{% if not is_ajax %} <div id="pma_navigation" class="d-print-none" data-config-navigation-width="{{ config_navigation_width }}"> <div id="pma_navigation_resizer"></div> <div id="pma_navigation_collapser"></div> <div id="pma_navigation_content"> <div id="pma_navigation_header"> {% if logo.is_displayed %} <div id="pmalogo"> {% if logo.has_link %} <a href="{{ logo.link|default('#') }}"{{ logo.attributes|raw }}> {% endif %} {% if logo.source is not empty %} <img id="imgpmalogo" src="{{ logo.source }}" alt="phpMyAdmin"> {% else %} <h1>phpMyAdmin</h1> {% endif %} {% if logo.has_link %} </a> {% endif %} </div> {% endif %} <div id="navipanellinks"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}" title="{% trans 'Home' %}"> {{- get_image('b_home', 'Home'|trans) -}} </a> {% if server != 0 %} <a class="logout disableAjax" href="{{ url('/logout') }}" title="{{ auth_type == 'config' ? 'Empty session data'|trans : 'Log out'|trans }}"> {{- get_image('s_loggoff', auth_type == 'config' ? 'Empty session data'|trans : 'Log out'|trans) -}} </a> {% endif %} <a href="{{ get_docu_link('index') }}" title="{% trans 'phpMyAdmin documentation' %}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> {{- get_image('b_docs', 'phpMyAdmin documentation'|trans) -}} </a> <a href="{{ get_docu_url(is_mariadb) }}" title="{{ is_mariadb ? 'MariaDB Documentation'|trans : 'MySQL Documentation'|trans }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> {{- get_image('b_sqlhelp', is_mariadb ? 'MariaDB Documentation'|trans : 'MySQL Documentation'|trans) -}} </a> <a id="pma_navigation_settings_icon"{{ not is_navigation_settings_enabled ? ' class="hide"' }} href="#" title="{% trans 'Navigation panel settings' %}"> {{- get_image('s_cog', 'Navigation panel settings'|trans) -}} </a> <a id="pma_navigation_reload" href="#" title="{% trans 'Reload navigation panel' %}"> {{- get_image('s_reload', 'Reload navigation panel'|trans) -}} </a> </div> {% if is_servers_displayed and servers|length > 1 %} <div id="serverChoice"> {{ server_select|raw }} </div> {% endif %} {{ get_image('ajax_clock_small', 'Loading…'|trans, { 'style': 'visibility: hidden; display:none', 'class': 'throbber' }) }} </div> <div id="pma_navigation_tree" class="list_container{{ is_synced ? ' synced' }}{{ is_highlighted ? ' highlight' }}{{ is_autoexpanded ? ' autoexpand' }}"> {% endif %} {% if not navigation_tree %} {{ 'An error has occurred while loading the navigation display'|trans|error }} {% else %} {{ navigation_tree|raw }} {% endif %} {% if not is_ajax %} </div> <div id="pma_navi_settings_container"> {% if is_navigation_settings_enabled %} {{ navigation_settings|raw }} {% endif %} </div> </div> {% if is_drag_drop_import_enabled %} <div class="pma_drop_handler"> {% trans 'Drop files here' %} </div> <div class="pma_sql_import_status"> <h2> {% trans 'SQL upload' %} ( <span class="pma_import_count">0</span> ) <span class="close">x</span> <span class="minimize">-</span> </h2> <div></div> </div> {% endif %} </div> {{ include('modals/unhide_nav_item.twig') }} {{ include('modals/create_view.twig') }} {% endif %}