<?php /** * functions for displaying server status sub item: monitor */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin\Server\Status; use PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface; use PhpMyAdmin\Profiling; use PhpMyAdmin\Server\SysInfo\SysInfo; use PhpMyAdmin\Util; use function array_sum; use function count; use function implode; use function is_numeric; use function json_decode; use function mb_strlen; use function mb_strpos; use function mb_strtolower; use function mb_substr; use function microtime; use function preg_match; use function preg_replace; use function strlen; /** * functions for displaying server status sub item: monitor */ class Monitor { /** @var DatabaseInterface */ private $dbi; /** * @param DatabaseInterface $dbi DatabaseInterface instance */ public function __construct($dbi) { $this->dbi = $dbi; } /** * Returns JSON for real-time charting data * * @param string $requiredData Required data * * @return array JSON */ public function getJsonForChartingData(string $requiredData): array { $ret = json_decode($requiredData, true); $statusVars = []; $serverVars = []; $sysinfo = $cpuload = $memory = 0; /* Accumulate all required variables and data */ [$serverVars, $statusVars, $ret] = $this->getJsonForChartingDataGet( $ret, $serverVars, $statusVars, $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory ); // Retrieve all required status variables $statusVarValues = []; if (count($statusVars)) { $statusVarValues = $this->dbi->fetchResult( "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS WHERE Variable_name='" . implode("' OR Variable_name='", $statusVars) . "'", 0, 1 ); } // Retrieve all required server variables $serverVarValues = []; if (count($serverVars)) { $serverVarValues = $this->dbi->fetchResult( "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name='" . implode("' OR Variable_name='", $serverVars) . "'", 0, 1 ); } // ...and now assign them $ret = $this->getJsonForChartingDataSet($ret, $statusVarValues, $serverVarValues); $ret['x'] = (int) (microtime(true) * 1000); return $ret; } /** * Assign the variables for real-time charting data * * @param array $ret Real-time charting data * @param array $statusVarValues Status variable values * @param array $serverVarValues Server variable values * * @return array */ private function getJsonForChartingDataSet( array $ret, array $statusVarValues, array $serverVarValues ): array { foreach ($ret as $chart_id => $chartNodes) { foreach ($chartNodes as $node_id => $nodeDataPoints) { foreach ($nodeDataPoints as $point_id => $dataPoint) { switch ($dataPoint['type']) { case 'statusvar': $ret[$chart_id][$node_id][$point_id]['value'] = $statusVarValues[$dataPoint['name']]; break; case 'servervar': $ret[$chart_id][$node_id][$point_id]['value'] = $serverVarValues[$dataPoint['name']]; break; } } } } return $ret; } /** * Get called to get JSON for charting data * * @param array $ret Real-time charting data * @param array $serverVars Server variable values * @param array $statusVars Status variable values * @param mixed $sysinfo System info * @param mixed $cpuload CPU load * @param mixed $memory Memory * * @return array */ private function getJsonForChartingDataGet( array $ret, array $serverVars, array $statusVars, $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory ) { // For each chart foreach ($ret as $chartId => $chartNodes) { // For each data series foreach ($chartNodes as $nodeId => $nodeDataPoints) { // For each data point in the series (usually just 1) foreach ($nodeDataPoints as $pointId => $dataPoint) { [$serverVars, $statusVars, $ret[$chartId][$nodeId][$pointId]] = $this->getJsonForChartingDataSwitch( $dataPoint['type'], $dataPoint['name'], $serverVars, $statusVars, $ret[$chartId][$nodeId][$pointId], $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory ); } /* foreach */ } /* foreach */ } return [ $serverVars, $statusVars, $ret, ]; } /** * Switch called to get JSON for charting data * * @param string $type Type * @param string $pName Name * @param array $serverVars Server variable values * @param array $statusVars Status variable values * @param array $ret Real-time charting data * @param mixed $sysinfo System info * @param mixed $cpuload CPU load * @param mixed $memory Memory * * @return array */ private function getJsonForChartingDataSwitch( $type, $pName, array $serverVars, array $statusVars, array $ret, $sysinfo, $cpuload, $memory ) { /** * We only collect the status and server variables here to read them all in one query, * and only afterwards assign them. Also do some allow list filtering on the names */ switch ($type) { case 'servervar': if (! preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z_]+/', $pName)) { $serverVars[] = $pName; } break; case 'statusvar': if (! preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z_]+/', $pName)) { $statusVars[] = $pName; } break; case 'proc': $result = $this->dbi->query('SHOW PROCESSLIST'); $ret['value'] = $result->numRows(); break; case 'cpu': if (! $sysinfo) { $sysinfo = SysInfo::get(); } if (! $cpuload) { $cpuload = $sysinfo->loadavg(); } if (SysInfo::getOs() === 'Linux') { $ret['idle'] = $cpuload['idle']; $ret['busy'] = $cpuload['busy']; } else { $ret['value'] = $cpuload['loadavg']; } break; case 'memory': if (! $sysinfo) { $sysinfo = SysInfo::get(); } if (! $memory) { $memory = $sysinfo->memory(); } $ret['value'] = $memory[$pName] ?? 0; break; } return [ $serverVars, $statusVars, $ret, ]; } /** * Returns JSON for log data with type: slow * * @param int $start Unix Time: Start time for query * @param int $end Unix Time: End time for query */ public function getJsonForLogDataTypeSlow(int $start, int $end): ?array { $query = 'SELECT start_time, user_host, '; $query .= 'Sec_to_Time(Sum(Time_to_Sec(query_time))) as query_time, '; $query .= 'Sec_to_Time(Sum(Time_to_Sec(lock_time))) as lock_time, '; $query .= 'SUM(rows_sent) AS rows_sent, '; $query .= 'SUM(rows_examined) AS rows_examined, db, sql_text, '; $query .= 'COUNT(sql_text) AS \'#\' '; $query .= 'FROM `mysql`.`slow_log` '; $query .= 'WHERE start_time > FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $start . ') '; // See: mode = ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY $query .= 'AND start_time < FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $end . ') GROUP BY start_time, user_host, db, sql_text'; $result = $this->dbi->tryQuery($query); if ($result === false) { return null; } $return = [ 'rows' => [], 'sum' => [], ]; while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) { $type = mb_strtolower( mb_substr( $row['sql_text'], 0, (int) mb_strpos($row['sql_text'], ' ') ) ); switch ($type) { case 'insert': case 'update': //Cut off big inserts and updates, but append byte count instead if (mb_strlen($row['sql_text']) > 220) { $implodeSqlText = implode( ' ', (array) Util::formatByteDown( mb_strlen($row['sql_text']), 2, 2 ) ); $row['sql_text'] = mb_substr($row['sql_text'], 0, 200) . '... [' . $implodeSqlText . ']'; } break; default: break; } if (! isset($return['sum'][$type])) { $return['sum'][$type] = 0; } $return['sum'][$type] += $row['#']; $return['rows'][] = $row; } $return['sum']['TOTAL'] = array_sum($return['sum']); $return['numRows'] = count($return['rows']); return $return; } /** * Returns JSON for log data with type: general * * @param int $start Unix Time: Start time for query * @param int $end Unix Time: End time for query * @param bool $isTypesLimited Whether to limit types or not * @param bool $removeVariables Whether to remove variables or not */ public function getJsonForLogDataTypeGeneral( int $start, int $end, bool $isTypesLimited, bool $removeVariables ): ?array { $limitTypes = ''; if ($isTypesLimited) { $limitTypes = 'AND argument REGEXP \'^(INSERT|SELECT|UPDATE|DELETE)\' '; } $query = 'SELECT TIME(event_time) as event_time, user_host, thread_id, '; $query .= 'server_id, argument, count(argument) as \'#\' '; $query .= 'FROM `mysql`.`general_log` '; $query .= 'WHERE command_type=\'Query\' '; $query .= 'AND event_time > FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $start . ') '; $query .