<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin; use PhpMyAdmin\Http\ServerRequest; use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\PhpFileLoader; use function __; use function array_keys; use function array_pop; use function array_walk_recursive; use function chr; use function count; use function defined; use function explode; use function filter_var; use function function_exists; use function getenv; use function gmdate; use function hash_equals; use function hash_hmac; use function header; use function header_remove; use function htmlspecialchars; use function http_build_query; use function in_array; use function intval; use function is_array; use function is_string; use function json_decode; use function json_encode; use function mb_strlen; use function mb_strpos; use function mb_substr; use function parse_str; use function parse_url; use function preg_match; use function preg_replace; use function session_write_close; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use function strlen; use function strpos; use function strtolower; use function strtr; use function substr; use function trigger_error; use function unserialize; use function urldecode; use function vsprintf; use const DATE_RFC1123; use const E_USER_ERROR; use const E_USER_WARNING; use const FILTER_VALIDATE_IP; /** * Core functions used all over the scripts. */ class Core { /** * Removes insecure parts in a path; used before include() or * require() when a part of the path comes from an insecure source * like a cookie or form. * * @param string $path The path to check */ public static function securePath(string $path): string { // change .. to . return (string) preg_replace('@\.\.*@', '.', $path); } /** * displays the given error message on phpMyAdmin error page in foreign language, * ends script execution and closes session * * loads language file if not loaded already * * @param string $error_message the error message or named error message * @param string|array $message_args arguments applied to $error_message */ public static function fatalError( string $error_message, $message_args = null ): void { global $dbi; /* Use format string if applicable */ if (is_string($message_args)) { $error_message = sprintf($error_message, $message_args); } elseif (is_array($message_args)) { $error_message = vsprintf($error_message, $message_args); } /* * Avoid using Response class as config does not have to be loaded yet * (this can happen on early fatal error) */ if ( isset($dbi, $GLOBALS['config']) && $GLOBALS['config']->get('is_setup') === false && ResponseRenderer::getInstance()->isAjax() ) { $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus(false); $response->addJSON('message', Message::error($error_message)); if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { exit; } return; } if (! empty($_REQUEST['ajax_request'])) { // Generate JSON manually self::headerJSON(); echo json_encode( [ 'success' => false, 'message' => Message::error($error_message)->getDisplay(), ] ); if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { exit; } return; } $error_message = strtr($error_message, ['<br>' => '[br]']); $template = new Template(); echo $template->render('error/generic', [ 'lang' => $GLOBALS['lang'] ?? 'en', 'dir' => $GLOBALS['text_dir'] ?? 'ltr', 'error_message' => Sanitize::sanitizeMessage($error_message), ]); if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { exit; } } /** * Returns a link to the PHP documentation * * @param string $target anchor in documentation * * @return string the URL */ public static function getPHPDocLink(string $target): string { /* List of PHP documentation translations */ $php_doc_languages = [ 'pt_BR', 'zh_CN', 'fr', 'de', 'ja', 'ru', 'es', 'tr', ]; $lang = 'en'; if (isset($GLOBALS['lang']) && in_array($GLOBALS['lang'], $php_doc_languages)) { if ($GLOBALS['lang'] === 'zh_CN') { $lang = 'zh'; } else { $lang = $GLOBALS['lang']; } } return self::linkURL('https://www.php.net/manual/' . $lang . '/' . $target); } /** * Warn or fail on missing extension. * * @param string $extension Extension name * @param bool $fatal Whether the error is fatal. * @param string $extra Extra string to append to message. */ public static function warnMissingExtension( string $extension, bool $fatal = false, string $extra = '' ): void { global $errorHandler; $message = 'The %s extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.'; /* Gettext does not have to be loaded yet here */ if (function_exists('__')) { $message = __('The %s extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.'); } $doclink = self::getPHPDocLink('book.' . $extension . '.php'); $message = sprintf($message, '[a@' . $doclink . '@Documentation][em]' . $extension . '[/em][/a]'); if ($extra != '') { $message .