<?php /** * @package Freemius * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc. * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License Version 3 * @since 2.3.1 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * @var array $VARS * * @var Freemius $fs */ $fs = freemius( $VARS['id'] ); $slug = $fs->get_slug(); $unique_affix = $fs->get_unique_affix(); $last_license_user_id = $fs->get_last_license_user_id(); $has_last_license_user_id = FS_User::is_valid_id( $last_license_user_id ); $message_above_input_field = ( ! $has_last_license_user_id ) ? fs_text_inline( 'Please enter the license key to enable the debug mode:', 'submit-developer-license-key-message', $slug ) : sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'To enter the debug mode, please enter the secret key of the license owner (UserID = %d), which you can find in your "My Profile" section of your User Dashboard:', 'submit-addon-developer-key-message', $slug ), $last_license_user_id ); $processing_text = ( fs_esc_js_inline( 'Processing', 'processing', $slug ) . '...' ); $submit_button_text = fs_text_inline( 'Submit', 'submit', $slug ); $debug_license_link_text = fs_esc_html_inline( 'Start Debug', 'start-debug-license', $slug ); $license_or_user_key_text = ( ! $has_last_license_user_id ) ? fs_text_inline( 'License key', 'license-key' , $slug ) : fs_text_inline( 'User key', 'user-key' , $slug ); $input_html = "<input class='fs-license-or-user-key' type='password' placeholder='{$license_or_user_key_text}' tabindex='1' />"; $modal_content_html = <<< HTML <div class="notice notice-error inline license-or-user-key-submission-message"><p></p></div> <p>{$message_above_input_field}</p> {$input_html} HTML; fs_enqueue_local_style( 'fs_dialog_boxes', '/admin/dialog-boxes.css' ); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> ( function( $ ) { $( document ).ready( function() { var modalContentHtml = <?php echo json_encode( $modal_content_html ) ?>, modalHtml = '<div class="fs-modal fs-modal-developer-license-debug-mode fs-modal-developer-license-debug-mode-<?php echo $unique_affix ?>">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-dialog">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-body">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-panel active">' + modalContentHtml + '</div>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="fs-modal-footer">' + ' <button class="button button-secondary button-close" tabindex="4"><?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Cancel', 'cancel', $slug ) ?></button>' + ' <button class="button button-primary button-submit-license-or-user-key" tabindex="3"><?php echo esc_js( $submit_button_text ) ?></button>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>', $modal = $( modalHtml ), $debugLicenseLink = $( '.debug-license-trigger' ), $submitKeyButton = $modal.find( '.button-submit-license-or-user-key' ), $licenseOrUserKeyInput = $modal.find( 'input.fs-license-or-user-key' ), $licenseOrUserKeySubmissionMessage = $modal.find( '.license-or-user-key-submission-message' ), isDebugMode = <?php echo $fs->is_data_debug_mode() ? 'true' : 'false' ?>; $modal.appendTo( $( 'body' ) ); function registerEventHandlers() { $debugLicenseLink.click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if ( isDebugMode ) { setDeveloperLicenseDebugMode(); return true; } showModal( evt ); }); $modal.on( 'input propertychange', 'input.fs-license-or-user-key', function () { var licenseOrUserKey = $( this ).val().trim(); /** * If license or user key is not empty, enable the submission button. */ if ( licenseOrUserKey.length > 0 ) { enableSubmitButton(); } }); $modal.on( 'blur', 'input.fs-license-or-user-key', function () { var licenseOrUserKey = $( this ).val().trim(); /** * If license or user key is empty, disable the submission button. */ if ( 0 === licenseOrUserKey.length ) { disableSubmitButton(); } }); $modal.on( 'click', '.button-submit-license-or-user-key', function ( evt ) { evt.preventDefault(); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { return; } var licenseOrUserKey = $licenseOrUserKeyInput.val().trim(); disableSubmitButton(); if ( 0 === licenseOrUserKey.length ) { return; } setDeveloperLicenseDebugMode( licenseOrUserKey ); }); // If the user has clicked outside the window, close the modal. $modal.on( 'click', '.fs-close, .button-secondary', function () { closeModal(); return false; } ); } registerEventHandlers(); function setDeveloperLicenseDebugMode( licenseOrUserKey ) { var data = { action : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_action( 'set_data_debug_mode' ) ?>', security : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_security( 'set_data_debug_mode' ) ?>', license_or_user_key: licenseOrUserKey, is_debug_mode : isDebugMode, module_id : '<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>' }; $.ajax( { url : ajaxurl, method : 'POST', data : data, beforeSend: function () { $debugLicenseLink.find('span').text( '<?php echo $processing_text ?>' ); $submitKeyButton.text( '<?php echo $processing_text ?>' ); }, success : function ( result ) { if ( result.success ) { closeModal(); // Reload the "Account" page so that the pricing/upgrade link will be properly hidden/shown. window.location.reload(); } else { showError( result.error.message ? result.error.message : result.error ); resetButtons(); } }, error : function () { showError( <?php echo json_encode( fs_text_inline( 'An unknown error has occurred.', 'unknown-error', $slug ) ) ?> ); resetButtons(); } }); } function showModal( evt ) { resetModal(); // Display the dialog box. $modal.addClass( 'active' ); $( 'body' ).addClass( 'has-fs-modal' ); $licenseOrUserKeyInput.val( '' ); $licenseOrUserKeyInput.focus(); } function closeModal() { $modal.removeClass( 'active' ); $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'has-fs-modal' ); } function resetButtons() { enableSubmitButton(); $submitKeyButton.text( <?php echo json_encode( $submit_button_text ) ?> ); $debugLicenseLink.find('span').text( <?php echo json_encode( $debug_license_link_text ) ?> ); } function resetModal() { hideError(); resetButtons(); } function enableSubmitButton() { $submitKeyButton.removeClass( 'disabled' ); } function disableSubmitButton() { $submitKeyButton.addClass( 'disabled' ); } function hideError() { $licenseOrUserKeySubmissionMessage.hide(); } function showError( msg ) { $licenseOrUserKeySubmissionMessage.find( ' > p' ).html( msg ); $licenseOrUserKeySubmissionMessage.show(); } } ); } )( jQuery ); </script>