<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\EnvNotFoundException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ParameterCircularReferenceException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com> */ class EnvVarProcessor implements EnvVarProcessorInterface { private $container; private $loaders; private $loadedVars = []; /** * @param EnvVarLoaderInterface[] $loaders */ public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, \Traversable $loaders = null) { $this->container = $container; $this->loaders = $loaders ?? new \ArrayIterator(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getProvidedTypes() { return [ 'base64' => 'string', 'bool' => 'bool', 'not' => 'bool', 'const' => 'bool|int|float|string|array', 'csv' => 'array', 'file' => 'string', 'float' => 'float', 'int' => 'int', 'json' => 'array', 'key' => 'bool|int|float|string|array', 'url' => 'array', 'query_string' => 'array', 'resolve' => 'string', 'default' => 'bool|int|float|string|array', 'string' => 'string', 'trim' => 'string', 'require' => 'bool|int|float|string|array', ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getEnv(string $prefix, string $name, \Closure $getEnv) { $i = strpos($name, ':'); if ('key' === $prefix) { if (false === $i) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid env "key:%s": a key specifier should be provided.', $name)); } $next = substr($name, $i + 1); $key = substr($name, 0, $i); $array = $getEnv($next); if (!\is_array($array)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Resolved value of "%s" did not result in an array value.', $next)); } if (!isset($array[$key]) && !\array_key_exists($key, $array)) { throw new EnvNotFoundException(sprintf('Key "%s" not found in %s (resolved from "%s").', $key, json_encode($array), $next)); } return $array[$key]; } if ('default' === $prefix) { if (false === $i) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid env "default:%s": a fallback parameter should be provided.', $name)); } $next = substr($name, $i + 1); $default = substr($name, 0, $i); if ('' !== $default && !$this->container->hasParameter($default)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid env fallback in "default:%s": parameter "%s" not found.', $name, $default)); } try { $env = $getEnv($next); if ('' !== $env && null !== $env) { return $env; } } catch (EnvNotFoundException $e) { // no-op } return '' === $default ? null : $this->container->getParameter($default); } if ('file' === $prefix || 'require' === $prefix) { if (!\is_scalar($file = $getEnv($name))) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid file name: env var "%s" is non-scalar.', $name)); } if (!is_file($file)) { throw new EnvNotFoundException(sprintf('File "%s" not found (resolved from "%s").', $file, $name)); } if ('file' === $prefix) { return file_get_contents($file); } else { return require $file; } } if (false !== $i || 'string' !== $prefix) { $env = $getEnv($name); } elseif (isset($_ENV[$name])) { $env = $_ENV[$name]; } elseif (isset($_SERVER[$name]) && !str_starts_with($name, 'HTTP_')) { $env = $_SERVER[$name]; } elseif (false === ($env = getenv($name)) || null === $env) { // null is a possible value because of thread safety issues foreach ($this->loadedVars as $vars) { if (false !== $env = ($vars[$name] ?? false)) { break; } } if (false === $env || null === $env) { $loaders = $this->loaders; $this->loaders = new \ArrayIterator(); try { $i = 0; $ended = true; $count = $loaders instanceof \Countable ? $loaders->count() : 0; foreach ($loaders as $loader) { if (\count($this->loadedVars) > $i++) { continue; } $this->loadedVars[] = $vars = $loader->loadEnvVars(); if (false !== $env = $vars[$name] ?? false) { $ended = false; break; } } if ($ended || $count === $i) { $loaders = $this->loaders; } } catch (ParameterCircularReferenceException $e) { // skip loaders that need an env var that is not defined } finally { $this->loaders = $loaders; } } if (false === $env || null === $env) { if (!$this->container->hasParameter("env($name)")) { throw new EnvNotFoundException(sprintf('Environment variable not found: "%s".', $name)); } $env = $this->container->getParameter("env($name)"); } } if (null === $env) { if (!isset($this->getProvidedTypes()[$prefix])) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported env var prefix "%s".', $prefix)); } return null; } if (!\is_scalar($env)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Non-scalar env var "%s" cannot be cast to "%s".', $name, $prefix)); } if ('string' === $prefix) { return (string) $env; } if (\in_array($prefix, ['bool', 'not'], true)) { $env = (bool) (filter_var($env, \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) ?: filter_var($env, \FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) ?: filter_var($env, \FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)); return 'not' === $prefix ? !$env : $env; } if ('int' === $prefix) { if (false === $env = filter_var($env, \FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) ?: filter_var($env, \FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Non-numeric env var "%s" cannot be cast to int.', $name)); } return (int) $env; } if ('float' === $prefix) { if (false === $env = filter_var($env, \FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Non-numeric env var "%s" cannot be cast to float.', $name)); } return (float) $env; } if ('const' === $prefix) { if (!\defined($env)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Env var "%s" maps to undefined constant "%s".', $name, $env)); } return \constant($env); } if ('base64' === $prefix) { return base64_decode(strtr($env, '-_', '+/')); } if ('json' === $prefix) { $env = json_decode($env, true); if (\JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid JSON in env var "%s": ', $name).json_last_error_msg()); } if (null !== $env && !\is_array($env)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid JSON env var "%s": array or null expected, "%s" given.', $name, get_debug_type($env))); } return $env; } if ('url' === $prefix) { $parsedEnv = parse_url($env); if (false === $parsedEnv) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid URL in env var "%s".', $name)); } if (!isset($parsedEnv['scheme'], $parsedEnv['host'])) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid URL env var "%s": schema and host expected, "%s" given.', $name, $env)); } $parsedEnv += [ 'port' => null, 'user' => null, 'pass' => null, 'path' => null, 'query' => null, 'fragment' => null, ]; // remove the '/' separator $parsedEnv['path'] = '/' === ($parsedEnv['path'] ?? '/') ? '' : substr($parsedEnv['path'], 1); return $parsedEnv; } if ('query_string' === $prefix) { $queryString = parse_url($env, \PHP_URL_QUERY) ?: $env; parse_str($queryString, $result); return $result; } if ('resolve' === $prefix) { return preg_replace_callback('/%%|%([^%\s]+)%/', function ($match) use ($name, $getEnv) { if (!isset($match[1])) { return '%'; } if (str_starts_with($match[1], 'env(') && str_ends_with($match[1], ')') && 'env()' !== $match[1]) { $value = $getEnv(substr($match[1], 4, -1)); } else { $value = $this->container->getParameter($match[1]); } if (!\is_scalar($value)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Parameter "%s" found when resolving env var "%s" must be scalar, "%s" given.', $match[1], $name, get_debug_type($value))); } return $value; }, $env); } if ('csv' === $prefix) { return str_getcsv($env, ',', '"', \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400 ? '' : '\\'); } if ('trim' === $prefix) { return trim($env); } throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unsupported env var prefix "%s" for env name "%s".', $prefix, $name)); } }