<?php // Reserved column names return apply_filters('woocommerce_csv_product_review_import_reserved_fields_pair', array( 'comment_ID' => array('title'=>'Comments ID','description'=>'ID of the comments'), 'product_SKU' => array('title'=>'Product SKU','description'=>'Product SKU'), 'comment_post_ID' => array('title'=>'Comment Post ID','description'=>'ID of the product, on which the comment is done'), 'comment_author' => array('title'=>'Comments Author Name','description'=>'The author name, who made comments'), 'comment_author_url' => array('title'=>'Comments Author URL','description'=>'The author URL, who made comments'), 'comment_author_email' => array('title'=>'Comments Author Email','description'=>'The author email, who made comments'), 'comment_author_IP' => array('title'=>'Comments Author IP','description'=>'The author IP, who made comments'), 'comment_date' => array('title'=>'Comments Date','description'=>'The date, when comments is done', 'type' => 'date'), 'comment_date_gmt' => array('title'=>'Comments Date(GMT)','description'=>'The date, when comments is done', 'type' => 'date'), 'comment_content' => array('title'=>'Comments Content','description'=>'The content of the comments'), //'comment_karma' => array('title'=>'comment_karma', 'comment_approved' => array('title'=>'Comments Approved or Not?','description'=>'1, for YES and 0, for NO'), 'comment_parent' => array('title'=>'Comments Parent','description'=>'The parent comments id'), 'user_id' => array('title'=>'User ID','description'=>'The user id who comments, if the user is GUEST USER then it is 0'), //Meta 'rating' => array('title'=>'Rating','description'=>'1: for 1 star, 2: for 2 star,...'), 'verified' => array('title'=>'Verified or Not?','description'=>'1: for verified, 0: for non-verified'), 'title' => array('title'=>'Review title','description'=>' Review title'), 'comment_alter_id' => array('title'=>'Comment Alteration ID','description'=>'System generated'), ));