<?php if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_Connect_Shipping_Label' ) ) { class WC_Connect_Shipping_Label { /** * @var WC_Connect_API_Client */ protected $api_client; /** * @var WC_Connect_Service_Settings_Store */ protected $settings_store; /** * @var WC_Connect_Service_Schemas_Store */ protected $service_schemas_store; /** * @var WC_Connect_Account_Settings */ protected $account_settings; /** * @var WC_Connect_Package_Settings */ protected $package_settings; /** * @var WC_Connect_Continents */ protected $continents; /** * @var array Supported countries by USPS, see: https://webpmt.usps.gov/pmt010.cfm */ private $supported_countries = array( 'US', 'AS', 'PR', 'VI', 'GU', 'MP', 'UM', 'FM', 'MH' ); /** * @var array Supported currencies */ private $supported_currencies = array( 'USD' ); private $show_metabox = null; public function __construct( WC_Connect_API_Client $api_client, WC_Connect_Service_Settings_Store $settings_store, WC_Connect_Service_Schemas_Store $service_schemas_store, WC_Connect_Payment_Methods_Store $payment_methods_store ) { $this->api_client = $api_client; $this->settings_store = $settings_store; $this->service_schemas_store = $service_schemas_store; $this->account_settings = new WC_Connect_Account_Settings( $settings_store, $payment_methods_store ); $this->package_settings = new WC_Connect_Package_Settings( $settings_store, $service_schemas_store ); $this->continents = new WC_Connect_Continents(); } public function get_item_data( WC_Order $order, $item ) { $product = WC_Connect_Utils::get_item_product( $order, $item ); if ( ! $product || ! $product->needs_shipping() ) { return null; } $height = 0; $length = 0; $weight = $product->get_weight(); $width = 0; if ( $product->has_dimensions() ) { $height = $product->get_height(); $length = $product->get_length(); $width = $product->get_width(); } $parent_product_id = $product->is_type( 'variation' ) ? $product->get_parent_id() : $product->get_id(); $product_data = array( 'height' => (float) $height, 'product_id' => $product->get_id(), 'length' => (float) $length, 'quantity' => 1, 'weight' => (float) $weight, 'width' => (float) $width, 'name' => $this->get_name( $product ), 'url' => get_edit_post_link( $parent_product_id, null ), ); if ( $product->is_type( 'variation' ) ) { $product_data['attributes'] = wc_get_formatted_variation( $product, true ); } return $product_data; } protected function get_packaging_from_shipping_method( $shipping_method ) { if ( ! $shipping_method || ! isset( $shipping_method['wc_connect_packages'] ) ) { return array(); } $packages_data = $shipping_method['wc_connect_packages']; if ( ! $packages_data ) { return array(); } // WC3 retrieves metadata as non-scalar values. if ( is_array( $packages_data ) ) { return $packages_data; } // WC2.6 stores non-scalar values as string, but doesn't deserialize it on retrieval. $packages = maybe_unserialize( $packages_data ); if ( is_array( $packages ) ) { return $packages; } // legacy WCS stored the labels as JSON. $packages = json_decode( $packages_data, true ); if ( $packages ) { return $packages; } $packages_data = $this->settings_store->try_recover_invalid_json_string( 'box_id', $packages_data ); $packages = json_decode( $packages_data, true ); if ( $packages ) { return $packages; } return array(); } protected function get_packaging_metadata( WC_Order $order ) { $shipping_methods = $order->get_shipping_methods(); $shipping_method = reset( $shipping_methods ); $packaging = $this->get_packaging_from_shipping_method( $shipping_method ); if ( is_array( $packaging ) ) { return array_filter( $packaging ); } return array(); } protected function get_name( WC_Product $product ) { if ( $product->get_sku() ) { $identifier = $product->get_sku(); } else { $identifier = '#' . $product->get_id(); } return sprintf( '%s - %s', $identifier, $product->get_title() ); } public function get_selected_packages( WC_Order $order ) { $packages = $this->get_packaging_metadata( $order ); if ( ! $packages ) { $items = $this->get_all_items( $order ); $weight = array_sum( wp_list_pluck( $items, 'weight' ) ); $packages = array( 'default_box' => array( 