= ' ' . $extra; } if ($fatal) { self::fatalError($message); return; } $errorHandler->addError($message, E_USER_WARNING, '', 0, false); } /** * returns count of tables in given db * * @param string $db database to count tables for * * @return int count of tables in $db */ public static function getTableCount(string $db): int { global $dbi; $tables = $dbi->tryQuery('SHOW TABLES FROM ' . Util::backquote($db) . ';'); if ($tables) { return $tables->numRows(); } return 0; } /** * Converts numbers like 10M into bytes * Used with permission from Moodle (https://moodle.org) by Martin Dougiamas * (renamed with PMA prefix to avoid double definition when embedded * in Moodle) * * @param string|int $size size (Default = 0) */ public static function getRealSize($size = 0): int { if (! $size) { return 0; } $binaryprefixes = [ 'T' => 1099511627776, 't' => 1099511627776, 'G' => 1073741824, 'g' => 1073741824, 'M' => 1048576, 'm' => 1048576, 'K' => 1024, 'k' => 1024, ]; if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)([KMGT])/i', (string) $size, $matches)) { return (int) ($matches[1] * $binaryprefixes[$matches[2]]); } return (int) $size; } /** * Checks given $page against given $allowList and returns true if valid * it optionally ignores query parameters in $page (script.php?ignored) * * @param string $page page to check * @param array $allowList allow list to check page against * @param bool $include whether the page is going to be included */ public static function checkPageValidity(&$page, array $allowList = [], $include = false): bool { if (empty($allowList)) { $allowList = ['index.php']; } if (empty($page)) { return false; } if (in_array($page, $allowList)) { return true; } if ($include) { return false; } $_page = mb_substr( $page, 0, (int) mb_strpos($page . '?', '?') ); if (in_array($_page, $allowList)) { return true; } $_page = urldecode($page); $_page = mb_substr( $_page, 0, (int) mb_strpos($_page . '?', '?') ); return in_array($_page, $allowList); } /** * tries to find the value for the given environment variable name * * searches in $_SERVER, $_ENV then tries getenv() and apache_getenv() * in this order * * @param string $var_name variable name * * @return string value of $var or empty string */ public static function getenv(string $var_name): string { if (isset($_SERVER[$var_name])) { return (string) $_SERVER[$var_name]; } if (isset($_ENV[$var_name])) { return (string) $_ENV[$var_name]; } if (getenv($var_name)) { return (string) getenv($var_name); } if (function_exists('apache_getenv') && apache_getenv($var_name, true)) { return (string) apache_getenv($var_name, true); } return ''; } /** * Send HTTP header, taking IIS limits into account (600 seems ok) * * @param string $uri the header to send * @param bool $use_refresh whether to use Refresh: header when running on IIS */ public static function sendHeaderLocation(string $uri, bool $use_refresh = false): void { if ($GLOBALS['config']->get('PMA_IS_IIS') && mb_strlen($uri) > 600) { ResponseRenderer::getInstance()->disable(); $template = new Template(); echo $template->render('header_location', ['uri' => $uri]); return; } /* * Avoid relative path redirect problems in case user entered URL * like /phpmyadmin/index.php/ which some web servers happily accept. */ if ($uri[0] === '.') { $uri = $GLOBALS['config']->getRootPath() . substr($uri, 2); } $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); session_write_close(); if ($response->headersSent()) { trigger_error('Core::sendHeaderLocation called when headers are already sent!', E_USER_ERROR); } // bug #1523784: IE6 does not like 'Refresh: 0', it // results in a blank page // but we need it when coming from the cookie login panel) if ($GLOBALS['config']->get('PMA_IS_IIS') && $use_refresh) { $response->header('Refresh: 0; ' . $uri); return; } $response->header('Location: ' . $uri); } /** * Outputs application/json headers. This includes no caching. */ public static function headerJSON(): void { if (defined('TESTSUITE')) { return; } // No caching $headers = self::getNoCacheHeaders(); // Media type $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'; /** * Disable content sniffing in browser. * This is needed in case we include HTML in JSON, browser might assume it's html