File "data-tables_.js"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/woo-bulk-editor/assets/js/data-tables_.js
File size: 95.33 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

var woobe_sort_order = [];
var data_table = null;
var products_types = null;//data got from server
var products_titles = null;//data got from server
var woobe_show_variations = 0;//show or hide variations of the variable products
var autocomplete_request_delay = 999;
var autocomplete_curr_index = -1;//for selecting by Enter button


jQuery(function ($) {
    if (typeof $.fn.DataTable !== 'undefined') {
        //woobe_show_variations = woobe_get_from_storage('woobe_show_variations');// - disabled because not sure that it will be right for convinience

        //hiding not relevant filter and bulk operations
        if (woobe_show_variations > 0) {


        init_data_tables();//data tables

        //fix to close opened textinputs in the data table
        $('*').mousedown(function (e) {
            if (typeof e.srcElement !== 'undefined' && !$(e.srcElement).hasClass('editable')) {
                if (!$(e.srcElement).parent().hasClass('editable')) {
            return true;


        $('body').on('click', '.woobe-id-permalink-var', function () {

            if (woobe_show_variations) {
                $(this).parents('tr').nextAll('tr').each(function (ii, tr) {
                    if ($(tr).hasClass('product_type_variation')) {
                        $(tr).find('.woobe_product_check').prop('checked', true);
                        woobe_checked_products.push(parseInt($(tr).data('product-id'), 10));
                    } else {
                        return false;//terminate tr's selection

                //remove duplicates if exists
                woobe_checked_products = Array.from(new Set(woobe_checked_products));
                return false;

            return true;


        $('#woobe_select_all_vars').click(function () {

            $('tr.product_type_variation').each(function (ii, tr) {
                $(tr).find('.woobe_product_check').prop('checked', true);
                woobe_checked_products.push(parseInt($(tr).data('product-id'), 10));

            //remove duplicates if exists
            woobe_checked_products = Array.from(new Set(woobe_checked_products));

            return false;

        //fix for applying coloring css styles for stock status drop-downs and etc ...
        $('body').on('change', 'td.editable .select-wrap select', function () {
            $(this).attr('data-selected', $(this).val());
            return true;


var do_data_tables_first = true;
function init_data_tables() {
    var oTable = $('#advanced-table');

    var page_fields ='fields');
    var page_fields_array = page_fields.split(',');

    var edit_views ='edit-views');
    var edit_views_array = edit_views.split(',');

    var edit_sanitize ='edit-sanitize');
    var edit_sanitize_array = edit_sanitize.split(',');

    var start_page ='start-page');
    //var ajax_additional ='additional');
    var per_page = parseInt('per-page'), 10);
    data_table = oTable.on('order.dt', function () {
        dom: 'Bfrtip',
        //sDom: '<"H"Bflrp>t<"F"ip>',
        sDom: '<"H"Blpr>t<"F"ip>',
        orderClasses: false,
        scrollX: true,
        lengthMenu: [5, 10],
        buttons: [
            'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'
        order: [['default-sort-by'),'sort')]],
        aoColumnDefs: [{
                bSortable: false,
                //aTargets: [-1] /* 1st one, start by the right */
                aTargets: ('no-order')).toString().split(',').map(function (num) {
                    return parseInt(num, 10);
            }, {className: "editable", targets: ('editable')).toString().split(',').map(function (num) {
                    return parseInt(num, 10);
        createdRow: function (row, data, dataIndex) {
            var p_id = data[1];//data[1] is ID col
            p_id = $(p_id).text();//!! important as we have link <a> in ID cell
            $(row).attr('data-product-id', p_id);
            $(row).attr('id', 'product_row_' + p_id);
            $(row).attr('data-row-num', dataIndex);
            $(row).addClass('product_type_' + products_types[p_id]);


            $.each($('td', row), function (colIndex) {
                $(this).attr('onmouseover', 'woobe_td_hover(' + p_id + ', "' + products_titles[p_id] + '", ' + colIndex + ')');
                $(this).attr('onmouseleave', 'woobe_td_hover(0, "",0)');


                $(this).attr('data-field', page_fields_array[colIndex]);
                $(this).attr('data-editable-view', edit_views_array[colIndex]);
                $(this).attr('data-sanitize', edit_sanitize_array[colIndex]);
                $(this).attr('data-col-num', colIndex);
                if (edit_views_array[colIndex] == 'url') {
                if (edit_views_array[colIndex] == 'textinput' || edit_views_array[colIndex] == 'url') {
                    $(this).attr('onclick', 'woobe_click_textinput(this, ' + colIndex + ')');
                    //$(this).attr('title', 'test');

                if (edit_sanitize_array[colIndex] == 'floatval' || edit_sanitize_array[colIndex] == 'intval') {
                    $(this).attr('onmouseover', 'woobe_td_hover(' + p_id + ', "' + products_titles[p_id] + '", ' + colIndex + ');woobe_onmouseover_num_textinput(this, ' + colIndex + ');');
                    $(this).attr('data-product-id', p_id);
                } else {
                    $(this).attr('onmouseout', 'woobe_td_hover(0, "",0);woobe_onmouseout_num_textinput();');

                //remove class editable in cells which are not editable
                if ($(this).find('.info_restricked').length > 0) {

        processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        bDeferRender: true,
        deferRender: true,
        //ajax: ajaxurl + '?action=woobe_get_products',
        ajax: {
            url: ajaxurl,
            type: "POST",
            bDeferRender: true,
            deferRender: true,
            data: {
                action: 'woobe_get_products',
                woobe_show_variations: function () {
                    return woobe_show_variations;//we use function to return actual value for the current moment
                filter_current_key: function () {
                    return woobe_filter_current_key;//we use function to return actual value for the current moment
                lang: woobe_lang
        searchDelay: 100,
        pageLength: per_page,
        displayStart: start_page > 0 ? (start_page - 1) * per_page : 0,
        oLanguage: {
            sEmptyTable: lang.sEmptyTable,
            sInfo: lang.sInfo,
            sInfoEmpty: lang.sInfoEmpty,
            sInfoFiltered: lang.sInfoFiltered,
            sLoadingRecords: lang.sLoadingRecords,
            sProcessing: lang.sProcessing,
            sZeroRecords: lang.sZeroRecords,
            oPaginate: {
                sFirst: lang.sFirst,
                sLast: lang.sLast,
                sNext: lang.sNext,
                sPrevious: lang.sPrevious
        fnPreDrawCallback: function (a) {
            if (typeof a.json != 'undefined') {
                products_types = a.json.products_types;
                products_titles = a.json.products_titles;
            woobe_message(lang.loading, '', 300000);
        fnDrawCallback: function () {
            do_data_tables_first = false;