'id' => 'default_box', 'box_id' => 'not_selected', 'height' => 0, 'length' => 0, 'weight' => $weight, 'width' => 0, 'items' => $items, ), ); } $formatted_packages = array(); foreach ( $packages as $package_obj ) { $package = (array) $package_obj; $package_id = $package['id']; $formatted_packages[ $package_id ] = $package; foreach ( $package['items'] as $item_index => $item ) { $product_data = (array) $item; $product = WC_Connect_Utils::get_item_product( $order, $product_data ); if ( $product ) { $parent_product_id = $product->is_type( 'variation' ) ? $product->get_parent_id() : $product->get_id(); $product_data['name'] = $this->get_name( $product ); $product_data['url'] = get_edit_post_link( $parent_product_id, null ); if ( $product->is_type( 'variation' ) ) { $product_data['attributes'] = wc_get_formatted_variation( $product, true ); } $customs_info = $product->get_meta( 'wc_connect_customs_info', true ); if ( is_array( $customs_info ) ) { $product_data = array_merge( $product_data, $customs_info ); } } else { $product_data['name'] = WC_Connect_Utils::get_product_name_from_order( $product_data['product_id'], $order ); } $product_data['value'] = WC_Connect_Utils::get_product_price_from_order( $product_data['product_id'], $order ); if ( ! isset( $product_data['value'] ) ) { $product_data['value'] = 0; } $formatted_packages[ $package_id ]['items'][ $item_index ] = $product_data; } } return $formatted_packages; } public function get_all_items( WC_Order $order ) { if ( $this->get_packaging_metadata( $order ) ) { return array(); } $items = array(); foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) { $item_data = $this->get_item_data( $order, $item ); if ( null === $item_data ) { continue; } $refunded_qty = $order->get_qty_refunded_for_item( $item->get_id() ); for ( $i = 0; $i < ( $item['qty'] - absint( $refunded_qty ) ); $i ++ ) { $items[] = $item_data; } } return $items; } public function get_selected_rates( WC_Order $order ) { $shipping_methods = $order->get_shipping_methods(); $shipping_method = reset( $shipping_methods ); $packages = $this->get_packaging_from_shipping_method( $shipping_method ); $rates = array(); foreach ( $packages as $idx => $package_obj ) { $package = (array) $package_obj; // Abort if the package data is malformed if ( ! isset( $package['id'] ) || ! isset( $package['service_id'] ) ) { return array(); } $rates[ $package['id'] ] = $package['service_id']; } return $rates; } protected function format_address_for_api( $address ) { // Combine first and last name. if ( ! isset( $address['name'] ) ) { $first_name = isset( $address['first_name'] ) ? trim( $address['first_name'] ) : ''; $last_name = isset( $address['last_name'] ) ? trim( $address['last_name'] ) : ''; $address['name'] = $first_name . ' ' . $last_name; } // Rename address_1 to address. if ( ! isset( $address['address'] ) && isset( $address['address_1'] ) ) { $address['address'] = $address['address_1']; } // Remove now defunct keys. unset( $address['first_name'], $address['last_name'], $address['address_1'] ); return $address; } protected function get_origin_address() { $origin = $this->format_address_for_api( $this->settings_store->get_origin_address() ); return $origin; } protected function get_destination_address( WC_Order $order ) { $order_address = $order->get_address( 'shipping' ); $destination = $this->format_address_for_api( $order_address ); return $destination; } protected function get_form_data( WC_Order $order ) { $order_id = $order->get_id(); $selected_packages = $this->get_selected_packages( $order ); $is_packed = ( false !