to display. */ $headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = 'nosniff'; foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { header(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value)); } } /** * Outputs headers to prevent caching in browser (and on the way). */ public static function noCacheHeader(): void { if (defined('TESTSUITE')) { return; } $headers = self::getNoCacheHeaders(); foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { header(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value)); } } /** * @return array<string, string> */ public static function getNoCacheHeaders(): array { $headers = []; $date = (string) gmdate(DATE_RFC1123); // rfc2616 - Section 14.21 $headers['Expires'] = $date; // HTTP/1.1 $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'; // HTTP/1.0 $headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'; // test case: exporting a database into a .gz file with Safari // would produce files not having the current time // (added this header for Safari but should not harm other browsers) $headers['Last-Modified'] = $date; return $headers; } /** * Sends header indicating file download. * * @param string $filename Filename to include in headers if empty, * none Content-Disposition header will be sent. * @param string $mimetype MIME type to include in headers. * @param int $length Length of content (optional) * @param bool $no_cache Whether to include no-caching headers. */ public static function downloadHeader( string $filename, string $mimetype, int $length = 0, bool $no_cache = true ): void { $headers = []; if ($no_cache) { $headers = self::getNoCacheHeaders(); } /* Replace all possibly dangerous chars in filename */ $filename = Sanitize::sanitizeFilename($filename); if (! empty($filename)) { $headers['Content-Description'] = 'File Transfer'; $headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'; } $headers['Content-Type'] = $mimetype; // The default output in PMA uses gzip, // so if we want to output uncompressed file, we should reset the encoding. // See PHP bug https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/8218 header_remove('Content-Encoding'); $headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'; if ($length > 0) { $headers['Content-Length'] = (string) $length; } foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { header(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value)); } } /** * Returns value of an element in $array given by $path. * $path is a string describing position of an element in an associative array, * eg. Servers/1/host refers to $array[Servers][1][host] * * @param string $path path in the array * @param array $array the array * @param mixed $default default value * * @return array|mixed|null array element or $default */ public static function arrayRead(string $path, array $array, $default = null) { $keys = explode('/', $path); $value =& $array; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (! isset($value[$key])) { return $default; } $value =& $value[$key]; } return $value; } /** * Stores value in an array * * @param string $path path in the array * @param array $array the array * @param mixed $value value to store */ public static function arrayWrite(string $path, array &$array, $value): void { $keys = explode('/', $path); $last_key = array_pop($keys); $a =& $array; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (! isset($a[$key])) { $a[$key] = []; } $a =& $a[$key]; } $a[$last_key] = $value; } /** * Removes value from an array * * @param string $path path in the array * @param array $array the array */ public static function arrayRemove(string $path, array &$array): void { $keys = explode('/', $path); $keys_last = array_pop($keys); $path = []; $depth = 0; $path[0] =& $array; $found = true; // go as deep as required or possible foreach ($keys as $key) { if (! isset($path[$depth][$key])) { $found = false; break; } $depth++; $path[$depth] =& $path[$depth - 1][$key]; } // if element found, remove it if ($found) { unset($path[$depth][$keys_last]); $depth--; } // remove empty nested arrays for (; $depth >= 0; $depth--) { if (isset($path[$depth + 1]) && count($path[$depth + 1]) !== 0) { break; } unset($path[$depth][$keys[$depth]]); } } /** * Returns link to (possibly) external site using defined redirector. * * @param string $url URL where to go. * * @return string URL for a link. */ public static function linkURL(string $url): string { if (! preg_match('#^https?://#', $url)) { return $url; } $params = []; $params['url'] = $url; $url = Url::getCommon($params); //strip off token and such sensitive information. Just keep url. $arr = parse_url($url); if (! is_array($arr)) { $arr = []; } parse_str($arr['query'] ?? '', $vars); $query = http_build_query(['url' => $vars['url']]); if ($GLOBALS['config'] !