            $('.all_products_checker').prop('checked', false);
            woobe_message('', 'clean');

            $('.woobe_product_check').each(function (ii, ch) {
                if ($.inArray(parseInt($(ch).data('product-id'), 10), woobe_checked_products) != -1) {
                    $(ch).prop('checked', true);





    $("#advanced-table_paginate").on("click", "a", function () {
        //var info =;
        //*** if remove next row - checked products will be stay checked even after page changing
        woobe_checked_products = [];


    $(".dataTables_filter input")
            .bind('keyup change', function (e) {
                if (e.keyCode == 13/* || this.value == ""*/) {

    //to left/right scroll buttons init


function init_data_tables_edit(product_id = 0) {

    if (product_id === 0) {
        //for multi-select drop-downs - disabled as take a lot of resources while loading page
        //replaced to init by woobe_multi_select_onmouseover(this)
        if ($('.woobe_data_select').length) {
            if ($("#advanced-table .chosen-select").length) {
                //$("#advanced-table .chosen-select").chosen(/*{disable_search_threshold: 10}*/);

        //popup for taxonomies
         if ($('.js_woobe_tax_popup').length) {
         $.woobe_mod = $.woobe_mod || {};
         $.woobe_mod.popup_prepare = function () {
         new $.woobe_popup_prepare('.js_woobe_tax_popup');



    if (woobe_settings.load_switchers) {
        woobe_init_switchery(true, product_id);


var woobe_clicked_textinput_prev = [];//flag to track opened textinputs and close them
function woobe_click_textinput(_this, colIndex) {

    if ($(_this).find('.editable_data').size() > 0) {
        return false;

    if (!$(_this).hasClass('editable')) {
        return false;

    //lest close previous opened any textinput/area
    woobe_clicked_textinput_prev = [_this, colIndex];

     if ($(_this).hasClass('textinput_url')) {
     var content = $(_this).html();
     } else {
     var content = $(_this).find('a').html();
    var content = $(_this).html();


    var product_id = $(_this).parents('tr').data('product-id');
    //var edit_view = $(_this).data('editable-view');

    if ($(_this).find('.info_restricked').length > 0) {

    //fix to avoid editing titles of variable products
    if ($(_this).data('editable-view') == 'textinput' && $(_this).data('field') == 'post_title') {
        if ($(_this).parents('tr').hasClass('product_type_variation')) {


    var input_type = 'text';

    if ($(_this).data('sanitize') == 'intval' || $(_this).data('sanitize') == 'floatval') {
        input_type = 'number';

    //inserting input into td cell
    if (input_type == 'text') {
        $(_this).html('<textarea class="form-control input-sm editable_data">' + content + '</textarea>');
    } else {
        $(_this).html('<input type="' + input_type + '" value="' + content + '" class="form-control input-sm editable_data" />');

    var v = $(_this).find('.editable_data').val();//set focus to the end

    woobe_th_width_synhronizer(colIndex, $(_this).width());


    $(_this).find('.editable_data').keydown(function (e) {

        var input = this;
        //38 - up, 40 - down, 13 - enter, 18 - ALT
        if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [13, 18, 38, 40]) > -1) { // keyboard keys
            if (content !== $(input).val()) {
                woobe_message(lang.saving, '');
                    method: "POST",
                    url: ajaxurl,
                    data: {
                        action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                        product_id: product_id,
                        field: $(_this).data('field'),
                        value: $(input).val()
                    success: function (answer) {
                         if ($(_this).hasClass('textinput_url')) {
                         answer = '<a href="' + answer + '" title="' + answer + '" class="zebra_tips1" target="_blank">' + answer + '</a>';

                        woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
                        woobe_th_width_synhronizer(colIndex, $(_this).width());

                        //fix for stock_quantity + manage_stock
                        if ($(_this).data('field') == 'stock_quantity') {
                            woobe_redraw_table_row($('#product_row_' + product_id));

                        $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, $(_this).data('field'), $(input).val()]);
            } else {
                woobe_th_width_synhronizer(colIndex, $(_this).width());

            //lets set focus to textinput under if its exists
            var col = $(_this).data('col-num');
            switch (e.keyCode) {
                case 38:
                case 18:
                    //keys alt or up
                    if ($(_this).closest('tr').prev('tr').length > 0) {
                        var prev_tr = $(_this).closest('tr').prev('tr');
                    } else {
                        var prev_tr = $(_this).closest('tbody').find('tr:last-child');
                    var c = $(_this).closest('tbody').find('tr').length;
                    while (true) {
                        if (c < 0) {
                        if ($(prev_tr).find("td.editable[data-col-num='" + col + "']").length > 0) {
                            $(prev_tr).find("td.editable[data-col-num='" + col + "']").trigger('click');

                        if ($(prev_tr).prev('tr').length) {
                            prev_tr = $(prev_tr).prev('tr');
                        } else {
                            prev_tr = $(_this).closest('tbody').find('tr:last-child');

                    woobe_th_width_synhronizer(colIndex, $(_this).width());

                    //keys ENTER or down
                    if ($(_this).closest('tr').next('tr').length > 0) {
                        var next_tr = $(_this).closest('tr').next('tr');
                    } else {
                        var next_tr = $(_this).closest('tbody').find('tr:first-child');
                    var c = $(_this).closest('tbody').find('tr').length;
                    while (true) {
                        if (c < 0) {
                        if ($(next_tr).find("td.editable[data-col-num='" + col + "']").length > 0) {
                            $(next_tr).find("td.editable[data-col-num='" + col + "']").trigger('click');

                        if ($(next_tr).next('tr').length) {
                            next_tr = $(next_tr).next('tr');
                        } else {
                            next_tr = $(_this).closest('tbody').find('tr:first-child');

                    woobe_th_width_synhronizer(colIndex, $(_this).width());


            return false;
        if (e.keyCode === 27) { // esc
            woobe_th_width_synhronizer(colIndex, $(_this).width());



//if we have opened textinput and clcked another cell - previous textinput should be closed!!
function woobe_close_prev_textinput() {

    if (woobe_clicked_textinput_prev.length) {
        var prev = woobe_clicked_textinput_prev[0];

        if ($(prev).find('input').size()) {
            $(prev).find('input').trigger($.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 27}));
        } else {
            $(prev).find('textarea').trigger($.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 27}));

        woobe_th_width_synhronizer(woobe_clicked_textinput_prev[1], $(prev).width());

    return true;

function woobe_click_checkbox(_this, numcheck) {

    var product_id = parseInt(numcheck, 10);
    var field = numcheck.replace(product_id + '_', '');
    var value = $(_this).data('val-false');
    var label = $(_this).data('false');

    var is = $(_this).is(':checked');
    if (is) {
        value = $(_this).data('val-true');
        label = $(_this).data('true');




    woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
        method: "POST",
        url: ajaxurl,
        data: {
            action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
            product_id: product_id,
            field: field,
            value: value
        success: function () {
            $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, field, is]);
            $(this).trigger("check_changed", [_this, field, is, value, numcheck]);
            woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');

    return true;

