<?php class WPCF7_FormTag implements ArrayAccess { public $type; public $basetype; public $raw_name = ''; public $name = ''; public $options = array(); public $raw_values = array(); public $values = array(); public $pipes; public $labels = array(); public $attr = ''; public $content = ''; public function __construct( $tag = array() ) { if ( is_array( $tag ) or $tag instanceof self ) { foreach ( $tag as $key => $value ) { if ( property_exists( __CLASS__, $key ) ) { $this->{$key} = $value; } } } } public function is_required() { return ( '*' == substr( $this->type, -1 ) ); } public function has_option( $opt ) { $pattern = sprintf( '/^%s(:.+)?$/i', preg_quote( $opt, '/' ) ); return (bool) preg_grep( $pattern, $this->options ); } public function get_option( $opt, $pattern = '', $single = false ) { $preset_patterns = array( 'date' => '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}', 'int' => '[0-9]+', 'signed_int' => '-?[0-9]+', 'class' => '[-0-9a-zA-Z_]+', 'id' => '[-0-9a-zA-Z_]+', ); if ( isset( $preset_patterns[$pattern] ) ) { $pattern = $preset_patterns[$pattern]; } if ( '' == $pattern ) { $pattern = '.+'; } $pattern = sprintf( '/^%s:%s$/i', preg_quote( $opt, '/' ), $pattern ); if ( $single ) { $matches = $this->get_first_match_option( $pattern ); if ( ! $matches ) { return false; } return substr( $matches[0], strlen( $opt ) + 1 ); } else { $matches_a = $this->get_all_match_options( $pattern ); if ( ! $matches_a ) { return false; } $results = array(); foreach ( $matches_a as $matches ) { $results[] = substr( $matches[0], strlen( $opt ) + 1 ); } return $results; } } public function get_id_option() { return $this->get_option( 'id', 'id', true ); } public function get_class_option( $default = '' ) { if ( is_string( $default ) ) { $default = explode( ' ', $default ); } $options = array_merge( (array) $default, (array) $this->get_option( 'class', 'class' ) ); $options = array_filter( array_unique( $options ) ); return implode( ' ', $options ); } public function get_size_option( $default = '' ) { $option = $this->get_option( 'size', 'int', true ); if ( $option ) { return $option; } $matches_a = $this->get_all_match_options( '%^([0-9]*)/[0-9]*$%' ); foreach ( (array) $matches_a as $matches ) { if ( isset( $matches[1] ) and '' !== $matches[1] ) { return $matches[1]; } } return $default; } public function get_maxlength_option( $default = '' ) { $option = $this->get_option( 'maxlength', 'int', true ); if ( $option ) { return $option; } $matches_a = $this->get_all_match_options( '%^(?:[0-9]*x?[0-9]*)?/([0-9]+)$%' ); foreach ( (array) $matches_a as $matches ) { if ( isset( $matches[1] ) && '' !== $matches[1] ) { return $matches[1]; } } return $default; } public function get_minlength_option( $default = '' ) { $option = $this->get_option( 'minlength', 'int', true ); if ( $option ) { return $option; } else { return $default; } } public function get_cols_option( $default = '' ) { $option = $this->get_option( 'cols', 'int', true ); if ( $option ) { return $option; } $matches_a = $this->get_all_match_options( '%^([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)(?:/[0-9]+)?$%' ); foreach ( (array) $matches_a as $matches ) { if ( isset( $matches[1] ) && '' !== $matches[1] ) { return $matches[1]; } } return $default; } public function get_rows_option( $default = '' ) { $option = $this->get_option( 'rows', 'int', true ); if ( $option ) { return $option; } $matches_a = $this->get_all_match_options( '%^([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)(?:/[0-9]+)?$%' ); foreach ( (array) $matches_a as $matches ) { if ( isset( $matches[2] ) and '' !