<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statements; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\ArrayObj; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\Condition; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\Expression; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\ExpressionArray; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\JoinKeyword; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\Limit; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\OptionsArray; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Components\OrderKeyword; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Parser; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Statement; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Token; use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\TokensList; use function count; use function stripos; use function strlen; /** * `DELETE` statement. * * DELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE] FROM tbl_name * [PARTITION (partition_name,...)] * [WHERE where_condition] * [ORDER BY ...] * [LIMIT row_count] * * Multi-table syntax * * DELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE] * tbl_name[.*] [, tbl_name[.*]] ... * FROM table_references * [WHERE where_condition] * * OR * * DELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE] * FROM tbl_name[.*] [, tbl_name[.*]] ... * USING table_references * [WHERE where_condition] */ class DeleteStatement extends Statement { /** * Options for `DELETE` statements. * * @var array<string, int|array<int, int|string>> * @psalm-var array<string, (positive-int|array{positive-int, ('var'|'var='|'expr'|'expr=')})> */ public static $OPTIONS = [ 'LOW_PRIORITY' => 1, 'QUICK' => 2, 'IGNORE' => 3, ]; /** * The clauses of this statement, in order. * * @see Statement::$CLAUSES * * @var array<string, array<int, int|string>> * @psalm-var array<string, array{non-empty-string, (1|2|3)}> */ public static $CLAUSES = [ 'DELETE' => [ 'DELETE', 2, ], // Used for options. '_OPTIONS' => [ '_OPTIONS', 1, ], 'FROM' => [ 'FROM', 3, ], 'PARTITION' => [ 'PARTITION', 3, ], 'USING' => [ 'USING', 3, ], 'WHERE' => [ 'WHERE', 3, ], 'ORDER BY' => [ 'ORDER BY', 3, ], 'LIMIT' => [ 'LIMIT', 3, ], ]; /** * Table(s) used as sources for this statement. * * @var Expression[]|null */ public $from; /** * Joins. * * @var JoinKeyword[]|null */ public $join; /** * Tables used as sources for this statement. * * @var Expression[]|null */ public $using; /** * Columns used in this statement. * * @var Expression[]|null */ public $columns; /** * Partitions used as source for this statement. * * @var ArrayObj|null */ public $partition; /** * Conditions used for filtering each row of the result set. * * @var Condition[]|null */ public $where; /** * Specifies the order of the rows in the result set. * * @var OrderKeyword[]|null */ public $order; /** * Conditions used for limiting the size of the result set. * * @var Limit|null */ public $limit; /** * @return string */ public function build() { $ret = 'DELETE ' . OptionsArray::build($this->options); if ($this->columns !== null && count($this->columns) > 0) { $ret .= ' ' . ExpressionArray::build($this->columns); } if ($this->from !== null && count($this->from) > 0) { $ret .= ' FROM ' . ExpressionArray::build($this->from); } if ($this->join !== null && count($this->join) > 0) { $ret .= ' ' . JoinKeyword::build($this->join); } if ($this->using !== null && count($this->using) > 0) { $ret .= ' USING ' . ExpressionArray::build($this->using); } if ($this->where !== null && count($this->where) > 0) { $ret .= ' WHERE ' . Condition::build($this->where); } if ($this->order !== null && count($this->order) > 0) { $ret .= ' ORDER BY ' . ExpressionArray::build($this->order); } if ($this->limit !== null && strlen((string) $this->limit) > 0) { $ret .= ' LIMIT ' . Limit::build($this->limit); } return $ret; } /** * @param Parser $parser the instance that requests parsing * @param TokensList $list the list of tokens to be parsed */ public function parse(Parser $parser, TokensList $list) { ++$list->idx; // Skipping `DELETE`. // parse any options if provided $this->options = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$OPTIONS); ++$list->idx; /** * The state of the parser. * * Below are the states of the parser. * * 0 ---------------------------------[ FROM ]----------------------------------> 2 * 0 ------------------------------[ table[.*] ]--------------------------------> 1 * 1 ---------------------------------[ FROM ]----------------------------------> 2 * 2 --------------------------------[ USING ]----------------------------------> 3 * 2 --------------------------------[ WHERE ]----------------------------------> 4 * 2 --------------------------------[ ORDER ]----------------------------------> 5 * 2 --------------------------------[ LIMIT ]----------------------------------> 6 * * @var int */ $state = 0; /** * If the query is multi-table or not. * * @var bool */ $multiTable = false; for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) { /** * Token parsed at this moment. */ $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx]; // End of statement. if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) { break; } if ($state === 0) { if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) { if ($token->keyword !== 'FROM') { $parser->error('Unexpected keyword.', $token); break; } ++$list->idx; // Skip 'FROM' $this->from = ExpressionArray::parse($parser, $list); $state = 2; } else { $this->columns = ExpressionArray::parse($parser, $list); $state = 1; } } elseif ($state === 1) { if ($token->type !== Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) { $parser->error('Unexpected token.', $token); break; } if ($token->keyword !== 'FROM') { $parser->error('Unexpected keyword.', $token); break; } ++$list->idx; // Skip 'FROM' $this->from = ExpressionArray::parse($parser, $list); $state = 2; } elseif ($state === 2) { if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) { if (stripos($token->keyword, 'JOIN') !== false) { ++$list->idx; $this->join = JoinKeyword::parse($parser, $list); // remain in state = 2 } else { switch ($token->keyword) { case 'USING': ++$list->idx; // Skip 'USING' $this->using = ExpressionArray::parse($parser, $list); $state = 3; $multiTable = true; break; case 'WHERE': ++$list->idx; // Skip 'WHERE' $this->where = Condition::parse($parser, $list); $state = 4; break; case 'ORDER BY': ++$list->idx; // Skip 'ORDER BY' $this->order = OrderKeyword::parse($parser, $list); $state = 5; break; case 'LIMIT': ++$list->idx; // Skip 'LIMIT' $this->limit = Limit::parse($parser, $list); $state = 6; break; default: $parser->error('Unexpected keyword.', $token); break 2; } } } } elseif ($state === 3) { if ($token->type !== Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) { $parser->error('Unexpected token.', $token); break; } if ($token->keyword !== 'WHERE') { $parser->error('Unexpected keyword.', $token); break; } ++$list->idx; // Skip 'WHERE' $this->where = Condition::parse($parser, $list); $state = 4; } elseif ($state === 4) { if ($multiTable === true && $token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) { $parser->error('This type of clause is not valid in Multi-table queries.', $token); break; } if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) { switch ($token->keyword) { case 'ORDER BY': ++$list->idx; // Skip 'ORDER BY' $this->order = OrderKeyword::parse($parser, $list); $state = 5; break; case 'LIMIT': ++$list->idx; // Skip 'LIMIT' $this->limit = Limit::parse($parser, $list); $state = 6; break; default: $parser->error('Unexpected keyword.', $token); break 2; } } } elseif ($state === 5) { if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) { if ($token->keyword !== 'LIMIT') { $parser->error('Unexpected keyword.', $token); break; } ++$list->idx; // Skip 'LIMIT' $this->limit = Limit::parse($parser, $list); $state = 6; } } } if ($state >= 2) { foreach ($this->from as $fromExpr) { $fromExpr->database = $fromExpr->table; $fromExpr->table = $fromExpr->column; $fromExpr->column = null; } } --$list->idx; } }