//when appearing dynamic textinput in the table cell - column head <th> should has the same width!!
function woobe_th_width_synhronizer(colIndex, width) {
    //$('#advanced-table_wrapper thead').find('th').eq(colIndex).width(width);
    //$('#advanced-table_wrapper tfoot').find('th').eq(colIndex).width(width);
    //__trigger_resize();//conflict with calculator

function woobe_act_tax_popup(_this) {

    $('#taxonomies_popup .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + $(_this).data('key') + ']');
    //fix to avoid not popup opening after taxonomies button clicking
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);


    var product_id = $(_this).data('product-id');
    var key = $(_this).data('key');//tax key
    var checked_terms_ids = [];

    if ($(_this).data('terms-ids').toString().length > 0) {

        checked_terms_ids = $(_this).data('terms-ids').toString().split(',');

        checked_terms_ids = (x) {
            return parseInt(x, 10);

    //lets build terms tree
    if (Object.keys(taxonomies_terms[key]).length > 0) {
        __woobe_fill_terms_tree(checked_terms_ids, taxonomies_terms[key]);



    $('.woobe-modal-save1').click(function () {
        var checked_ch = $('#taxonomies_popup_list').find('input:checked');
        var checked_terms = [];


        if (checked_ch.length) {
            $(checked_ch).each(function (i, ch) {
                $(_this).find('ul').append('<li class="woobe_li_tag">' + $(ch).parent().find('label').text() + '</li>');
        } else {
            $(_this).find('ul').append('<li class="woobe_li_tag">' + lang.no_items + '</li>');


        $(_this).data('terms-ids', checked_terms.join());


        woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
            method: "POST",
            url: ajaxurl,
            data: {
                action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                product_id: product_id,
                field: key,
                value: checked_terms
            success: function () {
                $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, checked_terms]);
                woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');

    $('.woobe-modal-close1').click(function () {

    //terms quick search
    $('#term_quick_search').keyup(function () {
        var val = $(this).val();
        if (val.length > 0) {
            setTimeout(function () {

                $('.quick_search_element_container').each(function (i, item) {
                    if (!($(item).parent().data('search-value').toString().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) + 1)) {
                    } else {

                $('.quick_search_element_container:not(:hidden)').each(function (i, item) {

            }, 250);
        } else {

        return true;

    $('#taxonomies_popup_list_checked_only').prop('checked', false);
    $('#taxonomies_popup_list_checked_only').click(function () {

        if ($(this).is(':checked')) {

            $('#taxonomies_popup_list li.top_quick_search_element').each(function (i, item) {
                if (!$(item).find('input:checked').length) {
                } else {
                    $(item).find('li').each(function (ii, it) {
                        if (!$(it).find('ul.woobe_child_taxes').length && !$(it).find('input:checked').length) {

        } else {
            $('#taxonomies_popup_list li').show();

        return true;


    $('.woobe_create_new_term').click(function () {
        return false;

    return true;

function __woobe_create_new_term(tax_key, show_parent = true, select_id = '') {
    $('#woobe_new_term_popup .woobe-modal-title span').html(tax_key);


    if (show_parent) {


        if (Object.keys(taxonomies_terms[tax_key]).length > 0) {
            $('#woobe_new_term_parent').append('<option value="-1">' + lang.none + '</option>');
            __woobe_fill_select('woobe_new_term_parent', taxonomies_terms[tax_key]);


            //disable_search_threshold: 10,
            width: '100%'
    } else {


    $('.woobe-modal-close9').click(function () {

    $('#woobe_new_term_create').click(function () {
        var title = $('#woobe_new_term_title').val();
        var slug = $('#woobe_new_term_slug').val();
        var parent = $('#woobe_new_term_parent').val();

        if (title.length > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.creating, 'warning', 99999);
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_create_new_term',
                    tax_key: tax_key,
                    titles: title,
                    slugs: slug,
                    parent: parent
                success: function (response) {
                    response = JSON.parse(response);

                    if (response.terms_ids.length > 0) {
                        woobe_message(lang.created, 'notice');
                        taxonomies_terms[tax_key] = response.terms;

                        for (var i = 0; i < response.terms_ids.length; i++) {

                            var li = $('#taxonomies_popup_list_li_tpl').html();
                            li = li.replace(/__TERM_ID__/gi, response.terms_ids[i]);
                            li = li.replace(/__LABEL__/gi, response.titles[i]);
                            li = li.replace(/__SEARCH_TXT__/gi, response.titles[i].toLowerCase());
                            li = li.replace(/__CHECK__/gi, 'checked');
                            if (parent == 0) {
                                li = li.replace(/__TOP_LI__/gi, 'top_quick_search_element');
                            } else {
                                li = li.replace(/__TOP_LI__/gi, '');
                            li = li.replace(/__CHILDS__/gi, '');


                        //if we working with any drop-down
                        if (select_id.length > 0) {
                            for (var i = 0; i < response.terms_ids.length; i++) {
                                $('#' + select_id).prepend('<option selected value="' + response.terms_ids[i] + '">' + response.titles[i] + '</option>');


                            $($('#' + select_id)).chosen({
                                width: '100%'

                        //lets all WOOBE extensions knows about this event
                        $(document).trigger("taxonomy_data_redrawn", [tax_key, response.term_id]);
                    } else {
                        woobe_message(lang.error + ' ' + lang.term_maybe_exist, 'error');




        return false;


//service function to create terms tree in taxonomies popup
function __woobe_fill_terms_tree(checked_terms_ids, data, parent_term_id = 0) {

    var li_tpl = $('#taxonomies_popup_list_li_tpl').html();


    $(data).each(function (i, d) {
        var li = li_tpl;
        li = li.replace(/__TERM_ID__/gi, d.term_id);
        li = li.replace(/__LABEL__/gi,;
        li = li.replace(/__SEARCH_TXT__/gi,;

        if ($.inArray(d.term_id, checked_terms_ids) > -1) {
            li = li.replace(/__CHECK__/gi, 'checked');
        } else {
            li = li.replace(/__CHECK__/gi, '');

        if (parent_term_id == 0) {
            li = li.replace(/__TOP_LI__/gi, 'top_quick_search_element');
        } else {
            li = li.replace(/__TOP_LI__/gi, '');


        if (Object.keys(d.childs).length > 0) {
            li = li.replace(/__CHILDS__/gi, '<ul class="woobe_child_taxes woobe_child_taxes_' + d.term_id + '"></ul>');
        } else {
            li = li.replace(/__CHILDS__/gi, '');


        if (parent_term_id == 0) {
        } else {
            $('#taxonomies_popup_list .woobe_child_taxes_' + parent_term_id).append(li);

        if (d.childs) {
            __woobe_fill_terms_tree(checked_terms_ids, d.childs, d.term_id);


