# Copyright (C) 2019 freemius # This file is distributed under the same license as the freemius package. # Translators: # Odyssey <8bitodyssey+github@gmail.com>, 2016 # Tomohyco Tsunoda, 2018 # Takayuki Miyauchi <miya0001@users.noreply.github.com>, 2016 # Tomohyco Tsunoda, 2018 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WordPress SDK\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/Freemius/wordpress-sdk/issues\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-05 13:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Odyssey <8bitodyssey+github@gmail.com>\n" "Language: ja_JP\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/freemius/wordpress-sdk/language/ja_JP/)\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: get_text_inline;fs_text_inline;fs_echo_inline;fs_esc_js_inline;fs_esc_attr_inline;fs_esc_attr_echo_inline;fs_esc_html_inline;fs_esc_html_echo_inline;get_text_x_inline:1,2c;fs_text_x_inline:1,2c;fs_echo_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_attr_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_js_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_js_echo_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_html_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_html_echo_x_inline:1,2c\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" #: includes/class-freemius.php1838, templates/account.php:769 msgid "An update to a Beta version will replace your installed version of %s with the latest Beta release - use with caution, and not on production sites. You have been warned." msgstr "An update to a Beta version will replace your installed version of %s with the latest Beta release - use with caution, and not on production sites. You have been warned." #: includes/class-freemius.php:1845 msgid "Would you like to proceed with the update?" msgstr "Would you like to proceed with the update?" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2053 msgid "Freemius SDK couldn't find the plugin's main file. Please contact sdk@freemius.com with the current error." msgstr "Freemius SDK がプラグインのメインファイルを見つけることができませんでした。現在のエラーを添えて sdk@freemius.com に連絡してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2055 msgid "Error" msgstr "エラー" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2445 msgid "I found a better %s" msgstr "より良い %sを見つけました" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2447 msgid "What's the %s's name?" msgstr "%sの名前は何ですか?" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2453 msgid "It's a temporary %s. I'm just debugging an issue." msgstr "%sは一時的なものです。現在この問題をデバッグ中です。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2455 msgid "Deactivation" msgstr "無効化" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2456 msgid "Theme Switch" msgstr "テーマ変更" #: includes/class-freemius.php2465, templates/forms/resend-key.php:24 msgid "Other" msgstr "その他" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2473 msgid "I no longer need the %s" msgstr "%sはもう不要です" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2480 msgid "I only needed the %s for a short period" msgstr "短期間だけ %sが 必要です。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2486 msgid "The %s broke my site" msgstr "%s の影響でサイトを崩れました" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2493 msgid "The %s suddenly stopped working" msgstr "%s の動作が突然停止しました" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2503 msgid "I can't pay for it anymore" msgstr "もう払うことができません" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2505 msgid "What price would you feel comfortable paying?" msgstr " 支払ってもよいと思う価格はいくらですか?" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2511 msgid "I don't like to share my information with you" msgstr "自分の情報を共有したくありません" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2532 msgid "The %s didn't work" msgstr "%s が動作しませんでした" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2542 msgid "I couldn't understand how to make it work" msgstr "どうしたら動作するか分かりませんでした。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2550 msgid "The %s is great, but I need specific feature that you don't support" msgstr "%s は素晴らしいのですが、サポートされていないある機能が必要です" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2552 msgid "What feature?" msgstr "何の機能ですか?" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2556 msgid "The %s is not working" msgstr "%s が動作していません" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2558 msgid "Kindly share what didn't work so we can fix it for future users..." msgstr "将来のユーザーのために修正できるよう、何が動作しなかったのかどうか共有してください…" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2562 msgid "It's not what I was looking for" msgstr "探していたものではありません" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2564 msgid "What you've been looking for?" msgstr "探していたのは何ですか?" #: includes/class-freemius.php:2568 msgid "The %s didn't work as expected" msgstr "%sが期待通りに動きませんでした " #: includes/class-freemius.php:2570 msgid "What did you expect?" msgstr "何を期待していましたか?" #: includes/class-freemius.php3425, templates/debug.php:20 msgid "Freemius Debug" msgstr "Freemius デバッグ" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4177 msgid "I don't know what is cURL or how to install it, help me!" msgstr "cURL がなにか、そのインストール方法を知りません。助けてください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4179 msgid "We'll make sure to contact your hosting company and resolve the issue. You will get a follow-up email to %s once we have an update." msgstr "ホスティング会社に連絡して問題を解決してください。 更新が完了したら、 %s へのフォローアップメールが届きます。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4186 msgid "Great, please install cURL and enable it in your php.ini file. In addition, search for the 'disable_functions' directive in your php.ini file and remove any disabled methods starting with 'curl_'. To make sure it was successfully activated, use 'phpinfo()'. Once activated, deactivate the %s and reactivate it back again." msgstr "すばらしい。cURL をインストールし、 php.ini ファイルで有効化してください。加えて、php.ini 内で 'disable_functions' ディレクティブを検索して、'curl_' で始まる無効化されたメソッドを削除してください。'phpinfo()' を使って正常に起動されたことを確認してください。有効化されている場合は %s を一度無効化し、再度有効化し直してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4291 msgid "Yes - do your thing" msgstr "はい - お構いなく" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4296 msgid "No - just deactivate" msgstr "いいえ - すぐに無効化" #: includes/class-freemius.php4341, includes/class-freemius.php4850, #: includes/class-freemius.php5999, includes/class-freemius.php12682, #: includes/class-freemius.php16045, includes/class-freemius.php16133, #: includes/class-freemius.php16299, includes/class-freemius.php18758, #: includes/class-freemius.php18768, includes/class-freemius.php19404, #: includes/class-freemius.php20277, includes/class-freemius.php20392, #: includes/class-freemius.php20536, templates/add-ons.php:54 msgctxt "exclamation" msgid "Oops" msgstr "おっと" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4410 msgid "Thank for giving us the chance to fix it! A message was just sent to our technical staff. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update to %s. Appreciate your patience." msgstr "修正するチャンスをいただきありがとうございます! テクニカルスタッフにメッセージが送信されました。 %s への更新が行われるとすぐにあなたに連絡します。 あなたの忍耐に感謝します。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4847 msgctxt "addonX cannot run without pluginY" msgid "%s cannot run without %s." msgstr "%s は、%s が無いと実行することができません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:4848 msgctxt "addonX cannot run..." msgid "%s cannot run without the plugin." msgstr "%s は、プラグインが無いと実行することができません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php5020, includes/class-freemius.php5045, #: includes/class-freemius.php:19475 msgid "Unexpected API error. Please contact the %s's author with the following error." msgstr "予期しない API エラーです。%sの作者に次のエラーを連絡してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:5687 msgid "Premium %s version was successfully activated." msgstr "プレミアムバージョンの %sは有効化に成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php5699, includes/class-freemius.php:7567 msgctxt "" msgid "W00t" msgstr "やったー" #: includes/class-freemius.php:5714 msgid "You have a %s license." msgstr "%s ライセンスを持っています。" #: includes/class-freemius.php5718, includes/class-freemius.php15466, #: includes/class-freemius.php15477, includes/class-freemius.php18669, #: includes/class-freemius.php18999, includes/class-freemius.php19065, #: includes/class-freemius.php:19229 msgctxt "interjection expressing joy or exuberance" msgid "Yee-haw" msgstr "ヤッホー" #: includes/class-freemius.php:5982 msgid "%s free trial was successfully cancelled. Since the add-on is premium only it was automatically deactivated. If you like to use it in the future, you'll have to purchase a license." msgstr "%s の無料試用が正常にキャンセルされました。 アドオンはプレミアムなので、自動的に無効化されました。 将来使用したい場合は、ライセンスを購入する必要があります。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:5986 msgid "%s is a premium only add-on. You have to purchase a license first before activating the plugin." msgstr "%s はプレミアムのみのアドオンです。そのプラグインを有効化する前にライセンスを購入する必要があります。" #: includes/class-freemius.php5995, templates/add-ons.php130, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:343 msgid "More information about %s" msgstr "%s に関する詳細情報" #: includes/class-freemius.php:5996 msgid "Purchase License" msgstr "ライセンスを購入" #: includes/class-freemius.php6931, templates/connect.php:163 msgid "You should receive an activation email for %s to your mailbox at %s. Please make sure you click the activation button in that email to %s." msgstr "%s のメールボックスに %s の有効化のメールを受け取っているはずです。%s のメールに記載された有効化ボタンをクリックしてください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:6935 msgid "start the trial" msgstr "トライアルを開始" #: includes/class-freemius.php6936, templates/connect.php:167 msgid "complete the install" msgstr "インストールを完了" #: includes/class-freemius.php:7049 msgid "You are just one step away - %s" msgstr "もうあとわずかです - %s" #: includes/class-freemius.php:7052 msgctxt "%s - plugin name. As complete \"PluginX\" activation now" msgid "Complete \"%s\" Activation Now" msgstr "すぐに \"%s\" 有効化を完了してください" #: includes/class-freemius.php:7130 msgid "We made a few tweaks to the %s, %s" msgstr "プラグインを微調整します、 %s, %s" #: includes/class-freemius.php:7134 msgid "Opt in to make \"%s\" better!" msgstr "Opt in to make \"%s\" better!