File "structure_table_row.twig"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin-extension/lib/phpMyAdmin/templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig
File size: 8.35 KB
MIME-type: text/html
Charset: utf-8

<tr id="row_tbl_{{ curr }}"{{ table_is_view ? ' class="is_view"' }} data-filter-row="{{ current_table['TABLE_NAME']|upper }}">
    <td class="text-center d-print-none">
        <input type="checkbox"
            class="{{ input_class }}"
            value="{{ current_table['TABLE_NAME'] }}"
            id="checkbox_tbl_{{ curr }}">
        <a href="{{ url('/sql', table_url_params|merge({'pos': 0})) }}" title="{{ browse_table_label_title }}">
            {{- browse_table_label_truename -}}
        {{ tracking_icon|raw }}
    {% if server_replica_status %}
        <td class="text-center">
            {{ ignored ? get_image('s_cancel', 'Not replicated'|trans) }}
            {{ do ? get_image('s_success', 'Replicated'|trans) }}
    {% endif %}

    {# Favorite table anchor #}
    {% if num_favorite_tables > 0 %}
        <td class="text-center d-print-none">
            {# Check if current table is already in favorite list #}
            {% set fav_params = {
                'db': db,
                'ajax_request': true,
                'favorite_table': current_table['TABLE_NAME'],
                ((already_favorite ? 'remove' : 'add') ~ '_favorite'): true
            } %}
            {% include 'database/structure/favorite_anchor.twig' with {
                'table_name_hash': table_name_hash,
                'db_table_name_hash': db_table_name_hash,
                'fav_params': fav_params,
                'already_favorite': already_favorite,
            } only %}
    {% endif %}

    <td class="text-center d-print-none">
        <a href="{{ url('/sql', table_url_params|merge({'pos': 0})) }}">
          {{ may_have_rows ? get_icon('b_browse', 'Browse'|trans) : get_icon('bd_browse', 'Browse'|trans) }}
    <td class="text-center d-print-none">
        <a href="{{ url('/table/structure', table_url_params) }}">
          {{ get_icon('b_props', 'Structure'|trans) }}
    <td class="text-center d-print-none">
        <a href="{{ url('/table/search', table_url_params) }}">
          {{ may_have_rows ? get_icon('b_select', 'Search'|trans) : get_icon('bd_select', 'Search'|trans) }}

    {% if not db_is_system_schema %}
        <td class="insert_table text-center d-print-none">
            <a href="{{ url('/table/change', table_url_params) }}">{{ get_icon('b_insrow', 'Insert'|trans) }}</a>
        {% if table_is_view %}
            <td class="text-center d-print-none">
                <a href="{{ url('/view/create', {
                    'db': db,
                    'table': current_table['TABLE_NAME']
                }) }}">{{ get_icon('b_edit', 'Edit'|trans) }}</a>
        {% else %}
          <td class="text-center d-print-none">
                <a class="truncate_table_anchor ajax" href="{{ url('/sql') }}" data-post="{{ get_common(table_url_params|merge({
                  'sql_query': empty_table_sql_query,
                  'message_to_show': empty_table_message_to_show
                }), '') }}">
                  {{ may_have_rows ? get_icon('b_empty', 'Empty'|trans) : get_icon('bd_empty', 'Empty'|trans) }}
        {% endif %}
        <td class="text-center d-print-none">
            <a class="ajax drop_table_anchor
                {{- table_is_view or current_table['ENGINE'] == null ? ' view' }}" href="{{ url('/sql') }}" data-post="
                {{- get_common(table_url_params|merge({
                  'reload': 1,
                  'purge': 1,
                  'sql_query': drop_query,
                  'message_to_show': drop_message
                }), '') }}">
                {{ get_icon('b_drop', 'Drop'|trans) }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if current_table['TABLE_ROWS'] is defined
        and (current_table['ENGINE'] != null or table_is_view) %}
        {# Get the row count #}
        {% set row_count = format_number(current_table['TABLE_ROWS'], 0) %}

        {# Content to be appended into 'tbl_rows' cell.
        If row count is approximate, display it as an anchor to get real count. #}
        <td class="value tbl_rows font-monospace text-end"
            data-table="{{ current_table['TABLE_NAME'] }}">
            {% if approx_rows %}
                <a href="{{ url('/database/structure/real-row-count', {
                    'ajax_request': true,
                    'db': db,
                    'table': current_table['TABLE_NAME']
                }) }}" class="ajax real_row_count">
                        ~{{ row_count }}
            {% else %}
                {{ row_count }}
            {% endif %}
            {{ show_superscript|raw }}

        {% if not (properties_num_columns > 1) %}
            <td class="text-nowrap">
                {% if current_table['ENGINE'] is not empty %}
                    {{ current_table['ENGINE'] }}
                {% elseif table_is_view %}
                    {% trans 'View' %}
                {% endif %}
            {% if collation|length > 0 %}
                <td class="text-nowrap">
                    {{ collation|raw }}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if is_show_stats %}
            <td class="value tbl_size font-monospace text-end">
                <a href="{{ url('/table/structure', table_url_params) }}#showusage">
                    <span>{{ formatted_size }}</span>&nbsp;<span class="unit">{{ unit }}</span>
            <td class="value tbl_overhead font-monospace text-end">
                {{ overhead|raw }}
        {% endif %}

        {% if not (show_charset > 1) %}
            {% if charset|length > 0 %}
                <td class="text-nowrap">
                    {{ charset|raw }}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if show_comment %}
            {% set comment = current_table['Comment'] %}
                {% if comment|length > limit_chars %}
                    <abbr title="{{ comment }}">
                        {{ comment|slice(0, limit_chars) }}
                {% else %}
                    {{ comment }}
                {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if show_creation %}
            <td class="value tbl_creation font-monospace text-end">
                {{ create_time }}
        {% endif %}

        {% if show_last_update %}
            <td class="value tbl_last_update font-monospace text-end">
                {{ update_time }}
        {% endif %}

        {% if show_last_check %}
            <td class="value tbl_last_check font-monospace text-end">
                {{ check_time }}
        {% endif %}

    {% elseif table_is_view %}
        <td class="value tbl_rows font-monospace text-end">-</td>
        <td class="text-nowrap">
            {% trans 'View' %}
        <td class="text-nowrap">---</td>
        {% if is_show_stats %}
            <td class="value tbl_size font-monospace text-end">-</td>
            <td class="value tbl_overhead font-monospace text-end">-</td>
        {% endif %}
        {% if show_charset %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if show_comment %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if show_creation %}
            <td class="value tbl_creation font-monospace text-end">-</td>
        {% endif %}
        {% if show_last_update %}
            <td class="value tbl_last_update font-monospace text-end">-</td>
        {% endif %}
        {% if show_last_check %}
            <td class="value tbl_last_check font-monospace text-end">-</td>
        {% endif %}

    {% else %}

        {% if db_is_system_schema %}
            {% set action_colspan = 3 %}
        {% else %}
            {% set action_colspan = 6 %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if num_favorite_tables > 0 %}
            {% set action_colspan = action_colspan + 1 %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set colspan_for_structure = action_colspan + 3 %}
        <td colspan="{{ colspan_for_structure - db_is_system_schema ? 6 : 9 }}"
            {% trans 'in use' %}
    {% endif %}