//use direct call only instead of attaching event to each element after page loading
//to up performance when a lot of product per page
function woobe_act_popupeditor(_this, post_parent) {

    $('#popupeditor_popup .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + $(_this).data('key') + ']');
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);
    var product_id = $(_this).data('product_id');
    var key = $(_this).data('key');


    woobe_message(lang.loading, 'warning');
        method: "POST",
        url: ajaxurl,
        data: {
            action: 'woobe_get_post_field',
            product_id: product_id,
            field: key,
            post_parent: post_parent
        success: function (content) {
            woobe_message('', 'clean');

            if (typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') {
                try {
                } catch (e) {
                    //fix if editor loaded not in rich mode

            woobe_message(lang.loaded, 'notice');


    $('.woobe-modal-save2').click(function () {

        var product_id ='product_id');
        var key ='key');

        woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');

        var content = '';

        try {
            content = tinyMCE.get('popupeditor').getContent();
        } catch (e) {
            //fix if editor loaded not in rich mode
            content = $('.wp-editor-area').val();

            method: "POST",
            url: ajaxurl,
            data: {
                action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                product_id: product_id,
                field: key,
                value: content
            success: function (content) {
                $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, content]);
                woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');

    $('.woobe-modal-close2').click(function () {


//use direct call only instead of attaching event to each element after page loading
//to up performance when a lot of product per page
function woobe_act_downloads_editor(_this) {

    var button = _this;
    $('#downloads_popup_editor .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + $(_this).data('key') + ']');
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);
    var product_id = parseInt($(_this).data('product_id'), 10);
    var key = $(_this).data('key');


    if ($(_this).data('count') > 0 && product_id > 0) {

        var html = '';
        $($(_this).data('downloads')).each(function (i, d) {
            var li_html = $('#woobe_download_file_tpl').html();
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__HASH__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__FILE_URL__/gi, d.file);
            html += li_html;

        $('#downloads_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp">' + html + '</ul>');

         woobe_message(lang.loading, 'warning');
         method: "POST",
         url: ajaxurl,
         data: {
         action: 'woobe_get_downloads',
         product_id: product_id,
         field: key
         success: function (content) {
         woobe_message(lang.loaded, 'notice');
         $('#downloads_popup_editor form').html(content);
    } else {

        if (product_id > 0) {
            $('#downloads_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');
        } else {
            //this we need do for another applications, for example bulk editor
            if ($('#downloads_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').length == 0) {
                $('#downloads_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');




    //init close and save buttons when first call of popup is done
    $('.woobe-modal-save3').click(function () {

        var product_id ='product_id');
        var key ='key');

        if (product_id > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                    product_id: product_id,
                    field: key,
                    value: $('#products_downloads_form').serialize()
                success: function (html) {

                    woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
                    $('#downloads_popup_editor form').html('');

                    $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, $('#products_downloads_form').serialize()]);
        } else {
            //for downloads buttons in any extensions
            $(document).trigger('woobe_act_downloads_editor_saved', [product_id, key, $('#products_downloads_form').serialize()]);

        return false;


    $('.woobe-modal-close3').click(function () {
        //$('#downloads_popup_editor form').html(''); - do not do this, as it make incompatibility with another extensions
        return false;

    return false;

function woobe_act_gallery_editor(_this) {
    var button = _this;

    $('#gallery_popup_editor .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + $(_this).data('key') + ']');
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);
    var product_id = parseInt($(_this).data('product_id'), 10);
    var key = $(_this).data('key');


    if ($(_this).data('count') > 0) {
        if (product_id > 0) {

            var html = '';
            $($(_this).data('images')).each(function (i, a) {
                var li_html = $('#woobe_gallery_li_tpl').html();
                li_html = li_html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, a.url);
                li_html = li_html.replace(/__ATTACHMENT_ID__/gi,;
                html += li_html;

            $('#gallery_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp">' + html + '</ul>');

             woobe_message(lang.loading, 'warning');
             method: "POST",
             url: ajaxurl,
             data: {
             action: 'woobe_get_gallery',
             product_id: product_id,
             field: key
             success: function (content) {
             woobe_message(lang.loaded, 'notice');
             $('#gallery_popup_editor form').html(content);
        } else {
            //we can use such button for any another extensions

    } else {
        if (product_id > 0) {
            $('#gallery_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');
        } else {
            //this we need do for another applications, for example bulk editor
            if ($('#gallery_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').length == 0) {
                $('#gallery_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');



    $('.woobe-modal-save4').click(function () {

        var product_id ='product_id');
        var key ='key');

        if (product_id > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                    product_id: product_id,
                    field: key,
                    value: $('#products_gallery_form').serialize()
                success: function (html) {

                    woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
                    //$('#gallery_popup_editor form').html('');

                    $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, $('#products_gallery_form').serialize()]);
        } else {
            //for gallery buttons in any extensions
            $(document).trigger('woobe_act_gallery_editor_saved', [product_id, key, $('#products_gallery_form').serialize()]);


    $('.woobe-modal-close4').click(function () {
        //$('#gallery_popup_editor form').html(''); - do not do this, as it make incompatibility with another extensions

    return false;

function woobe_act_upsells_editor(_this) {
    var button = _this;

    $('#upsells_popup_editor .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + $(_this).data('key') + ']');
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);
    var product_id = parseInt($(_this).data('product_id'), 10);
    var key = $(_this).data('key');


    var button_data = [];

    if ($('#upsell_ids_upsell_ids_' + product_id + ' li').size() > 0) {
        $('#upsell_ids_upsell_ids_' + product_id + ' li').each(function (i, li) {


    if ($(_this).data('count') > 0 && product_id > 0) {

        var html = '';
        $(button_data).each(function (i, li) {
            var li_html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi, li.title + ' (#' + + ')');
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, li.thumb);
            html += li_html;

        $('#upsells_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp">' + html + '</ul>');

         woobe_message(lang.loading, 'warning');
         method: "POST",
         url: ajaxurl,
         data: {
         action: 'woobe_get_upsells',
         product_id: product_id,
         field: key
         success: function (content) {
         woobe_message(lang.loaded, 'notice');
         $('#upsells_popup_editor form').html(content);
    } else {
        if (product_id > 0) {
            $('#upsells_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');
        } else {
            //this we need do for another applications, for example bulk editor
            if ($('#upsells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').length == 0) {
                $('#upsells_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');