== $this->get_packaging_metadata( $order ) ); $origin = $this->get_origin_address(); $selected_rates = $this->get_selected_rates( $order ); $destination = $this->get_destination_address( $order ); if ( ! $destination['country'] ) { $destination['country'] = $origin['country']; } $origin_normalized = (bool) WC_Connect_Options::get_option( 'origin_address', false ); $destination_normalized = (bool) $order->get_meta( '_wc_connect_destination_normalized', true ); $form_data = compact( 'is_packed', 'selected_packages', 'origin', 'destination', 'origin_normalized', 'destination_normalized' ); $form_data['rates'] = array( 'selected' => (object) $selected_rates, ); $form_data['order_id'] = $order_id; return $form_data; } /** * Check whether the given order is eligible for shipping label creation - the order has at least one product that is: * - Shippable. * - Non-refunded. * * @param WC_Order $order The order to check for shipping label creation eligibility. * @return bool Whether the given order is eligible for shipping label creation. */ public function is_order_eligible_for_shipping_label_creation( WC_Order $order ) { // Set up a dictionary from product ID to quantity in the order, which will be updated by refunds and existing labels later. $quantities_by_product_id = array(); foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) { $product = WC_Connect_Utils::get_item_product( $order, $item ); if ( $product && $product->needs_shipping() ) { $product_id = $product->get_id(); $current_quantity = array_key_exists( $product_id, $quantities_by_product_id ) ? $quantities_by_product_id[ $product_id ] : 0; $quantities_by_product_id[ $product_id ] = $current_quantity + $item->get_quantity(); } } // A shipping label cannot be created without a shippable product. if ( empty( $quantities_by_product_id ) ) { return false; } // Update the quantity for each refunded product ID in the order. foreach ( $order->get_refunds() as $refund ) { foreach ( $refund->get_items() as $refunded_item ) { $product = WC_Connect_Utils::get_item_product( $order, $refunded_item ); if ( ! is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) { continue; } $product_id = $product->get_id(); if ( array_key_exists( $product_id, $quantities_by_product_id ) ) { $current_count = $quantities_by_product_id[ $product_id ]; $quantities_by_product_id[ $product_id ] = $current_count - abs( $refunded_item->get_quantity() ); } } } // The order is eligible for shipping label creation when there is at least one product with positive quantity. foreach ( $quantities_by_product_id as $product_id => $quantity ) { if ( $quantity > 0 ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check whether the store is eligible for shipping label creation: * - Store currency is supported. * - Store country is supported. * * @return bool Whether the WC store is eligible for shipping label creation. */ public function is_store_eligible_for_shipping_label_creation() { $base_currency = get_woocommerce_currency(); if ( ! $this->is_supported_currency( $base_currency ) ) { return false; } $base_location = wc_get_base_location(); if ( ! $this->is_supported_country( $base_location['country'] ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check whether the given country code is supported for shipping labels. * * @param string $country_code Country code of the WC store. * @return bool Whether the given country code is supported for shipping labels. */ private function is_supported_country( $country_code ) { return in_array( $country_code, $this->supported_countries, true ); } /** * Check whether the given currency code is supported for shipping labels. * * @param string $currency_code Currency code of the WC store. * @return bool Whether the given country code is supported for shipping labels. */ private function is_supported_currency( $currency_code ) { return in_array( $currency_code, $this->supported_currencies, true ); } public function is_dhl_express_available() { $dhl_express = $this->service_schemas_store->get_service_schema_by_id( 'dhlexpress' ); return ! ! $dhl_express; } public function is_order_dhl_express_eligible() { if ( ! $this->is_dhl_express_available() ) { return false; } global $post; $order = WC_Connect_Compatibility::instance()->init_theorder_object( $post ); if ( ! $order ) { return false; } $origin = $this->get_origin_address(); $destination = $this->get_destination_address( $order ); return $origin['country'] !