== null && $GLOBALS['config']->get('is_setup')) { return '../url.php?' . $query; } return './url.php?' . $query; } /** * Checks whether domain of URL is an allowed domain or not. * Use only for URLs of external sites. * * @param string $url URL of external site. */ public static function isAllowedDomain(string $url): bool { $arr = parse_url($url); if (! is_array($arr)) { $arr = []; } // We need host to be set if (! isset($arr['host']) || strlen($arr['host']) == 0) { return false; } // We do not want these to be present $blocked = [ 'user', 'pass', 'port', ]; foreach ($blocked as $part) { if (isset($arr[$part]) && strlen((string) $arr[$part]) != 0) { return false; } } $domain = $arr['host']; $domainAllowList = [ /* Include current domain */ $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], /* phpMyAdmin domains */ 'wiki.phpmyadmin.net', 'www.phpmyadmin.net', 'phpmyadmin.net', 'demo.phpmyadmin.net', 'docs.phpmyadmin.net', /* mysql.com domains */ 'dev.mysql.com', 'bugs.mysql.com', /* mariadb domains */ 'mariadb.org', 'mariadb.com', /* php.net domains */ 'php.net', 'www.php.net', /* Github domains*/ 'github.com', 'www.github.com', /* Percona domains */ 'www.percona.com', /* Following are doubtful ones. */ 'mysqldatabaseadministration.blogspot.com', ]; return in_array($domain, $domainAllowList); } /** * Replace some html-unfriendly stuff * * @param string $buffer String to process * * @return string Escaped and cleaned up text suitable for html */ public static function mimeDefaultFunction(string $buffer): string { $buffer = htmlspecialchars($buffer); $buffer = str_replace(' ', ' &nbsp;', $buffer); return (string) preg_replace("@((\015\012)|(\015)|(\012))@", '<br>' . "\n", $buffer); } /** * Displays SQL query before executing. * * @param array|string $query_data Array containing queries or query itself */ public static function previewSQL($query_data): void { $retval = '<div class="preview_sql">'; if (empty($query_data)) { $retval .= __('No change'); } elseif (is_array($query_data)) { foreach ($query_data as $query) { $retval .= Html\Generator::formatSql($query); } } else { $retval .= Html\Generator::formatSql($query_data); } $retval .= '</div>'; $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->addJSON('sql_data', $retval); } /** * recursively check if variable is empty * * @param mixed $value the variable */ public static function emptyRecursive($value): bool { if (is_array($value)) { $empty = true; array_walk_recursive( $value, /** * @param mixed $item */ static function ($item) use (&$empty): void { $empty = $empty && empty($item); } ); return $empty; } return empty($value); } /** * Creates some globals from $_POST variables matching a pattern * * @param array $post_patterns The patterns to search for */ public static function setPostAsGlobal(array $post_patterns): void { global $containerBuilder; foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $post_key) { foreach ($post_patterns as $one_post_pattern) { if (! preg_match($one_post_pattern, $post_key)) { continue; } $GLOBALS[$post_key] = $_POST[$post_key]; $containerBuilder->setParameter($post_key, $GLOBALS[$post_key]); } } } /** * Gets the "true" IP address of the current user * * @return string|bool the ip of the user */ public static function getIp() { /* Get the address of user */ if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { /* We do not know remote IP */ return false; } $direct_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; /* Do we trust this IP as a proxy? If yes we will use it's header. */ if (! isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['TrustedProxies'][$direct_ip])) { /* Return true IP */ return $direct_ip; } /** * Parse header in form: * X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy2 */ // Get header content $value = self::getenv($GLOBALS['cfg']['TrustedProxies'][$direct_ip]); // Grab first element what is client adddress $value = explode(',', $value)[0]; // checks that the header contains only one IP address, $is_ip = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP); if ($is_ip !