File "GisMultiPoint.php"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin-extension/lib/phpMyAdmin/libraries/classes/Gis/GisMultiPoint.php
File size: 12.13 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

 * Handles actions related to GIS MULTIPOINT objects


namespace PhpMyAdmin\Gis;

use PhpMyAdmin\Image\ImageWrapper;
use TCPDF;

use function count;
use function hexdec;
use function json_encode;
use function mb_substr;
use function round;
use function trim;

 * Handles actions related to GIS MULTIPOINT objects
class GisMultiPoint extends GisGeometry
    /** @var self */
    private static $instance;

     * A private constructor; prevents direct creation of object.
    private function __construct()

     * Returns the singleton.
     * @return GisMultiPoint the singleton
    public static function singleton()
        if (! isset(self::$instance)) {
            self::$instance = new GisMultiPoint();

        return self::$instance;

     * Scales each row.
     * @param string $spatial spatial data of a row
     * @return array an array containing the min, max values for x and y coordinates
    public function scaleRow($spatial)
        // Trim to remove leading 'MULTIPOINT(' and trailing ')'
        $multipoint = mb_substr($spatial, 11, -1);

        return $this->setMinMax($multipoint, []);

     * Adds to the PNG image object, the data related to a row in the GIS dataset.
     * @param string      $spatial     GIS POLYGON object
     * @param string|null $label       Label for the GIS POLYGON object
     * @param string      $point_color Color for the GIS POLYGON object
     * @param array       $scale_data  Array containing data related to scaling
    public function prepareRowAsPng(
        ?string $label,
        array $scale_data,
        ImageWrapper $image
    ): ImageWrapper {
        // allocate colors
        $black = $image->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0);
        $red = (int) hexdec(mb_substr($point_color, 1, 2));
        $green = (int) hexdec(mb_substr($point_color, 3, 2));
        $blue = (int) hexdec(mb_substr($point_color, 4, 2));
        $color = $image->colorAllocate($red, $green, $blue);

        // Trim to remove leading 'MULTIPOINT(' and trailing ')'
        $multipoint = mb_substr($spatial, 11, -1);
        $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($multipoint, $scale_data);

        foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
            // draw a small circle to mark the point
            if ($point[0] == '' || $point[1] == '') {

                (int) round($point[0]),
                (int) round($point[1]),

        // print label for each point
        if ((isset($label) && trim($label) != '') && ($points_arr[0][0] != '' && $points_arr[0][1] != '')) {
                (int) round($points_arr[0][0]),
                (int) round($points_arr[0][1]),

        return $image;

     * Adds to the TCPDF instance, the data related to a row in the GIS dataset.
     * @param string      $spatial     GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param string|null $label       Label for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param string      $point_color Color for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param array       $scale_data  Array containing data related to scaling
     * @param TCPDF       $pdf         TCPDF instance
     * @return TCPDF the modified TCPDF instance
    public function prepareRowAsPdf(
        ?string $label,
        array $scale_data,
    ) {
        // allocate colors
        $red = hexdec(mb_substr($point_color, 1, 2));
        $green = hexdec(mb_substr($point_color, 3, 2));
        $blue = hexdec(mb_substr($point_color, 4, 2));
        $line = [
            'width' => 1.25,
            'color' => [

        // Trim to remove leading 'MULTIPOINT(' and trailing ')'
        $multipoint = mb_substr($spatial, 11, -1);
        $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($multipoint, $scale_data);

        foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
            // draw a small circle to mark the point
            if ($point[0] == '' || $point[1] == '') {

            $pdf->Circle($point[0], $point[1], 2, 0, 360, 'D', $line);

        // print label for each point
        if ((isset($label) && trim($label) != '') && ($points_arr[0][0] != '' && $points_arr[0][1] != '')) {
            $pdf->setXY($points_arr[0][0], $points_arr[0][1]);
            $pdf->Cell(0, 0, trim($label));

        return $pdf;

     * Prepares and returns the code related to a row in the GIS dataset as SVG.
     * @param string $spatial     GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param string $label       Label for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param string $point_color Color for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param array  $scale_data  Array containing data related to scaling
     * @return string the code related to a row in the GIS dataset
    public function prepareRowAsSvg($spatial, $label, $point_color, array $scale_data)
        $point_options = [
            'name' => $label,
            'class' => 'multipoint vector',
            'fill' => 'white',
            'stroke' => $point_color,
            'stroke-width' => 2,

        // Trim to remove leading 'MULTIPOINT(' and trailing ')'
        $multipoint = mb_substr($spatial, 11, -1);
        $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($multipoint, $scale_data);

        $row = '';
        foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
            if (((float) $point[0]) === 0.0 || ((float) $point[1]) === 0.0) {

            $row .= '<circle cx="' . $point[0] . '" cy="'
                . $point[1] . '" r="3"';
            $point_options['id'] = $label . $this->getRandomId();
            foreach ($point_options as $option => $val) {
                $row .= ' ' . $option . '="' . trim((string) $val) . '"';