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:7566 msgid "The upgrade of %s was successfully completed." msgstr "%s のアップグレードが完了しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php9728, includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php975, #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php1170, #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php1177, #: templates/auto-installation.php:32 msgid "Add-On" msgstr "アドオン" #: includes/class-freemius.php9730, templates/account.php313, #: templates/account.php321, templates/debug.php361, templates/debug.php:522 msgid "Plugin" msgstr "プラグイン" #: includes/class-freemius.php9731, templates/account.php314, #: templates/account.php322, templates/debug.php361, templates/debug.php522, #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:71 msgid "Theme" msgstr "テーマ" #: includes/class-freemius.php:12148 msgid "An unknown error has occurred while trying to set the user's beta mode." msgstr "An unknown error has occurred while trying to set the user's beta mode." #: includes/class-freemius.php:12549 msgid "Invalid site details collection." msgstr "Invalid site details collection." #: includes/class-freemius.php:12669 msgid "We couldn't find your email address in the system, are you sure it's the right address?" msgstr "システムではメールアドレスを見つけることができませんでした。メールアドレスが正しいか確認してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:12671 msgid "We can't see any active licenses associated with that email address, are you sure it's the right address?" msgstr "メールアドレスに関連付けられた有効なライセンスが見つかりません。メールアドレスが正しいか確認してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:12945 msgid "Account is pending activation." msgstr "アカウントは有効化待ちです。" #: includes/class-freemius.php13057, #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:47 msgid "Buy a license now" msgstr "Buy a license now" #: includes/class-freemius.php13069, #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:46 msgid "Renew your license now" msgstr "Renew your license now" #: includes/class-freemius.php:13073 msgid "%s to access version %s security & feature updates, and support." msgstr "%s to access version %s security & feature updates, and support." #: includes/class-freemius.php:15448 msgid "%s activation was successfully completed." msgstr "%s の有効化が成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:15462 msgid "Your account was successfully activated with the %s plan." msgstr "アカウントが %s プランで有効化できました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php15473, includes/class-freemius.php:19061 msgid "Your trial has been successfully started." msgstr "トライアル版の利用を開始しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php16043, includes/class-freemius.php16131, #: includes/class-freemius.php:16297 msgid "Couldn't activate %s." msgstr "%s を有効化できません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php16044, includes/class-freemius.php16132, #: includes/class-freemius.php:16298 msgid "Please contact us with the following message:" msgstr "以下のメッセージとともに私たちに連絡をください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:16128 msgid "An unknown error has occurred." msgstr "An unknown error has occurred." #: includes/class-freemius.php16655, includes/class-freemius.php:21409 msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "アップグレード" #: includes/class-freemius.php:16661 msgid "Start Trial" msgstr "トライアルを開始" #: includes/class-freemius.php:16663 msgid "Pricing" msgstr "料金表" #: includes/class-freemius.php16742, includes/class-freemius.php:16744 msgid "Affiliation" msgstr "アフィリエイト" #: includes/class-freemius.php16772, includes/class-freemius.php16774, #: templates/account.php177, templates/debug.php:326 msgid "Account" msgstr "アカウント" #: includes/class-freemius.php16787, includes/class-freemius.php16789, #: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-support-section.php:60 msgid "Contact Us" msgstr "連絡" #: includes/class-freemius.php16799, includes/class-freemius.php16801, #: includes/class-freemius.php21423, templates/account.php105, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:45 msgid "Add-Ons" msgstr "アドオン" #: includes/class-freemius.php:16835 msgctxt "ASCII arrow left icon" msgid "&#x2190;" msgstr "&#x2190;" #: includes/class-freemius.php:16835 msgctxt "ASCII arrow right icon" msgid "&#x27a4;" msgstr "&#x27a4;" #: includes/class-freemius.php16837, templates/pricing.php:102 msgctxt "noun" msgid "Pricing" msgstr "料金表" #: includes/class-freemius.php17050, #: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-support-section.php:67 msgid "Support Forum" msgstr "サポートフォーラム" #: includes/class-freemius.php:17995 msgid "Your email has been successfully verified - you are AWESOME!" msgstr "あなたのメールアドレスの承認が完了しました。すごい!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:17996 msgctxt "a positive response" msgid "Right on" msgstr "そうだ" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18660 msgid "Your %s Add-on plan was successfully upgraded." msgstr "%s のアドオンのプランのアップグレードが完了しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18662 msgid "%s Add-on was successfully purchased." msgstr "%s のアドオンの支払いが完了しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18665 msgid "Download the latest version" msgstr "最新版をダウンロード" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18751 msgid "Your server is blocking the access to Freemius' API, which is crucial for %1$s synchronization. Please contact your host to whitelist %2$s" msgstr "Your server is blocking the access to Freemius' API, which is crucial for %1$s synchronization. Please contact your host to whitelist %2$s" #: includes/class-freemius.php18757, includes/class-freemius.php19188, #: includes/class-freemius.php:19277 msgid "Error received from the server:" msgstr "サーバーからエラーを受信しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18767 msgid "It seems like one of the authentication parameters is wrong. Update your Public Key, Secret Key & User ID, and try again." msgstr "認証パラメータの1つが間違っているようです。 公開鍵、秘密鍵、ユーザーIDを更新して、もう一度お試しください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php18961, includes/class-freemius.php19193, #: includes/class-freemius.php19248, includes/class-freemius.php:19351 msgctxt "" msgid "Hmm" msgstr "ふむ" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18974 msgid "It looks like you are still on the %s plan. If you did upgrade or change your plan, it's probably an issue on our side - sorry." msgstr "まだ %s プランのようです。もしアップグレードやプランの変更をしたのなら、こちらで何らかの問題が発生しているようです。申し訳ありません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php18975, templates/account.php107, #: templates/add-ons.php191, templates/account/partials/addon.php:47 msgctxt "trial period" msgid "Trial" msgstr "トライアル" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18980 msgid "I have upgraded my account but when I try to Sync the License, the plan remains %s." msgstr "アカウントをアップグレードしましたが、ライセンスを同期しようとするとプランが %s のままです。" #: includes/class-freemius.php18984, includes/class-freemius.php:19043 msgid "Please contact us here" msgstr "こちらで私たちに連絡をとってください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:18995 msgid "Your plan was successfully activated." msgstr "Your plan was successfully activated." #: includes/class-freemius.php:18996 msgid "Your plan was successfully upgraded." msgstr "プランのアップグレードが成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19013 msgid "Your plan was successfully changed to %s." msgstr "プランの %s への変更が成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19029 msgid "Your license has expired. You can still continue using the free %s forever." msgstr "ライセンスの有効期限が切れました。無料バージョンの%s は引き続き利用できます。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19031 msgid "Your license has expired. %1$sUpgrade now%2$s to continue using the %3$s without interruptions." msgstr "ライセンスの有効期限が切れました。 %1$s %3$sに邪魔されずに利用を継続するには,今すぐ%2$sアップグレードを行ってください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19039 msgid "Your license has been cancelled. If you think it's a mistake, please contact support." msgstr "ライセンスはキャンセルされました。もしそれが間違いだと思うならサポートに連絡してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19052 msgid "Your license has expired. You can still continue using all the %s features, but you'll need to renew your license to continue getting updates and support." msgstr "ライセンスは有効期限がきれました。%s の機能を引き続き利用することができます。ただし、アップデートやサポートをうけるにはライセンスをアップデートする必要があります。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19075 msgid "Your free trial has expired. You can still continue using all our free features." msgstr "フリートライアル期間が終了しました。無料で使える機能は引き続き利用可能です。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19077 msgid "Your free trial has expired. %1$sUpgrade now%2$s to continue using the %3$s without interruptions." msgstr "フリートライアル期間が終了しました。%1$s %3$sに邪魔されずに利用を継続するには,今すぐ %2$s のアップグレードを行ってください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19184 msgid "It looks like the license could not be activated." msgstr "ライセンスの有効化ができませんでした。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19226 msgid "Your license was successfully activated." msgstr "ライセンスの有効化が成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19252 msgid "It looks like your site currently doesn't have an active license." msgstr "サイトは有効なライセンスを持っていないようです。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19276 msgid "It looks like the license deactivation failed." msgstr "ライセンスの無効化ができませんでした。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19304 msgid "Your license was successfully deactivated, you are back to the %s plan." msgstr "ライセンスの無効化が完了しました。%s プランに戻りました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19305 msgid "O.K" msgstr "O.K" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19358 msgid "Seems like we are having some temporary issue with your subscription cancellation. Please try again in few minutes." msgstr "Seems like we are having some temporary issue with your subscription cancellation. Please try again in few minutes." #: includes/class-freemius.php:19367 msgid "Your subscription was successfully cancelled. Your %s plan license will expire in %s." msgstr "Your subscription was successfully cancelled. Your %s plan license will expire in %s." #: includes/class-freemius.php:19409 msgid "You are already running the %s in a trial mode." msgstr "すでに%sをトライアルモードで利用中です。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19420 msgid "You already utilized a trial before." msgstr "以前すでに試用版を利用しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19434 msgid "Plan %s do not exist, therefore, can't start a trial." msgstr "%s プランは存在しないため、試用を開始できません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19445 msgid "Plan %s does not support a trial period." msgstr "%s プランにはトライアル期間はありません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19456 msgid "None of the %s's plans supports a trial period." msgstr "%sのプランにはトライアル期間はありません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19506 msgid "It looks like you are not in trial mode anymore so there's nothing to cancel :)" msgstr "すでにトライアルモードではないようなので、キャンセルする必要はありません :)" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19542 msgid "Seems like we are having some temporary issue with your trial cancellation. Please try again in few minutes." msgstr "トライアルのキャンセルに一時的な問題がありました。