== false) { // True IP behind a proxy return $value; } // We could not parse header return false; } /** * Sanitizes MySQL hostname * * * strips p: prefix(es) * * @param string $name User given hostname */ public static function sanitizeMySQLHost(string $name): string { while (strtolower(substr($name, 0, 2)) === 'p:') { $name = substr($name, 2); } return $name; } /** * Sanitizes MySQL username * * * strips part behind null byte * * @param string $name User given username */ public static function sanitizeMySQLUser(string $name): string { $position = strpos($name, chr(0)); if ($position !== false) { return substr($name, 0, $position); } return $name; } /** * Safe unserializer wrapper * * It does not unserialize data containing objects * * @param string $data Data to unserialize * * @return mixed|null */ public static function safeUnserialize(string $data) { /* validate serialized data */ $length = strlen($data); $depth = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $value = $data[$i]; switch ($value) { case '}': /* end of array */ if ($depth <= 0) { return null; } $depth--; break; case 's': /* string */ // parse sting length $strlen = intval(substr($data, $i + 2)); // string start $i = strpos($data, ':', $i + 2); if ($i === false) { return null; } // skip string, quotes and ; $i += 2 + $strlen + 1; if ($data[$i] !== ';') { return null; } break; case 'b': case 'i': case 'd': /* bool, integer or double */ // skip value to separator $i = strpos($data, ';', $i); if ($i === false) { return null; } break; case 'a': /* array */ // find array start $i = strpos($data, '{', $i); if ($i === false) { return null; } // remember nesting $depth++; break; case 'N': /* null */ // skip to end $i = strpos($data, ';', $i); if ($i === false) { return null; } break; default: /* any other elements are not wanted */ return null; } } // check unterminated arrays if ($depth > 0) { return null; } return unserialize($data); } /** * Sign the sql query using hmac using the session token * * @param string $sqlQuery The sql query * * @return string */ public static function signSqlQuery($sqlQuery) { global $cfg; $secret = $_SESSION[' HMAC_secret '] ?? ''; return hash_hmac('sha256', $sqlQuery, $secret . $cfg['blowfish_secret']); } /** * Check that the sql query has a valid hmac signature * * @param string $sqlQuery The sql query * @param string $signature The Signature to check */ public static function checkSqlQuerySignature($sqlQuery, $signature): bool { global $cfg; $secret = $_SESSION[' HMAC_secret '] ?? ''; $hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $sqlQuery, $secret . $cfg['blowfish_secret']); return hash_equals($hmac, $signature); } /** * Get the container builder */ public static function getContainerBuilder(): ContainerBuilder { $containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(); $loader = new PhpFileLoader($containerBuilder, new FileLocator(ROOT_PATH . 'libraries')); $loader->load('services_loader.php'); return $containerBuilder; } public static function populateRequestWithEncryptedQueryParams(ServerRequest $request): ServerRequest { $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams(); $parsedBody = $request->getParsedBody(); unset($_GET['eq'], $_POST['eq'], $_REQUEST['eq']); if (! isset($queryParams['eq']) && (! is_array($parsedBody) || ! isset($parsedBody['eq']))) { return $request; } $encryptedQuery = ''; if ( is_array($parsedBody) && isset($parsedBody['eq']) && is_string($parsedBody['eq']) && $parsedBody['eq'] !== '' ) { $encryptedQuery = $parsedBody['eq']; unset($parsedBody['eq'], $queryParams['eq']); } elseif (isset($queryParams['eq']) && is_string($queryParams['eq']) && $queryParams['eq'] !== '') { $encryptedQuery = $queryParams['eq']; unset($queryParams['eq']); } $decryptedQuery = null; if ($encryptedQuery !== '') { $decryptedQuery = Url::decryptQuery($encryptedQuery); } if ($decryptedQuery === null) { $request = $request->withQueryParams($queryParams); if (is_array($parsedBody)) { $request = $request->withParsedBody($parsedBody); } return $request; } $urlQueryParams = (array) json_decode($decryptedQuery); foreach ($urlQueryParams as $urlQueryParamKey => $urlQueryParamValue) { if (is_array($parsedBody)) { $parsedBody[$urlQueryParamKey] = $urlQueryParamValue; $_POST[$urlQueryParamKey] = $urlQueryParamValue; } else { $queryParams[$urlQueryParamKey] = $urlQueryParamValue; $_GET[$urlQueryParamKey] = $urlQueryParamValue; } $_REQUEST[$urlQueryParamKey] = $urlQueryParamValue; } $request = $request->withQueryParams($queryParams); if (is_array($parsedBody)) { $request = $request->withParsedBody($parsedBody); } return $request; } }