"use strict"; var wpfAdminFormChanged = []; window.onbeforeunload = function(){ // If there are at lease one unsaved form - show message for confirnation for page leave if(wpfAdminFormChanged.length) return 'Some changes were not-saved. Are you sure you want to leave?'; }; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if(typeof(wpfActiveTab) != 'undefined' && wpfActiveTab != 'main_page' && jQuery('#toplevel_page_wpf-comparison-slider').hasClass('wp-has-current-submenu')) { var subMenus = jQuery('#toplevel_page_wpf-comparison-slider').find('.wp-submenu li'); subMenus.removeClass('current').each(function(){ if(jQuery(this).find('a[href$="&tab='+ wpfActiveTab+ '"]').length) { jQuery(this).addClass('current'); } }); } // Timeout - is to count only user changes, because some changes can be done auto when form is loaded setTimeout(function() { // If some changes was made in those forms and they were not saved - show message for confirnation before page reload var formsPreventLeave = []; if(formsPreventLeave && formsPreventLeave.length) { jQuery('#'+ formsPreventLeave.join(', #')).find('input,select').change(function(){ var formId = jQuery(this).parents('form:first').attr('id'); changeAdminFormWpf(formId); }); jQuery('#'+ formsPreventLeave.join(', #')).find('input[type=text],textarea').keyup(function(){ var formId = jQuery(this).parents('form:first').attr('id'); changeAdminFormWpf(formId); }); jQuery('#'+ formsPreventLeave.join(', #')).submit(function(){ adminFormSavedWpf( jQuery(this).attr('id') ); }); } }, 1000); if(jQuery('.wpfInputsWithDescrForm').length) { jQuery('.wpfInputsWithDescrForm').find('input[type=checkbox][data-optkey]').change(function(){ var optKey = jQuery(this).data('optkey') , descShell = jQuery('#wpfFormOptDetails_'+ optKey); if(descShell.length) { if(jQuery(this).is(':checked')) { descShell.slideDown( 300 ); } else { descShell.slideUp( 300 ); } } }).trigger('change'); } wpfInitStickyItem(); jQuery('.wpfFieldsetToggled').each(function(){ var self = this; jQuery(self).find('.wpfFieldsetContent').hide(); jQuery(self).find('.wpfFieldsetToggleBtn').click(function(){ var icon = jQuery(this).find('i') , show = icon.hasClass('fa-plus'); show ? icon.removeClass('fa-plus').addClass('fa-minus') : icon.removeClass('fa-minus').addClass('fa-plus'); jQuery(self).find('.wpfFieldsetContent').slideToggle( 300, function(){ if(show) { jQuery(this).find('textarea').each(function(i, el){ if(typeof(this.CodeMirrorEditor) !== 'undefined') { this.CodeMirrorEditor.refresh(); } }); } } ); return false; }); }); // for checkboxHiddenVal type, see class HtmlWpf jQuery('input[data-hiden-input=1]').change(function() { var hidenInput = jQuery(this).next(); if (jQuery(this).prop("checked")) { jQuery(hidenInput).val("1"); } else { jQuery(hidenInput).val("0"); } }); // Go to Top button init if(jQuery('#wpfPopupGoToTopBtn').length) { jQuery('#wpfPopupGoToTopBtn').click(function(){ jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1000); jQuery(this).parents('#wpfPopupGoToTop:first').hide(); return false; }); } wpfInitTooltips(); jQuery(document.body).on('changeTooltips', function (e) { wpfInitTooltips(e.target); jQuery(e.target).find('.tooltipstered').removeAttr('title'); }); if(jQuery('.wpfCopyTextCode').length) { setTimeout(function(){ // Give it some time - wait until all other elements will be initialized var cloneWidthElement = jQuery('<span class="sup-shortcode" />').appendTo('.woobewoo-plugin'); jQuery('.wpfCopyTextCode').attr('readonly', 'readonly').click(function(){ this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length); }).focus(function(){ this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length); }); jQuery('input.wpfCopyTextCode').each(function(){ cloneWidthElement.html( str_replace(jQuery(this).val(), '<', 'P') ); var parentSelector = jQuery(this).data('parent-selector') , parentWidth = (parentSelector && parentSelector != '' ? jQuery(this).parents(parentSelector+ ':first') : jQuery(this).parent() ).width() , txtWidth = cloneWidthElement.width(); if(parentWidth <= 0 || parentWidth > txtWidth) { jQuery(this).width( cloneWidthElement.width() ); } }); cloneWidthElement.remove(); }, 500); } // Check for showing review notice after a week usage wpfInitPlugNotices(); jQuery('.woobewoo-plugin-loader').css('display', 'none'); jQuery('.woobewoo-main').css('display', 'block'); jQuery(".woobewoo-plugin .tooltipstered").removeAttr("title"); }); function wpfInitTooltips( selector ) { var tooltipsterSettings = { contentAsHTML: true , interactive: true , speed: 0 , delay: 0 , maxWidth: 450 } , findPos = { '.woobewoo-tooltip': 'top-left' , '.woobewoo-tooltip-bottom': 'bottom-left' , '.woobewoo-tooltip-left': 'left' , '.woobewoo-tooltip-right': 'right' } , $findIn = selector ? jQuery( selector ) : false; for(var k in findPos) { if(typeof(k) === 'string') { var $tips = $findIn ? $findIn.find( k ) : jQuery( k ).not('.no-tooltip'); if($tips && $tips.length) { tooltipsterSettings.position = findPos[ k ]; // Fallback for case if library was not loaded if(!$tips.tooltipster) continue; $tips.tooltipster( tooltipsterSettings ); } } } } function changeAdminFormWpf(formId) { if(jQuery.inArray(formId, wpfAdminFormChanged) == -1) wpfAdminFormChanged.push(formId); } function adminFormSavedWpf(formId) { if(wpfAdminFormChanged.length) { for(var i in wpfAdminFormChanged) { if(wpfAdminFormChanged[i] == formId) { wpfAdminFormChanged.pop(i); } } } } function checkAdminFormSaved() { if(wpfAdminFormChanged.length) { if(!confirm(toeLangWpf('Some changes were not-saved. Are you sure you want to leave?'))) { return false; } wpfAdminFormChanged = []; // Clear unsaved forms array - if user wanted to do this } return true; } function isAdminFormChanged(formId) { if(wpfAdminFormChanged.length) { for(var i in wpfAdminFormChanged) { if(wpfAdminFormChanged[i] == formId) { return true; } } } return false; } /*Some items should be always on users screen*/ function wpfInitStickyItem() { jQuery(window).scroll(function(){ var stickiItemsSelectors = ['.woobewoo-sticky'] , elementsUsePaddingNext = ['.woobewoo-bar'] // For example - if we stick row - then all other should not offest to top after we will place element as fixed , wpTollbarHeight = 32 , wndScrollTop = jQuery(window).scrollTop() + wpTollbarHeight , footer = jQuery('.wpfAdminFooterShell') , footerHeight = footer && footer.length ? footer.height() : 0 , docHeight = jQuery(document).height() , wasSticking = false , wasUnSticking = false; /*if(jQuery('#wpbody-content .update-nag').length) { // Not used for now wpTollbarHeight += parseInt(jQuery('#wpbody-content .update-nag').outerHeight()); }*/ for(var i = 0; i < stickiItemsSelectors.length; i++) { jQuery(stickiItemsSelectors[ i ]).each(function(){ var element = jQuery(this); if(element && element.length && !element.hasClass('sticky-ignore')) { var scrollMinPos = element.offset().top , prevScrollMinPos = parseInt(element.data('scrollMinPos')) , useNextElementPadding = toeInArray(stickiItemsSelectors[ i ], elementsUsePaddingNext) !