    $('.woobe-modal-save5').click(function () {

        var product_id ='product_id');
        var key ='key');

        if (product_id > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                    product_id: product_id,
                    field: key,
                    value: $('#products_upsells_form').serialize()
                success: function (html) {

                    woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
                    //$('#upsells_popup_editor form').html('');

                    $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, $('#products_upsells_form').serialize()]);
        } else {
            //for buttons in any extensions
            $(document).trigger('woobe_act_upsells_editor_saved', [product_id, key, $('#products_upsells_form').serialize()]);

        return false;

    $('.woobe-modal-close5').click(function () {
        //$('#upsells_popup_editor form').html(''); - do not do this, as it make incompatibility with another extensions
        return false;


function woobe_act_cross_sells_editor(_this) {
    var button = _this;

    $('#cross_sells_popup_editor .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + $(_this).data('key') + ']');
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);
    var product_id = parseInt($(_this).data('product_id'), 10);
    var key = $(_this).data('key');


    var button_data = [];

    if ($('#cross_sells_cross_sell_ids_' + product_id + ' li').size() > 0) {
        $('#cross_sells_cross_sell_ids_' + product_id + ' li').each(function (i, li) {


    if ($(_this).data('count') > 0 && product_id > 0) {
        var html = '';
        $(button_data).each(function (i, li) {
            var li_html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi, li.title + ' (#' + + ')');
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, li.thumb);
            html += li_html;

        $('#cross_sells_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp">' + html + '</ul>');

         woobe_message(lang.loading, 'warning');
         method: "POST",
         url: ajaxurl,
         data: {
         action: 'woobe_get_cross_sells',
         product_id: product_id,
         field: key
         success: function (content) {
         woobe_message(lang.loaded, 'notice');
         $('#cross_sells_popup_editor form').html(content);

    } else {

        if (product_id > 0) {
            $('#cross_sells_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');
        } else {
            //this we need do for another applications, for example bulk editor
            if ($('#cross_sells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').length == 0) {
                $('#cross_sells_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');




    $('.woobe-modal-save6').click(function () {

        var product_id ='product_id');
        var key ='key');

        if (product_id > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                    product_id: product_id,
                    field: key,
                    value: $('#products_cross_sells_form').serialize()
                success: function (html) {

                    woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
                    //$('#cross_sells_popup_editor form').html('');

                    $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, $('#products_cross_sells_form').serialize()]);
        } else {
            //for buttons in any extensions
            $(document).trigger('woobe_act_cross_sells_editor_saved', [product_id, key, $('#products_cross_sells_form').serialize()]);

        return false;

    $('.woobe-modal-close6').click(function () {
        //$('#cross_sells_popup_editor form').html(''); - do not do this, as it make incompatibility with another extensions
        return false;


function woobe_act_grouped_editor(_this) {
    var button = _this;

    $('#grouped_popup_editor .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + $(_this).data('key') + ']');
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);
    var product_id = parseInt($(_this).data('product_id'), 10);
    var key = $(_this).data('key');


    var button_data = [];

    if ($('#grouped_ids_grouped_ids_' + product_id + ' li').size() > 0) {
        $('#grouped_ids_grouped_ids_' + product_id + ' li').each(function (i, li) {


    if ($(_this).data('count') > 0 && product_id > 0) {

        var html = '';
        $(button_data).each(function (i, li) {
            var li_html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi, li.title + ' (#' + + ')');
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
            li_html = li_html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, li.thumb);
            html += li_html;

        $('#grouped_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp">' + html + '</ul>');

         woobe_message(lang.loading, 'warning');
         method: "POST",
         url: ajaxurl,
         data: {
         action: 'woobe_get_grouped',
         product_id: product_id,
         field: key
         success: function (content) {
         woobe_message(lang.loaded, 'notice');
         $('#grouped_popup_editor form').html(content);
    } else {
        if (product_id > 0) {
            $('#grouped_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');
        } else {
            //this we need do for another applications, for example bulk editor
            if ($('#grouped_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').length == 0) {
                $('#grouped_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');




    $('.woobe-modal-save7').click(function () {

        var product_id ='product_id');
        var key ='key');

        if (product_id > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                    product_id: product_id,
                    field: key,
                    value: $('#products_grouped_form').serialize()
                success: function (html) {

                    woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
                    $('#grouped_popup_editor form').html('');

                    $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, $('#products_grouped_form').serialize()]);

        } else {
            //for buttons in any extensions
            $(document).trigger('woobe_act_grouped_editor_saved', [product_id, key, $('#products_grouped_form').serialize()]);

        return false;

    $('.woobe-modal-close7').click(function () {
        //$('#grouped_popup_editor form').html(''); - do not do this, as it make incompatibility with another extensions
        return false;


function woobe_act_meta_popup_editor(_this) {
    woobe_popup_clicked = $(_this);
    var product_id = parseInt($(_this).data('product_id'), 10);
    var key = $(_this).data('key');
    $('#meta_popup_editor .woobe-modal-title').html($(_this).data('name') + ' [' + key + ']');

    var meta = JSON.parse($(_this).find('.meta_popup_btn_data').text());

    if (Object.keys(meta).length > 0 && product_id > 0) {
        var html = '';
        try {
            $.each(meta, function (k, v) {
                var li_html = $('#meta_popup_editor_li').html();
                li_html = li_html.replace(/__KEY__/gi, k);

                if (typeof v !== 'string') {
                    var ul = '<ul class="meta_popup_editor_child_ul">';
                    $.each(v, function (kk, vv) {
                        var li_html2 = $('#meta_popup_editor_li').html();
                        li_html2 = li_html2.replace(/__KEY__/gi, kk);
                        li_html2 = li_html2.replace(/__VALUE__/gi, vv);
                        li_html2 = li_html2.replace(/__CHILD_LIST__/gi, '');
                        li_html2 = li_html2.replace('keys[]', 'keys[' + k + '][]');
                        li_html2 = li_html2.replace('values[]', 'values[' + k + '][]');
                        ul += li_html2;

                    ul += '</ul>';

                    li_html = li_html.replace(/__CHILD_LIST__/gi, ul + '&nbsp;<a href="#" class="meta_popup_editor_add_sub_item" data-key="' + k + '">' + lang.append_sub_item + '</a><br />');
                    li_html = li_html.replace(/__VALUE__/gi, 'delete-this');
                } else {
                    li_html = li_html.replace(/__VALUE__/gi, v);
                    li_html = li_html.replace(/__CHILD_LIST__/gi, '<ul class="meta_popup_editor_child_ul" data-key="' + k + '"></ul>&nbsp;<a href="#" class="meta_popup_editor_add_sub_item" data-key="' + k + '">' + lang.append_sub_item + '</a><br />');

                html += li_html;
        } catch (e) {

        $('#meta_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp">' + html + '</ul>');
        $('#meta_popup_editor form').find("input[value='delete-this']").remove();

