['currency']) ? $order_data['currency'] : ''; if (!empty($discount_total)) : ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $currency . $discount_total); ?></div> <?php endif; } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_country', 'wcps_layout_element_order_country', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_country($args) { $post_id = isset($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : wcps_get_first_order_id(); $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; if (empty($post_id)) return; $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_country element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_country'; $order = wc_get_order($post_id); $billing_country = $order->get_billing_country(); ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $billing_country); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_order_payment_method', 'wcps_layout_element_order_payment_method', 10); function wcps_layout_element_order_payment_method($args) { $post_id = isset($args['post_id']) ? $args['post_id'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $wrapper_html = isset($elementData['wrapper_html']) ? $elementData['wrapper_html'] : ''; $wrapper_html = !empty($wrapper_html) ? wp_specialchars_decode($wrapper_html, ENT_QUOTES) : '%s'; if (empty($post_id)) return; $order = wc_get_order($post_id); $payment_method_title = $order->get_payment_method_title(); $element_class = !empty($element_index) ? 'element-order_payment_method element-' . $element_index : 'element-order_payment_method'; ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr($element_class); ?>"><?php echo sprintf($wrapper_html, $payment_method_title); ?></div> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_date', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_date', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_date($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_total', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_total', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_total($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_items', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_items', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_items($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_discount_total', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_discount_total', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_discount_total($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_custom_text', 'wcps_layout_element_css_custom_text', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_custom_text($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_customer_name', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_customer_name', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_customer_name($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_customer_thumb', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_customer_thumb', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_customer_thumb($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $width = isset($elementData['width']) ? $elementData['width'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($width)) : ?>width: <?php echo $width; ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index . ' img'); ?> { height: auto; } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_country', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_country', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_country($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_order_payment_method', 'wcps_layout_element_css_order_payment_method', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_order_payment_method($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_post_title', 'wcps_layout_element_css_post_title', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_post_title($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index . ' a'); ?> { <?php if (!empty($color)) : ?>color: <?php echo esc_attr($color); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_size)) : ?>font-size: <?php echo esc_attr($font_size); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($font_family)) : ?>font-family: <?php echo esc_attr($font_family); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } </style> <?php } add_action('wcps_layout_element_css_term_title', 'wcps_layout_element_css_term_title', 10); function wcps_layout_element_css_term_title($args) { $element_index = isset($args['element_index']) ? $args['element_index'] : ''; $elementData = isset($args['elementData']) ? $args['elementData'] : array(); $layout_id = isset($args['layout_id']) ? $args['layout_id'] : ''; $color = isset($elementData['color']) ? $elementData['color'] : ''; $font_size = isset($elementData['font_size']) ? $elementData['font_size'] : ''; $font_family = isset($elementData['font_family']) ? $elementData['font_family'] : ''; $margin = isset($elementData['margin']) ? $elementData['margin'] : ''; $text_align = isset($elementData['text_align']) ? $elementData['text_align'] : ''; ?> <style> <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index); ?> { <?php if (!empty($margin)) : ?>margin: <?php echo esc_attr($margin); ?>; <?php endif; ?><?php if (!empty($text_align)) : ?>text-align: <?php echo esc_attr($text_align); ?>; <?php endif; ?> } <?php echo esc_attr('.layout-' . $layout_id); ?><?php echo esc_attr(' .element-' . $element_index . 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