/** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import Label from '@woocommerce/base-components/label'; import ProductPrice from '@woocommerce/base-components/product-price'; import ProductName from '@woocommerce/base-components/product-name'; import { getCurrencyFromPriceResponse } from '@woocommerce/price-format'; import { __experimentalApplyCheckoutFilter, mustBeString, mustContain, } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Dinero from 'dinero.js'; import { getSetting } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { useCallback, useMemo } from '@wordpress/element'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import ProductBackorderBadge from '../product-backorder-badge'; import ProductImage from '../product-image'; import ProductLowStockBadge from '../product-low-stock-badge'; import ProductMetadata from '../product-metadata'; const OrderSummaryItem = ( { cartItem } ) => { const { images, low_stock_remaining: lowStockRemaining = null, show_backorder_badge: showBackorderBadge = false, name: initialName, permalink, prices, quantity, short_description: shortDescription, description: fullDescription, item_data: itemData = [], variation, totals, extensions = {}, } = cartItem; const productPriceValidation = useCallback( ( value ) => mustBeString( value ) && mustContain( value, '<price/>' ), [] ); const arg = useMemo( () => ( { context: 'summary', cartItem, } ), [ cartItem ] ); const priceCurrency = getCurrencyFromPriceResponse( prices ); const name = __experimentalApplyCheckoutFilter( { filterName: 'itemName', defaultValue: initialName, extensions, arg, validation: mustBeString, } ); const regularPriceSingle = Dinero( { amount: parseInt( prices.raw_prices.regular_price, 10 ), precision: parseInt( prices.raw_prices.precision, 10 ), } ) .convertPrecision( priceCurrency.minorUnit ) .getAmount(); const priceSingle = Dinero( { amount: parseInt( prices.raw_prices.price, 10 ), precision: parseInt( prices.raw_prices.precision, 10 ), } ) .convertPrecision( priceCurrency.minorUnit ) .getAmount(); const totalsCurrency = getCurrencyFromPriceResponse( totals ); let lineSubtotal = parseInt( totals.line_subtotal, 10 ); if ( getSetting( 'displayCartPricesIncludingTax', false ) ) { lineSubtotal += parseInt( totals.line_subtotal_tax, 10 ); } const subtotalPrice = Dinero( { amount: lineSubtotal, precision: totalsCurrency.minorUnit, } ).getAmount(); const subtotalPriceFormat = __experimentalApplyCheckoutFilter( { filterName: 'subtotalPriceFormat', defaultValue: '<price/>', extensions, arg, validation: productPriceValidation, } ); // Allow extensions to filter how the price is displayed. Ie: prepending or appending some values. const productPriceFormat = __experimentalApplyCheckoutFilter( { filterName: 'cartItemPrice', defaultValue: '<price/>', extensions, arg, validation: productPriceValidation, } ); return ( <div className="wc-block-components-order-summary-item"> <div className="wc-block-components-order-summary-item__image"> <div className="wc-block-components-order-summary-item__quantity"> <Label label={ quantity } screenReaderLabel={ sprintf( /* translators: %d number of products of the same type in the cart */ __( '%d items', 'woocommerce' ), quantity ) } /> </div> <ProductImage image={ images.length ? images[ 0 ] : {} } /> </div> <div className="wc-block-components-order-summary-item__description"> <ProductName disabled={ true } name={ name } permalink={ permalink } /> <ProductPrice currency={ priceCurrency } price={ priceSingle } regularPrice={ regularPriceSingle } className="wc-block-components-order-summary-item__individual-prices" priceClassName="wc-block-components-order-summary-item__individual-price" regularPriceClassName="wc-block-components-order-summary-item__regular-individual-price" format={ subtotalPriceFormat } /> { showBackorderBadge ? ( <ProductBackorderBadge /> ) : ( !! lowStockRemaining && ( <ProductLowStockBadge lowStockRemaining={ lowStockRemaining } /> ) ) } <ProductMetadata shortDescription={ shortDescription } fullDescription={ fullDescription } itemData={ itemData } variation={ variation } /> </div> <div className="wc-block-components-order-summary-item__total-price"> <ProductPrice currency={ totalsCurrency } format={ productPriceFormat } price={ subtotalPrice } /> </div> </div> ); }; OrderSummaryItem.propTypes = { cartItems: PropTypes.shape( { images: PropTypes.array, low_stock_remaining: PropTypes.number, name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, permalink: PropTypes.string, prices: PropTypes.shape( { price: PropTypes.string, regular_price: PropTypes.string, } ), quantity: PropTypes.number, summary: PropTypes.string, variation: PropTypes.array, } ), }; export default OrderSummaryItem;