    } else {

        if (product_id > 0) {
            $('#meta_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');
        } else {
            //this we need do for another applications, for example bulk editor
            if ($('#meta_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').length == 0) {
                $('#meta_popup_editor form').html('<ul class="woobe_fields_tmp"></ul>');



    $('.woobe-modal-save10').click(function () {

        var product_id ='product_id');
        var key ='key');

        if (product_id > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.saving, 'warning');
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                    product_id: product_id,
                    field: key,
                    value: $('#meta_popup_editor_form').serialize(),
                    is_serialized: 1
                success: function (answer) {
                    woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
                    $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, key, $('#meta_popup_editor_form').serialize()]);
        } else {
            //for buttons in any extensions
            $(document).trigger('woobe_act_meta_popup_editor_saved', [product_id, key, $('#meta_popup_editor_form').serialize()]);

        return false;

    $('.woobe-modal-close10').click(function () {
        //$('#meta_popup_editor_editor form').html(''); - do not do this, as it make incompatibility with another extensions
        return false;


function __woobe_init_meta_popup_editor() {

    $("#meta_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp, #meta_popup_editor form .meta_popup_editor_child_ul").sortable({
        update: function (event, ui) {
        opacity: 0.8,
        cursor: "crosshair",
        handle: '.woobe_drag_and_drope',
        placeholder: 'woobe-options-highlight'


    $('.meta_popup_editor_insert_new').click(function () {
        var li_html = $('#meta_popup_editor_li').html();

        li_html = li_html.replace(/__KEY__/gi, '');
        li_html = li_html.replace(/__VALUE__/gi, '');
        li_html = li_html.replace(/__CHILD_LIST__/gi, '<ul class="meta_popup_editor_child_ul"></ul>&nbsp;<a href="#" class="meta_popup_editor_add_sub_item" data-key="">' + lang.append_sub_item + '</a><br />');

        if ($(this).data('place') == 'top') {
            $('#meta_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').prepend(li_html);
        } else {
            $('#meta_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').append(li_html);

        return false;


    $('.meta_popup_editor_add_sub_item').click(function () {
        var li_html = $('#meta_popup_editor_li').html();

        li_html = li_html.replace(/__KEY__/gi, '');
        li_html = li_html.replace(/__VALUE__/gi, '');
        li_html = li_html.replace(/__CHILD_LIST__/gi, '');

        var key = $(this).data('key');
        if (key.length === 0) {
            key = $(this).prev('.meta_popup_editor_child_ul').data('key');

        if (typeof key == 'undefined') {
            key = $(this).parent().find('.meta_popup_editor_li_key').eq(0).val();

        li_html = li_html.replace('keys[]', 'keys[' + key + '][]');
        li_html = li_html.replace('values[]', 'values[' + key + '][]');

        //remove value textinput of the parent

        if ($(this).data('place') == 'top') {
        } else {

        return false;


    $('.meta_popup_editor_li_key').keyup(function () {
        $(this).parent().find('.meta_popup_editor_child_ul .meta_popup_editor_li_key').attr('name', 'keys[' + $(this).val() + '][]');
        $(this).parent().find('.meta_popup_editor_child_ul .meta_popup_editor_li_value').attr('name', 'values[' + $(this).val() + '][]');
        return true;


    $('.woobe_prod_delete').click(function () {
        return false;

function woobe_act_select(_this) {
    woobe_message(lang.saving, '');
    var product_id = parseInt($(_this).data('product-id'), 10);

    if ($(_this).data('field') == 'product_type') {
        //redraw table row
    } else {
            method: "POST",
            url: ajaxurl,
            data: {
                action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                product_id: product_id,
                field: $(_this).data('field'),
                value: $(_this).val()
            success: function () {
                $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, $(_this).data('field'), $(_this).val()]);
                woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');

    return false;


function woobe_redraw_table_row(row, do_trigger = true) {
    var product_id = parseInt($(row).data('product-id'), 10);

    if (!product_id) {


        method: "POST",
        url: ajaxurl,
        data: {
            action: 'woobe_redraw_table_row',
            product_id: product_id,
            field: $(row).data('field'),
            value: $(row).val()
        success: function (row_data) {
            woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');
            var tr_index = $('#product_row_' + product_id).data('row-num');

            $.each($('td', $('#product_row_' + product_id)), function (colIndex) {
                if ($(this).find('.info_restricked').length > 0) {
                } else {

            if (do_trigger) {
                $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, $(row).data('field'), $(row).val()]);
            //woobe_checked_products.splice(woobe_checked_products.indexOf(product_id), 1);
             woobe_checked_products = $.grep(woobe_checked_products, function (value) {
             return value != product_id;

            if ($.inArray(product_id, woobe_checked_products) > -1) {
                $('#product_row_' + product_id).find('.woobe_product_check').prop('checked', true);


function woobe_init_calendar(calendar) {

    if (typeof $(calendar).attr('data-dtp') !== typeof undefined && $(calendar).attr('data-dtp') !== false) {


        weekStart: 1,
        time: false,
        clearButton: false,
        //minDate: new Date(),
        format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
        autoclose: true,
        lang: 'en',
        title: $(calendar).data('title'),
        icons: {
            time: "icofont icofont-clock-time",
            date: "icofont icofont-ui-calendar",
            up: "icofont icofont-rounded-up",
            down: "icofont icofont-rounded-down",
            next: "icofont icofont-rounded-right",
            previous: "icofont icofont-rounded-left"
    }).on('change', function (e, date)
        var hidden = $('#' + $(this).data('val-id'));
        if (typeof date != 'undefined') {
            var d = new Date(date);
            //hidden.val(parseInt(d.getTime() / 1000, 10));
            hidden.val(d.getFullYear() + '-' + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + d.getDate());
        } else {

        var product_id = parseInt('product-id'), 10);
        if (product_id > 0) {
            woobe_message(lang.saving, '');
                method: "POST",
                url: ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                    product_id: product_id,
                    value: hidden.val()
                success: function () {
                    $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id,'key'), hidden.val()]);
                    woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');



    $(calendar).parents('td').find('.woobe_calendar_cell_clear').click(function () {
        return false;


//redrawing of checkbox to switcher on onmouseover
//was in cycle but its make time of page redrawing longer, so been remade for individual initializating
function woobe_set_switchery(_this) {

    if (typeof Switchery !== 'undefined') {
        new Switchery(_this);
        //while reinit allows more html switchers


