// This closure gives access to jQuery as $ // Don't delete it (function($) { // Do stuff $(document).ready(function() { //console.log(window.cf7md_html); // === Add instructions metabox === // if (typeof window.cf7md_html.instructions_metabox !== "undefined") { var $html = $(window.cf7md_html.instructions_metabox), $docs_link = $html.find(".cf7md-open-docs"); // Add to page $("#informationdiv").after($html); // Add click event to docs link $docs_link.click(cf7mdOpenDocs); } // === Add pro advertisement above form editor === // if (typeof window.cf7md_html.pro_ad !== "undefined") { var $ad = $(window.cf7md_html.pro_ad), $close_btn = $ad.find(".notice-dismiss"); $("#postbox-container-2").prepend($ad); $close_btn.click(function() { $("#cf7md-pro-admin").hide(); $.post(ajaxurl, { action: "cf7md_close_ad" }, function(response) { //console.log('Close ad response: ', response) }); }); if ($().slick) { $(".cf7md-pro-admin-slideshow").slick({ autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 5000, fade: true, // If these were buttons they'd fail CF7's beforeunload check prevArrow: '<a href="#" class="slick-prev">Previous</a>', nextArrow: '<a href="#" class="slick-next">Next</a>' }); } } // === Live preview plugin ad below form editor === // if (typeof window.cf7md_html.preview_ad !== "undefined") { var $ad = $(window.cf7md_html.preview_ad); $("p.submit") .wrap('<div class="cf7md-admin"></div>') .addClass("cf7md-submit-wrapper") .append($ad); } // === Trigger open docs tab === // function cf7mdOpenDocs(e) { //e.preventDefault(); $("#contextual-help-link").trigger("click"); $("#tab-link-cf7md-help > a").trigger("click"); } // === Admin page slideshow === // if ($().slick) { $(".cf7md-card--slideshow").slick({ adaptiveHeight: true, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 7000, fade: true }); } // === Move admin notices to below hero === // if ($(".cf7md-content").length) { $( ".update-nag, .fs-notice, .notice, .notice-warning, .notice-error, .notice-success, .notice-info, .error, .updated" ).each(function() { $(this) .css("margin", "5px 0") .css("display", "block") .detach() .insertBefore(".cf7md-content"); }); } }); })(jQuery);