== $destination['country']; } /** * Check if meta boxes should be displayed. * * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @return boolean */ public function should_show_meta_box( $post ) { if ( null === $this->show_metabox ) { $this->show_metabox = $this->calculate_should_show_meta_box( $post ); } return $this->show_metabox; } /** * Check if meta boxes should be displayed. * * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @return bool */ private function calculate_should_show_meta_box( $post ) { // not all users have the permission to manage shipping labels. // if a request is made to the JS backend and the user doesn't have permission, an error would be displayed. if ( ! WC_Connect_Functions::user_can_manage_labels() ) { return false; } $order = WC_Connect_Compatibility::instance()->init_theorder_object( $post ); if ( ! $order ) { return false; } // If the shipping label is disabled, will remove the meta box. if ( ! $this->is_shipping_label_enabled() ) { return false; } // If the order already has purchased labels, show the meta-box no matter what. if ( $order->get_meta( 'wc_connect_labels', true ) ) { return true; } // Restrict showing the metabox to supported store countries and currencies. if ( ! $this->is_store_eligible_for_shipping_label_creation() ) { return false; } // If the order was created using WCS checkout rates, show the meta-box regardless of the products' state. if ( $this->get_packaging_metadata( $order ) ) { return true; } // At this point (no packaging data), only show if there's at least one existing and shippable product. foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) { $product = WC_Connect_Utils::get_item_product( $order, $item ); if ( $product && $product->needs_shipping() ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check whether shipping label feature is enabled from WC Services setting. * * @return bool True if shipping label is enabled from the settings. */ public function is_shipping_label_enabled() { $account_settings = $this->account_settings->get(); if ( isset( $account_settings['formData']['enabled'] ) && is_bool( $account_settings['formData']['enabled'] ) ) { return $account_settings['formData']['enabled']; } return true; } public function get_label_payload( $post_order_or_id ) { $order = wc_get_order( $post_order_or_id ); if ( ! is_a( $order, 'WC_Order' ) ) { return false; } $order_id = $order->get_id(); $payload = array( 'orderId' => $order_id, 'paperSize' => $this->settings_store->get_preferred_paper_size(), 'formData' => $this->get_form_data( $order ), 'labelsData' => $this->settings_store->get_label_order_meta_data( $order_id ), 'storeOptions' => $this->settings_store->get_store_options(), // for backwards compatibility, still disable the country dropdown for calypso users with older plugin versions. 'canChangeCountries' => true, ); return $payload; } /** * Filter items needing shipping callback. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param array $item Item to check for shipping. * @return bool */ public function filter_items_needing_shipping( $item ) { $product = $item->get_product(); return $product && $product->needs_shipping(); } /** * Reduce items to sum their quantities. * * @param int $sum Current sum. * @param array $item Item to add to sum. * @return int */ protected function reducer_items_quantity( $sum, $item ) { return $sum + $item->get_quantity(); } public function meta_box( $post, $args ) { $connect_order_presenter = new WC_Connect_Order_Presenter(); $order = WC_Connect_Compatibility::instance()->init_theorder_object( $post ); $items = array_filter( $order->get_items(), array( $this, 'filter_items_needing_shipping' ) ); $items_count = array_reduce( $items, array( $this, 'reducer_items_quantity' ), 0 ) - absint( $order->get_item_count_refunded() ); $payload = apply_filters( 'wc_connect_meta_box_payload', array( 'order' => $connect_order_presenter->get_order_for_api( $order ), 'accountSettings' => $this->account_settings->get(), 'packagesSettings' => $this->package_settings->get(), 'shippingLabelData' => $this->get_label_payload( $order->get_id() ), 'continents' => $this->continents->get(), 'context' => $args['args']['context'], 'items' => $items_count, ), $args, $order, $this ); do_action( 'enqueue_wc_connect_script', 'wc-connect-create-shipping-label', $payload ); } } }