<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter; use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\CacheItem; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\ResettableInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\AbstractAdapterTrait; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\ContractsTrait; use Symfony\Contracts\Cache\TagAwareCacheInterface; /** * Abstract for native TagAware adapters. * * To keep info on tags, the tags are both serialized as part of cache value and provided as tag ids * to Adapters on operations when needed for storage to doSave(), doDelete() & doInvalidate(). * * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> * @author André Rømcke <andre.romcke+symfony@gmail.com> * * @internal */ abstract class AbstractTagAwareAdapter implements TagAwareAdapterInterface, TagAwareCacheInterface, LoggerAwareInterface, ResettableInterface { use AbstractAdapterTrait; use ContractsTrait; private const TAGS_PREFIX = "\0tags\0"; protected function __construct(string $namespace = '', int $defaultLifetime = 0) { $this->namespace = '' === $namespace ? '' : CacheItem::validateKey($namespace).':'; $this->defaultLifetime = $defaultLifetime; if (null !== $this->maxIdLength && \strlen($namespace) > $this->maxIdLength - 24) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Namespace must be %d chars max, %d given ("%s").', $this->maxIdLength - 24, \strlen($namespace), $namespace)); } self::$createCacheItem ?? self::$createCacheItem = \Closure::bind( static function ($key, $value, $isHit) { $item = new CacheItem(); $item->key = $key; $item->isTaggable = true; // If structure does not match what we expect return item as is (no value and not a hit) if (!\is_array($value) || !\array_key_exists('value', $value)) { return $item; } $item->isHit = $isHit; // Extract value, tags and meta data from the cache value $item->value = $value['value']; $item->metadata[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS] = $value['tags'] ?? []; if (isset($value['meta'])) { // For compactness these values are packed, & expiry is offset to reduce size $v = unpack('Ve/Nc', $value['meta']); $item->metadata[CacheItem::METADATA_EXPIRY] = $v['e'] + CacheItem::METADATA_EXPIRY_OFFSET; $item->metadata[CacheItem::METADATA_CTIME] = $v['c']; } return $item; }, null, CacheItem::class ); self::$mergeByLifetime ?? self::$mergeByLifetime = \Closure::bind( static function ($deferred, &$expiredIds, $getId, $tagPrefix, $defaultLifetime) { $byLifetime = []; $now = microtime(true); $expiredIds = []; foreach ($deferred as $key => $item) { $key = (string) $key; if (null === $item->expiry) { $ttl = 0 < $defaultLifetime ? $defaultLifetime : 0; } elseif (!$item->expiry) { $ttl = 0; } elseif (0 >= $ttl = (int) (0.1 + $item->expiry - $now)) { $expiredIds[] = $getId($key); continue; } // Store Value and Tags on the cache value if (isset(($metadata = $item->newMetadata)[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS])) { $value = ['value' => $item->value, 'tags' => $metadata[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS]]; unset($metadata[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS]); } else { $value = ['value' => $item->value, 'tags' => []]; } if ($metadata) { // For compactness, expiry and creation duration are packed, using magic numbers as separators $value['meta'] = pack('VN', (int) (0.1 + $metadata[self::METADATA_EXPIRY] - self::METADATA_EXPIRY_OFFSET), $metadata[self::METADATA_CTIME]); } // Extract tag changes, these should be removed from values in doSave() $value['tag-operations'] = ['add' => [], 'remove' => []]; $oldTags = $item->metadata[CacheItem::METADATA_TAGS] ?? []; foreach (array_diff($value['tags'], $oldTags) as $addedTag) { $value['tag-operations']['add'][] = $getId($tagPrefix.$addedTag); } foreach (array_diff($oldTags, $value['tags']) as $removedTag) { $value['tag-operations']['remove'][] = $getId($tagPrefix.$removedTag); } $byLifetime[$ttl][$getId($key)] = $value; $item->metadata = $item->newMetadata; } return $byLifetime; }, null, CacheItem::class ); } /** * Persists several cache items immediately. * * @param array $values The values to cache, indexed by their cache identifier * @param int $lifetime The lifetime of the cached values, 0 for persisting until manual cleaning * @param array[] $addTagData Hash where key is tag id, and array value is list of cache id's to add to tag * @param array[] $removeTagData Hash where key is tag id, and array value is list of cache id's to remove to tag * * @return array The identifiers that failed to be cached or a boolean stating if caching succeeded or not */ abstract protected function doSave(array $values, int $lifetime, array $addTagData = [], array $removeTagData = []): array; /** * Removes multiple items from the pool and their corresponding tags. * * @param array $ids An array of identifiers that should be removed from the pool * * @return bool */ abstract protected function doDelete(array $ids); /** * Removes relations between tags and deleted items. * * @param