<?php /** * Two authentication factor handling */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin; use BaconQrCode\Renderer\ImageRenderer; use CodeLts\U2F\U2FServer\U2FServer; use PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Relation; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TwoFactor\Application; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TwoFactor\Invalid; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TwoFactor\Key; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TwoFactorPlugin; use PragmaRX\Google2FAQRCode\Google2FA; use XMLWriter; use function array_merge; use function class_exists; use function extension_loaded; use function in_array; use function is_array; use function is_string; use function ucfirst; /** * Two factor authentication wrapper class */ class TwoFactor { /** @var string */ public $user; /** * @var array * @psalm-var array{backend: string, settings: mixed[], type?: 'session'|'db'} */ public $config; /** @var bool */ protected $writable; /** @var TwoFactorPlugin */ protected $backend; /** @var array */ protected $available; /** @var UserPreferences */ private $userPreferences; /** * Creates new TwoFactor object * * @param string $user User name */ public function __construct($user) { global $dbi; (new Relation($dbi))->initRelationParamsCache(); $this->userPreferences = new UserPreferences(); $this->user = $user; $this->available = $this->getAvailableBackends(); $this->config = $this->readConfig(); $this->writable = ($this->config['type'] === 'db'); $this->backend = $this->getBackendForCurrentUser(); } /** * Reads the configuration * * @psalm-return array{backend: string, settings: mixed[], type: 'session'|'db'} */ public function readConfig(): array { $result = []; $config = $this->userPreferences->load(); if (isset($config['config_data']['2fa']) && is_array($config['config_data']['2fa'])) { $result = $config['config_data']['2fa']; } $backend = ''; if (isset($result['backend']) && is_string($result['backend'])) { $backend = $result['backend']; } $settings = []; if (isset($result['settings']) && is_array($result['settings'])) { $settings = $result['settings']; } return ['backend' => $backend, 'settings' => $settings, 'type' => $config['type']]; } public function isWritable(): bool { return $this->writable; } public function getBackend(): TwoFactorPlugin { return $this->backend; } /** * @return array */ public function getAvailable(): array { return $this->available; } public function showSubmit(): bool { $backend = $this->backend; return $backend::$showSubmit; } /** * Returns list of available backends * * @return array */ public function getAvailableBackends() { $result = []; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['simple2fa']) { $result[] = 'simple'; } if ( class_exists(Google2FA::class) && class_exists(ImageRenderer::class) && (class_exists(XMLWriter::class) || extension_loaded('imagick')) ) { $result[] = 'application'; } $result[] = 'WebAuthn'; if (class_exists(U2FServer::class)) { $result[] = 'key'; } return $result; } /** * Returns list of missing dependencies * * @return array */ public function getMissingDeps() { $result = []; if (! class_exists(Google2FA::class)) { $result[] = [ 'class' => Application::getName(), 'dep' => 'pragmarx/google2fa-qrcode', ]; } if (! class_exists(ImageRenderer::class)) { $result[] = [ 'class' => Application::getName(), 'dep' => 'bacon/bacon-qr-code', ]; } if (! class_exists(U2FServer::class)) { $result[] = [ 'class' => Key::getName(), 'dep' => 'code-lts/u2f-php-server', ]; } return $result; } /** * Returns class name for given name * * @param string $name Backend name * * @return string * @psalm-return class-string */ public function getBackendClass($name) { $result = TwoFactorPlugin::class; if (in_array($name, $this->available)) { /** @psalm-var class-string $result */ $result = 'PhpMyAdmin\\Plugins\\TwoFactor\\' . ucfirst($name); } elseif (! empty($name)) { $result = Invalid::class; } return $result; } /** * Returns backend for current user * * @return TwoFactorPlugin */ public function getBackendForCurrentUser() { $name = $this->getBackendClass($this->config['backend']); return new $name($this); } /** * Checks authentication, returns true on success * * @param bool $skipSession Skip session cache */ public function check($skipSession = false): bool { if ($skipSession) { return $this->backend->check(); } if (empty($_SESSION['two_factor_check'])) { $_SESSION['two_factor_check'] = $this->backend->check(); } return (bool) $_SESSION['two_factor_check']; } /** * Renders user interface to enter two-factor authentication * * @return string HTML code */ public function render() { return $this->backend->getError() . $this->backend->render(); } /** * Renders user interface to configure two-factor authentication * * @return string HTML code */ public function setup() { return $this->backend->getError() . $this->backend->setup(); } /** * Saves current configuration. * * @return true|Message */ public function save() { return $this->userPreferences->persistOption('2fa', $this->config, null); } /** * Changes two-factor authentication settings * * The object might stay in partially changed setup * if configuration fails. * * @param string $name Backend name */ public function configure($name): bool { $this->config = ['backend' => $name, 'settings' => []]; if ($name === '') { $cls = $this->getBackendClass($name); $this->backend = new $cls($this); } else { if (! in_array($name, $this->available)) { return false; } $cls = $this->getBackendClass($name); $this->backend = new $cls($this); if (! $this->backend->configure()) { return false; } } $result = $this->save(); if ($result !== true) { echo $result->getDisplay(); } return true; } /** * Returns array with all available backends * * @return array */ public function getAllBackends() { $all = array_merge([''], $this->available); $backends = []; foreach ($all as $name) { $cls = $this->getBackendClass($name); $backends[] = [ 'id' => $cls::$id, 'name' => $cls::getName(), 'description' => $cls::getDescription(), ]; } return $backends; } }