数分後に再度お試しください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19561 msgid "Your %s free trial was successfully cancelled." msgstr "%s のフリートライアルはキャンセルされました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19877 msgid "Version %s was released." msgstr "バージョン %s をリリースしました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19877 msgid "Please download %s." msgstr "%s をダウンロードしてください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19884 msgid "the latest %s version here" msgstr "最新の %s バージョンはこちらです。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19889 msgid "New" msgstr "新規" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19894 msgid "Seems like you got the latest release." msgstr "最新版を取得できました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:19895 msgid "You are all good!" msgstr "すべて完璧です!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20165 msgid "Verification mail was just sent to %s. If you can't find it after 5 min, please check your spam box." msgstr "%s に確認メールを送信しました。もし5分以内にそれが届かない場合、迷惑メールボックスを確認してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20304 msgid "Site successfully opted in." msgstr "サイトのオプトインに成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php20305, includes/class-freemius.php:21125 msgid "Awesome" msgstr "すごい!" #: includes/class-freemius.php20321, templates/forms/optout.php:32 msgid "We appreciate your help in making the %s better by letting us track some usage data." msgstr "使用データを追跡できるよう許可してくれたことで、%s をより良くするための手助けに感謝致します。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20322 msgid "Thank you!" msgstr "ありがとうございます!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20329 msgid "We will no longer be sending any usage data of %s on %s to %s." msgstr "もう%s上の%sから%sへのデータ送信は行いません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20458 msgid "Please check your mailbox, you should receive an email via %s to confirm the ownership change. From security reasons, you must confirm the change within the next 15 min. If you cannot find the email, please check your spam folder." msgstr "メールボックスを確認してください。所有権の変更を確認するには、%s でメールを受け取る必要があります。 セキュリティ上の理由から、次の15分以内に変更を確認する必要があります。 電子メールが見つからない場合は、迷惑メールフォルダを確認してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20464 msgid "Thanks for confirming the ownership change. An email was just sent to %s for final approval." msgstr "所有権の変更を確認していただきありがとうございます。 %s に承認メールが送信されました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20469 msgid "%s is the new owner of the account." msgstr "%s は新しいオーナーです。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20471 msgctxt "as congratulations" msgid "Congrats" msgstr "おめでとう" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20491 msgid "Sorry, we could not complete the email update. Another user with the same email is already registered." msgstr "メールアドレスのアップデートを完了できませんでした。他のユーザーがすでに同じメールアドレスで登録しているようです。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20492 msgid "If you would like to give up the ownership of the %s's account to %s click the Change Ownership button." msgstr "%sの所有権を%sへ譲りたい場合は、所有権の変更ボタンをクリックしてください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20499 msgid "Change Ownership" msgstr "オーナーを変更" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20507 msgid "Your email was successfully updated. You should receive an email with confirmation instructions in few moments." msgstr "メールアドレスのアップデートが完了しました。まもなく確認メールが届きます。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20519 msgid "Please provide your full name." msgstr "フルネームを入力してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20524 msgid "Your name was successfully updated." msgstr "名前のアップデートが成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20585 msgid "You have successfully updated your %s." msgstr "%s のアップデートが成功しました。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20725 msgid "Just letting you know that the add-ons information of %s is being pulled from an external server." msgstr "%s のアドオンに関する情報は、外部サーバーから取得されます。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:20726 msgctxt "advance notice of something that will need attention." msgid "Heads up" msgstr "警告" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21165 msgctxt "exclamation" msgid "Hey" msgstr "ヘイ" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21165 msgid "How do you like %s so far? Test all our %s premium features with a %d-day free trial." msgstr "%s はどうですか? 私たちの全ての %s のプレミアム機能をお試しください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21173 msgid "No commitment for %s days - cancel anytime!" msgstr "%s 日以内であればいつでもキャンセルできます。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21174 msgid "No credit card required" msgstr "クレジットカードは必要ありません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php21181, templates/forms/trial-start.php:53 msgctxt "call to action" msgid "Start free trial" msgstr "フリートライアルを開始" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21258 msgid "Hey there, did you know that %s has an affiliate program? If you like the %s you can become our ambassador and earn some cash!" msgstr "こんにちは。%sにアフィリエイトプログラムがあるのはご存知でしたか? %sがお好きなら、私たちのアンバサダーになって報酬を得ましょう!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21267 msgid "Learn more" msgstr "詳細はこちら" #: includes/class-freemius.php21447, templates/account.php474, #: templates/account.php595, templates/connect.php171, #: templates/connect.php421, templates/forms/license-activation.php25, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:287 msgid "Activate License" msgstr "ライセンスを有効化" #: includes/class-freemius.php21448, templates/account.php543, #: templates/account.php594, templates/account/partials/site.php:256 msgid "Change License" msgstr "ライセンスを変更" #: includes/class-freemius.php21539, templates/account/partials/site.php:161 msgid "Opt Out" msgstr "オプトアウト" #: includes/class-freemius.php21541, includes/class-freemius.php21547, #: templates/account/partials/site.php43, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:161 msgid "Opt In" msgstr "オプトイン" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21775 msgid " The paid version of %1$s is already installed. Please activate it to start benefiting the %2$s features. %3$s" msgstr " The paid version of %1$s is already installed. Please activate it to start benefiting the %2$s features. %3$s" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21783 msgid "Activate %s features" msgstr "Activate %s features" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21796 msgid "Please follow these steps to complete the upgrade" msgstr "アップグレードを完了するには以下の手順を完了させてください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21800 msgid "Download the latest %s version" msgstr "最新の %s をダウンロード" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21804 msgid "Upload and activate the downloaded version" msgstr "ダウンロードしたバージョンをアップロードして有効化" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21806 msgid "How to upload and activate?" msgstr "アップロードと有効化の方法" #: includes/class-freemius.php:21940 msgid "%sClick here%s to choose the sites where you'd like to activate the license on." msgstr "%sここをクリックして%s ライセンスを有効化したいサイトを選択してください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22101 msgid "Auto installation only works for opted-in users." msgstr "自動インストールはオプトインしたユーザのみで動作します。" #: includes/class-freemius.php22111, includes/class-freemius.php22144, #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php1149, #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1163 msgid "Invalid module ID." msgstr "モジュール ID が不正です" #: includes/class-freemius.php22120, includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1185 msgid "Premium version already active." msgstr "プレミアムバージョンはすでに有効になっています。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22127 msgid "You do not have a valid license to access the premium version." msgstr "プレミアムバージョンにアクセスできる有効なライセンス持っていません。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22134 msgid "Plugin is a \"Serviceware\" which means it does not have a premium code version." msgstr "プラグインはプレミアムコードバージョンのない「サービスウェア」です。" #: includes/class-freemius.php22152, includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1184 msgid "Premium add-on version already installed." msgstr "プレミアムアドオンバージョンはすでにインストール済みです。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22497 msgid "View paid features" msgstr "有料の機能を表示する" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22819 msgid "Thank you so much for using %s and its add-ons!" msgstr "%sとアドオンのご利用ありがとうございます!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22820 msgid "Thank you so much for using %s!" msgstr "%sのご利用ありがとうございます!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22826 msgid "You've already opted-in to our usage-tracking, which helps us keep improving the %s." msgstr "%sの改善に役立つ使用状況のトラッキングにすでにオプトインしています。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22830 msgid "Thank you so much for using our products!" msgstr "プロダクトのご利用ありがとうございます!" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22831 msgid "You've already opted-in to our usage-tracking, which helps us keep improving them." msgstr "プロダクトの改善に役立つ使用状況のトラッキングにすでにオプトインしています。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22850 msgid "%s and its add-ons" msgstr "%sとそのアドオン" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22859 msgid "Products" msgstr "プロダクト" #: includes/class-freemius.php22866, templates/connect.php:272 msgid "Yes" msgstr "はい" #: includes/class-freemius.php22867, templates/connect.php:273 msgid "send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers." msgstr "セキュリティと機能のアップデート、学習用コンテンツやオファーを送ってください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php22868, templates/connect.php:278 msgid "No" msgstr "いいえ" #: includes/class-freemius.php22870, templates/connect.php:280 msgid "do %sNOT%s send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers." msgstr "セキュリティと機能のアップデート、学習用コンテンツやオファーを%s送らないでください%s。