<?php /** * EC Private Key * * @author Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net> * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\PKCS1; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * EC Private Key * * @author Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net> */ final class PrivateKey extends EC implements Common\PrivateKey { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * Private Key dA * * sign() converts this to a BigInteger so one might wonder why this is a FiniteFieldInteger instead of * a BigInteger. That's because a FiniteFieldInteger, when converted to a byte string, is null padded by * a certain amount whereas a BigInteger isn't. * * @var object */ protected $dA; /** * @var string */ protected $secret; /** * Multiplies an encoded point by the private key * * Used by ECDH * * @param string $coordinates * @return string */ public function multiply($coordinates) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { if ($this->curve instanceof Curve25519 && self::$engines['libsodium']) { return sodium_crypto_scalarmult($this->dA->toBytes(), $coordinates); } $point = [$this->curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger(strrev($coordinates), 256))]; $point = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($point, $this->dA); return strrev($point[0]->toBytes(true)); } if (!$this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $coordinates = "\0$coordinates"; } $point = PKCS1::extractPoint($coordinates, $this->curve); $point = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($point, $this->dA); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $this->curve->encodePoint($point); } if (empty($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The infinity point is invalid'); } return "\4" . $point[0]->toBytes(true) . $point[1]->toBytes(true); } /** * Create a signature * * @see self::verify() * @param string $message * @return mixed */ public function sign($message) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } $dA = $this->dA; $order = $this->curve->getOrder(); $shortFormat = $this->shortFormat; $format = $this->sigFormat; if ($format === false) { return false; } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { if ($this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && self::$engines['libsodium'] && !isset($this->context)) { $result = sodium_crypto_sign_detached($message, $this->withPassword()->toString('libsodium')); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-' . strtolower($this->getCurve()), $result) : $result; } // contexts (Ed25519ctx) are supported but prehashing (Ed25519ph) is not. // quoting https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-8.5 , // "The Ed25519ph and Ed448ph variants ... SHOULD NOT be used" $A = $this->curve->encodePoint($this->QA); $curve = $this->curve; $hash = new Hash($curve::HASH); $secret = substr($hash->hash($this->secret), $curve::SIZE); if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { $dom = !isset($this->context) ? '' : 'SigEd25519 no Ed25519 collisions' . "\0" . chr(strlen($this->context)) . $this->context; } else { $context = isset($this->context) ? $this->context : ''; $dom = 'SigEd448' . "\0" . chr(strlen($context)) . $context; } // SHA-512(dom2(F, C) || prefix || PH(M)) $r = $hash->hash($dom . $secret . $message); $r = strrev($r); $r = new BigInteger($r, 256); list(, $r) = $r->divide($order); $R = $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $r); $R = $curve->encodePoint($R); $k = $hash->hash($dom . $R . $A . $message); $k = strrev($k); $k = new BigInteger($k, 256); list(, $k) = $k->divide($order); $S = $k->multiply($dA)->add($r); list(, $S) = $S->divide($order); $S = str_pad(strrev($S->toBytes()), $curve::SIZE, "\0"); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-' . strtolower($this->getCurve()), $R . $S) : $R . $S; } if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $signature = ''; // altho PHP's OpenSSL bindings only supported EC key creation in PHP 7.1 they've long // supported signing / verification // we use specified curves to avoid issues with OpenSSL possibly not supporting a given named curve; // doing this may mean some curve-specific optimizations can't be used but idk if OpenSSL even // has curve-specific optimizations $result = openssl_sign($message, $signature, $this->toString('PKCS8', ['namedCurve' => false]), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result) { if ($shortFormat == 'ASN1') { return $signature; } extract(ASN1Signature::load($signature)); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? $format::save($r, $s, $this->getCurve()) : $format::save($r, $s); } } $e = $this->hash->hash($message); $e = new BigInteger($e, 256); $Ln = $this->hash->getLength() - $order->getLength(); $z = $Ln > 0 ? $e->bitwise_rightShift($Ln) : $e; while (true) { $k = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $order->subtract(self::$one)); list($x, $y) = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($this->curve->getBasePoint(), $k); $x = $x->toBigInteger(); list(, $r) = $x->divide($order); if ($r->equals(self::$zero)) { continue; } $kinv = $k->modInverse($order); $temp = $z->add($dA->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($order); if (!$s->equals(self::$zero)) { break; } } // the following is an RFC6979 compliant implementation of deterministic ECDSA // it's unused because it's mainly intended for use when a good CSPRNG isn't // available. if phpseclib's CSPRNG isn't good then even key generation is // suspect /* // if this were actually being used it'd probably be better if this lived in load() and createKey() $this->q = $this->curve->getOrder(); $dA = $this->dA->toBigInteger(); $this->x = $dA; $h1 = $this->hash->hash($message); $k = $this->computek($h1); list($x, $y) = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($this->curve->getBasePoint(), $k); $x = $x->toBigInteger(); list(, $r) = $x->divide($this->q); $kinv = $k->modInverse($this->q); $h1 = $this->bits2int($h1); $temp = $h1->add($dA->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($this->q); */ return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? $format::save($r, $s, $this->getCurve()) : $format::save($r, $s); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePrivateKey'); return $type::savePrivateKey($this->dA, $this->curve, $this->QA, $this->secret, $this->password, $options); } /** * Returns the public key * * @see self::getPrivateKey() * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { $format = 'PKCS8'; if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { $format = 'MontgomeryPublic'; } $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $format, 'savePublicKey'); $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->curve, $this->QA); $key = EC::loadFormat($format, $key); if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { return $key; } $key = $key ->withHash($this->hash->getHash()) ->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $key = $key->withContext($this->context); } return $key; } }