<?php if( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly if( ! class_exists('ACF_Ajax_Check_Screen') ) : class ACF_Ajax_Check_Screen extends ACF_Ajax { /** @var string The AJAX action name. */ var $action = 'acf/ajax/check_screen'; /** @var bool Prevents access for non-logged in users. */ var $public = false; /** * get_response * * Returns the response data to sent back. * * @date 31/7/18 * @since 5.7.2 * * @param array $request The request args. * @return mixed The response data or WP_Error. */ function get_response( $request ) { // vars $args = wp_parse_args($this->request, array( 'screen' => '', 'post_id' => 0, 'ajax' => true, 'exists' => array() )); // vars $response = array( 'results' => array(), 'style' => '' ); // get field groups $field_groups = acf_get_field_groups( $args ); // loop through field groups if( $field_groups ) { foreach( $field_groups as $i => $field_group ) { // vars $item = array( 'id' => 'acf-' . $field_group['key'], 'key' => $field_group['key'], 'title' => $field_group['title'], 'position' => $field_group['position'], 'style' => $field_group['style'], 'label' => $field_group['label_placement'], 'edit' => acf_get_field_group_edit_link( $field_group['ID'] ), 'html' => '' ); // append html if doesnt already exist on page if( !in_array($field_group['key'], $args['exists']) ) { // load fields $fields = acf_get_fields( $field_group ); // get field HTML ob_start(); // render acf_render_fields( $fields, $args['post_id'], 'div', $field_group['instruction_placement'] ); $item['html'] = ob_get_clean(); } // append $response['results'][] = $item; } // Get style from first field group. $response['style'] = acf_get_field_group_style( $field_groups[0] ); } // Custom metabox order. if( $this->get('screen') == 'post' ) { $response['sorted'] = get_user_option('meta-box-order_' . $this->get('post_type')); } // return return $response; } } acf_new_instance('ACF_Ajax_Check_Screen'); endif; // class_exists check ?>