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:22880 msgid "Due to the new %sEU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)%s compliance requirements it is required that you provide your explicit consent, again, confirming that you are onboard :-)" msgstr "Due to the new %sEU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)%s compliance requirements it is required that you provide your explicit consent, again, confirming that you are onboard :-)" #: includes/class-freemius.php22882, templates/connect.php:287 msgid "Please let us know if you'd like us to contact you for security & feature updates, educational content, and occasional offers:" msgstr "セキュリティや機能のアップデート、学習用用コンテンツ、およびオファーについてお問い合わせを希望される場合は、お知らせください。" #: includes/class-freemius.php:23164 msgid "License key is empty." msgstr "ライセンスキーが空です。" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php184, #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:57 msgid "Renew license" msgstr "ライセンスを更新" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php189, #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:58 msgid "Buy license" msgstr "Buy license" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php280, #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:313 msgid "There is a %s of %s available." msgstr "There is a %s of %s available." #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php282, #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:318 msgid "new Beta version" msgstr "new Beta version" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php283, #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:319 msgid "new version" msgstr "new version" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:342 msgid "Important Upgrade Notice:" msgstr "Important Upgrade Notice:" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1214 msgid "Installing plugin: %s" msgstr "インストール中プラグイン: %s" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1255 msgid "Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials." msgstr "ファイルシステムに接続できません。視覚情報を確認してください。" #: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1437 msgid "The remote plugin package does not contain a folder with the desired slug and renaming did not work." msgstr "リモートプラグインパッケージには、目的のスラッグを含むフォルダが含まれていないため、リねームが機能しませんでした。" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:509 msgid "Purchase More" msgstr "Purchase More" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php510, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:347 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Purchase" msgstr "購入" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:514 msgid "Start my free %s" msgstr "無料の %s を開始" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:712 msgid "Install Free Version Update Now" msgstr "フリーバージョンの更新を今すぐインストール" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php713, templates/account.php:534 msgid "Install Update Now" msgstr "今すぐ更新をインストール" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:722 msgid "Install Free Version Now" msgstr "フリーバージョンを今すぐインストール" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php723, templates/add-ons.php262, #: templates/auto-installation.php111, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php327, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:379 msgid "Install Now" msgstr "今すぐインストール" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:739 msgctxt "as download latest version" msgid "Download Latest Free Version" msgstr "最新のフリーバージョンをダウンロード" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php740, templates/account.php85, #: templates/add-ons.php34, templates/account/partials/addon.php:25 msgctxt "as download latest version" msgid "Download Latest" msgstr "最新版をダウンロード" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php755, templates/add-ons.php268, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php318, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:373 msgid "Activate this add-on" msgstr "このアドオンを有効化" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php757, templates/connect.php:418 msgid "Activate Free Version" msgstr "フリーバージョンを有効化" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php758, templates/account.php109, #: templates/add-ons.php269, templates/account/partials/addon.php:49 msgid "Activate" msgstr "有効化" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:968 msgctxt "Plugin installer section title" msgid "Description" msgstr "説明" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:969 msgctxt "Plugin installer section title" msgid "Installation" msgstr "インストール" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:970 msgctxt "Plugin installer section title" msgid "FAQ" msgstr "FAQ" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php971, #: templates/plugin-info/description.php:55 msgid "Screenshots" msgstr "スクリーンショット" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:972 msgctxt "Plugin installer section title" msgid "Changelog" msgstr "変更履歴" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:973 msgctxt "Plugin installer section title" msgid "Reviews" msgstr "レビュー" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:974 msgctxt "Plugin installer section title" msgid "Other Notes" msgstr "その他の記述" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:989 msgctxt "Plugin installer section title" msgid "Features & Pricing" msgstr "機能 & 料金" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:999 msgid "Plugin Install" msgstr "プラグインのインストール" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1071 msgctxt "e.g. Professional Plan" msgid "%s Plan" msgstr "%s プラン" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1097 msgctxt "e.g. the best product" msgid "Best" msgstr "ベスト" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1103, #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1123 msgctxt "as every month" msgid "Monthly" msgstr "月" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1106 msgctxt "as once a year" msgid "Annual" msgstr "年次" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1109 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "ライフタイム" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1123, #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1125, #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1127 msgctxt "e.g. billed monthly" msgid "Billed %s" msgstr "%s への請求" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1125 msgctxt "as once a year" msgid "Annually" msgstr "毎年" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1127 msgctxt "as once a year" msgid "Once" msgstr "一度" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1133 msgid "Single Site License" msgstr "シングルサイトライセンス" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1135 msgid "Unlimited Licenses" msgstr "無制限ライセンス" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1137 msgid "Up to %s Sites" msgstr "%sサイトまで" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1147, #: templates/plugin-info/features.php:82 msgctxt "as monthly period" msgid "mo" msgstr "月" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1154, #: templates/plugin-info/features.php:80 msgctxt "as annual period" msgid "year" msgstr "年" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1208 msgctxt "noun" msgid "Price" msgstr "料金" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1256 msgid "Save %s" msgstr "%s を保存" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1266 msgid "No commitment for %s - cancel anytime" msgstr "%s の拘束はありません。いつでもキャンセルできます。" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1269 msgid "After your free %s, pay as little as %s" msgstr "無料の %s の後は、わずか %s だけお支払ください。" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1280 msgid "Details" msgstr "詳細" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1284, templates/account.php96, #: templates/debug.php203, templates/debug.php240, templates/debug.php454, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:36 msgctxt "product version" msgid "Version" msgstr "バージョン" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1291 msgctxt "as the plugin author" msgid "Author" msgstr "作者" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1298 msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "最終更新" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1303, templates/account.php:444 msgctxt "x-ago" msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 前" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1312 msgid "Requires WordPress Version" msgstr "必要な WordPress のバージョン" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1313 msgid "%s or higher" msgstr "%sまたはそれ以上" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1320 msgid "Compatible up to" msgstr "互換性のある最新バージョン" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1328 msgid "Downloaded" msgstr "ダウンロード済み" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1332 msgid "%s time" msgstr "%s回" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1334 msgid "%s times" msgstr "%s回" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1344 msgid "WordPress.org Plugin Page" msgstr "WordPress.org のプラグインページ" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1352 msgid "Plugin Homepage" msgstr "プラグインのホームページ" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1360, #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1442 msgid "Donate to this plugin" msgstr "このプラグインに寄付する" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1367 msgid "Average Rating" msgstr "レーティングの平均" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1374 msgid "based on %s" msgstr "%sを基に" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1378 msgid "%s rating" msgstr "%s評価" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1380 msgid "%s ratings" msgstr "%s評価" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1395 msgid "%s star" msgstr "%sスター" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1397 msgid "%s stars" msgstr "%sスター" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1408 msgid "Click to see reviews that provided a rating of %s" msgstr "クリックして%sの評価をしているレビューを観る" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1421 msgid "Contributors" msgstr "コントリビューター" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1450, #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1452 msgid "Warning" msgstr "警告" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1450 msgid "This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress." msgstr "このプラグインはインストールされた WordPress のバージョンでは検証されていません。" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1452 msgid "This plugin has not been marked as compatible with your version of WordPress." msgstr "このプラグインはインストールされた WordPress のバージョンに互換性がありません。" