<div id="tablestatistics"> <fieldset class="pma-fieldset"> <legend>{% trans 'Information' %}</legend> {% if showtable['TABLE_COMMENT'] %} <p> <strong>{% trans 'Table comments:' %}</strong> {{ showtable['TABLE_COMMENT'] }} </p> {% endif %} <a id="showusage"></a> {% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %} <table class="table table-striped table-hover table-sm w-auto caption-top"> <caption>{% trans 'Space usage' %}</caption> <tbody> <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Data' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ data_size }}</td> <td class="unit">{{ data_unit }}</td> </tr> {% if index_size is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Index' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ index_size }}</td> <td class="unit">{{ index_unit }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if free_size is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Overhead' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ free_size }}</td> <td class="unit">{{ free_unit }}</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Effective' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ effect_size }}</td> <td class="unit">{{ effect_unit }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if tot_size is defined and mergetable == false %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Total' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ tot_size }}</td> <td class="unit">{{ tot_unit }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} </tbody> {# Optimize link if overhead #} {% if free_size is defined and (tbl_storage_engine == 'MYISAM' or tbl_storage_engine == 'ARIA' or tbl_storage_engine == 'MARIA' or tbl_storage_engine == 'BDB') or (tbl_storage_engine == 'INNODB' and innodb_file_per_table == true) %} <tfoot> <tr class="d-print-none"> <th colspan="3" class="center"> <a href="{{ url('/sql') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({ 'db': db, 'table': table, 'sql_query': 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' ~ backquote(table), 'pos': 0 }) }}"> {{ get_icon('b_tbloptimize', 'Optimize table'|trans) }} </a> </th> </tr> </tfoot> {% endif %} </table> {% endif %} {% set avg_size = avg_size is defined ? avg_size : null %} {% set avg_unit = avg_unit is defined ? avg_unit : null %} <table class="table table-striped table-hover table-sm w-auto caption-top"> <caption>{% trans 'Row statistics' %}</caption> <tbody> {% if showtable['Row_format'] is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Format' %}</th> {% if showtable['Row_format'] == 'Fixed' %} <td class="value">{% trans 'static' %}</td> {% elseif showtable['Row_format'] == 'Dynamic' %} <td class="value">{% trans 'dynamic' %}</td> {% else %} <td class="value">{{ showtable['Row_format'] }}</td> {% endif %} </tr> {% endif %} {% if showtable['Create_options'] is not empty %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Options' %}</th> {% if showtable['Create_options'] == 'partitioned' %} <td class="value">{% trans 'partitioned' %}</td> {% else %} <td class="value">{{ showtable['Create_options'] }}</td> {% endif %} </tr> {% endif %} {% if table_collation is not empty %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Collation' %}</th> <td class="value"> <dfn title="{{ table_collation.description }}"> {{ table_collation.name }} </dfn> </td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if not is_innodb and showtable['Rows'] is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Rows' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ format_number(showtable['Rows'], 0) }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if not is_innodb and showtable['Avg_row_length'] is defined and showtable['Avg_row_length'] > 0 %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Row length' %}</th> {% set avg_row_length = format_byte_down(showtable['Avg_row_length'], 6, 1) %} <td class="value">{{ avg_row_length[0] }} {{ avg_row_length[1] }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if not is_innodb and showtable['Data_length'] is defined and showtable['Rows'] is defined and showtable['Rows'] > 0 and mergetable == false %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Row size' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ avg_size }} {{ avg_unit }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if showtable['Auto_increment'] is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Next autoindex' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ format_number(showtable['Auto_increment'], 0) }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if showtable['Create_time'] is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Creation' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ localised_date(showtable['Create_time']|date('U')) }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if showtable['Update_time'] is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Last update' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ localised_date(showtable['Update_time']|date('U')) }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if showtable['Check_time'] is defined %} <tr> <th class="name">{% trans 'Last check' %}</th> <td class="value">{{ localised_date(showtable['Check_time']|date('U')) }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} </tbody> </table> </fieldset> </div>