== $matches[2] ) { return $matches[2]; } } return $default; } public function get_date_option( $opt ) { $option_value = $this->get_option( $opt, '', true ); if ( empty( $option_value ) ) { return false; } $date = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_tag_date_option', null, array( $opt => $option_value ) ); if ( $date ) { $date_pattern = '/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$/'; if ( preg_match( $date_pattern, $date, $matches ) and checkdate( $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1] ) ) { return $date; } } else { $datetime_obj = date_create_immutable( preg_replace( '/[_]+/', ' ', $option_value ), wp_timezone() ); if ( $datetime_obj ) { return $datetime_obj->format( 'Y-m-d' ); } } return false; } public function get_default_option( $default = '', $args = '' ) { $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'multiple' => false, 'shifted' => false, ) ); $options = (array) $this->get_option( 'default' ); $values = array(); if ( empty( $options ) ) { return $args['multiple'] ? $values : $default; } foreach ( $options as $opt ) { $opt = sanitize_key( $opt ); if ( 'user_' == substr( $opt, 0, 5 ) and is_user_logged_in() ) { $primary_props = array( 'user_login', 'user_email', 'user_url' ); $opt = in_array( $opt, $primary_props ) ? $opt : substr( $opt, 5 ); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_prop = $user->get( $opt ); if ( ! empty( $user_prop ) ) { if ( $args['multiple'] ) { $values[] = $user_prop; } else { return $user_prop; } } } elseif ( 'post_meta' == $opt and in_the_loop() ) { if ( $args['multiple'] ) { $values = array_merge( $values, get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $this->name ) ); } else { $val = (string) get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $this->name, true ); if ( strlen( $val ) ) { return $val; } } } elseif ( 'get' == $opt and isset( $_GET[$this->name] ) ) { $vals = (array) $_GET[$this->name]; $vals = array_map( 'wpcf7_sanitize_query_var', $vals ); if ( $args['multiple'] ) { $values = array_merge( $values, $vals ); } else { $val = isset( $vals[0] ) ? (string) $vals[0] : ''; if ( strlen( $val ) ) { return $val; } } } elseif ( 'post' == $opt and isset( $_POST[$this->name] ) ) { $vals = (array) $_POST[$this->name]; $vals = array_map( 'wpcf7_sanitize_query_var', $vals ); if ( $args['multiple'] ) { $values = array_merge( $values, $vals ); } else { $val = isset( $vals[0] ) ? (string) $vals[0] : ''; if ( strlen( $val ) ) { return $val; } } } elseif ( 'shortcode_attr' == $opt ) { if ( $contact_form = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current() ) { $val = $contact_form->shortcode_attr( $this->name ); if ( strlen( $val ) ) { if ( $args['multiple'] ) { $values[] = $val; } else { return $val; } } } } elseif ( preg_match( '/^[0-9_]+$/', $opt ) ) { $nums = explode( '_', $opt ); foreach ( $nums as $num ) { $num = absint( $num ); $num = $args['shifted'] ? $num : $num - 1; if ( isset( $this->values[$num] ) ) { if ( $args['multiple'] ) { $values[] = $this->values[$num]; } else { return $this->values[$num]; } } } } } if ( $args['multiple'] ) { $values = array_unique( $values ); return $values; } else { return $default; } } public function get_data_option( $args = '' ) { $options = (array) $this->get_option( 'data' ); return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_tag_data_option', null, $options, $args ); } public function get_limit_option( $default = MB_IN_BYTES ) { $pattern = '/^limit:([1-9][0-9]*)([kKmM]?[bB])?$/'; $matches = $this->get_first_match_option( $pattern ); if ( $matches ) { $size = (int) $matches[1]; if ( ! empty( $matches[2] ) ) { $kbmb = strtolower( $matches[2] ); if ( 'kb' == $kbmb ) { $size *= KB_IN_BYTES; } elseif ( 'mb' == $kbmb ) { $size *= MB_IN_BYTES; } } return $size; } return (int) $default; } public function get_first_match_option( $pattern ) { foreach( (array) $this->options as $option ) { if ( preg_match( $pattern, $option, $matches ) ) { return $matches; } } return false; } public function get_all_match_options( $pattern ) { $result = array(); foreach( (array) $this->options as $option ) { if ( preg_match( $pattern, $option, $matches ) ) { $result[] = $matches; } } return $result; } public function offsetSet( $offset, $value ) { if ( property_exists( __CLASS__, $offset ) ) { $this->{$offset} = $value; } } public function offsetGet( $offset ) { if ( property_exists( __CLASS__, $offset ) ) { return $this->{$offset}; } return null; } public function offsetExists( $offset ) { return property_exists( __CLASS__, $offset ); } public function offsetUnset( $offset ) { } }