<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\CacheException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\DefaultMarshaller; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\MarshallerInterface; /** * @author Antonio Jose Cerezo Aranda <aj.cerezo@gmail.com> */ class CouchbaseBucketAdapter extends AbstractAdapter { private const THIRTY_DAYS_IN_SECONDS = 2592000; private const MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 250; private const KEY_NOT_FOUND = 13; private const VALID_DSN_OPTIONS = [ 'operationTimeout', 'configTimeout', 'configNodeTimeout', 'n1qlTimeout', 'httpTimeout', 'configDelay', 'htconfigIdleTimeout', 'durabilityInterval', 'durabilityTimeout', ]; private $bucket; private $marshaller; public function __construct(\CouchbaseBucket $bucket, string $namespace = '', int $defaultLifetime = 0, MarshallerInterface $marshaller = null) { if (!static::isSupported()) { throw new CacheException('Couchbase >= 2.6.0 < 3.0.0 is required.'); } $this->maxIdLength = static::MAX_KEY_LENGTH; $this->bucket = $bucket; parent::__construct($namespace, $defaultLifetime); $this->enableVersioning(); $this->marshaller = $marshaller ?? new DefaultMarshaller(); } /** * @param array|string $servers */ public static function createConnection($servers, array $options = []): \CouchbaseBucket { if (\is_string($servers)) { $servers = [$servers]; } elseif (!\is_array($servers)) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('Argument 1 passed to "%s()" must be array or string, "%s" given.', __METHOD__, get_debug_type($servers))); } if (!static::isSupported()) { throw new CacheException('Couchbase >= 2.6.0 < 3.0.0 is required.'); } set_error_handler(function ($type, $msg, $file, $line) { throw new \ErrorException($msg, 0, $type, $file, $line); }); $dsnPattern = '/^(?<protocol>couchbase(?:s)?)\:\/\/(?:(?<username>[^\:]+)\:(?<password>[^\@]{6,})@)?' .'(?<host>[^\:]+(?:\:\d+)?)(?:\/(?<bucketName>[^\?]+))(?:\?(?<options>.*))?$/i'; $newServers = []; $protocol = 'couchbase'; try { $options = self::initOptions($options); $username = $options['username']; $password = $options['password']; foreach ($servers as $dsn) { if (0 !== strpos($dsn, 'couchbase:')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid Couchbase DSN: "%s" does not start with "couchbase:".', $dsn)); } preg_match($dsnPattern, $dsn, $matches); $username = $matches['username'] ?: $username; $password = $matches['password'] ?: $password; $protocol = $matches['protocol'] ?: $protocol; if (isset($matches['options'])) { $optionsInDsn = self::getOptions($matches['options']); foreach ($optionsInDsn as $parameter => $value) { $options[$parameter] = $value; } } $newServers[] = $matches['host']; } $connectionString = $protocol.'://'.implode(',', $newServers); $client = new \CouchbaseCluster($connectionString); $client->authenticateAs($username, $password); $bucket = $client->openBucket($matches['bucketName']); unset($options['username'], $options['password']); foreach ($options as $option => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $bucket->$option = $value; } } return $bucket; } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } public static function isSupported(): bool { return \extension_loaded('couchbase') && version_compare(phpversion('couchbase'), '2.6.0', '>=') && version_compare(phpversion('couchbase'), '3.0', '<'); } private static function getOptions(string $options): array { $results = []; $optionsInArray = explode('&', $options); foreach ($optionsInArray as $option) { [$key, $value] = explode('=', $option); if (\in_array($key, static::VALID_DSN_OPTIONS, true)) { $results[$key] = $value; } } return $results; } private static function initOptions(array $options): array { $options['username'] = $options['username'] ?? ''; $options['password'] = $options['password'] ?? ''; $options['operationTimeout'] = $options['operationTimeout'] ?? 0; $options['configTimeout'] = $options['configTimeout'] ?? 0; $options['configNodeTimeout'] = $options['configNodeTimeout'] ?? 0; $options['n1qlTimeout'] = $options['n1qlTimeout'] ?? 0; $options['httpTimeout'] = $options['httpTimeout'] ?? 0; $options['configDelay'] = $options['configDelay'] ?? 0; $options['htconfigIdleTimeout'] = $options['htconfigIdleTimeout'] ?? 0; $options['durabilityInterval'] = $options['durabilityInterval'] ?? 0; $options['durabilityTimeout'] = $options['durabilityTimeout'] ?? 0; return $options; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doFetch(array $ids) { $resultsCouchbase = $this->bucket->get($ids); $results = []; foreach ($resultsCouchbase as $key => $value) { if (null !== $value->error) { continue; } $results[$key] = $this->marshaller->unmarshall($value->value); } return $results; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doHave(string $id): bool { return false !== $this->bucket->get($id); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doClear(string $namespace): bool { if ('' === $namespace) { $this->bucket->manager()->flush(); return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doDelete(array $ids): bool { $results = $this->bucket->remove(array_values($ids)); foreach ($results as $key => $result) { if (null !== $result->error && static::KEY_NOT_FOUND !== $result->error->getCode()) { continue; } unset($results[$key]); } return 0 === \count($results); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doSave(array $values, int $lifetime) { if (!$values = $this->marshaller->marshall($values, $failed)) { return $failed; } $lifetime = $this->normalizeExpiry($lifetime); $ko = []; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $result = $this->bucket->upsert($key, $value, ['expiry' => $lifetime]); if (null !== $result->error) { $ko[$key] = $result; } } return [] === $ko ? true : $ko; } private function normalizeExpiry(int $expiry): int { if ($expiry && $expiry > static::THIRTY_DAYS_IN_SECONDS) { $expiry += time(); } return $expiry; } }