= 'AND event_time < FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $end . ') '; // See: mode = ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY $query .= $limitTypes . 'GROUP by event_time, user_host, thread_id, server_id, argument'; // HAVING count > 1'; $result = $this->dbi->tryQuery($query); if ($result === false) { return null; } $return = [ 'rows' => [], 'sum' => [], ]; $insertTables = []; $insertTablesFirst = -1; $i = 0; while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) { preg_match('/^(\w+)\s/', $row['argument'], $match); $type = mb_strtolower($match[1]); if (! isset($return['sum'][$type])) { $return['sum'][$type] = 0; } $return['sum'][$type] += $row['#']; switch ($type) { /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case 'insert': // Group inserts if selected if ( $removeVariables && preg_match( '/^INSERT INTO (`|\'|"|)([^\s\\1]+)\\1/i', $row['argument'], $matches ) ) { if (! isset($insertTables[$matches[2]])) { $insertTables[$matches[2]] = 0; } $insertTables[$matches[2]]++; if ($insertTables[$matches[2]] > 1) { $return['rows'][$insertTablesFirst]['#'] = $insertTables[$matches[2]]; // Add a ... to the end of this query to indicate that // there's been other queries $temp = $return['rows'][$insertTablesFirst]['argument']; $return['rows'][$insertTablesFirst]['argument'] .= $this->getSuspensionPoints( $temp[strlen($temp) - 1] ); // Group this value, thus do not add to the result list continue 2; } $insertTablesFirst = $i; $insertTables[$matches[2]] += $row['#'] - 1; } // No break here case 'update': // Cut off big inserts and updates, // but append byte count therefor if (mb_strlen($row['argument']) > 220) { $row['argument'] = mb_substr($row['argument'], 0, 200) . '... [' . implode( ' ', (array) Util::formatByteDown( mb_strlen($row['argument']), 2, 2 ) ) . ']'; } break; default: break; } $return['rows'][] = $row; $i++; } $return['sum']['TOTAL'] = array_sum($return['sum']); $return['numRows'] = count($return['rows']); return $return; } /** * Return suspension points if needed * * @param string $lastChar Last char * * @return string Return suspension points if needed */ private function getSuspensionPoints(string $lastChar): string { if ($lastChar !== '.') { return '<br>...'; } return ''; } /** * Returns JSON for logging vars * * @param string|null $name Variable name * @param string|null $value Variable value * * @return array JSON */ public function getJsonForLoggingVars(?string $name, ?string $value): array { if (isset($name, $value)) { $escapedValue = $this->dbi->escapeString($value); if (! is_numeric($escapedValue)) { $escapedValue = "'" . $escapedValue . "'"; } if (! preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/', $name)) { $this->dbi->query('SET GLOBAL ' . $name . ' = ' . $escapedValue); } } return $this->dbi->fetchResult( 'SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name IN' . ' ("general_log","slow_query_log","long_query_time","log_output")', 0, 1 ); } /** * Returns JSON for query_analyzer * * @param string $database Database name * @param string $query SQL query * * @return array JSON */ public function getJsonForQueryAnalyzer( string $database, string $query ): array { global $cached_affected_rows; $return = []; if (strlen($database) > 0) { $this->dbi->selectDb($database); } $profiling = Profiling::isSupported($this->dbi); if ($profiling) { $this->dbi->query('SET PROFILING=1;'); } // Do not cache query $sqlQuery = preg_replace('/^(\s*SELECT)/i', '\\1 SQL_NO_CACHE', $query); $this->dbi->tryQuery($sqlQuery); $return['affectedRows'] = $cached_affected_rows; $result = $this->dbi->tryQuery('EXPLAIN ' . $sqlQuery); if ($result !== false) { $return['explain'] = $result->fetchAllAssoc(); } // In case an error happened $return['error'] = $this->dbi->getError(); if ($profiling) { $return['profiling'] = []; $result = $this->dbi->tryQuery( 'SELECT seq,state,duration FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROFILING WHERE QUERY_ID=1 ORDER BY seq' ); if ($result !== false) { $return['profiling'] = $result->fetchAllAssoc(); } } return $return; } }