<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Spomky-Labs * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ namespace Cose\Key; use function array_key_exists; use Assert\Assertion; use FG\ASN1\ExplicitlyTaggedObject; use FG\ASN1\Universal\BitString; use FG\ASN1\Universal\Integer; use FG\ASN1\Universal\ObjectIdentifier; use FG\ASN1\Universal\OctetString; use FG\ASN1\Universal\Sequence; class Ec2Key extends Key { public const CURVE_P256 = 1; public const CURVE_P256K = 8; public const CURVE_P384 = 2; public const CURVE_P521 = 3; public const DATA_CURVE = -1; public const DATA_X = -2; public const DATA_Y = -3; public const DATA_D = -4; private const SUPPORTED_CURVES = [ self::CURVE_P256, self::CURVE_P256K, self::CURVE_P384, self::CURVE_P521, ]; private const NAMED_CURVE_OID = [ self::CURVE_P256 => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // NIST P-256 / secp256r1 self::CURVE_P256K => '', // NIST P-256K / secp256k1 self::CURVE_P384 => '', // NIST P-384 / secp384r1 self::CURVE_P521 => '', // NIST P-521 / secp521r1 ]; private const CURVE_KEY_LENGTH = [ self::CURVE_P256 => 32, self::CURVE_P256K => 32, self::CURVE_P384 => 48, self::CURVE_P521 => 66, ]; public function __construct(array $data) { parent::__construct($data); Assertion::eq($data[self::TYPE], self::TYPE_EC2, 'Invalid EC2 key. The key type does not correspond to an EC2 key'); Assertion::keyExists($data, self::DATA_CURVE, 'Invalid EC2 key. The curve is missing'); Assertion::keyExists($data, self::DATA_X, 'Invalid EC2 key. The x coordinate is missing'); Assertion::keyExists($data, self::DATA_Y, 'Invalid EC2 key. The y coordinate is missing'); Assertion::length($data[self::DATA_X], self::CURVE_KEY_LENGTH[$data[self::DATA_CURVE]], 'Invalid length for x coordinate', null, '8bit'); Assertion::length($data[self::DATA_Y], self::CURVE_KEY_LENGTH[$data[self::DATA_CURVE]], 'Invalid length for y coordinate', null, '8bit'); Assertion::inArray((int) $data[self::DATA_CURVE], self::SUPPORTED_CURVES, 'The curve is not supported'); } public function toPublic(): self { $data = $this->getData(); unset($data[self::DATA_D]); return new self($data); } public function x(): string { return $this->get(self::DATA_X); } public function y(): string { return $this->get(self::DATA_Y); } public function isPrivate(): bool { return array_key_exists(self::DATA_D, $this->getData()); } public function d(): string { Assertion::true($this->isPrivate(), 'The key is not private'); return $this->get(self::DATA_D); } public function curve(): int { return (int) $this->get(self::DATA_CURVE); } public function asPEM(): string { if ($this->isPrivate()) { $der = new Sequence( new Integer(1), new OctetString(bin2hex($this->d())), new ExplicitlyTaggedObject(0, new ObjectIdentifier($this->getCurveOid())), new ExplicitlyTaggedObject(1, new BitString(bin2hex($this->getUncompressedCoordinates()))) ); return $this->pem('EC PRIVATE KEY', $der->getBinary()); } $der = new Sequence( new Sequence( new ObjectIdentifier('1.2.840.10045.2.1'), new ObjectIdentifier($this->getCurveOid()) ), new BitString(bin2hex($this->getUncompressedCoordinates())) ); return $this->pem('PUBLIC KEY', $der->getBinary()); } public function getUncompressedCoordinates(): string { return "\x04".$this->x().$this->y(); } private function getCurveOid(): string { return self::NAMED_CURVE_OID[$this->curve()]; } private function pem(string $type, string $der): string { return sprintf("-----BEGIN %s-----\n", mb_strtoupper($type)). chunk_split(base64_encode($der), 64, "\n"). sprintf("-----END %s-----\n", mb_strtoupper($type)); } }