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1471 msgid "Paid add-on must be deployed to Freemius." msgstr "有料アドオンは Freemius にデプロイされている必要があります。" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1472 msgid "Add-on must be deployed to WordPress.org or Freemius." msgstr "アドオンが WordPress.org か Freemius にデプロイされている必要があります。" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1493 msgid "Newer Version (%s) Installed" msgstr "新しいバージョン (%s) がインストールされました" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1494 msgid "Newer Free Version (%s) Installed" msgstr "新しいフリーバージョン (%s) がインストールされました" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1501 msgid "Latest Version Installed" msgstr "最新版がイストールされました" #: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1502 msgid "Latest Free Version Installed" msgstr "最新のフリーバージョンがインストールされました" #: templates/account.php86, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php96, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php26, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:295 msgid "Downgrading your plan" msgstr "Downgrading your plan" #: templates/account.php87, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php97, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php27, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:296 msgid "Cancelling the subscription" msgstr "Cancelling the subscription" #. translators: %1$s: Either 'Downgrading your plan' or 'Cancelling the #. subscription' #: templates/account.php:89 msgid "%1$s will immediately stop all future recurring payments and your %2$s plan license will expire in %3$s." msgstr "%1$s will immediately stop all future recurring payments and your %2$s plan license will expire in %3$s." #: templates/account.php90, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php100, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php30, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:299 msgid "Please note that we will not be able to grandfather outdated pricing for renewals/new subscriptions after a cancellation. If you choose to renew the subscription manually in the future, after a price increase, which typically occurs once a year, you will be charged the updated price." msgstr "Please note that we will not be able to grandfather outdated pricing for renewals/new subscriptions after a cancellation. If you choose to renew the subscription manually in the future, after a price increase, which typically occurs once a year, you will be charged the updated price." #: templates/account.php91, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php106, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:31 msgid "Cancelling the trial will immediately block access to all premium features. Are you sure?" msgstr "トライアルをキャンセルするとすぐにすべてのプレミアム機能へのアクセスができなくなります。本当に実行しますか?" #: templates/account.php92, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php101, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php32, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:300 msgid "You can still enjoy all %s features but you will not have access to %s security & feature updates, nor support." msgstr "You can still enjoy all %s features but you will not have access to %s security & feature updates, nor support." #: templates/account.php93, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php102, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php33, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:301 msgid "Once your license expires you can still use the Free version but you will NOT have access to the %s features." msgstr "一度ライセンスの期限が切れると、フリーバージョンの利用は可能ですが、%sの機能を使うことができなくなります。" #. translators: %s: Plan title (e.g. "Professional") #: templates/account.php95, #: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php31, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:35 msgid "Activate %s Plan" msgstr "%s プランを有効化" #. translators: %s: Time period (e.g. Auto renews in "2 months") #: templates/account.php98, templates/account/partials/addon.php38, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:275 msgid "Auto renews in %s" msgstr "%s に自動更新" #. translators: %s: Time period (e.g. Expires in "2 months") #: templates/account.php100, templates/account/partials/addon.php40, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:277 msgid "Expires in %s" msgstr "%s で期間終了" #: templates/account.php101, templates/account/partials/addon.php:41 msgctxt "as synchronize license" msgid "Sync License" msgstr "ライセンスを同期" #: templates/account.php102, templates/account/partials/addon.php:42 msgid "Cancel Trial" msgstr "トライアルをキャンセル" #: templates/account.php103, templates/account/partials/addon.php:43 msgid "Change Plan" msgstr "プラン変更" #: templates/account.php104, templates/account/partials/addon.php:44 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "アップグレード" #: templates/account.php106, templates/account/partials/addon.php46, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:302 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Downgrade" msgstr "ダウングレード" #: templates/account.php108, templates/add-ons.php187, #: templates/plugin-info/features.php72, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php48, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:31 msgid "Free" msgstr "無料" #: templates/account.php110, templates/debug.php373, #: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-upsell-control.php106, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:50 msgctxt "as product pricing plan" msgid "Plan" msgstr "プラン" #: templates/account.php:111 msgid "Bundle Plan" msgstr "Bundle Plan" #: templates/account.php:185 msgid "Free Trial" msgstr "フリートライアル" #: templates/account.php:196 msgid "Account Details" msgstr "アカウント詳細" #: templates/account.php:200 msgid "Billing & Invoices" msgstr "Billing & Invoices" #: templates/account.php:210 msgid "Deleting the account will automatically deactivate your %s plan license so you can use it on other sites. If you want to terminate the recurring payments as well, click the \"Cancel\" button, and first \"Downgrade\" your account. Are you sure you would like to continue with the deletion?" msgstr "アカウントを削除すると自動的に %s プランライセンスが無効になり、他のサイトで使うことができます。定期の支払いも終了したい場合は、\"キャンセル\"ボタンをクリックし、まずアカウントを\"ダウングレード\"してください。本当に削除を続行してもいいですか?" #: templates/account.php:212 msgid "Deletion is not temporary. Only delete if you no longer want to use this %s anymore. Are you sure you would like to continue with the deletion?" msgstr "削除は一時的なものではありません。本当に%sが必要なくなった時に行ってください。" #: templates/account.php:215 msgid "Delete Account" msgstr "アカウントを削除" #: templates/account.php227, templates/account/partials/addon.php211, #: templates/account/partials/deactivate-license-button.php:35 msgid "Deactivate License" msgstr "ライセンスを無効化" #: templates/account.php250, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:125 msgid "Are you sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "本当に続行していいですか?" #: templates/account.php250, templates/account/partials/addon.php:234 msgid "Cancel Subscription" msgstr "サブスクリプションをキャンセルする" #: templates/account.php:278 msgctxt "as synchronize" msgid "Sync" msgstr "同期" #: templates/account.php292, templates/debug.php:489 msgid "Name" msgstr "名前" #: templates/account.php298, templates/debug.php:490 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" #: templates/account.php305, templates/debug.php372, templates/debug.php:528 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ユーザー ID" #: templates/account.php322, templates/account.php608, #: templates/account.php653, templates/debug.php238, templates/debug.php366, #: templates/debug.php451, templates/debug.php488, templates/debug.php526, #: templates/debug.php599, templates/account/payments.php35, #: templates/debug/logger.php:21 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: templates/account.php:329 msgid "Site ID" msgstr "サイト ID" #: templates/account.php:332 msgid "No ID" msgstr "ID がありません" #: templates/account.php337, templates/debug.php245, templates/debug.php374, #: templates/debug.php455, templates/debug.php492, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:219 msgid "Public Key" msgstr "公開鍵" #: templates/account.php343, templates/debug.php375, templates/debug.php456, #: templates/debug.php493, templates/account/partials/site.php:231 msgid "Secret Key" msgstr "秘密鍵" #: templates/account.php:346 msgctxt "as secret encryption key missing" msgid "No Secret" msgstr "秘密鍵がありません" #: templates/account.php373, templates/account/partials/site.php112, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:114 msgid "Trial" msgstr "トライアル" #: templates/account.php400, templates/debug.php533, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:248 msgid "License Key" msgstr "ライセンスキー" #: templates/account.php:429 msgid "Join the Beta program" msgstr "Join the Beta program" #: templates/account.php:435 msgid "not verified" msgstr "未認証" #: templates/account.php444, templates/account/partials/addon.php:172 msgid "Expired" msgstr "期限切れ" #: templates/account.php:502 msgid "Premium version" msgstr "プレミアムバージョン" #: templates/account.php:504 msgid "Free version" msgstr "フリーバージョン" #: templates/account.php:516 msgid "Verify Email" msgstr "認証メール" #: templates/account.php:527 msgid "Download %s Version" msgstr "%s バージョンをダウンロード" #: templates/account.php541, templates/account.php749, #: templates/account/partials/site.php237, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:255 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Show" msgstr "表示" #: templates/account.php:555 msgid "What is your %s?" msgstr "自分の %s はなんですか?" #: templates/account.php563, templates/account/billing.php:21 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Edit" msgstr "編集" #: templates/account.php:588 msgid "Sites" msgstr "サイト数" #: templates/account.php:599 msgid "Search by address" msgstr "住所で検索する" #: templates/account.php609, templates/debug.php:369 msgid "Address" msgstr "住所" #: templates/account.php:610 msgid "License" msgstr "ライセンス" #: templates/account.php:611 msgid "Plan" msgstr "プラン" #: templates/account.php:656 msgctxt "as software license" msgid "License" msgstr "ライセンス" #: templates/account.php:743 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Hide" msgstr "非表示" #: templates/account.php:765 msgid "Processing" msgstr "Processing" #: templates/account.php:768 msgid "Get updates for bleeding edge Beta versions of %s." msgstr "Get updates for bleeding edge Beta versions of %s." #: templates/account.php:826 msgid "Cancelling %s" msgstr "Cancelling %s" #: templates/account.php826, templates/account.php843, #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php27, #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:133 msgid "trial" msgstr "trial" #: templates/account.php841, templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:150 msgid "Cancelling %s..." msgstr "Cancelling %s..." #: templates/account.php844, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php28, #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:134 msgid "subscription" msgstr "subscription" #: templates/account.php:858 msgid "Deactivating your license will block all premium features, but will enable activating the license on another site. Are you sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "ライセンスを無効化するとすべてのプレミアム機能が使えなくなりますが、他のサイトでライセンスを有効にすることができるようになります。