            $row .= '/>';

        return $row;

     * Prepares JavaScript related to a row in the GIS dataset
     * to visualize it with OpenLayers.
     * @param string $spatial     GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param int    $srid        Spatial reference ID
     * @param string $label       Label for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param array  $point_color Color for the GIS MULTIPOINT object
     * @param array  $scale_data  Array containing data related to scaling
     * @return string JavaScript related to a row in the GIS dataset
    public function prepareRowAsOl(
        int $srid,
        array $scale_data
    ) {
        $fill_style = ['color' => 'white'];
        $stroke_style = [
            'color' => $point_color,
            'width' => 2,
        $result = 'var fill = new' . json_encode($fill_style) . ');'
            . 'var stroke = new' . json_encode($stroke_style) . ');'
            . 'var style = new{'
            . 'image: new{'
            . 'fill: fill,'
            . 'stroke: stroke,'
            . 'radius: 3'
            . '}),'
            . 'fill: fill,'
            . 'stroke: stroke';

        if (trim($label) !== '') {
            $text_style = [
                'text' => trim($label),
                'offsetY' => -9,
            $result .= ',text: new' . json_encode($text_style) . ')';

        $result .= '});';

        if ($srid === 0) {
            $srid = 4326;

        $result .= $this->getBoundsForOl($srid, $scale_data);

        // Trim to remove leading 'MULTIPOINT(' and trailing ')'
        $multipoint = mb_substr($spatial, 11, -1);
        $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($multipoint, null);

        return $result . 'var multiPoint = new ol.geom.MultiPoint('
            . $this->getPointsArrayForOpenLayers($points_arr, $srid) . ');'
            . 'var feature = new ol.Feature({geometry: multiPoint});'
            . 'feature.setStyle(style);'
            . 'vectorLayer.addFeature(feature);';

     * Generate the WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor.
     * @param array       $gis_data GIS data
     * @param int         $index    Index into the parameter object
     * @param string|null $empty    Multipoint does not adhere to this
     * @return string WKT with the set of parameters passed by the GIS editor
    public function generateWkt(array $gis_data, $index, $empty = '')
        $no_of_points = $gis_data[$index]['MULTIPOINT']['no_of_points'] ?? 1;
        if ($no_of_points < 1) {
            $no_of_points = 1;

        $wkt = 'MULTIPOINT(';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $no_of_points; $i++) {
            $wkt .= (isset($gis_data[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['x'])
                    && trim((string) $gis_data[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['x']) != ''
                    ? $gis_data[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['x'] : '')
                . ' ' . (isset($gis_data[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['y'])
                    && trim((string) $gis_data[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['y']) != ''
                    ? $gis_data[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['y'] : '') . ',';

        $wkt = mb_substr($wkt, 0, -1);

        return $wkt . ')';

     * Generate the WKT for the data from ESRI shape files.
     * @param array $row_data GIS data
     * @return string the WKT for the data from ESRI shape files
    public function getShape(array $row_data)
        $wkt = 'MULTIPOINT(';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $row_data['numpoints']; $i++) {
            $wkt .= $row_data['points'][$i]['x'] . ' '
                . $row_data['points'][$i]['y'] . ',';

        $wkt = mb_substr($wkt, 0, -1);

        return $wkt . ')';

     * Generate parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.
     * @param string $value Value of the GIS column
     * @param int    $index Index of the geometry
     * @return array params for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column
    public function generateParams($value, $index = -1)
        $params = [];
        if ($index == -1) {
            $index = 0;
            $data = GisGeometry::generateParams($value);
            $params['srid'] = $data['srid'];
            $wkt = $data['wkt'];
        } else {
            $params[$index]['gis_type'] = 'MULTIPOINT';
            $wkt = $value;

        // Trim to remove leading 'MULTIPOINT(' and trailing ')'
        $points = mb_substr($wkt, 11, -1);
        $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($points, null);

        $no_of_points = count($points_arr);
        $params[$index]['MULTIPOINT']['no_of_points'] = $no_of_points;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $no_of_points; $i++) {
            $params[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['x'] = $points_arr[$i][0];
            $params[$index]['MULTIPOINT'][$i]['y'] = $points_arr[$i][1];

        return $params;

     * Overridden to make sure that only the points having valid values
     * for x and y coordinates are added.
     * @param array $points_arr x and y coordinates for each point
     * @param int   $srid       spatial reference id
     * @return string JavaScript for adding an array of points to OpenLayers
    protected function getPointsArrayForOpenLayers(array $points_arr, int $srid)
        $ol_array = 'new Array(';
        foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
            if ($point[0] == '' || $point[1] == '') {

            $ol_array .= $this->getPointForOpenLayers($point, $srid) . '.getCoordinates(), ';

        if (mb_substr($ol_array, -2) === ', ') {
            $ol_array = mb_substr($ol_array, 0, -2);

        return $ol_array . ')';