== -1 || element.hasClass('sticky-padd-next') , currentScrollTop = wndScrollTop , calcPrevHeight = element.data('prev-height') , currentBorderHeight = wpTollbarHeight , usePrevHeight = 0; if(calcPrevHeight) { usePrevHeight = jQuery(calcPrevHeight).outerHeight(); currentBorderHeight += usePrevHeight; } if(currentScrollTop > scrollMinPos && !element.hasClass('woobewoo-sticky-active')) { // Start sticking if(element.hasClass('sticky-save-width')) { element.width( element.width() ); } element.addClass('woobewoo-sticky-active').data('scrollMinPos', scrollMinPos).css({ 'top': currentBorderHeight }); if(useNextElementPadding) { var nextElement = element.next(); 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if(jQuery(this).hasClass('cbox')) { var parentRow = jQuery(this).parents('.jqgrow:first'); if(parentRow && parentRow.length) { jQuery(this).parents('td:first').trigger('click'); } else { var checkId = jQuery(this).attr('id'); if(checkId && checkId != '' && strpos(checkId, 'cb_') === 0) { var parentTblId = str_replace(checkId, 'cb_', ''); if(parentTblId && parentTblId != '' && jQuery('#'+ parentTblId).length) { jQuery('#'+ parentTblId).find('input[type=checkbox]').iCheck('update'); } } } } }).on('ifClicked', function(e){ jQuery(this).trigger('click'); }); } function wpfCheckDestroy(checkbox) { if(!jQuery.fn.iCheck) return; jQuery(checkbox).iCheck('destroy'); } function wpfCheckDestroyArea(selector) { if(!jQuery.fn.iCheck) return; jQuery(selector).find('input[type=checkbox]').iCheck('destroy'); } function wpfCheckUpdate(checkbox) { if(!jQuery.fn.iCheck) return; jQuery(checkbox).iCheck('update'); } function wpfCheckUpdateArea(selector) { if(!jQuery.fn.iCheck) return; jQuery(selector).find('input[type=checkbox]').iCheck('update'); } function wpfGetTxtEditorVal(id) { if(typeof(tinyMCE) !== 'undefined' && tinyMCE.get( id ) && !jQuery('#'+ id).is(':visible') && tinyMCE.get( id ).getDoc && typeof(tinyMCE.get( id ).getDoc) == 'function' && tinyMCE.get( id ).getDoc() ) return tinyMCE.get( id ).getContent(); else return jQuery('#'+ id).val(); } function wpfSetTxtEditorVal(id, content) { if(typeof(tinyMCE) !== 'undefined' && tinyMCE && tinyMCE.get( id ) && !jQuery('#'+ id).is(':visible') && tinyMCE.get( id ).getDoc && typeof(tinyMCE.get( id ).getDoc) == 'function' && tinyMCE.get( id ).getDoc() ) tinyMCE.get( id ).setContent(content); else jQuery('#'+ id).val( content ); } /** * Add data to jqGrid object post params search * @param {object} param Search params to set * @param {string} gridSelectorId ID of grid table html element */ function wpfGridSetListSearch(param, gridSelectorId) { jQuery('#'+ gridSelectorId).setGridParam({ postData: { search: param } }); } /** * Set data to jqGrid object post params search and trigger search * @param {object} param Search params to set * @param {string} gridSelectorId ID of grid table html element */ function wpfGridDoListSearch(param, gridSelectorId) { wpfGridSetListSearch(param, gridSelectorId); jQuery('#'+ gridSelectorId).trigger( 'reloadGrid' ); } /** * Get row data from jqGrid * @param {number} id Item ID (from database for example) * @param {string} gridSelectorId ID of grid table html element * @return {object} Row data */ function wpfGetGridDataById(id, gridSelectorId) { var rowId = getGridRowId(id, gridSelectorId); if(rowId) { return jQuery('#'+ gridSelectorId).jqGrid ('getRowData', rowId); } return false; } /** * Get cell data from jqGrid * @param {number} id Item ID (from database for example) * @param {string} column Column name * @param {string} gridSelectorId ID of grid table html element * @return {string} Cell data */ function wpfGetGridColDataById(id, column, gridSelectorId) { var rowId = getGridRowId(id, gridSelectorId); if(rowId) { return jQuery('#'+ gridSelectorId).jqGrid ('getCell', rowId, column); } return false; } /** * Get grid row ID (ID of table row) from item ID (from database ID for example) * @param {number} id Item ID (from database for example) * @param {string} gridSelectorId ID of grid table html element * @return {number} Table row ID */ function getGridRowId(id, gridSelectorId) { var rowId = parseInt(jQuery('#'+ gridSelectorId).find('[aria-describedby='+ gridSelectorId+ '_id][title='+ id+ ']').parent('tr:first').index()); if(!rowId) { console.log('CAN NOT FIND ITEM WITH ID '+ id); return false; } return rowId; } function prepareToPlotDate(data) { if(typeof(data) === 'string') { if(data) { data = str_replace(data, '/', '-'); return (new Date(data)).getTime(); } } return data; } function wpfInitPlugNotices() { var $notices = jQuery('.woobewoo-admin-notice'); if($notices && $notices.length) { $notices.each(function(){ jQuery(this).find('.notice-dismiss').click(function(){ var $notice = jQuery(this).parents('.woobewoo-admin-notice'); if(!$notice.data('stats-sent')) { // User closed this message - that is his choise, let's respect this and save it's saved status jQuery.sendFormWpf({ data: {mod: 'promo', action: 'addNoticeAction', code: $notice.data('code'), choice: 'hide'} }); } }); jQuery(this).find('[data-statistic-code]').click(function(){ var href = jQuery(this).attr('href') , $notice = jQuery(this).parents('.woobewoo-admin-notice'); jQuery.sendFormWpf({ data: {mod: 'promo', action: 'addNoticeAction', code: $notice.data('code'), choice: jQuery(this).data('statistic-code')} }); $notice.data('stats-sent', 1).find('.notice-dismiss').trigger('click'); if(!href || href === '' || href === '#') return false; }); var $enbStatsBtn = jQuery(this).find('.wpfEnbStatsAdBtn'); if($enbStatsBtn && $enbStatsBtn.length) { $enbStatsBtn.click(function(){ jQuery.sendFormWpf({ data: {mod: 'promo', action: 'enbStatsOpt'} }); return false; }); } }); } } /** * Main promo popup will show each time user will try to modify PRO option with free version only */ function wpfGetMainPromoPopup() { if(jQuery('#wpfOptInProWnd').hasClass('ui-dialog-content')) { return jQuery('#wpfOptInProWnd'); } return jQuery('#wpfOptInProWnd').dialog({ modal: true , autoOpen: false , width: 540 , height: 200 , open: function() { jQuery('#wpfOptWndTemplateTxt').hide(); jQuery('#wpfOptWndOptionTxt').show(); } }); } function wpfInitMainPromoPopup() { if(!WPF_DATA.isPro) { var $proOptWnd = wpfGetMainPromoPopup(); jQuery('.wpfProOpt').change(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); var needShow = true , isRadio = jQuery(this).attr('type') == 'radio' , isCheck = jQuery(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox'; if(isRadio && !jQuery(this).attr('checked')) { needShow = false; } if(!needShow) { return; } if(isRadio) { jQuery('input[name="'+ jQuery(this).attr('name')+ '"]:first').parents('label:first').click(); if(jQuery(this).parents('.iradio_minimal:first').length) { var self = this; setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(self).parents('.iradio_minimal:first').removeClass('checked'); }, 10); } } var parent = null; if(jQuery(this).parents('#wpfPopupMainOpts').length) { parent = jQuery(this).parents('label:first'); } else if(jQuery(this).parents('.wpfPopupOptRow:first').length) { parent = jQuery(this).parents('.wpfPopupOptRow:first'); } else { parent = jQuery(this).parents('tr:first'); } if(!parent.length) return; var promoLink = parent.find('.wpfProOptMiniLabel a').attr('href'); if(promoLink && promoLink != '') { jQuery('#wpfOptInProWnd a').attr('href', promoLink); } $proOptWnd.dialog('open'); return false; }); } }