本当に実行しますか?" #: templates/add-ons.php:35 msgid "View details" msgstr "詳細を表示" #: templates/add-ons.php:45 msgid "Add Ons for %s" msgstr "%s のアドオン" #: templates/add-ons.php:55 msgid "We could'nt load the add-ons list. It's probably an issue on our side, please try to come back in few minutes." msgstr "アドオンリストを読み込むことができませんでした。おそらく運営側の問題になりますので、しばらくしてからお試しください。" #: templates/add-ons.php:173 msgctxt "active add-on" msgid "Active" msgstr "有効" #: templates/add-ons.php:174 msgctxt "installed add-on" msgid "Installed" msgstr "Installed" #: templates/admin-notice.php13, templates/forms/license-activation.php209, #: templates/forms/resend-key.php:77 msgctxt "as close a window" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "却下" #: templates/auto-installation.php:45 msgid "%s sec" msgstr "%s秒" #: templates/auto-installation.php:83 msgid "Automatic Installation" msgstr "自動インストール" #: templates/auto-installation.php:93 msgid "An automated download and installation of %s (paid version) from %s will start in %s. If you would like to do it manually - click the cancellation button now." msgstr "%sから %s (有料版) の自動ダウンロードと自動インストールが%sで開始します。手動で行う場合は今すぐにキャンセルボタンをクリックしてください。" #: templates/auto-installation.php:104 msgid "The installation process has started and may take a few minutes to complete. Please wait until it is done - do not refresh this page." msgstr "インストールプロセスが開始され、数分で完了します。完了までしばらくお待ちください。ページのリフレッシュなどは行わないでください。" #: templates/auto-installation.php:109 msgid "Cancel Installation" msgstr "インストールをキャンセルする" #: templates/checkout.php:180 msgid "Checkout" msgstr "チェックアウト" #: templates/checkout.php:180 msgid "PCI compliant" msgstr "PCI コンプライアント" #. translators: %s: name (e.g. Hey John,) #: templates/connect.php:112 msgctxt "greeting" msgid "Hey %s," msgstr "おおい %s さん、" #: templates/connect.php:154 msgid "Allow & Continue" msgstr "許可して続ける" #: templates/connect.php:158 msgid "Re-send activation email" msgstr "有効化メールを再送信" #: templates/connect.php:162 msgid "Thanks %s!" msgstr "ありがとう $s さん!" #: templates/connect.php172, templates/forms/license-activation.php:44 msgid "Agree & Activate License" msgstr "同意してライセンスを有効化" #: templates/connect.php:181 msgid "Thanks for purchasing %s! To get started, please enter your license key:" msgstr "%s を購入いただきありがとうございます。はじめにライセンスキーを入力してください:" #: templates/connect.php:188 msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, educational content, offers, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s." msgstr "重要な更新を逃さないように、セキュリティと更新通知、学習用コンテンツ、オファー、そして%4$s とセンシティブではない診断トラッキングをオプトインしてください。" #: templates/connect.php:189 msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security and feature updates notifications, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s." msgstr "重要な更新を逃さないように、セキュリティと更新通知、%4$s とセンシティブではない診断トラッキングをオプトインしてください。" #: templates/connect.php:195 msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, educational content, offers, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s. If you skip this, that's okay! %1$s will still work just fine." msgstr "重要な更新を逃さないように、セキュリティと更新通知、学習用コンテンツ、オファー、そして%4$s とセンシティブではない診断トラッキングをオプトインしてください。これをスキップしても%1$sはもちろん動作します。" #: templates/connect.php:196 msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s. If you skip this, that's okay! %1$s will still work just fine." msgstr "重要な更新を逃さないように、セキュリティと更新通知、学習用コンテンツ、オファー、そして%4$s とセンシティブではない診断トラッキングをオプトインしてください。これをスキップしても%1$sはもちろん動作します。" #: templates/connect.php:230 msgid "We're excited to introduce the Freemius network-level integration." msgstr "Freeminus ネットワークレベルのインテグレーションをご紹介できることに興奮しています。" #: templates/connect.php:233 msgid "During the update process we detected %d site(s) that are still pending license activation." msgstr "アップデートの処理中に%dサイトがライセンスの有効化が保留中であることを検知しました。" #: templates/connect.php:235 msgid "If you'd like to use the %s on those sites, please enter your license key below and click the activation button." msgstr "これらのサイトで%sを使う場合は、ライセンスキーを入力し、アクティベーションボタンをクリックしてください。" #: templates/connect.php:237 msgid "%s's paid features" msgstr "%sの有料機能" #: templates/connect.php:242 msgid "Alternatively, you can skip it for now and activate the license later, in your %s's network-level Account page." msgstr "または、今すぐスキップして、%sのネットワークレベルのアカウントページでライセンスを有効にすることもできます。" #: templates/connect.php:244 msgid "During the update process we detected %s site(s) in the network that are still pending your attention." msgstr "アップデートの処理中に、ネットワーク内の%dサイトが対応待ちになっていることを検知しました。" #: templates/connect.php253, templates/forms/license-activation.php:47 msgid "License key" msgstr "ライセンスキー" #: templates/connect.php256, templates/forms/license-activation.php:20 msgid "Can't find your license key?" msgstr "ライセンスキーは見つかりませんか?" #: templates/connect.php315, templates/connect.php652, #: templates/forms/deactivation/retry-skip.php:20 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Skip" msgstr "スキップ" #: templates/connect.php:318 msgid "Delegate to Site Admins" msgstr "サイト管理者に委任する" #: templates/connect.php:318 msgid "If you click it, this decision will be delegated to the sites administrators." msgstr "決定をサイトの管理者に委任するにはクリックしてください。" #: templates/connect.php:346 msgid "Your Profile Overview" msgstr "プロフィール概要" #: templates/connect.php:347 msgid "Name and email address" msgstr "名前とメールアドレス" #: templates/connect.php:352 msgid "Your Site Overview" msgstr "サイト概要" #: templates/connect.php:353 msgid "Site URL, WP version, PHP info, plugins & themes" msgstr "サイト URL、WP バージョン、PHP info、プラグインとテーマ" #: templates/connect.php:358 msgid "Admin Notices" msgstr "管理者通知" #: templates/connect.php359, templates/connect.php:375 msgid "Updates, announcements, marketing, no spam" msgstr "更新、発表、マーケティング、スパムなし" #: templates/connect.php:364 msgid "Current %s Events" msgstr "現在%sイベント" #: templates/connect.php:365 msgid "Activation, deactivation and uninstall" msgstr "有効化、無効化、アンインストール" #: templates/connect.php:374 msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "ニュースレター" #: templates/connect.php391, templates/forms/license-activation.php:39 msgid "The %1$s will be periodically sending data to %2$s to check for security and feature updates, and verify the validity of your license." msgstr "%1$sはセキュリティとアプデート、そしてライセンスの状態を確認するため、定期的に%2$sへデータを送信します。" #: templates/connect.php:396 msgid "What permissions are being granted?" msgstr "付与されているパーミッションは何ですか?" #: templates/connect.php:417 msgid "Don't have a license key?" msgstr "ライセンスキーをお持ちではありませんか?" #: templates/connect.php:420 msgid "Have a license key?" msgstr "ライセンスキーはお持ちですか?" #: templates/connect.php:428 msgid "Privacy Policy" msgstr "プライバシーポリシー" #: templates/connect.php:430 msgid "License Agreement" msgstr "License Agreement" #: templates/connect.php:430 msgid "Terms of Service" msgstr "利用規約" #: templates/connect.php:805 msgctxt "as in the process of sending an email" msgid "Sending email" msgstr "メール送信中" #: templates/connect.php:806 msgctxt "as activating plugin" msgid "Activating" msgstr "有効化中" #: templates/contact.php:78 msgid "Contact" msgstr "連絡" #: templates/debug.php:17 msgctxt "as turned off" msgid "Off" msgstr "オフ" #: templates/debug.php:18 msgctxt "as turned on" msgid "On" msgstr "オン" #: templates/debug.php:20 msgid "SDK" msgstr "SDK" #: templates/debug.php:24 msgctxt "as code debugging" msgid "Debugging" msgstr "デバッグ" #: templates/debug.php54, templates/debug.php250, templates/debug.php376, #: templates/debug.php:494 msgid "Actions" msgstr "アクション" #: templates/debug.php:64 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all Freemius data?" msgstr "ほんとうに全ての Freemius データを削除しますか?" #: templates/debug.php:64 msgid "Delete All Accounts" msgstr "全てのアカウントを削除" #: templates/debug.php:71 msgid "Clear API Cache" msgstr "API キャッシュをクリア" #: templates/debug.php:79 msgid "Clear Updates Transients" msgstr "アップデートのトランジエントをクリアーにする" #: templates/debug.php:86 msgid "Sync Data From Server" msgstr "サーバーからのデータを同期" #: templates/debug.php:95 msgid "Migrate Options to Network" msgstr "Migrate Options to Network" #: templates/debug.php:100 msgid "Load DB Option" msgstr "DB オプションを読み込む" #: templates/debug.php:103 msgid "Set DB Option" msgstr "DB オプションを設定する" #: templates/debug.php:182 msgid "Key" msgstr "キー" #: templates/debug.php:183 msgid "Value" msgstr "値" #: templates/debug.php:199 msgctxt "as software development kit versions" msgid "SDK Versions" msgstr "SDK バージョン" #: templates/debug.php:204 msgid "SDK Path" msgstr "SDK のパス" #: templates/debug.php205, templates/debug.php:244 msgid "Module Path" msgstr "モジュールのパス" #: templates/debug.php:206 msgid "Is Active" msgstr "有効" #: templates/debug.php234, templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:35 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "プラグイン" #: templates/debug.php234, templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:56 msgid "Themes" msgstr "テーマ" #: templates/debug.php239, templates/debug.php371, templates/debug.php453, #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:80 msgid "Slug" msgstr "スラッグ" #: templates/debug.php241, templates/debug.php:452 msgid "Title" msgstr "タイトル" #: templates/debug.php:242 msgctxt "as application program interface" msgid "API" msgstr "API" #: templates/debug.php:243 msgid "Freemius State" msgstr "Freemius ステータス" #: templates/debug.php:247 msgid "Network Blog" msgstr "ネットワークブログ" #: templates/debug.php:248 msgid "Network User" msgstr "ネットワークユーザ" #: templates/debug.php:285 msgctxt "as connection was successful" msgid "Connected" msgstr "接続" #: templates/debug.php:286 msgctxt "as connection blocked" msgid "Blocked" msgstr "ブロック" #: templates/debug.php:322 msgid "Simulate Trial Promotion" msgstr "Simulate