    $(_this).change(function () {
        var state = _this.checked.toString();
        var numcheck = $(_this).data('numcheck');
        var trigger_target = $(_this).data('trigger-target');
        var label = $("*[data-label-numcheck='" + numcheck + "']");
        var hidden = $("*[data-hidden-numcheck='" + numcheck + "']");
        $(label).removeClass($(_this).data('class-' + (!(_this.checked)).toString()));
        $(label).addClass($(_this).data('class-' + state));
        var val = $(_this).data('val-' + state);
        var field_name = $(hidden).attr('name');

        if (trigger_target.length) {
            $(this).trigger("check_changed", [trigger_target, field_name, _this.checked, val, numcheck]);


    $(_this).on("check_changed", function (event, trigger_target, field_name, is_checked, val, product_id) {
        woobe_message(lang.saving, '');
            method: "POST",
            url: ajaxurl,
            data: {
                action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                product_id: product_id,
                field: field_name,
                value: val
            success: function () {
                $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [parseInt(product_id, 10), field_name, val]);
                woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');


function woobe_act_thumbnail(_this) {
    var product_id = $(_this).parents('tr').data('product-id');
    var field = $(_this).parents('td').data('field');

    var image ={
        title: lang.upload_image,
        multiple: false,
        library: {
            type: ['image']
            .on('select', function (e) {
                var uploaded_image = image.state().get('selection').first();
                // We convert uploaded_image to a JSON object to make accessing it easier
                uploaded_image = uploaded_image.toJSON();
                if (typeof uploaded_image.url != 'undefined') {
                    $(_this).find('img').attr('src', uploaded_image.url);

                    woobe_message(lang.saving, '');
                        method: "POST",
                        url: ajaxurl,
                        data: {
                            action: 'woobe_update_page_field',
                            product_id: product_id,
                            field: field,
                        success: function () {
                            $(document).trigger('woobe_page_field_updated', [product_id, field,]);
                            woobe_message(lang.saved, 'notice');

    return false;


function __woobe_init_downloads() {

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        var input_object = $(this).parents('tr').find('.woobe_down_file_url').eq(0);
        var image ={
            title: lang.upload_file,
            multiple: false
                .on('select', function (e) {
                    var uploaded_image = image.state().get('selection').first();
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                    uploaded_image = uploaded_image.toJSON();
                    if (typeof uploaded_image.url != 'undefined') {

        return false;


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    $('.woobe_insert_download_file').click(function () {

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            $('#downloads_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').append(li_html);

        return false;

    $('.woobe_down_file_delete').click(function () {
        return false;


function __woobe_init_gallery() {

    $('.woobe_insert_gall_file').click(function (e)

        var image ={
            title: lang.upload_images,
            multiple: true,
            //cache: 'refresh',
            library: {
                type: ['image'],
                //cache: false
                .on('select', function (e) {
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                    var uploaded_images = image.state().get('selection');
                    // We convert uploaded_image to a JSON object to make accessing it easier
                    uploaded_images = uploaded_images.toJSON();
                    if (uploaded_images.length) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < uploaded_images.length; i++) {
                            var html = $('#woobe_gallery_li_tpl').html();
                            html = html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, uploaded_images[i]['url']);
                            html = html.replace(/__ATTACHMENT_ID__/gi, uploaded_images[i]['id']);
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        return false;


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        update: function (event, ui) {
        opacity: 0.8,
        cursor: "crosshair",
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        placeholder: 'woobe-options-highlight'


    $('.woobe_gall_file_delete').click(function () {
        return false;

    $('.woobe_gall_file_delete_all').click(function () {
        $('#gallery_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').html('');
        return false;



function __woobe_init_upsells() {

    $("#upsells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp").sortable({
        update: function (event, ui) {
        opacity: 0.8,
        cursor: "crosshair",
        handle: '.woobe_drag_and_drope',
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        url: function (phrase) {
            return ajaxurl;
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        getValue: function (element) {
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        ajaxSettings: {
            dataType: "json",
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        preparePostData: function (data) {
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            data.auto_search_by_behavior = 'title';
            data.exept_ids = $('#products_upsells_form').serialize();
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            return data;
        ajaxCallback: function () {
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            maxNumberOfElements: woobe_settings.autocomplete_max_elem_count,
            onChooseEvent: function (e) {
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                return true;
            showAnimation: {
                type: "fade", //normal|slide|fade
                time: 333,
                callback: function () {
            hideAnimation: {
                type: "slide", //normal|slide|fade
                time: 333,
                callback: function () {
            onClickEvent: function () {
                var index = $("#upsells_products_search").getSelectedItemIndex();
                var data = $("#upsells_products_search").getItemData(index);

                if (parseInt(, 10) > 0) {
                    var html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
                    html = html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi, + '(#' + + ')');
                    html = html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, data.icon);
                    $('#upsells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').prepend(html);
                } else {

                return false;
        requestDelay: autocomplete_request_delay

    $("#upsells_products_search").keydown(function (e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13)
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            if (autocomplete_curr_index != -1) {
                index = autocomplete_curr_index;
            var data = $("#upsells_products_search").getItemData(index);

            if (parseInt(index, 10) > 0) {
                var html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
                html = html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, data.icon);
                $('#upsells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').prepend(html);
            } else {


    $('.woobe_prod_delete').click(function () {
        return false;



function __woobe_init_cross_sells() {

    $("#cross_sells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp").sortable({
        update: function (event, ui) {
        opacity: 0.8,
        cursor: "crosshair",
        handle: '.woobe_drag_and_drope',
        placeholder: 'woobe-options-highlight'


        url: function (phrase) {
            return ajaxurl;
        //theme: "square",
        getValue: function (element) {
            $('#cross_sells_popup_editor .cssload-container').hide();
        ajaxSettings: {
            dataType: "json",
            method: "POST",
            data: {
                action: "woobe_title_autocomplete",
                dataType: "json"
        preparePostData: function (data) {
            data.woobe_txt_search = $("#cross_sells_products_search").val();
            data.auto_res_count = woobe_settings.autocomplete_max_elem_count;
            data.auto_search_by_behavior = 'title';
            data.exept_ids = $('#products_cross_sells_form').serialize();
            $('#cross_sells_popup_editor .cssload-container').show();
            return data;
        ajaxCallback: function () {
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        list: {
            maxNumberOfElements: woobe_settings.autocomplete_max_elem_count,
            onChooseEvent: function (e) {
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                return true;
            showAnimation: {
                type: "fade", //normal|slide|fade
                time: 333,
                callback: function () {
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                type: "slide", //normal|slide|fade
                time: 333,
                callback: function () {
            onClickEvent: function () {
                var index = $("#cross_sells_products_search").getSelectedItemIndex();
                var data = $("#cross_sells_products_search").getItemData(index);

                if (parseInt(, 10) > 0) {
                    var html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
                    html = html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, data.icon);
                    $('#cross_sells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').prepend(html);
                } else {
        requestDelay: autocomplete_request_delay

