<?php namespace Safe; use DateInterval; use DateTime; use DateTimeInterface; use DateTimeZone; use Safe\Exceptions\DatetimeException; /** * This class is used to implement a safe version of the DatetimeImmutable class. * While it technically overloads \DateTimeImmutable for typehint compatibility, * it is actually used as a wrapper of \DateTimeImmutable, mostly to be able to overwrite functions like getTimestamp() while still being able to edit milliseconds via setTime(). */ class DateTimeImmutable extends \DateTimeImmutable { /** * @var \DateTimeImmutable */ private $innerDateTime; /** * DateTimeImmutable constructor. * @param string $time * @param DateTimeZone|null $timezone * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($time = 'now', $timezone = null) { parent::__construct($time, $timezone); $this->innerDateTime = new parent($time, $timezone); } //switch between regular datetime and safe version public static function createFromRegular(\DateTimeImmutable $datetime): self { $safeDatetime = new self($datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), $datetime->getTimezone()); //we need to also update the wrapper to not break the operators '<' and '>' $safeDatetime->innerDateTime = $datetime; //to make sure we don't lose information because of the format(). return $safeDatetime; } //usefull if you need to switch back to regular DateTimeImmutable (for example when using DatePeriod) public function getInnerDateTime(): \DateTimeImmutable { return $this->innerDateTime; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // overload functions with false errors /** * @param string $format * @param string $time * @param DateTimeZone|null $timezone * @throws DatetimeException */ public static function createFromFormat($format, $time, $timezone = null): self { $datetime = parent::createFromFormat($format, $time, $timezone); if ($datetime === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($datetime); } /** * @param string $format * @return string * @throws DatetimeException */ public function format($format): string { /** @var string|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->format($format); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * @param DateTimeInterface $datetime2 * @param bool $absolute * @return DateInterval * @throws DatetimeException */ public function diff($datetime2, $absolute = false): DateInterval { /** @var \DateInterval|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->diff($datetime2, $absolute); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * @param string $modify * @return DateTimeImmutable * @throws DatetimeException */ public function modify($modify): self { /** @var \DateTimeImmutable|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->modify($modify); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($result); //we have to recreate a safe datetime because modify create a new instance of \DateTimeImmutable } /** * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * @return DateTimeImmutable * @throws DatetimeException */ public function setDate($year, $month, $day): self { /** @var \DateTimeImmutable|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->setDate($year, $month, $day); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($result); //we have to recreate a safe datetime because modify create a new instance of \DateTimeImmutable } /** * @param int $year * @param int $week * @param int $day * @return DateTimeImmutable * @throws DatetimeException */ public function setISODate($year, $week, $day = 1): self { /** @var \DateTimeImmutable|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->setISODate($year, $week, $day); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($result); //we have to recreate a safe datetime because modify create a new instance of \DateTimeImmutable } /** * @param int $hour * @param int $minute * @param int $second * @param int $microseconds * @return DateTimeImmutable * @throws DatetimeException */ public function setTime($hour, $minute, $second = 0, $microseconds = 0): self { /** @var \DateTimeImmutable|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->setTime($hour, $minute, $second, $microseconds); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($result); } /** * @param int $unixtimestamp * @return DateTimeImmutable * @throws DatetimeException */ public function setTimestamp($unixtimestamp): self { /** @var \DateTimeImmutable|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->setTimestamp($unixtimestamp); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($result); } /** * @param DateTimeZone $timezone * @return DateTimeImmutable * @throws DatetimeException */ public function setTimezone($timezone): self { /** @var \DateTimeImmutable|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->setTimezone($timezone); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($result); } /** * @param DateInterval $interval * @return DateTimeImmutable * @throws DatetimeException */ public function sub($interval): self { /** @var \DateTimeImmutable|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->sub($interval); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return self::createFromRegular($result); } /** * @throws DatetimeException */ public function getOffset(): int { /** @var int|false $result */ $result = $this->innerDateTime->getOffset(); if ($result === false) { throw DatetimeException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //overload getters to use the inner datetime immutable instead of itself /** * @param DateInterval $interval * @return DateTimeImmutable */ public function add($interval): self { return self::createFromRegular($this->innerDateTime->add($interval)); } /** * @param DateTime $dateTime * @return DateTimeImmutable */ public static function createFromMutable($dateTime): self { return self::createFromRegular(parent::createFromMutable($dateTime)); } /** * @param mixed[] $array * @return DateTimeImmutable */ public static function __set_state($array): self { return self::createFromRegular(parent::__set_state($array)); } public function getTimezone(): DateTimeZone { return $this->innerDateTime->getTimezone(); } public function getTimestamp(): int { return $this->innerDateTime->getTimestamp(); } }