Trial Promotion" #: templates/debug.php:334 msgid "Simulate Network Upgrade" msgstr "ネットワークアップグレードをシミュレートする" #: templates/debug.php:360 msgid "%s Installs" msgstr "%sインストール" #: templates/debug.php:362 msgctxt "like websites" msgid "Sites" msgstr "サイト数" #: templates/debug.php368, templates/account/partials/site.php:148 msgid "Blog ID" msgstr "ブログ ID" #: templates/debug.php433, templates/debug.php511, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:396 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Delete" msgstr "削除" #: templates/debug.php:447 msgid "Add Ons of module %s" msgstr "モジュールのアドオン%s" #: templates/debug.php:484 msgid "Users" msgstr "ユーザー" #: templates/debug.php:491 msgid "Verified" msgstr "認証済み" #: templates/debug.php:522 msgid "%s Licenses" msgstr "%sラインセス" #: templates/debug.php:527 msgid "Plugin ID" msgstr "プラグイン ID" #: templates/debug.php:529 msgid "Plan ID" msgstr "プラン ID" #: templates/debug.php:530 msgid "Quota" msgstr "クォータ" #: templates/debug.php:531 msgid "Activated" msgstr "有効化済み" #: templates/debug.php:532 msgid "Blocking" msgstr "ブロッキング" #: templates/debug.php:534 msgctxt "as expiration date" msgid "Expiration" msgstr "期限切れ" #: templates/debug.php:557 msgid "Debug Log" msgstr "デバッグログ" #: templates/debug.php:561 msgid "All Types" msgstr "すべてのタイプ" #: templates/debug.php:568 msgid "All Requests" msgstr "すべてのリクエスト" #: templates/debug.php573, templates/debug.php602, #: templates/debug/logger.php:25 msgid "File" msgstr "ファイル" #: templates/debug.php574, templates/debug.php600, #: templates/debug/logger.php:23 msgid "Function" msgstr "機能" #: templates/debug.php:575 msgid "Process ID" msgstr "プロセス ID" #: templates/debug.php:576 msgid "Logger" msgstr "ロガー" #: templates/debug.php577, templates/debug.php601, #: templates/debug/logger.php:24 msgid "Message" msgstr "メッセージ" #: templates/debug.php:579 msgid "Filter" msgstr "フィルター" #: templates/debug.php:587 msgid "Download" msgstr "ダウンロード" #: templates/debug.php598, templates/debug/logger.php:22 msgid "Type" msgstr "タイプ" #: templates/debug.php603, templates/debug/logger.php:26 msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "タイムスタンプ" #: templates/secure-https-header.php:28 msgid "Secure HTTPS %s page, running from an external domain" msgstr "外部ドメインで実行中のセキュアな HTTPS %sページ" #: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-support-section.php55, #: templates/plugin-info/features.php:43 msgid "Support" msgstr "サポート" #: includes/debug/class-fs-debug-bar-panel.php48, #: templates/debug/api-calls.php54, templates/debug/logger.php:62 msgctxt "milliseconds" msgid "ms" msgstr "ms" #: includes/debug/debug-bar-start.php:41 msgid "Freemius API" msgstr "Freemius API" #: includes/debug/debug-bar-start.php:42 msgid "Requests" msgstr "リクエスト数" #: templates/account/billing.php:22 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Update" msgstr "更新" #: templates/account/billing.php:33 msgid "Billing" msgstr "請求書" #: templates/account/billing.php38, templates/account/billing.php:38 msgid "Business name" msgstr "商号" #: templates/account/billing.php39, templates/account/billing.php:39 msgid "Tax / VAT ID" msgstr "税金 / VAT ID" #: templates/account/billing.php42, templates/account/billing.php42, #: templates/account/billing.php43, templates/account/billing.php:43 msgid "Address Line %d" msgstr "住所欄 %d" #: templates/account/billing.php46, templates/account/billing.php:46 msgid "City" msgstr "市" #: templates/account/billing.php46, templates/account/billing.php:46 msgid "Town" msgstr "町" #: templates/account/billing.php47, templates/account/billing.php:47 msgid "ZIP / Postal Code" msgstr "ZIP / 郵便番号" #: templates/account/billing.php:302 msgid "Country" msgstr "国" #: templates/account/billing.php:304 msgid "Select Country" msgstr "国を選択" #: templates/account/billing.php311, templates/account/billing.php:312 msgid "State" msgstr "州" #: templates/account/billing.php311, templates/account/billing.php:312 msgid "Province" msgstr "県・州・省" #: templates/account/payments.php:29 msgid "Payments" msgstr "支払い" #: templates/account/payments.php:36 msgid "Date" msgstr "日付" #: templates/account/payments.php:37 msgid "Amount" msgstr "総額" #: templates/account/payments.php38, templates/account/payments.php:50 msgid "Invoice" msgstr "請求書" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:56 msgid "API" msgstr "API" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:68 msgid "Method" msgstr "メソッド" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:69 msgid "Code" msgstr "コード" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:70 msgid "Length" msgstr "長さ" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:71 msgctxt "as file/folder path" msgid "Path" msgstr "パス" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:73 msgid "Body" msgstr "本文" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:75 msgid "Result" msgstr "結果" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:76 msgid "Start" msgstr "開始" #: templates/debug/api-calls.php:77 msgid "End" msgstr "終了" #: templates/debug/logger.php:15 msgid "Log" msgstr "グ" #. translators: %s: time period (e.g. In "2 hours") #: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php18, #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:91 msgid "In %s" msgstr "%s 内" #. translators: %s: time period (e.g. "2 hours" ago) #: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php20, #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:93 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 前" #: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php21, #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:74 msgctxt "seconds" msgid "sec" msgstr "秒" #: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:23 msgid "Plugins & Themes Sync" msgstr "プラグインとテーマを同期" #: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:28 msgid "Total" msgstr "トータル" #: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php29, #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:84 msgid "Last" msgstr "最終" #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:76 msgid "Scheduled Crons" msgstr "スケジュール Cron" #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:81 msgid "Module" msgstr "モジュール" #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:82 msgid "Module Type" msgstr "モジュールタイプ" #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:83 msgid "Cron Type" msgstr "Cron タイプ" #: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:85 msgid "Next" msgstr "次" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:82 msgid "Non-expiring" msgstr "期限のない" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:85 msgid "Apply to become an affiliate" msgstr "アフィリエイトに応募する" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:104 msgid "Your affiliate application for %s has been accepted! Log in to your affiliate area at: %s." msgstr "%sのアフィリエイト申請は受理されました! 次のリンクからアフィリエイトエリアにログインしてください:%s" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:119 msgid "Thank you for applying for our affiliate program, we'll review your details during the next 14 days and will get back to you with further information." msgstr "アフィリエイトプログラムに応募いただきありがとうございます。14日以内にお申し込み詳細をレビューし、改めてご連絡いたします。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:122 msgid "Your affiliation account was temporarily suspended." msgstr "アフィリエイトアカウントは一時的に停止されました。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:125 msgid "Thank you for applying for our affiliate program, unfortunately, we've decided at this point to reject your application. Please try again in 30 days." msgstr "アフィリエイトアカウントに応募いただきありがとうございます。残念ながら現時点では申請を受理することができませんでした。30日後に改めてお申込みください。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:128 msgid "Due to violation of our affiliation terms, we decided to temporarily block your affiliation account. If you have any questions, please contact support." msgstr "アフィリエイト規約違反により、アフィリエイトアカウントを一時的に凍結させていただきました。ご質問等がありましたら、サポートにお問い合わせください。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:141 msgid "Like the %s? Become our ambassador and earn cash ;-)" msgstr "%sは気に入りましたか? アンバサダーになって報酬を得ましょう ;-)" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:142 msgid "Refer new customers to our %s and earn %s commission on each successful sale you refer!" msgstr "新規カスタマーに私たちの%sを紹介して、売り上げごとに%sのコミッションを得ましょう" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:145 msgid "Program Summary" msgstr "プログラム概要" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:147 msgid "%s commission when a customer purchases a new license." msgstr "カスタマーが新規ライセンスを購入するごとに%sのコミッションが発生します。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:149 msgid "Get commission for automated subscription renewals." msgstr "サブスクリプションの自動更新でコミッションを得ましょう。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:152 msgid "%s tracking cookie after the first visit to maximize earnings potential." msgstr "%s初回の訪問後、クッキーをトラッキングして収益の可能性を最大化しましょう。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:155 msgid "Unlimited commissions." msgstr "無制限のコミッション。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:157 msgid "%s minimum payout amount." msgstr "%sお支払いの最低金額" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:158 msgid "Payouts are in USD and processed monthly via PayPal." msgstr "お支払いは USD かつ PayPal 経由で毎月行われます。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:159 msgid "As we reserve 30 days for potential refunds, we only pay commissions that are older than 30 days." msgstr "30日間の返金期間があるため、コミッションのお支払いは30日以降になります。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:162 msgid "Affiliate" msgstr "アフィリエイト" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php165, templates/forms/resend-key.php:23 msgid "Email address" msgstr "メールアドレス" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:169 msgid "Full name" msgstr "フルネーム" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:173 msgid "PayPal account email address" msgstr "PayPal アカウントのメールアドレス" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:177 msgid "Where are you going to promote the %s?" msgstr "%sのプロモーションを行うサイトはどこですか?" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:179 msgid "Enter the domain of your website or other websites from where you plan to promote the %s." msgstr "%sのプロモーションを行う予定のあなたのサイトや他のサイトのドメイン名を入力してください。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:181 msgid "Add another domain" msgstr "ドメイン名を追加する" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:185 msgid "Extra Domains" msgstr "追加のドメイン名" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:186 msgid "Extra domains where you will be marketing the product from." msgstr "プロダクトフォームのマーケティングを行う追加ドメイン名。" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:196 msgid "Promotion methods" msgstr "プロモーション方法" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:199 msgid "Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)" msgstr "ソーシャルメディア(Facebook、Twitter、その他)" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:203 msgid "Mobile apps" msgstr "モバイルアプリケーション" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:207 msgid "Website, email, and social media statistics (optional)" msgstr "ウェブサイト、Email またはソーシャルメディアの統計 (オプション)" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:210 msgid "Please feel free to provide any relevant website or social media statistics, e.g. monthly unique site visits, number of email subscribers, followers, etc. (we will keep this information confidential)." msgstr "関係のあるウェブサイトやソーシャルメディアの統計を提供してください。例: サイトの月間訪問者数、Emailの購読者数、フォロワー数等 (機密情報として取り扱います)" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:214 msgid "How will you promote us?" msgstr "どのように我々をプロモートしますか?" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:217 msgid "Please provide details on how you intend to promote %s (please be as specific as possible)." msgstr "どのように%sをプロモートするつもりなのか、詳細をお知らせください (できるだけ具体的にお願いします)" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php223, templates/forms/resend-key.php:22 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "キャンセル" #: templates/forms/affiliation.php:225 msgid "Become an affiliate" msgstr "アフィリエイトになる" #: templates/forms/license-activation.php:21 msgid "Please enter the license key that you received in the email right after the purchase:" msgstr "購入後すぐにメールで受け取ったライセンスキーを入力してください:" #: templates/forms/license-activation.php:26 msgid "Update License" msgstr "ライセンスを更新" #: templates/forms/optout.php:30 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Opt Out" msgstr "オプトアウト" #: templates/forms/optout.php:31 msgctxt "verb" msgid "Opt In" msgstr "オプトイン" #: templates/forms/optout.php:33 msgid "Usage tracking is done in the name of making %s better. Making a better user experience, prioritizing new features, and more good things. We'd really appreciate if you'll reconsider letting us continue with the tracking." msgstr "使用の追跡は %s をより良くする名目の下に行われています。ユーザー体験をより良くし、新機能に優先順位をつけるためなどに使います。追跡を続けてもよいと再考してくれるなら本当に感謝致します。" #: templates/forms/optout.php:35 msgid "By clicking \"Opt Out\", we will no longer be sending any data from %s to %s." msgstr "\"オプトアウト\"をクリックすることで、もう %s から %s へのデータの送信は行いません。" #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:40 msgid "There is a new version of %s available." msgstr "%sの入手可能な新しいバージョンがあります" #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:41 msgid " %s to access version %s security & feature updates, and support." msgstr " %s to access version %s security & feature updates, and support." #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:54 msgid "New Version Available" msgstr "新しいバージョンがあります" #: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:75 msgctxt "close a window" msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "却下" #: templates/forms/resend-key.php:21 msgid "Send License Key" msgstr "ライセンスキーを送信" #: templates/forms/resend-key.php:57 msgid "Enter the email address you've used for the upgrade below and we will resend you the license key." msgstr "アップグレードに使用したメールアドレスを下に入力してください。そうすれば、ライセンスキーをお送りします。" #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:37 msgid "Deactivating or uninstalling the %s will automatically disable the license, which you'll be able to use on another site." msgstr "Deactivating or uninstalling the %s will automatically disable the license, which you'll be able to use on another site." #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:47 msgid "In case you are NOT planning on using this %s on this site (or any other site) - would you like to cancel the %s as well?" msgstr "In case you are NOT planning on using this %s on this site (or any other site) - would you like to cancel the %s as well?" #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:52 msgid "license" msgstr "license" #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:57 msgid "Cancel %s - I no longer need any security & feature updates, nor support for %s because I'm not planning to use the %s on this, or any other site." msgstr "Cancel %s - I no longer need any security & feature updates, nor support for %s because I'm not planning to use the %s on this, or any other site." #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:68 msgid "Don't cancel %s - I'm still interested in getting security & feature updates, as well as be able to contact support." msgstr "Don't cancel %s - I'm still interested in getting security & feature updates, as well as be able to contact support." #. translators: %1$s: Either 'Downgrading your plan' or 'Cancelling the #. subscription' #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php99, #: templates/account/partials/addon.php29, #: templates/account/partials/site.php:298 msgid "%1$s will immediately stop all future recurring payments and your %s plan license will expire in %s." msgstr "%1$s will immediately stop all future recurring payments and your %s plan license will expire in %s." #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:103 msgid "Once your license expires you will no longer be able to use the %s, unless you activate it again with a valid premium license." msgstr "Once your license expires you will no longer be able to use the %s, unless you activate it again with a valid premium license." #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:136 msgid "Cancel %s?" msgstr "Cancel %s?" #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:143 msgid "Proceed" msgstr "Proceed" #: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php191, #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:171 msgid "Cancel %s & Proceed" msgstr "Cancel %s & Proceed" #: templates/forms/trial-start.php:22 msgid "You are 1-click away from starting your %1$s-day free trial of the %2$s plan." msgstr "%2$s プランの%1$s日間のフリートライアルを開始するまであとワンクリックです。" #: templates/forms/trial-start.php:28 msgid "For compliance with the WordPress.org guidelines, before we start the trial we ask that you opt in with your user and non-sensitive site information, allowing the %s to periodically send data to %s to check for version updates and to validate your trial." msgstr "WordPress.orgのガイドラインに準拠するため、トライアルを開始する前に、ユーザーと重要でないサイト情報のオプトイン、更新の確認やトライアルの状態確認のために%sが%sに対して定期的にデータを送信する許可を得るように設定してください。" #: templates/js/style-premium-theme.php:39 msgid "Premium" msgstr "プレミアム" #: templates/js/style-premium-theme.php:42 msgid "Beta" msgstr "Beta" #: templates/partials/network-activation.php:27 msgid "Activate license on all sites in the network." msgstr "ネットワーク上にあるすべてのサイトのライセンスを有効にする。" #: templates/partials/network-activation.php:28 msgid "Apply on all sites in the network." msgstr "ネットワーク上にあるすべてのサイトに対して反映させる。" #: templates/partials/network-activation.php:31 msgid "Activate license on all pending sites." msgstr "保留中のサイトすべてでライセンスを有効にする。" #: templates/partials/network-activation.php:32 msgid "Apply on all pending sites." msgstr "保留中のサイトすべてに反映させる。" #: templates/partials/network-activation.php40, #: templates/partials/network-activation.php:74 msgid "allow" msgstr "許可" #: templates/partials/network-activation.php43, #: templates/partials/network-activation.php:77 msgid "delegate" msgstr "代表" #: templates/partials/network-activation.php47, #: templates/partials/network-activation.php:81 msgid "skip" msgstr "スキップ" #: templates/plugin-info/description.php72, #: templates/plugin-info/screenshots.php:31 msgid "Click to view full-size screenshot %d" msgstr "クリックしてフルサイズのスクリーンショットを見る %d" #: templates/plugin-info/features.php:56 msgid "Unlimited Updates" msgstr "無制限のアップデート" #: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php:46 msgid "Localhost" msgstr "localhost" #: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php:50 msgctxt "as 5 licenses left" msgid "%s left" msgstr "あと %s" #: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php:51 msgid "Last license" msgstr "最新のライセンス" #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:167 msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "キャンセル" #: templates/account/partials/addon.php:177 msgid "No expiration" msgstr "有効期限なし" #: templates/account/partials/site.php:181 msgid "Owner Name" msgstr "所有者名" #: templates/account/partials/site.php:193 msgid "Owner Email" msgstr "所有者の Email" #: templates/account/partials/site.php:205 msgid "Owner ID" msgstr "オーナー ID" #: templates/account/partials/site.php:270 msgid "Subscription" msgstr "サブスクリプション" #: templates/forms/deactivation/contact.php:19 msgid "Sorry for the inconvenience and we are here to help if you give us a chance." msgstr "ご迷惑をおかけしてすいません。もし機会をいただけたらお手伝いをします。" #: templates/forms/deactivation/contact.php:22 msgid "Contact Support" msgstr "サポートに連絡" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:64 msgid "Anonymous feedback" msgstr "匿名のフィードバック" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:70 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "無効化" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:72 msgid "Activate %s" msgstr "%sを有効化する" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:87 msgid "Quick Feedback" msgstr "Quick Feedback" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:91 msgid "If you have a moment, please let us know why you are %s" msgstr "お時間があれば、なぜ%sするのか理由を教えてください。" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:91 msgid "deactivating" msgstr "無効化中" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:91 msgid "switching" msgstr "変更中" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:365 msgid "Submit & %s" msgstr "送信と%s" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:386 msgid "Kindly tell us the reason so we can improve." msgstr "改善できるよう、どうか理由を教えてください。" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:511 msgid "Yes - %s" msgstr "はい" #: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:518 msgid "Skip & %s" msgstr "スキップと%s" #: templates/forms/deactivation/retry-skip.php:21 msgid "Click here to use the plugin anonymously" msgstr "匿名でプラグインを使用するにはこちらをクリック" #: templates/forms/deactivation/retry-skip.php:23 msgid "You might have missed it, but you don't have to share any data and can just %s the opt-in." msgstr "見逃していたかもしれませんが、どんな情報も共有する必要はなく、オプトインを $s することができます。 "