File "google-product-category-fields.js"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/assets/js/admin/google-product-category-fields.js
File size: 10.12 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
 * This source code is licensed under the license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
 * @package FacebookCommerce

jQuery( document ).ready( ( $ ) => {

	'use strict';

	 * Google product category field handler.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @type {WC_Facebook_Google_Product_Category_Fields} object
	window.WC_Facebook_Google_Product_Category_Fields = class WC_Facebook_Google_Product_Category_Fields {
		 * Handler constructor.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		 * @param {Object[]} categories The full categories list, indexed by the category ID
		 * @param {string} categories[].label The category label
		 * @param {string[]} categories[].options The category's child categories' IDs
		 * @param {string} categories[].parent The category's parent category ID
		 * @param {string} input_id The element that should receive the latest concrete category ID
		constructor(categories, input_id) {

			this.categories = categories;

			this.input_id = input_id;

			var $input = $( '#' + this.input_id );

			$( '<div id="wc-facebook-google-product-category-fields"></div>' )
				.insertBefore( $input )
				.on( 'change', 'select.wc-facebook-google-product-category-select', ( event ) => {
					this.onChange( $( ) );
				} );

			this.addInitialSelects( $input.val() );
			var optionalSelectorID = this.globalsHolder().enhanced_attribute_optional_selector;

			if(typeof(optionalSelectorID) !== 'undefined') {
				// Initial trigger for the optional attributes selector
				$( '#' + optionalSelectorID ).on('change', function(){
						.toggleClass('hidden', !$(this).prop("checked"));

		globalsHolder() {
			if(typeof(facebook_for_woocommerce_product_categories) !== 'undefined'){
				return facebook_for_woocommerce_product_categories;
			} else if(typeof(facebook_for_woocommerce_settings_sync) !== 'undefined'){
				return facebook_for_woocommerce_settings_sync;
			} else {
				return facebook_for_woocommerce_products_admin;

			if(typeof(facebook_for_woocommerce_product_categories) !== 'undefined'){
				if( $( 'input[name=tag_ID]' ).length === 0){
					return this.globalsHolder().enhanced_attribute_page_type_add_category;
				} else {
					return this.globalsHolder().enhanced_attribute_page_type_edit_category;
			} else {
				return this.globalsHolder().enhanced_attribute_page_type_edit_product;

		 * Adds the initial select fields for the previously selected values.
		 * If there is no previously selected value, it adds two selected fields with no selected option.
		 * @param {string} categoryId the selected google product category
		addInitialSelects( categoryId ) {

			if ( categoryId ) {

				this.getSelectedCategoryIds( categoryId ).forEach( ( pair ) => {
					this.addSelect( this.getOptions( pair[1] ), pair[0] );
				} );

				var options = this.getOptions( categoryId );

				if ( Object.keys( options ).length ) {
					this.addSelect( options );

			} else {

				this.addSelect( this.getOptions() );
				this.addSelect( {} );

		 * Sets the enhanced attributes to show
		requestAttributesIfValid() {
			// if an input with this id isn't available then we can't show
			// enhanced attributes on this page, (for example it may be the
			// product sync page)
			var canShowEnhancedAttributesID = 'wc_facebook_can_show_enhanced_catalog_attributes_id';
			if($( '#'+canShowEnhancedAttributesID ).val() !== 'true'){


			if(this.isValid()) {
				var inputSelector = '#' + this.input_id;
				var $inputParent = $( inputSelector ).parents('div.form-field');
				var optionalSelectorID = this.globalsHolder().enhanced_attribute_optional_selector;
				if( this.getPageType() === this.globalsHolder().enhanced_attribute_page_type_edit_category ){
					$inputParent = $( inputSelector ).parents('tr.form-field');
				} else if( this.getPageType() === this.globalsHolder().enhanced_attribute_page_type_edit_product ) {
					$inputParent = $( inputSelector ).parents('p.form-field');
			  $.get( this.globalsHolder().ajax_url, {
					action:   'wc_facebook_enhanced_catalog_attributes',
					security: '',
					selected_category:  $( inputSelector ).val(),
					tag_id:  parseInt($( 'input[name=tag_ID]' ).val(), 10),
					taxonomy:  $( 'input[name=taxonomy]' ).val(),
					item_id: parseInt( $( 'input[name=post_ID]' ).val(), 10 ),
					page_type: this.getPageType(),
				}, function( response ) {
					var $response = $(response);

					$( '#' + optionalSelectorID, $response ).on('change', function(){
							.toggleClass('hidden', !$(this).prop("checked"));
					// Ensure tooltips work:

		 * Updates the subsequent selects whenever one of the selects changes.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		onChange(element) {

			// remove following select fields if their options depended on the value of the current select field
			if ( element.hasClass( 'locked' ) ) {
				element.closest( '.wc-facebook-google-product-category-field' ).nextAll().remove();

			var categoryId = element.val();

			if ( categoryId ) {

				var options = this.getOptions( categoryId );

				if ( Object.keys( options ).length ) {
					this.addSelect( options );

			} else {

				// use category ID from the last select field that has a selected value
				categoryId = element.closest( '#wc-facebook-google-product-category-fields' )
					.find( '.wc-facebook-google-product-category-select' )
						.not( element )

				if ( ! categoryId ) {
					this.addSelect( {} );

			$( '#' + this.input_id ).val( categoryId );

		 * Returns true if there have been at least two levels of category selected
		 * @return {boolean}
		isValid() {
			var selectsWithValueCount = $('.wc-facebook-google-product-category-select')
				.filter(function(_i, el) { return $(el).val() !== ""; })
			return selectsWithValueCount >= 2;

		 * Adds a new select with the given options.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		 * @param {Object.<string, string>} options an object with option IDs as keys and option labels as values
		 * @param {string} selected the selected option ID
		addSelect( options, selected ) {

			var $container = $( '#wc-facebook-google-product-category-fields' );
			var $otherSelects = $container.find( '.wc-facebook-google-product-category-select' );
			var $select = $( '<select class="wc-facebook-google-product-category-select"></select>' );

			$otherSelects.addClass( 'locked' );

			$container.append( $( '<div class="wc-facebook-google-product-category-field" style="margin-bottom: 16px">' ).append( $select ) );

			$select.attr( 'data-placeholder', this.getSelectPlaceholder( $otherSelects, options ) ).append( $( '<option value=""></option>' ) );

			Object.keys( options ).forEach( ( key ) => {
				$select.append( $( '<option value="' + key + '">' + options[ key ] + '</option>' ) );
			} );

			$select.val( selected ).select2( { allowClear: true } );

		 * Gets the placeholder string for a select field based on the number of existing select fields.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		 * @param {jQuery} $otherSelects a jQuery object matching existing select fields
		 * @param {Object.<string, string>} options an object with option IDs as keys and option labels as values
		 * @return {string}
		getSelectPlaceholder( $otherSelects, options ) {

			if ( 0 === $otherSelects.length ) {
				return facebook_for_woocommerce_google_product_category.i18n.top_level_dropdown_placeholder;

			if ( 1 === $otherSelects.length && 0 === Object.keys( options ).length ) {
				return facebook_for_woocommerce_google_product_category.i18n.second_level_empty_dropdown_placeholder;

			return facebook_for_woocommerce_google_product_category.i18n.general_dropdown_placeholder;

		 * Gets an array of options for the given category ID.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		 * @param {string} category_id The given category ID
		 * @return {Object.<string, string>} an object with option IDs as keys and option labels as values
		getOptions(category_id) {

			if ( 'undefined' === typeof category_id || '' === category_id ) {
				return this.getTopLevelOptions();

			if ( 'undefined' === typeof this.categories[ category_id ] ) {
				return [];

			if ( 'undefined' === typeof this.categories[ category_id ]['options'] ) {
				return [];

			return this.categories[ category_id ]['options'];

		 * Gets an array of top level category options.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		 * @return {Object.<string, string>} an object with option IDs as keys and option labels as values
		getTopLevelOptions() {

			let options = {};

			Object.keys( this.categories ).forEach( ( key ) => {

				if ( this.categories[ key ].parent ) {

				options[ key ] = this.categories[ key ].label;
			} );

			return options;

		 * Gets the ID of the selected category and all its ancestors.
		 * The method returns an array of arrays, where each entry is a pair of category IDs.
		 * The first entry in the pair is the category ID and the second entry is the ID of the corresponding parent category.
		 * We use an array of arrays to be able to present the select fields in the correct order.
		 * Object keys are automatically ordered causing options for categories with larger IDs to be displayed last.
		 * @param {string} categoryId
		 * @param {Array.<string[]>} categoryId
		getSelectedCategoryIds( categoryId ) {

			var options = [];

			do {
				if ( 'undefined' !== typeof this.categories[ categoryId ] ) {

					options.push( [ categoryId, this.categories[ categoryId ].parent ] );

					categoryId = this.categories[ categoryId ].parent;
			} while ( '' !== categoryId );

			return options.reverse();


} );