    $("#cross_sells_products_search").keydown(function (e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13)
            var index = $("#cross_sells_products_search").getSelectedItemIndex();
            if (autocomplete_curr_index != -1) {
                index = autocomplete_curr_index;
            var data = $("#cross_sells_products_search").getItemData(index);

            if (parseInt(index, 10) > 0) {
                var html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
                html = html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, data.icon);
                $('#cross_sells_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').prepend(html);
            } else {


    $('.woobe_prod_delete').click(function () {
        return false;


function __woobe_init_grouped() {

    $("#grouped_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp").sortable({
        update: function (event, ui) {
        opacity: 0.8,
        cursor: "crosshair",
        handle: '.woobe_drag_and_drope',
        placeholder: 'woobe-options-highlight'


        url: function (phrase) {
            return ajaxurl;
        //theme: "square",
        getValue: function (element) {
            $('#grouped_popup_editor .cssload-container').hide();
        ajaxSettings: {
            dataType: "json",
            method: "POST",
            data: {
                action: "woobe_title_autocomplete",
                dataType: "json"
        preparePostData: function (data) {
            data.woobe_txt_search = $("#grouped_products_search").val();
            data.auto_res_count = woobe_settings.autocomplete_max_elem_count;
            data.auto_search_by_behavior = 'title';
            data.exept_ids = $('#products_grouped_form').serialize();
            $('#grouped_popup_editor .cssload-container').show();
            return data;
        ajaxCallback: function () {
        template: {
            type: 'iconRight', //'links' | 'iconRight'
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                iconSrc: "icon",
                link: "link"
        list: {
            hideOnEmptyPhrase: false,
            maxNumberOfElements: woobe_settings.autocomplete_max_elem_count,
            onChooseEvent: function (e) {
                autocomplete_curr_index = $("#grouped_products_search").getSelectedItemIndex();
                return true;
            showAnimation: {
                type: "fade", //normal|slide|fade
                time: 333,
                callback: function () {
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                type: "slide", //normal|slide|fade
                time: 333,
                callback: function () {
            onClickEvent: function () {
                var index = $("#grouped_products_search").getSelectedItemIndex();
                var data = $("#grouped_products_search").getItemData(index);

                if (parseInt(, 10) > 0) {
                    var html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
                    html = html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
                    html = html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, data.icon);
                    $('#grouped_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').prepend(html);
                } else {
        requestDelay: autocomplete_request_delay


    $("#grouped_products_search").keydown(function (e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13)
            var index = $("#grouped_products_search").getSelectedItemIndex();
            if (autocomplete_curr_index != -1) {
                index = autocomplete_curr_index;
            var data = $("#grouped_products_search").getItemData(index);

            if (parseInt(index, 10) > 0) {
                var html = $('#woobe_product_li_tpl').html();
                html = html.replace(/__ID__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__TITLE__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__PERMALINK__/gi,;
                html = html.replace(/__IMG_URL__/gi, data.icon);
                $('#grouped_popup_editor form .woobe_fields_tmp').prepend(html);
            } else {


    $('.woobe_prod_delete').click(function () {
        return false;


function woobe_message(text, type, duration = 0) {
    if (duration > 0) {
        Growl.settings.duration = duration;
    } else {
        Growl.settings.duration = 1777;
    switch (type) {
        case 'notice':
            $.growl.notice({message: text});

        case 'warning':
            $.growl.warning({message: text});

        case 'error':
            $.growl.error({message: text});

        case 'clean':

            $.growl({title: '', message: text});


function woobe_init_scroll() {
    setTimeout(function () {

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                return false;

    }, 1000);

function woobe_multi_select_cell(_this) {

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    var cell_list = $(_this).parents('.woobe_multi_select_cell').find('.woobe_multi_select_cell_list');
    var ul = $(cell_list).find('ul');
    var select = $(cell_dropdown).find('select');
    var tax_key = $(select).data('field');
    var product_id = $(select).data('product-id');
    var selected = ($(select).data('selected') + '').split(',').map(function (num) {
        return parseInt(num, 10);

    var select_id = 'mselect_' + tax_key + '_' + product_id;



    __woobe_fill_select(select_id, taxonomies_terms[tax_key], selected);


        //disable_search_threshold: 10,
        //max_shown_results: 5,
        width: '100%'



    $(cell_dropdown).find('.woobe_multi_select_cell_cancel').click(function () {
        return false;

    $(cell_dropdown).find('.woobe_multi_select_cell_save').click(function () {


        var sel = [];
        if ($(select).find(":selected").length) {
            $(select).find(":selected").each(function (ii, option) {
                sel[ii] = option.value;
                $(ul).append('<li>' + option.label + '</li>');
        } else {
            $(ul).append('<li>' + lang.no_items + '</li>');

        $(select).data('selected', sel.join(','));

        return false;

    $(cell_dropdown).find('.woobe_multi_select_cell_new').click(function () {

        __woobe_create_new_term(tax_key, false, select_id);

        return false;

    return false;

//make images bigger on their event onmouseover
function woobe_init_image_preview(_this) {
    var xOffset = 150;
    var yOffset = 30;

    _this.t = _this.title;
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    $(_this).mouseleave(function (e) {

//to display current product in the top wordpress admin bar
function woobe_td_hover(id, title, col_num) {
    if (!$('#wp-admin-bar-root-default li.woobe_current_cell_view').length) {
        $('#wp-admin-bar-root-default').append('<li class="woobe_current_cell_view">');


    if (id > 0) {
        var content = '#' + id + '. ' + title + ' [<i>' + $('#woobe_col_' + col_num).text() + '</i>]';
    } else {
        var content = '';

    $('#wp-admin-bar-root-default li.woobe_current_cell_view').html(content);

    return true;

function woobe_onmouseover_num_textinput(_this, colIndex) {
    $(document).trigger("woobe_onmouseover_num_textinput", [_this, colIndex]);
    return true;

function woobe_onmouseout_num_textinput(_this, colIndex) {
    $(document).trigger("woobe_onmouseout_num_textinput", [_this, colIndex]);
    return true;

 function woobe_init_textinput_url() {
 if ($('.textinput_url').length) {
 $('.textinput_url').each(function (index, item) {
 if ($(item).find('.info_restricked')) {
 var tipContent = $('<p><a href="' + $(item).html() + '" target="_blank">' + $(item).html() + '</a></p>');
 $(item).data('powertipjq', tipContent);
 placement: 'w',
 mouseOnToPopup: true