array $tagData Array of tag => key identifiers that should be removed from the pool */ abstract protected function doDeleteTagRelations(array $tagData): bool; /** * Invalidates cached items using tags. * * @param string[] $tagIds An array of tags to invalidate, key is tag and value is tag id */ abstract protected function doInvalidate(array $tagIds): bool; /** * Delete items and yields the tags they were bound to. */ protected function doDeleteYieldTags(array $ids): iterable { foreach ($this->doFetch($ids) as $id => $value) { yield $id => \is_array($value) && \is_array($value['tags'] ?? null) ? $value['tags'] : []; } $this->doDelete($ids); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function commit(): bool { $ok = true; $byLifetime = (self::$mergeByLifetime)($this->deferred, $expiredIds, \Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'getId']), self::TAGS_PREFIX, $this->defaultLifetime); $retry = $this->deferred = []; if ($expiredIds) { // Tags are not cleaned up in this case, however that is done on invalidateTags(). try { $this->doDelete($expiredIds); } catch (\Exception $e) { $ok = false; CacheItem::log($this->logger, 'Failed to delete expired items: '.$e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e, 'cache-adapter' => get_debug_type($this)]); } } foreach ($byLifetime as $lifetime => $values) { try { $values = $this->extractTagData($values, $addTagData, $removeTagData); $e = $this->doSave($values, $lifetime, $addTagData, $removeTagData); } catch (\Exception $e) { } if (true === $e || [] === $e) { continue; } if (\is_array($e) || 1 === \count($values)) { foreach (\is_array($e) ? $e : array_keys($values) as $id) { $ok = false; $v = $values[$id]; $type = get_debug_type($v); $message = sprintf('Failed to save key "{key}" of type %s%s', $type, $e instanceof \Exception ? ': '.$e->getMessage() : '.'); CacheItem::log($this->logger, $message, ['key' => substr($id, \strlen($this->namespace)), 'exception' => $e instanceof \Exception ? $e : null, 'cache-adapter' => get_debug_type($this)]); } } else { foreach ($values as $id => $v) { $retry[$lifetime][] = $id; } } } // When bulk-save failed, retry each item individually foreach ($retry as $lifetime => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $id) { try { $v = $byLifetime[$lifetime][$id]; $values = $this->extractTagData([$id => $v], $addTagData, $removeTagData); $e = $this->doSave($values, $lifetime, $addTagData, $removeTagData); } catch (\Exception $e) { } if (true === $e || [] === $e) { continue; } $ok = false; $type = get_debug_type($v); $message = sprintf('Failed to save key "{key}" of type %s%s', $type, $e instanceof \Exception ? ': '.$e->getMessage() : '.'); CacheItem::log($this->logger, $message, ['key' => substr($id, \strlen($this->namespace)), 'exception' => $e instanceof \Exception ? $e : null, 'cache-adapter' => get_debug_type($this)]); } } return $ok; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteItems(array $keys): bool { if (!$keys) { return true; } $ok = true; $ids = []; $tagData = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { $ids[$key] = $this->getId($key); unset($this->deferred[$key]); } try { foreach ($this->doDeleteYieldTags(array_values($ids)) as $id => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagData[$this->getId(self::TAGS_PREFIX.$tag)][] = $id; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $ok = false; } try { if ((!$tagData || $this->doDeleteTagRelations($tagData)) && $ok) { return true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } // When bulk-delete failed, retry each item individually foreach ($ids as $key => $id) { try { $e = null; if ($this->doDelete([$id])) { continue; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } $message = 'Failed to delete key "{key}"'.($e instanceof \Exception ? ': '.$e->getMessage() : '.'); CacheItem::log($this->logger, $message, ['key' => $key, 'exception' => $e, 'cache-adapter' => get_debug_type($this)]); $ok = false; } return $ok; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function invalidateTags(array $tags) { if (empty($tags)) { return false; } $tagIds = []; foreach (array_unique($tags) as $tag) { $tagIds[] = $this->getId(self::TAGS_PREFIX.$tag); } try { if ($this->doInvalidate($tagIds)) { return true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { CacheItem::log($this->logger, 'Failed to invalidate tags: '.$e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e, 'cache-adapter' => get_debug_type($this)]); } return false; } /** * Extracts tags operation data from $values set in mergeByLifetime, and returns values without it. */ private function extractTagData(array $values, ?array &$addTagData, ?array &$removeTagData): array { $addTagData = $removeTagData = []; foreach ($values as $id => $value) { foreach ($value['tag-operations']['add'] as $tag => $tagId) { $addTagData[$tagId][] = $id; } foreach ($value['tag-operations']['remove'] as $tag => $tagId) { $removeTagData[$tagId][] = $id; } unset($values[$id]['tag-operations']); } return $values; } }